• Published 17th Oct 2013
  • 1,614 Views, 375 Comments

Facility 0013 - DismantledAccount

You wake up. You feel nothing but pain. You remember nothing. How did you get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Eleven: Brutal

You grasp the small bottle titled “Mixture 2”. I like remarkable, you think, peering at the liquid. The small air bubble travels sluggishly around the bottle as you turn it upside down. As you take the cap off, the Gigglers continue their relentless assault against the door.

You tentatively take a sniff of the potion, but the liquid doesn't have any scent. Shrugging your shoulders, you tilt your head back and begin pouring the thick mixture down your throat.

The sticky mixture almost chokes you as it slides down your throat. You can barely swallow it because it is so thick. It is cold as ice and numbs your chest as it flows into your stomach.

The door groans, its hinges straining under the force of the Gigglers; the speed of the incessant pounding increases.

The chilling feeling spreads to every corner of your body, making it difficult to move. “Wisp?” you call.

She cheeps.

“Stay behind me, all right?” you tell her, looking over your shoulder at her.

She nods and backs up, tucking herself in the corner of the room farthest from the door.

You smile what you hope is a reassuring smile, then slowly turn to face the weakening door. The icy feeling is growing more and more intense with every passing second. It is chilling your very soul and making your movements slower and slower, almost freezing you in place.

The heavy metal door falls to the ground with an ominous thud; the mindless giggling of the long dead ponies fill the air.

You feel a sudden burst of heat emanate from your stomach, and you can feel it travel along the length of your bones; at the same time you discover that you can’t move, the icy chilling has completely immobilized you.

The Gigglers begin their shuffling, sliding gait into the room, their featureless blue eyes locked onto yours. There are more than a dozen of them, and their stench of death fills the air.

Every single bone of your body feels like it is exploding.

You scream as the pain rocks your body. The frozen feeling prevents you from moving, but it can’t silence your cries.

Squeezing your eyes shut, you can’t see the Gigglers, but you can dimly hear them getting closer to your helpless body.

Bone after bone explodes inside your body, sending wave after wave of pain through you.

All you can do is scream.

And scream you do.

You hear a massive cracking sound that seems to come from you, it is so loud that it drowns out the sound of your screaming for a split second.

The feeling of motionless is gone, and you crumple to the ground with a cracking thud.

Opening your eyes, you see the Gigglers are almost upon you, their frenzied laughter sending sprays out blood out of theirs mouths.

You struggle to get to your hooves, the pain rapidly draining from your body. After wasting precious seconds getting to your hooves, you look down at your forelegs. The sight that greets you is an interesting one.

Your skin is bloated and cracked. It looks hardened and almost like... chunks of smooth stone? Bending your foreleg experimentally, your skin doesn’t move. Instead of your skin moving with you, your skin stays in one place like plates of armor. It seems like the cracks are the only things that lets you move at all. You peer closer at the cracks to discover that they aren’t even cracks at all. They are exposed, bloody furrows that reach deep into the slowly throbbing muscle of your thicker than normal legs. Out of curiosity, you hit the skin of your forelegs together. A harsh clacking sound fills the air and a slight vibration travels up your legs, but nothing more happens, not even a feeling.

Movement catches your eyes, and you quickly glance upward. The lead Giggler is lunging at you, blood flying from its hyper extended jaw and serrated teeth already covered with gore.

Reacting completely on instinct, you bring your hoof straight up into the beast’s jaw, hitting it seconds before it would have bit your throat.

There is a second of seemingly stopped time as your hoof connects with the Giggler, you can almost see fear combining with the hate in the creature’s eyes.

Time speeds up with a jarring lurch. The Giggler’s head breaks free of its neck with a wet ripping sound. It flies upward and hits into the ceiling with an explosion of gore.

You watch the blood leak off of the ceiling and onto the collapsing corpse.

Cracking your neck side to side, you smile a twisted smile.

Two Gigglers use that as the signal to attack. They leap at you from slightly to the right and left of your center.

Spinning around on your forehooves, you buck out your back legs. Your hooves impact in the center of the left one’s face, sending the first quarter of your legs out the back of the monster’s head.

You quickly pull your legs out of the dead body as the next one attacks. It drags its pointed teeth across your skin, making a painful sounding scraping noise.

The numbness permeating your skin causes you to feel nothing but a vibration as the Giggler does its best to gouge your flesh.

You sweep the creature off of its hooves with a foreleg. The creature falls to the ground in a pool of blood. You stomp directly on the creatures face, destroying its life-giving eyes. It wheezes then falls silent.

You don’t have time to think anymore. The rest of the Gigglers leap at you.

You punch one on the side of the head, sending your foreleg through the creature’s head and into the next one’s neck, decapitating it. Bucking your rear legs outward, you turn a Giggler’s chest into a huge bloody cavern. You spin around and deliver a punch directly to the creature’s face, destroying its entire head.

Three Giggler’s leap at you simultaneously, knocking you off of your hooves. One is chewing on your face, filling your vision with serrated teeth, rotting flesh, and blue, featureless eyes. The grating, vibrating feeling combines with the smell of death as it slobbers its bloody saliva all over your muzzle.

As more Gigglers jump on you, you feel a sharp pain in your hind leg, reminding you that you are not invincible.

You shake your head roughly, tearing the Giggler’s head off of its neck. It’s still chewing on your face even though it’s no longer attached to the body. The decapitated body adds itself to mass of bleeding flesh beating your hardened body.

You drive your face into the ground, crushing the head in between the ground and your face. Blood and gore sprays outward and upward, covering most of your head and shoving gore up your muzzle.

Another Giggler immediately jumps on your head. It bites down on your ear and rips it off; at the same time you hear Wisp scream.

Your vision turns a deep red.

You stand up, shedding the Gigglers like they are nothing.

You stomp on the ground and forcefully blow the gore out of your nose.

The Gigglers attack again.

You cut them down like they are nothing. Right, left, right, right, left, high, low, low, high, your forelegs fly. They shred everything in your path, blood, gore, flesh, and bone erupting outward from each impact.

You break free of the horde only to see one of the Gigglers dragging Wisp out of her corner by her tail. The ground cracks under your hooves as you leap forward, forelegs extended. You smash into its shoulder, knocking Wisp free. Stomping on its head again and again, you turn its face into a soupy mess of shredded skull.

Vision still red, you turn around to see a horrifying sight.

Giggler flesh is growing, twisting, quivering, thrashing, and roping itself together. Five Gigglers build themselves from the ground up, one bloody, shattered bone at a time.

The sinews form, muscles grow, bones harden; literally entire bodies have just been born in the span of seconds.

Pushing Wisp behind you, you bare your teeth.

They just laugh at you and begin their hobbling shuffle forward.

You run forward to meet them. Crouching down at the last second, you smash through both of the lead monster’s forelegs. You quickly bring your forehooves together and up through the bottom of the creature’s chest, lifting it off the ground and ripping a hole from its lower torso to its neck.

You spin on your hooves and buck its head off its shoulders and into the wall, creating a large blood splatter. Two jagged leg bones catch your attention; you levitate them in your magic and quickly turn around.

Firing them at the two closest Gigglers, the bones impale the creature’s eyes, and they slump to the ground.

You jump up and bring your hoof down on top of the next Gigglers head, crushing it into, and cracking, the floor.

The last Giggler opens its mouth impossibly wide and aims for your face.

You lower your head and impale the creature through the roof of its mouth, your horn piercing its eye and forcing its way out of the Giggler’s skull. You tear its head from its shoulders and throw it under your forehoof.

You crush it with small effort, the skull breaking into tiny fragments under your hoof.

The sickening squelch echoes in the empty room.

Panting heavily, you listen with your one remaining ear.


The hellish laughter has finally stopped.

You fall to your knees, the exhaustion finally catching up with you. The adrenaline flowing through your veins is slowing, but your heart is still beating faster than you could have imagined.

Even though you feel as though you couldn't get up even if you wanted to, you keep a close eye on the bloody, mutilated remains of the Gigglers.

A burning feeling comes from your missing ear and your wounded hind leg, your overstimulated body finally having time to process the pain.

Nothing is moving.

The room is silent.

You don’t know how long you stay there, gasping for air and struggling not to lose consciousness.

You hear a noise behind you so you whip your head around and focus on… Wisp. She freezes when you look at her and stares at you with scared eyes. You blink slowly then return to your watch over the rotten flesh.

Wisp’s cautious hoofsteps slowly work their way towards you. She stands right next to your head, and you can see her following your gaze out of the corner of your eye. She wraps her forelegs around your neck and nuzzles your cheek softly.

Almost afraid to touch her because of your newfound strength, you carefully, slowly, and exceedingly gently wrap your foreleg around her, offering what comfort you can.

You can hear her crying, but you can’t feel the tears on your skin; you can’t feel her at all.

“It’s all right, Wisp,” you rasp, your mouth dry, ever so gently petting her mane.

>Search the bodies, take a closer look at the rest of the room.

>Leave the room and head to Tools.

>Leave the room and head to Refinement.

Writing in process...

Author's Note:

So... how was my first true attempt at writing an action scene?