• Published 22nd Oct 2013
  • 826 Views, 15 Comments

Metal Working - 1000Fights

The continuation of the story Metal Ringing. Ignatius and Aquinas now face the homefront challenge as they try to put Equestria back on track.

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Personal Front Part 2: Spitfire

The Wonderbolt practice field was a sight to behold. Next to the Canterlot Garden's, the lush green grass that made the training grounds was one of the most well maintained fields in Equestria. Mirroring those on the ground, the obstacles made from clouds hovering above at different levels gave each Wonderbolt a different challenge each time they went through. To say nothing of the Wonderbolts themselves, who tirelessly pulled off stunts and went through routines with such ease, one would think they were born doing it.. Each one was trained to hone their skills in flight and perform different tricks and maneuvers that made eyes grow wide as dinner plates, and mouths fall agape and touch the ground. Their routine practice sessions, let alone the performances themselves, could attract a multitude of spectators. If only they sold tickets.

However, Ignatius never got the chance to really enjoy the sight. For he was on an important mission. As he scanned the many flyers and stunt coaches, he couldn't find the Wonderbolt he was looking for. Until he looked down from his elevated position in the sky and saw Spitfire and a blue-haired man being verbally man handled by a female who no one could mistake as the Captain of the Wonderbolts. Ignatius silently flew down next a tall bush and eavesdropped on the conversation from his hiding place.

"Both of you are going to get the boot for this!" The Captain screamed. Both underlings jolted back from the shouting. "One of MY Wonderbolts having SEX with a trainee!" the loud-mouthed woman spat on the lush grass in disgust.

"Captain, please!" Spitfire pleaded. "Me and Soarin did no such thing."

"LIARS!" the Captain shot. "I saw you go up to his room and I heard from beyond the door all the creaking and moaning I needed to. And because you continue to lie, I will make your transition from militants to civilians so painful that you'd prefer I'd just ram a tower of hot nails up both your asses!"

"Ooo!" Ignatius cringed. "This isn't going well." The winged man didn't have much time. He would have to come up with a plan fast. He tried to read both of the two victims, and it seemed Spitfire was the only one who could speak. He thought back on the words that the Captain said. Fraternization was obviously the offense, but if that was the case, Ignatius knew the only way out. Though in doing so, he would be taking a huge, HUGE, shot to his dignity. Though, he knew that if he did this he would be doing it for a chance at redemption with the fire-headed flyer. Ignatius took a breath and took off his coat and leather cuirass. Exposing the black cotton shirt he wore underneath. He removed that to and cut it off at about where his diaphragm would be. He also cut his blue jeans at random point. His leather coat had the sleeves perfectly severed from them and cut off at the same height as his hips.

He got dressed and steadied himself for one of the most uncomfortable performances of his life.

"You won't even be able to get a job at the local doughnut shop!" the Captain continued her rampage. "And just wait till I fuck you two up so much that you won't even know which way is up!"

"OOOO!" a call was heard from the Captain's flank. It was a singsong voice from the sound of it. "Sthounds like sthomebody's planning for a fun afternoon." The one speaking and approaching the party was what looked like a man with neat, short-cut hair with a leather vest, cut off shirt and tattered jeans. He had the biggest smile on him and had the bluest eyes. He skipped merrily over to trio.

He walked directly up to Soarin . . . and kissed him on the lips. Kissed him as he balanced on his toes like a ballerina. "Sthurpristhe, sthweety!" his sing song voice rang in the trainee's ears like loud school bells. If he wasn't already, Soarin was now standing as tense and erect as a flag pole. His muscles contracting and making him so stiff a whisper of wind could have blown him over.

The Captain, along with Spitfire, gave the newcomer a profound look of shock as silence gripped the entire area.

"What's the matter, sthweety? Kitty got your tongue? That big, juicthy tongue!" the man in the vest ran his finger across Soarin's mouth and kissed him on the cheek.

"I'm sorry," the Captain finally gained the courage to speak up. "but who might you be?"

"Oh!" the man cried. "How sthilly of me to forget my mannersth. I'm Riding Crop." he flew out his hand and let it fall down and hang at the end of his arm. "Sthoarin's boy toy."

It took a while to figure out where that hand might have been, but when she saw that it was "visibly" clean; she took out one of her gloves and shook Riding Crop's finger tips. "I'm Captain Gale Force. Captain of the Wonderbolts."

"Oh! Stho you're CGF! Oooo! You ARE a cutie! Thosthe legsth of yours look even better in person." He rolled his eyes and sighed as he patted his thighs. "If only I could get thesthe fattiesth to look like that." The Captain's face turned so red that she could pass for a tomato.

"Oh!" Riding Crop squealed. "Sthpitfire! I didn't see you there! Oh, I musth thank you for making my birthday stho sthpecial! When Sthoarin told me he had a sthurprise for me, I didn't expect him to bring sthomeone in to watch usth. I had that fantasthy for stho long that I thought that it would justh be that. Then you came along and made it all come true!" he skipped over to the fire headed woman and gave her a long hug. "Play along as best you can." he whispered softly through closed teeth.

Spitfire heard him clearly and proceeded to return the hug in equal measure and with a smile. "Don't mention it, RC. It felt good to help out my friends."

"Weelllllll!" the Captain piped. "I'm just going to go. I obviously had erred and I am sorry for that. Spitfire. Soarin. I will see you all at the banquet tonight and tomorrow bright and early for practice. Have a good day!" the Captain rocketed from where she stood and flew off towards the Wonderbolt Building and made it a goal to lock her office door behind her.

"Homophobic bitch." Ignatius spat.

"Yeah." Spitfire affirmed as she watched her Captain land. "She's not the most accepting person." She looked to the man in the flamboyant get up and gave a small smile. "You didn't have to do that, you know."

"I had to do something." Ignatius responded as he met the female's gaze. "I wasn't just going to let her abuse you two."

"But all that? It was more than anything we would have done." Spitfire's eyes softened as the stress of the situation subsided. "Listen; while I was going to go see my cousin yesterday, I saw what you did for Twilight. And I got to say, I was rather impressed by your actions. You really helped her out there, and now seeing you do the same for us, it makes me think that you might not be the same man that went into that castle with me that summer."

"And you'd be right to think that." Ignatius stated. "I am not the same type of person that you once knew. I had a while to reflect on who I was and what I saw wasn't something that I would want to put in a place with as much light as a pitch black room."

"If it's not your words that show it, it's your willingness to go the distance that shows how much you have changed." Spitfire put a soft hand on his shoulder. "And though, I appreciate your actions, it was unnecessary. You never did me any wrong. In fact you did me and Soarin a whole lot of right. We each owe you one for what you did."

"You kissed me." the blue-haired trainee squawked as he finally emerged out of his stupor.

"Well," Ignatius said as he rolled his eyes. "it seems we found the slow person in the group."

"Hey!" The Wonderbolt trainee cried in protest.

"Calm down, Soarin." Spitfire eased. "He's just making a joke."

"But still!" he protested.

"If it wasn't for him we would be getting punished by now and still be getting yelled at during the whole ordeal."

"Fraternization?" Ignatius questioned.

"Oh yeah." the firebrand rolled her eyes in annoyance. "And I don't even think it could be considered it seeing as how the banquet to welcome our newest members into the Wonderbolts is tonight and Soarin made the cut. With his first practice tomorrow morning, I can't see why the Captain would fly off the handle about us having a little fun."

"It goes back to the whole, 'until they receive the title, they ain't in' clause. Commanding officials and NCO's use it to keep the noobs from getting a big head or to stifle any early celebrations. Speaking of which, did you really fuck Soarin here?"

"Of course, I did." Spitfire stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Nice!" the oddly dressed man cried as he bumped his fist with the female Wonderbolt.

Soarin stepped closer to Ignatius with nervousness being an obvious feeling for him. "Hey, uh . . . thanks, Mr. . . " Soarin tried to get his name out but it was lost to him.


"Right. Ignatius. Well, Ignatius, I just would like to say thank you for helping us out. Even though your methods are a little odd you do good work."

"No problem, friend." Ignatius let his hand out and the Wonderbolt to be took it with a firm grip.

"And like Spitfire said, each of us owes you one."

"Perhaps there is something you can help me with." Ignatius stated. "I need to figure out how I'm going to get into an upcoming social event with a lot of rich and powerful people."

"I can help you with that." Soarin piped. "The next ritzy party being held in Canterlot where all the big wigs show up is the Fall Feast. Everyone who's anyone will be there. Unfortunately, those invitations are extremely limited. Not even all the Wonderbolts can go."

"Then how do you suggest I obtain an invitation?" Ignatius asked having absolutely no idea how to go about doing it.

"Well, someone like you isn't going to be able to get it, but if you had help you could get the ticket." Soarin pointed to a poster on the far wall of the stands. On the large parchment was a rendering of two Battle Mages in an arena facing off against each other. "Every year, the Equestrian College of Combatives Magic hosts a tournament. The prize is a ticket to the Fall Feast. Seeing as how you're not Unicorn Blessed though, I think you might need to find an alternate to stand in for you."

Ignatius' grin widened as he thought of the perfect stand in. "Thank you, Soarin. That was most helpful." He turned to Spitfire and said. "Now what do you have for me, Spitfire? Any good ideas?"

"Not a clue." Spitfire said honestly. "I've never been one for formal occasions. So, I'm not a lot of help when it comes to this sort of stuff."

"It's okay." Ignatius said. "You can pay off the favorite with a small monetary gain and a service."

"Like?" Spitfire inquired.

"How's fifty bits and a blow job sound?" Ignatius questioned with mischievous smile.

"How 'bout just a hundred bits?" Spitfire said with narrowing eyes.

"How 'bout just two blow jobs?" Ignatius' smile and laugh could have landed him a role as the Joker. Spitfire growled lowly at her counterpart's persistence. "I'm kidding! I'm kidding!" He put up his hands in defense. The Wonderbolt just rolled her eyes in annoyance as the former laughed like a hyena.

"Are you done?" the fiery headed woman asked with a bit of venom.

Ignatius let out a couple more chuckles before choking. "Yes. Yes, I'm done." He wiped his eyes from the tears and cleared his throat. "I'd love to stay and laugh some more, but I've got to get my clothing repaired and then go talk to my brother. I'll see you both around."

With that, Ignatius spread his wings and took off to retrieve his items and sped off to see Sparkle Charmer. Perhaps, the eccentric fashion designer could fix his gear.

Sparkle Charmer happily hummed away as he worked on his latest piece. The piece that he will wear to the Fall Feast and draw every eye on him as he walks in through the doors. A white collared shirt with a brown vest with dazzling sparkles and tiny gems that made it all seem to be fully covered in expensive glitter. His pants were white bell bottoms with rind stones. covering the seams. Tiny, brass bells jingled happily at the pockets and around the hips. His low quarters were just a pair of leather dress shoes. However, they had a hidden surprise. Their enchantment allowed the leather to never be scuffed, and always had a shinny glow that reflected every bit of light. He slipped all of it on and checked himself in a mirror. He gasped and oo'd at himself in delight as his entire ensemble, excluding the hair, looked absolutely perfect. He couldn't wait for the festivities to begin. This would surely bring in potential customers to the royal tailor's office and give him new challenges.

Though, when the vanity fair shut down, Sparkle Charmer went to the door as he heard the bell ring. When he came into the front room, he was expecting the princess or maybe Aquinas, however he got the sight of man in a leather vest, cut off tee and a ragged pants and boots.

"Eww! Fag!" The fashion man recoiled back and cried.

The Pegasus Blessed man just stood there as the daggers of the flamboyant man dug into him. "Cast iron skillet calling the once used pot black." he uttered under his breath.

Aquinas turned another page in his spell tome as he sipped away at his tea. He folded one leg over the other as he read on. His eyes scanned the contents of the book with intense scrutiny and with a steady pace he read every word carefully. This usually happened when he was reading such a good book, but now it was even more than just getting caught up in a good story. Aquinas' studious side was just as strong as Twilight's and he made sure to express it fully when he wanted to understand complex spells. This one in particular caught his eye. It wasn't too hard, but it had some challenge to it. The complications that came with the spell were pronounced once it was cast, but they seemed to be rather easy to stifle. Oh, what great power he would have if he could perform this spell!

Aquinas' fascinations were cut short when a rasp on the door caught his attention. He put a marker on one of the pages and opened the door to find his brother standing there. A mask of pure disdain plagued him. "What's up?" The officer asked. "You seem a bit angry."

"Oh, it's nothing." Ignatius waved him off. "I just had to sit through Sparkle Charmer and his ramblings. Speaking of which, did you know he has a smoking hot wife?!"

"Dat bitch got a bust, yo!" Aquinas said jokingly. Though the actual size of Mrs. Charmer's breasts were nothing to sneeze at.

"Damn right." Ignatius affirmed.

"I believe there's more to you being here than just talking about Mrs. Charmer's cans." Aquinas usually picked up on Ignatius' needs.

"I wanted to talk to you about the Fall Feast." Ignatius stated. "It seems that all the invitations were placed out months in advance and we need to get in there if we want to realize our goals."

"You mean, YOU need an invitation." Aquinas corrected. "I actually have one, but I don't think I could garner one without raising suspicion from Celestia. I spoke with her today and when I told her that you were awake, she wasn't overly excited."

"Could you possibly get me in as a plus one?" the blacksmith asked.

Aquinas shook his head. "Negative. These types of parties, so says Twilight, are not attended by just anyone. This party is invitation only. You'll have to find a way to procure one if you want to come with me."

"I think I may have found a way." Ignatius stated. He reached into his coat and produced a flier. On it was the symbol and title of the College of the Combatives Magic. One that Aquinas knew well on the account that he was attending the school. The younger brother read it and looked back to his older sibling. "I know it's a lot that I would be asking of you, so I won't. If you want to help me I'd be eternally grateful, but if you don't wish too I won't any think less of you."

Aquinas looked at the poster again, and then back to his brother. He smiled as he said, "I'll do it."

"You will?" Ignatius said in a half surprised tone.

"Yes." Aquinas said sternly. "Not only me participating gives me a chance to win you a ticket to Feast, but it also gives me a chance to settle my own rivalries. Those kids we scared off this morning have cousins that attend the Combatives College, and because arrogance runs in the family, I've been meaning to teach all three of them a harsh lesson. Unfortunately, I can't fight them on school grounds. Though, as fate would have it, they are also in the competition. So, if it means I can face off against those three shits and get you a ticket, then I'm in."

Ignatius put his hand out from his chest and his brother took it. They drew each other close and enveloped the other. "Make sure to break bone." Those same words lit a fire in Aquinas' eyes. For it was those same words he told him when he played his first down on the Navy football field.