• Published 11th Oct 2013
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A Dragon's Pride and a Mare's Kindness - DARKPHANTOM13

What would happen if Spike was raised by dragons instead of ponies.What if his teacher told him to come with him to meet with Celestia and the recently returned Luna. How will the princesses and Elements of Harmony handle a blunt, sarcastic, and stro

  • ...

A Walk Around Town and an Old Friend

Twilight's P.O.V.

Spike and I stepped out of the library. I took a moment to breathe in the crisp morning air and to feel the warmth of the morning sun. I was snapped out of my morning bliss when I heard a noise behind me. I turned around and saw Spike scratching something into the wood of the library near the door with his claw. After he was done, he puts his palm to whatever he carved into the tree and a there was a flash of green magic. When he pulled his hand away, I tried to see what he did, but whatever he was doing was gone. Though I was able to hear him mutter to himself, "Warp Point set."

"What are you doing Spike?" I asked the dragon.

"It's nothing you have to worry about," he said, waving away my concerns as he put on his sunglasses. "So, what's the plan for this tour?"

"Well, I was thinking that we visit my friends first and see if we can't all meet up later today," I suggested.

"Sounds good. Also, it will give me a chance to know where my new students live as well as explain some of the stuff I'm going to teach you girls." Spike said, after giving the idea some thought.

"Okay, let’s go." With that, the two of us made our way through town. Though the walk wasn't as relaxing as I thought it would be; this was because of two things. First, Spike was getting a lot of attention from everypony nearby. Some was out of the simple curiosity of seeing a new face, some was out of worry, and the smallest bit was out of fear. The second thing was Spike himself. He just felt so tense, always on guard, as if he was expecting somepony to attack him out of nowhere. I was able to glance at his face at just the right angle to see through his glasses. His eyes were slowly shifting from side to side, as if he was looking for any possible danger. I couldn't help but feel tense with the mood around him. Thankfully, Rarity's boutique came in sight, and along with it a chance to get rid of some of Spike's tension.

The two of us opened the door only to hear the chime of the bell on the door before we heard Rarity say, "Just a minute~" in the back room. After a minute or two, the fashionista herself entered the room. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where- Twilight! Spike! What brings you two here?"

"Twilight here," Spike started as he pointed his thumb towards me, "was showing me around town and this was the first stop."

"And I was hoping that you and the rest of the girls could meet up with us later for lunch or something," I said.

"That sounds like a marvelous idea Twilight. Business has been a touch slow lately, so I'll be free this afternoon," Rarity said after thinking about her plans for the day.

"Great! We're going to see about getting the others," I said with a smile.

"Before we do all that can we get some breakfast first?" Spike asked me. "I'm starving."

"Sure. I know the perfect place. Plus, its also where Pinkie lives and works," I replied.

"Works for me. As long as I get some food in my gut," Spike made his way outside while saying, "Later Rarity."

"Bye Rarity," I said as I followed the drake.

"Bye darlings," Rarity said as she went back to her work room.

I followed Spike outside just in time to see him put his hand near on the door frame and produce another quick flash of magic. After he was finished, he turned towards me and said, "Lead the way."

I was even more curious as to what he was doing, but Spike seems to be the type of dragon that won't say anything unless he wants to. With a nod, I led him towards Sugarcube Corner, while pointing out a few key places along the way. Unfortunately, it seems like both the looks we were getting and Spike's tension wasn't going to go away anytime soon. We soon found ourselves standing in front of Sugarcube Corner with Spike staring at the building.

"Is it strange that I want to take a bite out of the place just to see if it's really a giant gingerbread house or not?" Spike asked.

"Not really," I said. Thinking back, I had thought the same thing when I first saw the building.

"And are the people who own or work here witches or something?" Well, that question came a bit out of nowhere.

"Umm, no. Why do you ask?"

"I just remembered a story I heard from these two witch hunters I met once after a job," Spike said with a shrug. "So, who works here?"

"Pinkie, she also lives here."

"Well, that would explain the constant sugar high," Spike said as he made his way to the door with me right behind him. "Anyways, let’s get some grub."

As soon as we entered, most of the ponies stopped whatever they were doing in favor of looking at us, or more specifically, Spike. I couldn't help but flinch at the stares, but Spike looked like he wasn't even bothered by them. Though before we could even take a step towards the counter, we were surprised by Pinkie.

"HEY GUYS!!!" she yelled, appearing out of nowhere behind us. I practically jumped out of my skin; Spike's reaction however was a bit more...violent. His arm snapped out behind him, grabbed Pinkie by her shirt, and threw her over his shoulder and across the room. Faster than my eyes could see his other hand had one of his gun out and pointed at Pinkie who was leaning against the wall upside down with her eyes somehow rolling around in opposite directions. Everypony froze, myself included, at what just happened. Though we were snapped out of it by Spike.

"Ah fuck," the drake said as he quickly made his way to Pinkie while putting his gun away. "Sorry about that Pinkie, but you shouldn't surprise people like that, and I'm the last dragon you want to startle." He pulled Pinkie up with no effort at all and set the pink mare down on her hoofs while making sure she was steady. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Pinkie said with a big smile with her eyes back to normal. Seeing that she was fine, Spike lets go of the mare. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We're here to get some breakfast, and to see if you're free later today around lunch," I said, getting her attention. "Spike wants to go over what he is going to teach us later."

"Sure! I can get the rest of the day off after the breakfast rush is over," she said. "Anyways, let’s get you guys something to eat." She grabbed mine and Spike's arms and quickly dragged us to a free table. As soon as we were seated, Pinkie handed us menus and took out a notepad and a pencil out of nowhere. "What can I get you guys?"

"I'll just have my usual," I said without even opening the menu and handing it back to her.

"Okie Dokie Lokie, one banana nut muffin with a cup of raspberry tea for you," Pinkie said, while writing my order down. We both turned to Spike, whom was still looking over the menu. "What about you Spike?"

The drake closed the menu and handed it back to Pinkie saying, "I'll have two large cinnamon crumble muffins, a cup of coffee, and a large handful of vanilla cream packets with a couple of hazelnut cream packets as well."

"Right, be back in a giffy!" Pinkie said, after she wrote his order down and hopped her way into the kitchen. We were left in an awkward silence, or at least I was.

Spike looked around the shop and at some of the looks he was getting. It was safe to assume that he wasn't going to start a conversation anytime, soon so I decided to take the initiative.

"So…Spike, what do you think of Ponyville?" I asked, trying to get the ball rolling.

"It looks like it's a nice place to live. Personally, I'm a bit more of a city person, but small towns like these have their charms," Spike answered.

"That’s good to here. So where did you live before?"

"Well, I have a house in a secluded part of the Northern Mountains in the Dragon Empire. Though in all honesty, I barely spend any time there due to all the missions I get and spend most of my time traveling around. I usually only stay there for a week at the very most to either take a break or to drop off the stuff I picked up in my travels. What about you? Your Princess Celesita's student, and yet you live pretty far from Canterlot."

"Well, the thing is that I used to live in Canterlot, but Princess Celestia wanted me to oversee the 1000th Summer Solstice Celebration here in Ponyville, even though I didn't want to. While here, I met the girls and they tried to be friends with me. The funny thing was that I didn't want to make any friends; I just wanted to get the celebration ready so I could study about Nightmare Moon's return. After Nightmare Moon showed up, they went with me of their own free will to go into the Everfree Forest to find the Elements of Harmony and stop Nightmare Moon. It took the six of us working together to reach our destination and use the Elements." As I explained to Spike, a smile grew on my face as the memories flowed through my mind.

"Okay, but why did you stay? After everything was said and done, you could have gone back to Conterlot. I know that you probably became friends with the other Elements thanks to what happened, but why choose to stay with people you barely knew for a day over old friends you probably have back in Canterlot?"

"That's the thing…I never had any friends back in Canterlot," I said sadly.

"Really?" At my nod, he continued. "Were you bullied or something?"

"No, it wasn't that. I just…just had no interest in making friends. Back in Canterlot, I was only interested in books, studying, and learning about magic. I always thought that friends would just distract me from my studies. But after I met Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie, that all changed. They showed me just how great friendship can be. That's why I stayed. So I can be close to my friends and learn the magic of friendship," I explained happily, my smile growing.

"Well, I'm not sure about the whole 'Friendship is magic' thing, but I will admit that it can be powerful," Spike said. He lifted his sunglasses to his forehead so he could look me right in the eyes. "Friends, allies, comrades, everyone needs at least one of these in their lives. There isn't a being in existence that doesn't need the aid of another in one sense or another. I will the first to admit that I'm not the friendliest or most trusting person in the world. I'm a bit of a loner. Plus, I prefer to do things on my own and take care of my problems by myself, if I can. Or in some people's opinion, I'm usually too stubborn to admit that I need help. However, during my travels, I've made a lot of friends that I make sure to keep in touch with as much as I can. I personally believe that a person should be able to take care of themselves, but there is nothing wrong with asking for help from time to time. I help my friends and my friends help me. As strong as I am, they've even saved my life a few times."

"That's an interesting way of thinking about friendship," I said, after giving what the dragon said some thought. "So what kind of stuff do you plan to teach us?"

"That would spoil the surprise. But I will say this much," A sinister, unsettling grin spread across his face; the fact that he has of rows razor sharp fangs didn't exactly help. "we’re going to have a lot of fun. Or at least I will." For some reason a dark chill went up my spine.

"Umm, you are a good guy...right?" I couldn't help but sound like Fluttershy when I asked him that question.

"Define 'good'." Before I could even think of a reply, Pinkie once again appeared out of nowhere with our orders.

"Order u-!" She stopped due to Spike stopping himself from backhanding Pinkie in her face. His shaking fist was just a few centimeters away from her nose.

"AKATOSH DAMN IT PINKIE," Spike yelled, pulling away his fist before anypony else noticed. "I've told you before, don't do that! More importantly, how do you keep doing that?!"

"Do what?" Pinkie asked as if she didn't come extremely close to getting hit in the face.

"How do you keep sneaking up on me without me sensing you?!" Spike clarified. "The only way you could do that is either you can teleport without making any noise or give off any magic, or you're a master ninja!"

"I don't know how I do the things I do," Pinkie answered with a shrug as she put our respective orders in front of us. "I just do them."

Spike spent a couple of seconds opening and closing his mouth while trying to make sense of Pinkie. After about a minute, he settles with a facepalm and a sigh. "Ten years ago, I would probably be going on a rant right now; but after all the crazy, unexplainable things I've seen or been through, I'm just going to let this go."

After he said that, he grabbed one of his muffins and started eating it. With his free hand, he digs into his book bag and grabs two very nice looking garnets. He tosses them to Pinkie saying, "That should be enough to pay for the both of us right?" At Pinkie's happy nod he says, "Good, and keep the change."

We ate our breakfast in silence. Though I couldn't help but stare at Spike as he ate his large muffins in a few bites and put every ounce of cream he was given into his coffee, even though it was almost to the point of overflowing. When I asked him about it, he just said, "A dragon can't have a sweet tooth?"

After we finished our meals, we said our goodbyes to Pinkie—Spike put his sunglasses back over his eyes—and left the building. Spike, once again, carved something into the side of the door and made it disappear. As we made our way towards Rainbow Dash's house, somebody above us yelled, "Heads up!"

We both looked to see a grey Pegasus coming at us with a dive bomb kick aimed at Spike! Spike was able to block it with his forearm, but the force caused his feet to leave indents in the ground. The dragon pushed the kick away and the pegasus, that I now realized was Ditzy Doo, flipped into the air and landed on her hooves. The two just stared at each other while everypony was looking at the commotion.

"Good to see that you're still kicking Ditzy." Spike said with a casual smile, as if being attacked out of nowhere is an everyday thing for him. "How long has it been for you since the last time we saw each other?"

"About half a year for me." Ditzy answers with a happy smile on her face. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans with a simple bluish grey shirt. "How have you been?"

"Same old stuff, though I've taken on some more students. I'll be in town while I teach them. What about you? Where are Doc and Dinky, and what kind of trouble are you guys in this time?"

"No trouble this time, we actually live in Ponyville. The Doctor is tinkering with the TARDIS and Dinky is at school."

"Really? That’s great, at least now I have a sparring partner, and you can help me train the Elements," Spike said. He then went into some kind of fighting pose. His legs spread out—as if he was ready to pounce—with his left arm in front, the forearm covering the lower half of his face. His right hand was reared back to his hip, with both claws out ready to tear something. "Let's see if you've been practicing your hand to hand fighting like I told you to."

Ditzy's smile turn competitive as she got into her own fight stance. One leg was bended in front of the other, and her right arm was placed straight forward while her left is pulled back, leveled with her shoulder. "Ready whenever you are, master.”

Author's Note:

I would like to point out right now that I might go out of order episode wise if I plan to use them in this story. Don't worry though, I will only do so with the ones I know I can get away with it.