• Published 11th Oct 2013
  • 6,915 Views, 98 Comments

Prince Spike - B_25

What if Celestia was able to hatch Spike's egg thousand of years before the show? And trained him in everything he needed to know just in time to meet Twilight. Well then, let me tell you a tale.

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Chapter 4: Milkshakes & Soft Cookies

Author's Note:

Hey guys. Long time no see.

I had written this chapter long ago, but never got around to uploading it. Going through the older chapters has given me the spirit to pick pick up the pen again. So expect a new chapter within the next few weeks. And don't worry, the story actually begins in two/three chapters from now.


The swords of dragon and the pegasus met.

Clang! Clang!

And the swords kept on meeting in the middle. Then, the pegasus swung so hard, that the sword grasped in the drake’s hand went flying. Spike looked to the fallen sword, which laid a few feet away.

“What did I teach you?!”

Spike looked back to see his mentor bringing his sword down upon the drake. He quickly brought his arms to cover his face. Cloud’s sword then dug into the drake’s wrist.

The drake shut his eyes and flinched at the pain.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

And off went the bells.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

In the town the of Basilisk, the only clock-tower chimed a mighty tune: awaring the citizens of the afternoon that soon approached. Among all the citizens of the town, only one seemed distressed by it.

This citizen, stood in the middle of the town, with his eyes shut.

“To never take my eyes of the opponent,” said the dragon prince; opening his eyes as he looked at his wrist. He rolled up his sleeve to see the faint line going across. He smiled as he traced a claw along it. He looked to the clock tower; where indeed, both hands striked up.

Better start heading back; wouldn’t want to be late to a party that I’m throwing.

Spike sheathed the sword which held so many memories, and made his way back to the pub that sheltered an entire rebellion.

I hope you held up to your part of the deal, Garble.

Spike arrived in the center of town -- where a building unlike the others stood; a giant glowing sign reading ‘Scales’ hung against the brick wall.

Look’s like I’m at right place.

Spike looked around his surroundings; to both memorize all that stood around him, and to see if anyone was trailing him. All Spike saw was a slowly decaying town. He held a small smile as he entered the establishment.

Scales (which was a dragon’s bar), was quite packed; it overflowing with species of all types and sizes -- though mostly all drank the same drink. Spike had entered and noticed the lonely bartender wiping a glass cup. Spike took a seat and hollered for a drink.

“Hey,” greeted the brown-dragon, “what can I get’cha?”

“One chocolate milkshake please,” answered Spike.

The Bartender raised a brow, and waited for the customer to laugh at his own joke. But upon seeing that the dragon was indeed, serious; he complied with the order.

“Also, I would like real chocolate milk; not some milk with chocolate syrup in it. I can’t tell you how much that pisses me off,” ranted Spike, even going as far as to huff.

The bartender sighed, but he compiled.

“You know,” began the bartender as he fixed the drink, “we’ve seen some weird folk come in lately.”

“I would assume so,” said Spike; “lot of weird folk dwell in these lands -- if you don’t mind my saying.”

“Why yes, we are accustomed to some... weird species, but earlier today we had ponies in here!”

“Surely you’ve have their kind in here before?”

“Well… yes, we have. But always in small numbers -- no more than two. But today, we had a bunch of them come in! At the very least, fifty came through that door.”

“Huh. Any particular reason why they might be here?” asked Spike. Who looked in delight as the bartender poured a thick liquid into a silver cup.

“You know, for a dragon you seem a little to… excited.” The bartender said as he offered Spike the drink; one he happily accepted. “And as for the ponies: I -unfortunately- have no clue. All I know is that they rented both our ballrooms and are hosting some party down there, and no one’s allowed!” The bartender too gave off a huff.

“You know, as the owner of this place, you’d think they let me look to make sure they’re doing no harm to my place, but no! They have at least five dragons guarding the door with swords! I tell you. And they say no one is allowed but special guests… Can you believe that?”

Spike was too busy, drinking in delight to that sweet chocolate taste. He even moaned as finished the drink.

“I gotta admit,” began Spike in delight, “there’s really only one drink and one treat I rate -- and those are chocolate milkshakes, and soft cookies. And you, Good Sir, have just made one of the best chocolate milkshakes that I’ve ever tasted!”


‘He must be one of ‘those’ dragons,’ thought the bartender.

“Oh, and bartender.”

The bartender sighed and turned to the purple and green colored dragon.

“Yes?” he said with a fake smile.

“Might I say: my deepest sympathy with having this distress of not knowing what is going downstairs.” Spike flushed his tongue down the drink, and licked any liquid that might have escaped. He sighed in delight, and push the cup forward.

Spike then reached into his pocket and withdrew a small leather bag, and deposit the contents -- golden coins -- onto the wooden desk until they accumulated into a small pile. “But at the same time, you should’ve chosen wisely on who you allow to rent out your fine rooms; especially before you take their money.” And with that, Spike left the seat to the stairs -- where he disappeared to.

And the bartender stared at the pile of coins that far exceed the price of the drink.

Downstairs held many doors that connect to many rooms -- some of course being washrooms. One door was being guarded by dragons of multiple colors; Spike couldn’t help but chuckle as in they way to stood: as they resembled a rainbow. Spike approached them as they all tired piercing his scales with their eyes.

“What do you want? This section of the bar is off limits for today.”

Spike ignored them as he stepped past, and opened the door. Beyond it, he was greeted by a whole room full of ponies and dragons, who turned to look at his late arrival. Silence stood in the air for a bit, before Spike finally broke the ice.

“So... I guess I’m late to the party?”

Most of the inhabitants of the room released a sigh; returning to what they were doing prior. Spike did weak chuckle, as he made his way to the large wooden table where Regal and Garble stood. On the table were maps and small toy soldiers. The two were responsible for making a plan using these tools, yet the two were bickering at one another as if it were usual.

Spike cleared his throat. “Dude, Garble! You gotta tell me how this bar makes their milkshakes. I swear to you,, that the one I had today, is the best one I’ve ever had.”

Regal and Garble argument came to a halt, as Spike’s usual personality caused them sigh.

Though he acts stupidly, is that the way he truly is?’ thought Garble.

Spike… just shut up,’ Thought Regal. The same words recurring in his mind.

Smiling that the two had stopped bickering. Spike began to get serious.

Spike had first contacted Garble via his fire breath, to inform him of an upcoming threat, and that both sides would need each others help. Naturally, Garble didn’t care, that was until he found out that gold coins were involved, He was immediately aboard. Spike requested an army of dragons. And Garble complied.

There stood, an army wanting to overthrow the false king, and other just there for the pay. At least, that is what Garble said that awaited them.

“Garble, have you held up your end of the bargain?” Spike asked, while Garble chuckled.

“Please, when bits are involved, I actually work. Plus, not everyone here, is for the party,” Garble cleared his throat as tried to empathize his next words. “They’re here for a battle, as well as the bits you're supposed to pay for all this.”

Spike smiled. “Don’t worry, I’ll be taking bits out of my personal treasury to cover for this. It will be coming in on a boat scheduled to be here as soon as I send word of our victory.”

The last part of Spike’s sentence caused Garble to raise a brow. “Wait, what if you die? Then how we get our bits?” Garble words attracted almost every dragon's attention in the room.

“Really? I’d think you have better faith in me!” Spike whined as he played a sarcastic show to those all around him, as he quickly stepped up upon a stoll. “I cannot believe art thou wouldn't've have faith in me, even as I art thou face a pending doom. That I would save an entire kingdom! Isn’t that thou enough for your payment?! To thou be free? To thou fight for right?! Have you art thou no honor!?”

“NO!” The room yelled.

Spike sighed as he leaped from the stool. “Well, as long as words gets to the castle that the king is defeated, then the ship will come without my asking. And in the case I do die, just get Regal to make the call.”

Whispering went through the room, some heads nodding at comments, but everyone seem to be fine with the idea for now.

“Now then, onto business.” Spike started, as he approached the large map.

The pony and the dragon nodded, overviewing the map. Spike looked over at Regal.

“Regal, I’m giving you total control of pony command.” Regal nodded without a complaint. Spike then turned his head over to Garble.

“Garble, I’m giving you total command over all dragons.” Garble nodded without a complaint.

I’m trusting you two with this.

“Regal, you can request command of dragons from Garble. Garble, you can request the help of ponies.”

And just like Spike thought, the two went at it again.

“What?! I wouldn’t even trust him with my toothbrush.” Regal started.

“Why in Tatars would I let a pony control the all powerful beings that are dragons?!” Garble started.

“What, you think because I’m a stallion that I wouldn’t be able to command them?!”

“Yes! Not only that, but what use would namby pamby ponies be to me?”

Regal was now in Grables face; his anger exploding.

“You take that back, I bet my guards will do much better than your dragons!”

Garble was now in Regal face, both snot to snot.

“Please, a dragon's power will crush you!”

“Well our courage to stand up to you, we'll be the ones to succeed!”

The entire room was up at arms, one side was full of ponies, the other dragons. The two looked like they were about to cause their own war.

“Enough!” Spike yelled. He was on the stool again, looking at both sides. Every being froze and looked at the prince.

“I thought I could expect better from you two, but I guess I thought wrong.” Spike hopped down, and walked to the center of the action, where Regal and Garble still went at it. Spike grabbed his sword from his back:thrusting it down in the middle of them, causing both to jump back.

“I can’t act, can’t sing, slightly bald. But I can dance a little, and can see what’s wrong here.” Spike rose his right claw up, which was the side of the dragons.

“You dragons are the definition of power, one of the strongest, if not the strongest species out there. You feel like you can take on whatever without even posing one question, because you know you can take on whatever!”

The dragons had grins on their faces, bathing in the praise they were receiving.

“But most of you are un-educated, have huge ego’s, and almost close to none ethics for others. You lack courage, sure you may be able to do anything because you have no fears, but that’s not courage, courage is the ability to conquer your fear.”

The dragons became upset; some wishing that their stare would case the death of the prince.a death stare upon the drake. Spike dropped his right arm, and raised his left; to the side of the ponies..

“You ponies have soul, ethics and care about others. Your courage is humongous, even when facing a threat that means death.”

The ponies were now basking in the praise. They were better than those dragons.

“But your bodies are weak, scales overpower fur, big time. When it comes to fighting, your strength is weak.”

Some weren't sure if Spike was trying declare war on himself

Spike looked around the room, it looked like the pony/dragon war was about to start back up again. He hopped upon his sword, his two clawed feet balancing on the sword’s handles.

“But don’t you see? This is why I bought you two together, both species fix each others problems!” Spike exclaimed, as he leaned back, his blading coming out of the ground, the handle falling to the ground. Spike caught the sword before it touched the ground, he held the handle low, pointing the blade just at Regal’s throat.

“Sure you may be weak, if I were to cut you now you would die. But yet you stand tall, even in the face of death, that’s courage.” Indeed Regal still stood tall, although he was still shaking a bit. Spike withdrew the sword and threw the blade over his shoulder.

“But these dragons.” Spike turned around and gestured. “It would take multiple slashes just even to penetrate their scales. Trust me, I know. That’s power.”

Spike waited for a second, to let his words sink in.

“Can’t you see? All your weakness can be fixed by the other spices, if it wasn’t for this -excuse my language- stupid rivalry we have between us.”

Spike walked up to the dragons.

“Dragons, most of you are unintelligent. But don’t worry, that’s okay. You weren't really raised to learn, just power. But that’s where you can learn from the ponies, they can teach you tactics, sword fighting ways and much more. They can show you courage.”

He quickly turned to the ponies, all their eyes dead set on him.

“And ponies! Dragons can teach you how to be strong! How to have this power, how to survive! I mean they have been living in the most dangerous place their whole lives! And you know what they say, it take a journey to Tartus to achieve power.”

Everyone one was silent, as Spike kept on going on.

“If we could all live in peace, respecting others opinions, imagine what we could accomplish! Others could feel good about what they think or believe, beings wouldn’t be scared of dating someone of the same gender or even a different species!”

The mares here don’t play nice...

Spike smiled as a memory came to mind. Collecting his thoughts, he finally ended his speech, as he held his sword up high.

“Look at your swords if you can.” Spike said, most followed his command.

“Most swords here are two sided, one side is the courage you need to go into battle.” He smlied at the half reflection on the sword.

“The other side is the power you’ll need to defeat your enemy. But your handle, is your intellect. And the sword itself: It resembles you. You sword is your personality; the way you fight; basically everything about you.”

Spike swung the sword at the air. He then pointed the sword into the sheath, where it was tucked away. Spike held the sheath high up in the air. “And if there was peace, there would be no use for this anymore. Good or bad, you’re both doing the same thing in the end.”

Spike tied the sheath to his back once more, as the room was now calm.

‘I hope they’re done with their bantering.’

Garble and Regal both sighed at the same time, before approaching one another.

“So, I give you command of my troops... I guess,” Regal said in almost defeated voice.

“Thanks… and my dragons are at your disposal, just don’t waste their lives,” Garble said in the same matter.

“I won’t. I’ll treat them as if they were like my own guards. That’s a promise.” Regal said as he held his forehoof out.

“Likewise.” Garble said, pounding the hoof with his claw.

Still not saying sorry.’

Still not saying sorry.’

Spike head was down as his eyes were closed, a smile still present.

‘Looks like they’ll be friends for a bit.’

Spike opened his eyes, feeling for some reason… happy.

“Alright, now with that done with, let get to work. Also, can someone fetch me my cloak? And also, more milkshakes?”

The whole day was spent by Spike’s and Gable planning out the attack on a map spawled across the table. Many discussions had been held, and many plans had been formed, all creating the final tactic.

“So, that’s it then,” Garble said, overlooking the playing field.

“It would appear so,” Spike said, still looking for any faults in the plan. But upon seeing none, Spike smiled. “It would appear that we have checkmate the king.”

Garble broke out in a loud laughter. “Now that’s what I’m talking about Spike!”

Spike released a small chuckle, before finalizing the plan.

“Aright Garble, you and the other dragons will resemble Alpha squad. You’re going to storm the castle, catching all attentions on yourselfs. Me and my guards will resemble Bravo squad, we’ll take the side of the castle and take out any hostiles that are out of your reach. Alpha, you guys will have to survive the heavy rain of fire until Bravo can take out the ahers and destroy the catapults. While this is going on, I’m going to sneak into the castle and take on the king, give me five minutes with him, if I’m not finished by then, that means I’m dead and you can follow with either plan B or C. B being whoever wishes to continue on fighting, will fight the king together, or plan C, you all run away. Only one way allows you to be paid.

“So then, no one has any problems regarding the plan?” Spike asked everyone, to which he received no claims.

“Then good!” Spike said, before quickly turning to the door, his left side of the cloak flowing up in the air. He quickly withdrew his sword and raised it to his right, before bringing it down to his left, cutting an through the wood of the door. He then quickly twisted his arm left, causing the sword to turn, as and raised the sword, the blade pointing down. As soon as it was high enough, his left claw gripped the bottom of the handle, as he brought it down onto the door in a top-left to a bottom-right. Just as the sword had finished cutting an X, Spike quickly turned and kicked it with his feet, the wood coming off easily and separating into four equal pieces as it fell onto the ground.

“Then lets get this party started!” Spike said, as he quickly walked through the place that once held a door. Everyone in the room following after him.

Now that’s the Spike I remember!

‘Reminder, gotta pay to get that door fixed.’

‘That’s a Spike I haven't seen.’

Spike jogged up the stairs, returning to the bar floor. The bar was almost completely empty, aside for a couple of dragons and the same dragon working behind the counter. The bar suddenly became full, as tons of dragons and ponies emerged from the stairs, startling the dragon as he looked in disbelief. So much the he almost dropped the milkshake he was preparing.

“Thanks!” Spike said as he grabbed the cold beverage and taking a small sip.

Still good!

“Also, put the drink on my tab.”

Many more beings passed the bartender, as he was finally able to break the silence that had overcome him.

“S-sure, thanks for your business.” The dragon said, the train still not dieing down.

Spike had stepped outside, where he was greeted with a change of scenario. The sky was darkened and covered by clouds, singling that a storm was brewing.

“Well, it would appear that a storm is coming our way!” Spike yelled, as he turned around to those that had made it outside.

“You know what that means, right?” Spike asked, he stood for awhile, not receiving a single answer.

“It means that this is just the start to one hell of a party!”

There are two things that sadden me in life: those are sad puppies, and orphans. I hope that every parent has a good reason to abandon to their child; that they love their child unconditionally. But sometimes, that’s just not the case. My sister talks highly of an orphan by the name of Twilight Sparkle, a filly she babysat. Candace talks always so highly of her, so much she got her into a test for gifted unicorns. Quite frankly, I hope she makes it and makes a life for herself. But I hope even her parents had a good reason.

Comments ( 8 )

Wow. I feel sorry for Twilight, but what about Shinning. I really think some mentoring would have happened between Spike and Shinning. Oh well. I can't wait for the romance to start in a few chapters. Thanks for finding the spark again.

Uh... you spelled "Prologue" wrong.

I been waiting for this!

good story I found today and I want more

Why was this canceled? I was really hoping to continue reading it. It's an excelent story

Hope this continues

Comment posted by AstralFlare42 deleted Sep 16th, 2019
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