• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 11,770 Views, 346 Comments

A Dragon's Pride and a Mare's Kindness - DARKPHANTOM13

What would happen if Spike was raised by dragons instead of ponies.What if his teacher told him to come with him to meet with Celestia and the recently returned Luna. How will the princesses and Elements of Harmony handle a blunt, sarcastic, and stro

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The Teacher and the Student

I lay in the main chamber of my castle that was built within the tallest mountain of my domain, resting my eyes as I waited for my student to answer my summons that I sent hours ago. My student usually would be here within a minute after he gets my summons unless he is in the middle of something important. Knowing him he's on some adventure, job, or mission. That kid always had a tough time staying in one spot and seems to be a magnet for trouble. I'm not that worried about him though, he is more than capable of taking care of himself. A zap sounded throughout the room, signaling my student’s arrival.

I opened my eyes to gaze upon my student. He was much smaller dragon than me since he's only 22 years old since he was hatched. He stood a good 6 feet and 2 inches. His scales were a dark purple and had forest green spikes that looked like teeth on a buzz saw that started on the top of his head and ended near the tip of tail which ended with an arrowhead. His eyes were somewhat narrowed and his eye color was the same as his spikes. About six years ago he grew purple and green wings and has grown out rather well. The young drake was wearing his usual green t-shirt with a tribal dragon symbol on it and a black long sleeve high collar unzipped jacket. On his claws he wore finger less biker gloves and had black cargo pants that stopped right it is ankle.

On his side was a side black and green book bag with flame designs on it that he puts everything he thinks might need in there. With him were his weapons that he is rarely without. A massive mechanize broadsword with a double edge blade that was 5 feet and 4 inches long and 8 inches wide magically attached to his back that was slanted to one side. And on his legs were two large handgun grip and trigger, double barreled, sawed off shotguns holstered on his legs, one gun for each leg. And from the blood on his clothes and the annoyed look on his face my assumption about him being on a mission or something was true.

"Have I ever told you that you have a lousy sense of timing?" He said in his somewhat deep voice.

"I believed you have mentioned before." I stated in my much deeper voice that would have shaken the room if it wasn't made from stone and rock. "So what situation did you end up in this time?"

"I was in the middle of sneaking my way in an illegal slavery circuit when your message gave away my position and things got a bit bloody." My student said casually. "Don't worry though; all the slaves are alive and safe while the slavers and buyers are either dead or arrested."

"And with most of the slavers and buyers’ money and valuables are suddenly missing I take it." I said with a raised a scaled eyebrow.

With a shrug he replied, "It's not like they’re going to use it anytime. So what did you need me for teach?" He was always one to get right to the point.

I decided to give him a question myself. "Tell me Arcanissixen, what do you know about Princess Luna?"

"She's an alicorn with the power to influence the movements of the moon and used to rule Equestria alongside with her older sister Princess Celestia who could influence the sun a thousand years ago. At one point she got jealous that their citizens liked her sister more than she did. It got to the point where her jealousy got the better of her and turned rogue. She became Nightmare Moon and tried to plunge the world into eternal night. Celestia than was forced to use the Elements of Harmony on her and send her to the moon. And if the stories I heard about are true, she came back about two months ago try to cover the world in night, but she was stopped and turned back to normal by the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony."

"I see you are well informed young one."

A cheeky smirk appeared on his face. "You’re the one who always said that information is power, but what does Princess Luna have to do with why you called me?"

"I'm going to Equestria to see how she is doing and catch up with both her and Celesita, and I would like you to come with me."

"Are you sure that's a good idea to make such a long trip? It's going to take at least a day's worth of nonstop flying to get there if we hustle. I could just met the princesses and teleport them here."

"I'm more than capable of making the trip Arcanissixen. I'm not that old." I said indigently.

"You’re over 15,000 years old." My student deadpanned. "That's really old, even by dragon standards. But if you’re going to do this I might as well come with to make sure you don't have a heart attack or something. Hopefully this will be a short visit."

"Do you not like Equestria? Or is perhaps the ponies you do not like?"

"I have nothing against ponies or any race, it's just that the one's in Equestria are really cut off from the world outside their country and aren't really welcoming to those who aren't native ponies. While I have a few friends that live there and I do visit them from time to time I prefer not to stay there for too long."

"That is understandable, though I hope that one day that will change."

"I do too. Anyway give me some time to clean off the blood. I don't think it will give a good first impression. I'll meet you at the ledge in ten." And with that said my student teleports out of the chamber. It's good to see that he is putting the teleportation spell I taught him to go use. I open the chamber doors with my magic and made my way to the ledge that I use as a platform when I'm about to fly somewhere. As I stood near the edge of it I look over my domain. I see small groups or settlements of dragons, miles from my castle and I see one or two large cities on the horizon. A zap sounded off behind me. Without looking back I asked him "Are you ready for the trip?"

The drake walked up beside me has he takes out a pair of sunglasses and puts them on. "Ready as I'll ever be, now let’s get this show on the road and make sure you keep up old timer." As soon as he said that he runs near the ledge and jumps off of it. He lets himself fall for a few seconds before he spreads his wings and took to the sky. I chuckled at this antics before I also jump of the ledge and joined him in flight as we make our way to Equestria.

1 Day Later

Princess Celestia and her recently returned sister, Princess Luna waited patiently in their throne room as they waited for the arrival of Celestia's student and her friends. Celestia was wearing her usual royal garb with white and gold making up its colors with her cutiemark of the sun on her chest plate. While Luna was wearing a similar clothing with black and blue colors and a crescent moon image on her chest plate. The guards at the door of the throne soon opened them to let in six mares, the new bearers of the Elements of Harmony. As the six mares made their in front of the princesses Twilight Sparkle, the Element of Magic and leader of the group spoke to the rulers. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, we're here as you requested."

The princess of the sun gently smiled at her student and her friends. "I am glad you are able to come here on such short notice. You see, my dear student, an old friend of mine and my sister had recently heard of her returned and asked to have a meeting to see how she is doing and to catch up. He also proposed something that would involve the six of you and my friend's student who is joining him."

"What did your proposed princess?"

"I believe that is better kept as a surprise. Don't worry though, you six will learn of it during out meeting. They should arrive sometime tomorrow, so for now feel free to explore the castle or city until I summon you for the meeting. The guards will show you to your rooms."

As a guard guided the mares out of the throne room and to their rooms Luna turned her attention to her sister and asked, "Dear sister, are thou certain that this is a wise decision? From what Paarthurnax has mentioned about his student, while he has a good heart there is a good chance his personality will conflict against the Elements."

"Do not worry my dear sister. I'm sure that this will be a great learning experience for the Elements and our new arrivals."

Author's Note:

This was an idea I had for a couple of weeks now and I decided to give it a shot. While my main focus will be Legacy of Dragon and Knights I will make sure the time between updates for this story won't be too long.