• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 1,396 Views, 85 Comments

The Pony That Is Never There - divinearcadia

This is a story about the pony that is never there. He sees a lot of things and does a lot of things. But what happens when he was there?

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Of Little Things and Cinnamon Buns [Revised]

Of Little Things and Cinnamon Buns

Twilight slammed the door shut as soon as she and Spike slipped inside. A very solid and safe sounding thump told her panicked mind to stop and, surprisingly enough, it did. They leaned back on the door as one and slid down it to end up sitting on the floor. The short, albeit insane series of events that took place little more than twenty minutes prior ran through her mind. She paused and replayed them again. And again... And again. Finally, she was able to give voice to what she wants to know.

“What...” She said. One word. That one word, however, is a question, a statement and an expletive at the same time. How it became an expletive took some very flexible grammatical gymnastics that won't be delved into.

“Wha-huh?” Spike said, his fear clouded mind being slow on the uptake. “What was that Twilight?”

“Nothing, Spike.” She replied. “What just happened?”

“I don't know... Was it a g-ghost?” He stammered.

“Don't be absurd, there's no such thing as ghosts.” She replied, returning to safe mental waters. “Mayor Mare said that he's an active member in the town. Why would a ghost pay his taxes?”

“I guess that makes sense. But... He's supposed to be a earth pony. We never saw him once... Not even the sound of his steps.” Spike replied with something between awe and disbelief.

“I know. I was there.” Twilight took a deep breath and got up from the floor. “It's time to go visit Pinkie Pie.”

“Why Pinkie of all ponies?” He asked.

“Because she would know him. Or at least about him.” Twilight said confidently. “It's time to do some research. You stay here, Spike. I'll be back.”

“Who?” Pinkie said over her shoulder as she pounded on a pile of dough.

“Never There. He's a earth pony on the other side of town.” Twilight replied. “I was wondering if you know anything about him.”

“I don't know him.” Pinkie replied as she dropped down to all fours. “If he had moved here, I would have known about it and I know everypony in Ponyville by name, even if they've only been here for a day.”

“That's... the thing. Mayor Mare said he has been living here for years, paying his taxes and even voting in the elections. How do you not know him?” Twilight asked somewhere between outrage and increasing worry.

“What?! Really? Where does he live? Have you met him? Can you take me there and introduce me to him?” She said eager to remedy her years of not knowing him. “I'm gonna have to throw him so many parties to make up for the years I didn't know him, not to mention a hugely ginormous apology party for ignoring him all this time.”

“Yeee-no. I don't know!” Twilight said exasperatedly to the ceiling before looking back to her friend. “I really don't know Pinkie and it's really freaking me out!”

“How do you not know? Why would that have you so freaked out anyways?” Pinkie asked as she tilted her head to the side.

“It's really hard to explain. I don't want to talk about it.” She got a look from Pinkie as though she just salted a cinnamon bun. “Okay, okay... I'll tell you, but I swear I'm not crazy.”

The tale took roughly five minutes as Twilight slowly explained about her encounter with a pony that wasn't there. When she finished, Pinkie didn't say a single word. Instead? She sat down and began to think without a single trace of her usual levity, her flour covered left hoof under her chin while her right one cradled her elbow. Twilight wasn't sure about what to be truly afraid of now. The... thing... that happened, or this disturbing turn of events. She slowly started to back up towards the exit, careful to not draw attention to herself, and got as far as three steps away from where she was when Pinkie looked up at her with a glint in her eye and a small smile that showed a little of her teeth. Twilight's blood ran cold.

“Lets go bring him something tasty to eat.” She said with a serious voice. Twilight just stared at her friend like a bunny in front of a manticore.


Never There sat in his favorite chair, which just so happened to be the one Twilight sat in as well. This chair was the one closest to the front door and slightly angled to the right so that the light from the window slanted in just right to softly illuminate the pages of any book he may be reading while sitting there. Beside his lamp sat the bowl of cookies that Spike had brought with him, about half of which were gone an hour later along with a quarter of his milk. Pleasantly filled by sweet cookies, cold milk and reading one of his favorite books during the lunch hour makes him quite happy with life in general. It's the little things in life, you know?

With a content sigh, he closed the book gently with a thin silk ribbon to mark his place, and got up to take care of a few small things around the house that needed his attention. Dirty dishes, dusting his book shelves, changing the bed sheets and a little waxing of the lovely hardwood floor are in order. All-in-all he got everything taken care of well before supper, so he went to the kitchen and prepared a tasty stew to simmer for a couple hours. He always makes a large pot of stew because the leftovers only get better after a day or two and it saves him the hassle of deciding on what to eat. It's these little things.

After one hundred ninety seven pages and roughly two hours after sitting down to read before supper, a knock came from the door. Guests? Twice in one day? That's a new record. May as well go see who it is. He thought as he replaced his bookmark. He put the book on the seat he just vacated and went to the door. Opening it a bit, he looked out to see that Twilight and Spike have returned. The former seems a trifle scared but brave despite that and the latter cowered under the formers tail. This time, they have another pony along with them with absurdly bulging saddlebags. Pinkie Pie... If I remember correctly. That town wide song she sang a while back was pretty catchy too. So, leaving the door open, he walked over to the small side desk beside his chair, fetched a scrap of parchment and wrote To what honor do I owe, having two lovely mares and a friendly little dragon come visit me during supper? He signed his name and returned to the doorway, placing the note in the middle like before. Twilight twitched slightly once she noticed the note and Spike hunched down a little further at her reaction. Pinkie Pie, however, just smiled and asks what it says. The two mares blush slightly as Twilight reads it aloud and Spike takes a careful peek from behind Twilight.

“We're here to apologize for running out like that earlier! We even brought some desserts for you if you would like them!” Twilight half-shouted while looking off in the middle distance. Cute. He walked back to the desk to write a note that said:

It's okay. Not everypony is used to interacting with me and I may have been a little... obtuse. I apologize for frightening you two so severely. As a real apology, would you two care to join me for supper? Pinkie Pie, feel free to join us as well. I'm preparing a carrot, leek and potato stew if you haven't eaten yet. I would love to share my table with you three since you're the first real guests I've had since I've lived here.

Also, I may be Never There, but I am here. You don't have to raise your voice as I am not, in any way, hearing impaired.

He placed the note in the same spot once again and Twilight promptly showed it to her companions with a questioning expression. Pinkie smiled winsomely and Spike mumbled something while rubbing his ponderous paunch. Twilight lookd back to the half open door and nodded. Never opened the door fully to show them that they are welcome. They walk in slowly, Twilight and Spike looking around slightly nervously while Pinkie trotted bouncily through the living room while looking around at everything.

“Ooohhh, that does smell good.” Twilight said with a slight rumbling of her stomach that made her to blush slightly.

“Oh yeah.” Spike says enthusiastically as he loosened up a little. “I wonder how much longer until he's finished.”

Never There walked quickly into the kitchen, grabbed a few bowls and filled them halfway with the steaming stew. He set them on the table and pulled out a loaf of fresh bread that he got earlier today in the market and carved thick slices off to accompany the stew. At this point, Pinkie poked her head in the kitchen curiously and took a quick look around before pulling back out. He heard some excited whispering as he placed some spoons beside the bowls. The whispering stopped and the trio walked in, smelling the air in long appreciative breaths. He waited a moment for them to seat their selves as they wished before he quickly grabbed a few more scraps of parchment, a pen and an inkwell. He placed the things down slightly to the side of his food, causing his guests to suddenly stare at the items.

Please, help yourselves. He wrote, sliding it over to Twilight.

“Thank you for inviting us to supper, Never There.” Twilight said as she began to eat. Her eyes light up and she smiled as the delicious stew washed over her tongue. Spike and Pinkie follow suit, similar expressions showing after the first bite. “This is amazingly good! Who taught you to cook stew like this?” Twilight gushed after another spoonful.

My mother finally taught me recipe last year. It was one of her bribes for having me make the excursion to Canterlot once a month. He wrote, passing the note to Twilight. You wouldn't believe how hard it is for me to get to Canterlot.

“I can imagine. So your parents live in Canterlot? So do mine! Maybe they know each other.” She replied with a bit of excitement.

“You think so?” Spike cut in. “I know for sure that I'd make that trip by foot and carrying you if I knew I had a bowl of this waiting for me at your parents place.”

“Ha!” Pinkie giggled. “I'd like to see that, Spike!”

Twilight giggled at the mental image, though something seemed a little off to Never. It's not nervousness, awkwardness or anything like that. There's just... an edge to Twilight's laughter that sends a subtle shiver down his spine. He put that thought aside for the moment though as he ate his own meal. This is the stew that would haunt his dreams and almost... almost make him seriously consider moving back in with his parents. Pinkie finished her bowl first and asked for seconds, which he told her that he doesn't mind. They pass an easy hour in this peculiar fashion. Never There began to feel a bit peculiar as he felt that there's something going on and he's just a step behind.

“So, Pinkie...” Twilight said with a contented sigh, her fore legs partially wrapped around her stomach protectively. “I think we should see about that dessert. Your maple glazed cinnamon rolls are absolutely amazing. I'm sure Never There can appreciate a good dessert after such a fantastic meal.”

They sound delicious, though I may have to limit myself to one. Allow me to get us some plates. Never wrote. He went about with quick efficiency, placing a plate beside each empty bowl before taking said bowl to the sink. His guests started at the new dishes and stare in amazement at where their bowls used to be.

“No worries.” Pinkie said with a big smile after poking her plate with a hoof to verify that it's really there. “I brought plenty, so you'll be able to enjoy them for a few days at least.”

Never smiled and thanked her before she started rummaging around in her saddlebags beside her seat. She righted herself with five trays wrapped in thick brown paper, grease spots dotting the surface. A stray thought about the absurdity of her carrying so many trays in her saddlebags wandered by before it is promptly ignored. She placed one tray on the table and unwrapped it to reveal the currency of a new world order. Sorry Mom. Dark, golden brown rolls rise in majestic fluffyness, streaks of the thick cinnamon spread easily visible and immediately saturated the air with its aroma. The maple glaze is incredibly thick and sticky without being baked to hardness with large pieces of walnuts sprinkled liberally across the entire surface. He stared in awe as Pinkie ripped the first roll from its brethren and places it on his plate. He looked at it, his hoof reaching out slowly as if in reverence, reluctant to defile such a thing of beauty. His stomach, however, is a barbarian and forced his hoof. The first bite hit him like a bolt from the blue. The rich roll, warm cinnamon, smoky maple and toasted walnuts brought him as close to a religious experience as he is ever likely to get. He shuddered slightly as he chews, his eyes half lidded. As he appreciated the delicacy, he didn't notice when Pinkie pulled out a container of confectioners sugar to sprinkle some on top of her roll. Nor dids he really pay any attention when it slipped from her hooves, bounced once on the table and creates a small explosion of sugar which settled around Never.


Twilight watched with rapt attention as Pinkie pulled the real 'dessert' from her bag and leaned forward in her seat eagerly. She watched Pinkie 'lost' her grip on the container and did nothing to prevent the obvious mess it would make. If you're really here, lets see you. She thought with a manic glee that rose from within. It's almost like time slowed down for her as she watched the dust settle... to reveal a sugar covered chair. She blinked once.

“WHAT?!” She practically shrieked. “WHAT?!”

Spike looked at Twilight with a look between 'really?' and an exasperated 'you gotta be kidding me.' Pinkie played her part flawlessly as she started apologizing and searched for a wash rag to clean up the mess, muttering something about thins being how you got ants. Twilight had so many extreme emotions vying for prominence that frustration clubbed them into submission through sheer willpower. A note appeared on the table a little later. She snapped it to herself and reads: You should really have one of these rolls. You'll feel much better. Her left eye twitched ever so slightly.

“You know what? I may as well.” She says tersely. “I mean, we showed up to apologize and now after being treated to an amazing supper, it would be rude to not see through with the whole meal.”

Another note appeared. Absolutely.

Twilight glared at the note as though it were the source of all evil. Oh, how she wished it were. The righteous things she would wreak upon it if that were the case. But it isn't. So she simply gave up. She sighed and ate her roll in silence. At least the roll's as good as it looks. She thought a little depressed. They finish up in a little bit, their plates disappearing from the table and reappearing in the sink with a gentle clink. Pinkie and Spike make small talk for a while with notes appearing occasionally. Twilight, simply not caring enough to pay attention in the least, sat in relative silence with her thoughts. Talk dwindled down after a time as they simply basked in that perfect moment of contentment caused by good food and good company.

They sigh and shift around as it slowly faded before they began to make even smaller talk before they broach the subject of leaving their superb host. They roused their selves to gather their belongings and make their farewells, lingering a couple moments longer than usual to wait for the usual response method. They leave soon after reading his note and make their way back to Golden Oaks. Along the walk home, Spike and Pinkie chat about the meal, the conversation over the meal (or reading as the case may be) and the pony who is Never There. When they arrived at the library, Spike went inside first as he was especially groggy after such a good meal while Pinkie and Twilight looked at each other with different expressions.

“So... I don't know what to do next.” Twilight said a little downtrodden. “I mean, that sugar was laced with so many tracing, tracking and revealing spells it should be able to show where the wind went two weeks ago over solid stone.”

“Don't worry about it so much Twilight. I'm sure you'll figure something out sooner or later.” Her friend assured her. “But he seems like a really nice guy. I hope we get to hang out with him some more... especially if he's the one cooking the main course.”

“Thanks Pinkie, and you're right. He does seem nice. Maybe I should get to know him a bit better before diving headlong into the strangeness surrounding him.” Twilight responded with a tired smile. They talked a little more and toss the idea around about introducing their other friends to him, and getting fits of giggles at imagining their reactions. They part ways for the night with plans to hang out tomorrow. After Twilight made her way up to her room, she noticed that she's still wearing her saddlebags. With a dismissal of responsibility, she dropped them on the floor beside her bed and settled in for the night. As the suns final light filters through her window, a brief reflection alights upon her bags revealing a book and a piece of folded parchment peeking from between the flaps, before it is lost in the shadows.

Author's Note:

So... yeah... This story's too much fun. Here's another chapter :3