• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 825 Views, 15 Comments

Metal Working - 1000Fights

The continuation of the story Metal Ringing. Ignatius and Aquinas now face the homefront challenge as they try to put Equestria back on track.

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Personal Front Part 1: Twilight

The courtyard of Canterlot castle was one of the best places to be during the morning. It was quiet and was the perfect spot to sit as the sun rose high. The beams glistened off the morning dew and made the dying grass seem like it was the hair of one who was gracefully aging. Twilight Sparkle sat happily in the castle courtyard soaking up the Fall sun as she read a tome written by Snow Storm the White. Her smooth skin absorbed the kisses of the heavenly star as it puckered its lips and affectionately laid them on key points of the purple sweater-vested scholar which gave her the healthiest of glows. The autumn cycle tended to do such things to the gifted, Unicorn blessed girl.

However, as with all good things, it must come to an end. Instead of coming to a slow stop, though, it came to an abrupt halt. Such as one would experience running full speed into a brick wall. From the other end of the courtyard came the voices of three people that Twilight made a part-time carrier of avoiding. She cringed slightly when the first of them spoke.

"Well, well, well." said Sea Star. He was a Unicorn blessed youth with hair that shared a resemblance to sea, and had little specks of what could be described as twinkling stars. Standing no taller than two inches above Twilight, he pronounced himself in his stance and stride as someone of importance. As-a-matter-of-fact, he was the son of one of the largest shipping barons in Equestria. "Twilight Sparkle." he looked down with his aquamarine eyes and saw the signature cover of the author. "Going back a grade, I see." his chuckle was as haughty and pompous as his stuffed shirt that he wore. "I knew that Princess Celestia made the wrong choice in choosing you to be her personal student. You obviously aren't ready to move onto the more refined aspects of magic."

"No!" Twilight shot defensively. "We just skipped over parts of it because the princess decided that we should move on to other things. I just wanted to go back and see for myself what it was we were skipping." The purple haired girl thought that her truthful statement would be enough, however, that was but a pipe dream.

"Oh, please." Another Unicorn blessed scholar stepped forward as she tossed her red-velvet hair back. Scarlet Spear-Point. Born of upper class fighters in the College of the Battle Mages, this girl stood the same height as Twilight, but stood with the same command as someone close to a Lieutenant in the guard. Her slender frame made her agile and unpredictable. A clear resemblance to her sharp witted mind and even sharper tongue. "You couldn't master an apprentice level spell, so your 'teacher' knocked you down to a more suitable level."

"I'm surprised you still are in this school." said another masculine, yet heavy, voice. Lightning Rod. Heir to the Equestrian Energy company fortune. He was a rather fat, young man with an appetite that did not betray his girth. He was also the same height as Twilight, but outweighed her by about fifty pounds. His cheeky face made it seem like he would have a walrus as a blood relative. "This school is for the gifted Unicorn blessed, after all. And judging from the your lack of skill, you seem to be more accustomed to the menial tasks of a common housewife rather than a mage."

All three shared in a laugh. Every last exhale of noxious noise drove the daggers the words held deeper into Twilight's heart. The purple haired girl's eyes started to well with tears as she clutched her book tighter to her chest.

"Oh, look." Scarlet Spear-Point said as she chuckled softly. "She's about to cry. What are going to do Twilight Sparkle. Run to your parents? Those low born are even less equipped than you are." Her rich, green-brown eyes lazily hung their lids half way down and her thin lips puckering slightly.

"Her brother is of no help either." Sea Star shot. "He is supposed to be an even greater mage, but we all know he cheated his way through the Guard Academy."

"The only one left she could turn to is Princess Celestia." Lightning Rod jiggled as he laughed. "Is that what you will do, Sparkle? Run to her and use your position as Princess Celestia's personal student to dispatch us? How weak."

Twilight's eyes let a tear or two fall from each of them as she tried to fight each of them back. "Just leave me alone." she choked. The only response that the three could give was more laughter. Each howl damaging her already fragile self-esteem.

"I'd listen to her if I were you." the next player made it to the stage. The three scholars watched as a pair of men, both well older than they were, march towards them. The one in the long, black coat spoke again. "One could only take so much until it all becomes too great."

"And just who are you?" Sea Star demanded to know.

"I am the person you should be thanking." Ignatius stepped passed Twilight and moved between her and the trio. All while Aquinas hung back and spoke softly into Twilight's ear. "My dear Twilight has endured much already. Why don't you do yourselves a favor and run along and play somewhere else?"

"Why would we do that?" Scarlet Spear-Point interrogated. "And just who are you to tell us what to do?"

"Like I said, you should be thanking me." the Marine stepped closer to the trio. "I'm the one telling you to back off for your own good. For I am the only one here who can attest to Twilight Sparkle's true power."

"What do you mean by, 'true power'?" Lightning Rod asked.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be something else?" Ignatius asked in a studious tone. "Have you ever wondered what it would be like to touch the clouds and be able to lay upon them? Have you ever wondered what it was like to dive with the speed of a falcon? Well, because of Twilight, I no longer wonder. I was but a simple Earth Pony blessed man until Twilight Sparkle here gave me the gift of the Pegasus and helped me to realize my dream of flying. At least for as long as she could stand."

"Are you trying to say," Sea Star asked cautiously. "that, Twilight Sparkle . . . changed your blessing?"

"Oh, yes." the Marine said. "She did."

"I wouldn't believe that unless I saw it with my own eyes!" Scarlet shot.

"Twilight? If you will." Ignatius signaled with his hands as he threw off his coat to show his armored back that was void of any aerial elements. As if the sun itself came from Twilight, she glowed with a miraculous light, and shone some of that light upon the back of the Marine who, with a blaze of black feathers, sprouted miraculous wings. He had, before the trio's very eyes, changed from an Earth Pony, to a Pegasus blessed man.

Ignatius took to the sky and silently swooped by every spire in sight of the courtyard with a speed that could only be met by someone truly blessed with an ability that can only be given by a Spirit. The black-feathered man disappeared for a bit from beyond the wall, but then returned with a small grey cloud. He stood above the trio of bullies and smiled wickedly as he looked down upon them as they looked up. Then he started to bounce. Heavy rainfall poured down onto the faces of Unicorn blessed scholars and they all howled in displeasure.

"Que no pare le fiesta, motherfuckers! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Ignatius laughed maniacally as he made rain waterfall down upon the Unicorn blessed youths. He continued to bounce happily as he heard the screams below.

"Stop this at once!" Sea Star exclaimed.

"Okay." Ignatius shrugged. He then grew a face splitting grin and then jumped heavily on the cloud, making a bolt of lightning crack down between the trio and giving them a good shock. The three jittered in pain until the electricity subsided and made them all sway in confusion until all three of their heads collided and they all fell back on their rumps.

The winged man kicked the cloud sharply and the white, airy fluff burst into thin air. "How do ya like that, you little jack offs?" he said as he slowly descended down to meet them.

Lightning Rod, now having a much greater appreciation for the device than before, was the first to speak. "You'll pay for this!" he said as he rose with his companions.

"Oh, I don't think so." the voice of Twilight Sparkle rang in a sing-song voice. The sweater-vested young lad stepped toward the three bullies with a bit of command in her step. "You just witnessed the power I hold." She brought her hand up and made the gem embedded there glow. "I can change blessings at will. So, unless you want to end up with another blessing and be kicked out of this school for not being gifted with the blessing of the Unicorn, I would suggest that you keep your mouths shut and leave good people alone."

"Y-You wouldn't dare." Scarlet Spear-Point object. She felt a tingling in her hand and looked to find a purple aura around her ruby crystal. She yelped loudly and pulled her hand close to her chest. "Please! Please, no!" she cried. The aura subsided and the tingling stopped. Scarlet sighed heavily in relief.

"I thought so." Twilight said sadistically. "Now all three of you, get out of my sight!"

The Unicorn blessed trio huffed in unison and stormed off in a muffled grumble. Each of them silently cursing her as their clothes and shoes sloshed from the rain water that drenched them all.

Twilight watched in triumph as she saw her, now former, bullies walk off in defeat. She smiled happily as she picked up her spell tome and began reading it again.

Ignatius touched down on the earth and folded his wings onto his back and let them return to their tattoo form as he put his coat back on. He stepped toward the young scholar, but halted in his track when he heard her words.

"You can go now." Twilight's tone was sharp and decisive. When she looked up to find the wingless man was still there, she said. "Did you not hear me?"

"No," Ignatius spoke. "I heard you. It's just that I would also like for you to hear me."

"Fuck off." she said in an even tone as she slowly returned to her book.

Ignatius had to wince a little at that.

"A young lady, such as yourself, should not be using such language." Aquinas' words rang in the purple haired scholar's ear, but instead of being cross she have a resounding sigh. The Naval officer came around to Twilight's front and held up her chin. "Twilight, my brother has something he wants to say to you. The least you can do is hear him out. Especially after he just got those three bullies off your back."

The sweater-vested girl looked away for a second and blew a snort of contempt. Then a moment passed and she returned Aquinas' gaze. "Fine. Just make it quick."

Ignatius came to sit on the grass as to put Twilight up on the higher point. He took a deep breath and then said, "I just wanted to take the time and say that I'm sorry, Twilight. It was wrong of me to mislead you and tell you a that my brother had feelings for you. I chose to do wrong and have my own fun. In doing so, I hurt you deeply when everything came full circle. I could have just been an asshole and told you the truth that my brother had little to no more interest in you, other than being your friend." The Marine saw that his words only made the girl's face and heart turn more cold and iron-like. But then, Ignatius wasn't finished. "But then I saw something. I saw you two sitting together and enjoying each other's company. That's what I saw, but even though I was so far away, I could still feel the emotion. I could still feel how much you really cared about Aquinas. I can't lie to you and say that I saw your relationship lasting forever. In fact, I didn't see it going past the end of the year. But, that doesn't mean you wouldn't make him feel the happiest he has been since he was with his ex. And let me tell you, that's a lot of happiness that you're able to make someone feel." With every word he spoke, Ignatius saw as Twilight's eyes stared at him with icy daggers less and less, and then turn softer. "My trickery may have brought you together, but what kept you both together was your never-ceasing affection and care. Let me tell you this, even in a failing relationship, something like that can make it last long enough to give a chance to get better. I think you are going to find someone who you can make that happy. From what I saw, some lucky bastard is going to be able to brag about how good he has it with you. And perhaps that same person will be the same way towards you, so you may boast together about how good you two are for each other." Ignatius chuckled a bit, when he saw a small smile crack across Twilight's face. "I might just have to shove a sock in your mouth just to stifle the noise." The Marine received a laugh from both Aquinas and Twilight for that comment. Ignatius blew out a sight and said, "I'm not expecting that we will become friends. I'm not even expecting you to not be mad at me anymore. Come to think of it, I can't really expect anything really. I can only hope that you will forgive me."

Time seemed to have stopped. No one moved. No one spoke. It was just dead silent. The breeze itself seemed to be halted in its tracks. The sun only did enough to give its light, but could no longer kiss the area with its warmth. It wasn't an eerie stillness that one would find in a dark forest alone, but one that was much worse. Time had stopped for a brief moment to deliver judgment. The purple orbs of Twilight Sparkle meeting the blue heavy blue gaze of Ignatius. A pit was forming in the Marine's stomach, and a hole had replaced where his heart should have been. Every instinct was screaming out at him to leave, and the voices in his head spoke 'It was a bad idea, and you're stupid for thinking she would ever forgi . . .'

As if fate gave him a chance, Twilight closed her eyes and sighed, "I forgive you."

He didn't know what it was. Whether it was from the shock, or the intense amount of joy, but Ignatius shot up and hugged the young girl with a force that would give Aquinas a run for his money. "Thank you." he said, feeling his eyes well up with tears. "Thank you, Twilight."

"Yrrr rrrlccmme." Twilight said as she tried to speak through Ignatius' chest.

The Marine held the girl at arm's length and smiled as she tried to regain her breath. When she finally did, she smiled back.

Aquinas and Ignatius both said goodbye to the sweater-vested scholar, and went on their way. The Naval officer only allowed them to get just far enough away before he gave Ignatius a hug. As he embraced his brother, he said, "I'm proud of you."

"Why proud?" Ignatius asked in confusion.

Aquinas held his brother out at arms lengths. "You actually cared enough to apologize to Twilight. Not only that, you also got those bullies off her back."

"You helped with that." The Marine stated.

"Yes, but it wasn't all my idea. Your quick thinking gave Twilight a leg up over those kids." Aquinas patted his brother on both shoulders. "You're starting to act like the man I once knew."

"Well, get used to it." Ignatius smiled. "If things are going to get better, we're going to have to build relationships on trust and kindness rather than deceit and harshness." He raised his eyebrows at that. "Speaking of relationships, it seems yours with Twilight is still rather well."

"Yes." Aquinas said. "Me and her have a solid friendship. Though, I should say that if it wasn't for her, I'd still be single."

Ignatius cocked his head slightly at that. "What do you mean? Did you two get back together?"

Aquinas chuckled and said. "No, but because of her I am in an incredible relationship."

"With who?"

"You're not going to believe this." Aquinas ear splitting grin made Ignatius develop a pit in his stomach. "Princess Celestia."

If it wasn't from happiness, which anyone could see it wasn't when they looked into the pale eyes of the Marine, it was from pure shock that he was smiling . . . and laughing. "Wow. I . . . I really wasn't expecting that."

"Dude, it was so perfect." Aquinas went on. "Twilight was hooking us up, and we both just kind of went along with it for a while, but after her last attempt we started to see something there. I swear, I never knew how much one girl could try."

The Marine was beside himself. He didn't know whether to go up to the monarch and strangle her to death in blind rage, or embrace his brother and feel joy that he was clearly happy. "I'm sorry for my speechlessness." Ignatius blurted. "But I-I don't know what to say."

"I don't either." The officer stated. "I mean, I always sort of fantasized about it, but I never thought that it would come true that I'd be with someone in a position like that."

"So, did you picture yourself with someone else in a different position? Maybe doggy, or cowgirl?" The brothers both laughed heartily at the dirty quip. 'That's it. Keep him laughing. Don't let him see your eyes.' Ignatius' internal thoughts were swirling around in his head like a cyclone. 'I need a distraction.'

"H-Hey." Ignatius got rid of the last of the chuckles. "I think I need to head back to the forge. Twisted Horns might be able to teach me a few more things."

"Go ahead, brother." Aquinas bade. "I'll catch you later."

"Later." Ignatius nodded and started off towards Metal Ringing.