• Published 17th Oct 2013
  • 1,614 Views, 375 Comments

Facility 0013 - DismantledAccount

You wake up. You feel nothing but pain. You remember nothing. How did you get here? Where is here?

  • ...

Four: The Medical Room

The Medical Room is probably my best bet, I don't think I'll get very far without treatment, you think to yourself while walking forward on your unsteady hooves. Even though you can clearly see the blood, you still slip a little on it when you step in the hallway.

The floor isn't completely slippery but there is a thin coating of blood on the bottom of your hooves, making every shaking step a struggle to keep your balance. At the end of the short hallway is a bloody door sitting askew and hanging on by only the bottom hinge.

You pause and stare at the door for a few moments, the details unnerving. The door is several inches thick of what looks like solid steel. The only problem is that the door was mangled, beaten, dented inward, then shoved open. What could have done this? you think, stepping closer. As an experiment, you hit the door gently. You only succeed in making a clanging sound that reverberates through the air.

You inch your way in the room hesitantly, unsure if this is still a good idea. You step onto the wet, warm floor and freeze in horror.

The floor is red with blood. Blood is on the walls. The ceiling. Everywhere. There are dead bodies littered all around. Lying at your hooves is the top half of a creature barely recognizable as a pony. It is impossible to tell what color the pony was originally, all that is left of it is blood, muscle, and bones. All of his skin was forcibly ripped off and is now lying around him in tatters. You can still see the agonized howl on his muzzle; it sends a chill through your spine.

That is only one of the dozens of bodies, the others are also in similar states. Limbs scattered, skin flayed, eyes gouged, spines snapped, and blood sprayed everywhere. Worst of all is a disturbing lack of anything that could have caused this. That means it's still alive and could be nearby... you think to yourself, gingerly stepping around the numerous obstacles of flesh.

You are distracted by a feeling in your body. You stopped shivering.

You immediately begin looking around for something that might help you. You find a blood-soaked but still readable book labeled "Treatments". You find a page conveniently marked with the symptoms you posses. "Hypothermia. Treatment: a steady supply of heat or one syringe of '901' injected into the bloodstream," you read out loud.

There are no heat sources in sight unfortunately. However, you see a small, broken, plastic crate lying underneath somepony's leg. Syringes with the numbers "901" are spilled out on the floor. You quickly pick up a syringe with your magic and levitate it over to you. You hold out your foreleg and carefully slide the needle into your skin. You slowly inject the fluorescent blue liquid into—what you hope is—your vein.

Somehow you are already feeling better: the medicine seems to be working. You stand up and start looking around for records of some kind. All doctors keep records, right? A pair of relatively undamaged papers sitting on an operating table draws your attention. You pick up and read the document to try and gather any information that you can.

To the Director,
The Serum has done more harm than good. All Patients are behaving erratically. There have been more escapes then ever; the halls are no longer safe. The Patient Alpha Iota Nine is the last Patient to undergo the experiments. It will become like the others. The Serum has not been altered enough to negate the horrible side-affects. I will be turning in my resignation as soon as I can get a group of guards to escort me outside. Your "Magic Serum" is a failure.
P..... B...w

You try to make out the name but a bloody smear is guarding the pony's identity. You look at the other piece of paper to see if it can shed some light on what the first document said.

Medical Log: 963.908
Date, [Classified]
Location, [Classified]
Subjects, [Classified]
Personnel on duty, [Classified]
All Patients are dead, dying, then almost unkillable. It is really quite remarkable. The Serum has done things to their cellular structure that I didn't even know was possible. Who would have thought that a pony could turn into a ten foot tall beast with razor sharp teeth and an attitude to match? Not I. The original intent of the Serum was glorious, but now I can see that we should have left that mysterious metal alone. Element [Classified] should never have been found.
Doctor [Classified], Head of Research and Development.

The second letter leaves you just as confused as the first. A classified metal? A Serum? What's going on here? Why is all of this information classified? What caused this carnage? A Patient? Who will I become like? you think while rereading the papers, trying to glean more information out of the words.

You hear a rustling noise from inside the room.

You quickly jerk yourself out of your self-imposed, unanswerable questions. You try and pinpoint the noise but it disappears as soon as you listen for it. You rip a scalpel out of a pony's skull and levitate it in front of you like a small sword.

You walk towards the back of the room, hoping that what ever made the noise was already gone but knowing that it wasn't.

You hear the noise again. It came from right behind you.

You turn around so fast you get dizzy. You raise the blade and prepare to strike.

The sight that greets you is not one you expect. It is a small, blood-covered, white foal with milky blue eyes and a purple mane.

>Kill it anyways, it might have something to do with this. How else could it survive this?

>Spare it, it's an innocent foal in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Voting is now closed.

Author's Note:

Please tell me if I crossed the line from teen gore to mature. I want to at least try to keep it teen.

Also, would you guys like another story like this after this one is finished?
I have (partial) plans for a pegasus one and an earth pony one that I could make into actual plans, so all the races get a chance.