• Published 12th Oct 2013
  • 1,398 Views, 85 Comments

The Pony That Is Never There - divinearcadia

This is a story about the pony that is never there. He sees a lot of things and does a lot of things. But what happens when he was there?

  • ...

Eight Guests and an Empty Seat

Eight Guests and a Empty Seat (Part One of Two)

It's the morning of the day after Twilight's trip to Canterlot and she still feels a little disoriented. Her perfectly logical world has been revealed to have pockets that seem to openly mock her carefully constructed worldview like a small, ill-mannered foal hitting a table leg, threatening to topple her house of cards. She can't reason with it. She can't ignore it. She now has to take a step back and play with it. She shudders, suddenly thinking about what that foal would do to her house of cards if it decides to throw a temper tantrum.

So, she has made tentative arrangements to “play” with it. Only a few minutes ago she sent a letter to Princess Celestia about the new directions she wants to take in her studies. She hopes her mentor doesn't send a reply too soon, it is an important decision and she would only want the best for her faithful student after all. Twilight walks downstairs with Spike in tow to help with breakfast instead of letting him sleep in a little extra today. They decide on a cold breakfast since they want to get to work as soon as possible. Re-shelving day is finally going to happen and they want to get through it as quickly as possible.

They settle in the library, each taking up their respective role and get to work efficiently. They fall into the familiar routine with only the barest of words passing between them. Despite the massive delay, they finish up a little before noon. With a sigh, Twilight heads to the kitchen for a drink of water after the last book is settled in its niche. Spike enters soon after and rummages around in the fridge for a chilled gem, popping it in his mouth with a sigh of satisfaction.

“So, what else do we have to do today?” He asks.

“Not much to be honest. I need to drop by Rarity's place soon though so we can make plans for a dinner party with Never There.” A giggle escapes from her throat as she remembers the conversation with Pinkie about how their friends would react to their intangible acquaintance. “I want to keep it a secret about how he is though.”

“Are you sure that's a good idea, Twilight?” He says skeptically. “Remember how we ran screaming from his place at our first encounter with him? I'd hate think about how everypony would react in the same room. Though I'm sure Rarity could handle it.”

“Maybe it's Pinkie and Dash rubbing off on me, but I think it'll turn out better like this.” Twilight says confidently. “Our friends always shine the brightest when we have a little uncertainty thrown in the mix.”

“If you say so...” He says skeptically. “I hope you have a backup plan just in case it all goes to Tartarus in a hoof-basket.”

“Spike, you worry too much.” She says laughingly at turning the tables on her long time friend. He just splutters incoherently at the audacity of the accusation and settles for dragging his hand down his face before he finally talks again.

“So... can I tag along with you to Rarity's?” He says blandly. “I think I've been spending too much time around you for my own good and an outside influence might do me some good.”

“Sure, and I am a perfect role model, Spike.” Twilight responds primly. “Screaming panic attacks aside.”

That gets the two of them laughing in a good way as they close the library. With light hearts and a smile on their lips, they walk across the town square to Carousel Boutique. With a weighted glance at Spike, who shrugs his shoulders and sheds all responsibility for what may happen, Twilight opens the door to the store front. They walk in to see Rarity look up from across the room at the jingle of her bell and smiles at the sight of her friends dropping by.

“Twilight! Spike! What a pleasant surprise for you two to come by. I was thinking about going out for lunch in a moment so why don't you two join me? My treat.” She says as she crosses the room with a slight bounce in her step.

“That sounds great, Rarity. I was hoping to talk to you about maybe setting up a dinner party with the all girls as well.” Twilight says as they all walk right back out the door.

“A dinner party? Why all the formality?” Suddenly she stops with a dramatic gasp. “You don't have a coltfriend, do you?”

“What? No.” Twilight responds with a slight blush. Why does everypony think I'm interested in Never There? First it was his parents who hardly knew me before they started insinuating and now it's one of my friends who doesn't even know him. Twilight thinks huffily but responds, “But he is a new friend I made a couple days ago. Pinkie Pie knows him too, just so you know. He invited Pinkie, Spike and I over for dinner the other night and he is a perfect gentlecolt.”

“Oh.” She says as she gets cut short. “Well, in that case, I would love to play the host. I apologize for jumping to conclusions, Twilight. But he must be quite the stallion if you want to introduce him to all of us.”

“There's definitely more to him than meets the eye.” Twilight says with a smirk. Spike trips on an unseen stone while standing still, the most ridiculous expression of disbelief on his face as he lands in the dirt. “You okay there, Spike?”

“Yeah...” He says a little breathlessly. “Yeah... just fine.”

“Oh, dear. Let me dust you off, Spikey. Can't have you all dirty when we get to the restaurant.” Rarity says levitating him to his feet and brushing the offending dust with an ethereal feather duster. “There, good as new. Now, allons-y my dears for lunch is on me.”

Twilight and Spike smile at Rarity's turn of phrase, following a little behind as they continue on to hold a heated, whispered conversation.

What the hay are you trying to pull Twilight?” Spike says, opening with a direct attack.

I'm not pulling anything. I'm being completely honest with my friend.” She counters.

That's not what I meant. If you keep this up, I won't be able to come tomorrow night because I'll be in stitches from trying not to bust my gut.” He replies with a few mirthful tears on the edge of his eyes. “I never knew you of all ponies could pull something like that with a straight face.

I just thought a few... turns of phrase would help you see how good this will turn out.” She says snickering at his response. “Anyways, it can't be healthy to hold it in like that. If you have to, just go to the restroom and take care of your business there.

Spikes face is priceless as he tries with all his might to not laugh, ending up with a odd choking sound as a few tears leak from the corners of his eyes. Rarity, however, is clueless to Spikes slow death by humor induced asphyxiation. She hums happily to herself at the thought of not only having a lovely lunch with two of her friends, but planning a dinner party for tomorrow night as well. She wouldn't have to worry about cooking everything, so that is a big plus in her book as her friends always brought a little something when they have a get together. They finally arrived at the little cafe a couple blocks away when Rarity finally looks over her shoulder to her friends. Twilight is looking curiously off into the distance while Spike is breathing as though he had run a marathon in the distance they traveled.

“Is something the matter Spike? You seem a little out of breath.” Rarity says eyeing the little dragon.

“I'm fine... Never better. Just a private joke that got me a little worked up is all.” He says with an easy smile.

“Really? Do tell... I love a good joke.” Rarity says with grin. Spikes eyes widen slightly at the thought of ruining Twilight's plans already, so he treads water with as much flair as he can manage.

“It's a dragon thing... You wouldn't get it.” He says suavely. Rarity just raises an eyebrow and shrugs a shoulder with a look of slight disappointment. Smooth move, Romeo. “But I do know a few others I can tell you over lunch.”

“That sounds wonderful.” She replies with a small smile as they seat their selves around a free table. “So, if you don't mind my asking, what is the name of the gentlecolt we will have the honor of meeting?”

“Never There.” Twilight responds simply as she lifts a menu off the table. Rarity leans back a little, blinking just a little too fast.

“Such an odd name. What does he do for a living?” Rarity asks curiously.

“Making headaches, but he seems pretty well-to-do all the same.” Twilight responds. “He lives by himself but has few friends, so I thought it would be a good idea to have a dinner party with our friends.”

“Surely you must be kidding. 'Making headaches?' If that's your attempt at a joke, it's certainly a poor one.” Rarity says with a mock air of offense. Spike looks at the ground as a fit of silent giggles wracks his body, making Rarity too look at him with a look of pure confusion.

“Okay, he doesn't have a job per se, but he is self sustaining from what I can tell. Very comfortable with his lifestyle.” Twilight responds with a wave of her hoof. “I think I'll have marigold sandwich with some lemongrass tea, is that alright with you Rarity?”

“Absolutely. But that must mean he is an investor of one persuasion or other. Has he dropped any hints as to his field of venture?” Rarity asks, her inner businessmare coming out. “If he's involved in gem trading, I could get some hints about making some profitable transactions with his know how. Or maybe he's a business investor...” She says trailing off, likely imagining a wealthy and handsome benefactor who would help her store reach for the skies, not to mention sweeping her off her hooves at the same time.

“I don't know about any of that, but I know you all will enjoy his company in any case. He certainly has a way with words.” Twilight says smoothly. Spike however can't take it any more and makes a hasty exit to the restroom with the barest of excuses. At Rarity's odd look, Twilight says, “He drank a lot of water before we left.”

“Ah.” Rarity says with a knowing smile. They make arrangements for Twilight to go around inviting all their other friends while Rarity will focus on setting up the Boutique for a dinner party while Spike is away. He finally comes back, his legs a little unsteady and slides into his seat, his cheeks a little flushed from his activities.

“Welcome back, Spikey.” Rarity says chipper, ignoring his sudden departure. “Do you know what you're going to have for lunch? No need to hold back on my account.”

“I think I'll just stick to some hay fries with powdered ruby on top and a glass of cold milk.” He says licking his lips.

“Are you sure? You can have more than just that.” She says as though they're skimping just because it's on her bill. “At the very least, you two are going to have some dessert as well and I won't take 'no' for an answer.”

They concede to her demand with a smile and place their orders which return in short order. They spend the next hour chatting amiably over their meal. They decide who should bring what for food and determine what the main course should be and that the party should start at seven thirty so that there are no schedule conflicts. After that, they move on to inconsequential things until Rarity makes her farewells with promises that tomorrow will be absolutely amazing. Finishing off her tea, Twilight looks to Spike with a little smile.

“You know, I didn't actually think you'd go running off to the restroom.” She says, voice laced heavily with mirth.

“That's not funny.” He says blushing a bit. “You made me do that in front of Rarity. Rarity! Come on Twilight, that's not cool.”

“I'm sorry, Spike. I'll make it up to you.” She says contrite. “How about I let you stay with Rarity the next time I go up to Canterlot?”

“Make it the next two times, and you got yourself a deal.” He says with a sharp glance at her.

“You got it, buddy.” She says happy that everything is put right. “Now, lets drop by Pinkie's first and let her in on the plans and what we're doing. I'm sure she can appreciate a good joke. Then we'll let Never know what's going on.”

Spike nods with a big grin and hops off his seat, ready to be off with Twilight on her hilariously devious plans.

“And then... and then she says 'he certainly has a way with words!'” Spike says rolling on the ground with Pinkie as they laugh uproariously. “You should have been there! I could barely get out of sight before I lost it!”

“He he he he!” Pinkie giggles as she hugs her sides, gasping. “Twilight... Dashie has nothing on you when it comes to this! I gotta come along with you guys...”

“Can you keep a straight face? I don't want to let them know anything's up. I want this to be the best group prank in the history of us being friends.” Twilight says after catching her breath. She had to let it out too, now that she was safe in Sugar Cube Corner's kitchen.

“Oh-ho-ho yea...” Pinkie says as she gets back up. “I don't wanna miss this for anything.”

“Good. Lets let Never know what's up and then we'll make our way over to Fluttershy's place.” Twilight says with a grin. “It may be a little scary for them at first, but like you said last Nightmare Night, 'it's fun to be scared.'”

“Oooohhh... I can't wait for tomorrow night.” Pinkie says as she deflates slightly.

“One more thing before we leave, Never wants to work out some arrangement with you for ordering more of your maple glazed cinnamon rolls.” Twilight says.

“No problemo. Anything for a friend.” She says hopping up once before she begins to bounce out the back door before stopping suddenly and turning around. “Oh! Let me tell Mrs. Cake I'm heading out real quick. I'm only supposed to work a half-day anyways.”


Never There is sitting in his chair with a book after eating a reheated bowl of stew from two nights ago. It really does get better with a little age. He thinks contentedly. It has been a quiet day so far but didn't expect it to last. He wasn't expecting anything drastic or life altering, but definitely something. That something just so happens to be Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Spike dropping by for a visit. He opens the door and they file in, all very excited with big smiles permanently stuck on their faces.

Good afternoon, everyone. I take it something has come up? He writes after they come inside.

“Very much so.” Twilight says excitedly. “I've talked with one of my friends, Rarity, and we've arranged a dinner party tomorrow night at seven thirty to introduce you to the rest of out friends.”

I take it you've told them about... my lack of presence? He writes hoping for the best.

“Nope!” Pinkie chimes in.

“Well... in a roundabout kind of way I have been...” Twilight says a little embarrassed. “I'm kind of hoping to pull the biggest group prank in the history of our friendship... if you're willing to go along with it.”

Never sighs. It's not a big sigh, but it says a lot. Am I really contemplating this? He thinks, swiping a hoof across his muzzle. Yes... Yes I am. Maybe this is what it means to 'unleash a little Tartarus' once in a while. Celestia knows my life has been fairly tame. With a smile, he writes three simple words (two of which have been contracted) that will either end up with him having more friends or being the spark that is the next mass panic Ponyville will experience.

I'm game.


“Hey Fluttershy, how's it going?” Twilight says as they walk up to her house. She's outside at the moment, feeding the various wild birds that come by daily.

“Oh! Hello everyone.” She says winging her way over to them after emptying her seed basket. “I'm doing pretty well today. What brings you three here?”

“Well, Rarity is hosting a dinner party tomorrow night to introduce a new friend of ours by the name of Never There. Pinkie, Spike and I met him a couple days ago. It may be very startling when you first meet him, but it's clearly visible how nice he is and he's as quiet as a mouse. He even has a pet goldfish named Blubs.” Twilight explains.

“Oh, really? I won't judge him by how he looks, I promise.” Fluttershy promises solemnly. Spike and Pinkie emit little noises from behind Twilight who quickly continues on to cover their slip.

“I know I can count on you, Fluttershy. I'll tell you right now that you're going to really like him.” Twilight assures her confidently.

“If you three like him this much, then I'm sure I'll see what you saw in him too.” She says smiling. Twilight makes some quick small talk about what time the party is and asks Fluttershy if she would bring some of her granola bars as well. They head off to Sweet Apple Acres from there.

After having a relatively minor breakdown along the way, they make it to the farm proper about twenty minutes later. Apple Bloom and Applejack are apparently just getting back from town and stop when they notice Twilight and Co. making their way up to them.

“Afternoon, Twilight. What brings ya out ta the farm?” Applejack says when they get close enough. She sends Apple Bloom off to go do her chores with a little nudge and a word.

“We just dropped by to invite you to a dinner party tomorrow night at Rarity's.” When Applejack makes a face, Twilight continues on quickly. “It's not a formal thing or anything, I just want to introduce the rest of my friends to a new acquaintance we made a couple days ago.”

“A new friend, huh?” Applejack says looking up from under her hats brim. “Do I know the pony?”

“I don't think so. His name's Never There and he's so honest that he's absolutely transparent.” Twilight responds with a smile.

“Never heard of 'im. What do you have ta say about 'im Pinks?” Applejack says looking over Twilight's shoulder.

“He has never said a bad word about anypony in my hearing.” She says, her voice a little high strung.

“That's right, AJ.” Spike says chipping in enthusiastically. “I haven't seen him put a hoof wrong in the time that I've known him.”

“Well...” She says taken aback a little at this unanimous show of confidence. “He sounds like a mighty fine pony. I look forward to meetin' him tomorrow night.”

“I know you're gonna have a great time.” Twilight says happily. They tell her what time to be by and what to bring before asking if she had seen Rainbow Dash around. Applejack says that she was napping in one of the trees along the side of the road on her way home, so they thank her and head back towards town with their eyes on the trees.

“Oh my goodness!” Pinkie squees after they get out of earshot. “This is so much fun! I'm really happy Never There gave us the go ahead for this. I never knew word play could be this much fun. Tomorrow night's gonna be absolutely splendiferous!”

“I know!” Spike says with a laugh. “After everypony calms down, I just know they'll like him just as much as we do. Sure it takes a little getting used to, but once you get used to it, he's really nice.”

“He's going to be a wonderful friend for all of us once we get to know him better.” Twilight says to Spike. “If anypony deserves to have friends, it's definitely him. Also, world play was pretty common back in my school.”

“Yeah.” Pinkie says a little subdued. “We're gonna have to be extra special super friends to make up for lost time.”

“I don't know about all that, but lets try to not scare him off.” Twilight says remembering how hard it was to go from being simply introverted to suddenly having friends. “I had a hard time getting used to you all after I moved here and I didn't even have a logical improbability getting in the way of it.”

“No worries, Twilight.” Pinkie says going through the Pinkie Pie Promise motions. “I Pinkie Promise to make sure he gets all of us as his friends and not have to worry about it one little bit.”

“You know what? I think you may be onto something there.” Twilight says looking up a bit and spotting the telltale colors of Rainbow Dash in a tree up ahead. “I'll explain after we're alone again.” Pinkie nods quickly as she spots Rainbows tail drooping from the branch she's sleeping on. They walk on until they're almost under the branch before Twilight speaks up.

“Rainbow Dash? You awake?” Twilight asks neutrally so she doesn't startle her if she is sleeping.

“Not really.” Comes her immediate reply. “Just relaxing a bit.”

“You wanna come down for a moment? We have something to ask you.”

“Sure.” She says as she casually rolls off the branch to land in a ridiculously action styled pose. “What's up?”

“You interested in meeting a totally awesome pony tomorrow night at a dinner party?” Twilight says with a smile.

“Totally awesome? Whoever they are, they can't be nearly as awesome as me.” She says with a toss of her mane.

“Maybe this pony's so awesome, even you can't touch them.” Twilight says casually.

“No way.” Rainbow says disbelieving. “Nopony can't be touched by the Rainbow Dash.”

“Well, just make sure you're at Rarity's tomorrow night by seven thirty and be sure to bring some fruit punch.” Twilight says with a smile. “His name's Never There and you won't even see him coming.”

“Ha!” She says shaking her head. “We'll just see about that.”

Rainbow takes off then, leaving them one pony less as they look at each other with huge grins splitting their faces before they continue on. Once they're sure Rainbow isn't around, they start laughing again, shooting quotes back and forth that keeps the laughter going all the way back to Nevers house. Pinkie and Spike look at her questioningly before she explains that they should tell Never what they had told their other friends.

“Since he's the one central to our plan, he deserves to know about everything.” Twilight says with a firm nod and a smile. “Especially the best parts.”

“Definitely.” Pinkie says bouncing a little in place. “Tomorrow night is gonna be the best!”

“I hope so.” Twilight responds before turning to the front door and knocking. The door opens up again and they all walk in.


I haven't laughed this hard in years... Never writes after having recovered enough to do so. They came back about forty five minutes later, wearing smiles and a little weak in the knees. Now he knows why. They talk about their friends a little, their personalities and their lines of work. Then they go into the word play, using what they know about him and their friends to make them excited enough to really look forward to tomorrow night. He's really pleased with himself for letting Twilight go through with her plan. He just hopes they're all laughing at the end of tomorrow night.

“Do you think you might be able to make some more of that amazing stew for tomorrow night?” Twilight asks eagerly.

That shouldn't be too much of a problem. I'll start on it later so it can simmer all night. You three only had the two hour rendition. It's a completely different experience with a long simmer. He writes as he remembers his moms two day stews. He was really spoiled at home when it came to good food. It's probably a good thing I never go out to eat since it probably wouldn't be as good anyways. He thinks to himself sarcastically.

“That sounds awesome!” Spike says enthusiastically. “So, do you have anything going on? If not, you think you might want to hang out for a bit? Maybe I can help you out with the cooking.”

I don't really have anything going on right now, and I would enjoy having some company. He writes. Though, you don't have to help out with the cooking unless you really want to.

“It's not a problem.” He replies. “I do a lot of cooking at home anyways, so I'm always looking to improve.”

In that case, I'd be glad to have your assistance, Spike. He writes happily. If you two want, you can stay as well. I don't have much to offer for entertainment aside from my library and my eloquent conversation.

“Library?” Twilight says as she perks up immediately with a laugh at his jibe. “I would love to see your library... If it's not too much of an inconvenience for you.”

Not at all. Just go upstairs and pick a room. He writes.

“Thank you very much.” She responds. “What about you Pinkie?”

“I think I'll help in the kitchen. Another helping hoof wouldn't hurt, right?” She says cheerfully.

That would be wonderful Pinkie. Thank you. He replies. How about we get started sooner rather than later so that we can have an early supper. I don't want to be tempted all through the night by the stew and leave none for anypony else.

“That might be something to worry about if you had Pinkie over for the night, but I think that's a good idea in any case.” Twilight says with a giggle at her friend. “I'll make my way upstairs, so when supper's ready just come and find me if you would Spike?”

“No problem.” He says as Twilight turns to find the staircase. “But don't blame me if you get lost in a book and miss the meal.”

“Don't worry about that. If Never turns his hoof to a meal, I won't miss it for anything.” She says with a smile.

Now, lets get started... He writes leading the way to the kitchen to begin preparations with his eager friends.


Going upstairs, Twilight discovers that the staircase bisects the house neatly. Looking around a little through trial and error, Twilight found that there are six rooms total, three on each side. The master bedroom along with a guest room are side by side to the left with an empty room ending that side at the back. The other three have been dedicated to his books. Never There has a lot of books. Three rooms dedicated, so far, to nothing but books. They sit patiently along each of the walls in each room and resting on free standing shelves, though the third room is only about a third full.

This is an impressive personal collection. Twilight thinks as she slowly walks past each shelf, her eyes glancing at each title. He has first editions of all the literary classics... Philosophy... Physics... Engineering... Natural Sciences... Even Equestrian law and law philosophy. I never would have thought he was so advanced in his education. I think he can put a lot of this to good use if I can figure something out.

“Twilight!” She hears Spike call faintly from downstairs. “You just got a letter from the Princess!”

That's it! She thinks suddenly. The princess can correspond with him and he provide an outside perspective. He could become an adviser of sorts. She stops the rushing thoughts and leaves the room to go downstairs and retrieves the letter with a quick thank you to Spike. Returning upstairs, she opens the letter and reads:

My Faithful Student,

It came as something of a surprise to me earlier today when you sent me a letter requesting to begin your studies in metaphysics. I do not know what brought this on, but I believe that this is a good direction for you to take. I must warn you in advance that in the world of metaphysics, nothing is certain and directly dependent on perception. Be sure that you keep your perception strong as you progress in your studies. You will find that it will often be your lifeline in certain circumstances.

Since you will be coming to these studies knowing little to nothing, I would like to suggest an instructor. If you do not have somepony in mind to be your instructor, I may have a few suggestions that you will find more than qualified to teach you. No need to rush the decision, but if you have somepony in mind, just let me know and I can ask them on your behalf. I will take care of all the arrangements as always, so please do not worry about anything.

Yours Truly,

Princess Celestia

Twilight looks up from the note with a smile. I'll have to ask what Never There thinks about it, but I think I know just the pony to teach me. She thinks as she puts the idea in the back of her mind so she can continue her browsing. She slowly makes her circuit of the room and moves onto the next one which contains a couple walls of more contemporary titles. A good many of them are well established adventure and fantasy series as well as the odd satire thrown in. But as before, most of the room contains advanced studies books. Twilight is thoroughly impressed. The inviting scents of food being cooked begins to worm its way upstairs and her stomach gives a loud growl in response. She hasn't eaten anything since lunch after all as she normally has a small snack between lunch and supper anyways, so she makes her way downstairs.

She enters the kitchen to find Pinkie and Spike working with surprising efficiency. Instead of drawing attention, she silently pulls out a chair with her magic and watches as they go about their assigned jobs. Spike has a chair pulled up to the counter, knife in hand as he rapidly cuts freshly washed leeks. A small pile of potatoes have already been cut up and put in a bowl for quick and easy use. Pinkie is in front of the stove, a frying pan in hoof as she spreads olive oil across its surface. She looks over to Spike and mutters something in the cacophony that surrounds them. He laughs a little and a note shortly appears which Pinkie reads. She laughs and says something again which causes Spike to pass her the leeks which she promptly tosses in the frying pan with a hiss, stirring them around with a solid wood spatula. The smells cause her stomach to rumble even more firmly than before and she settles in to wait when a note suddenly appears in front of her on the table.

Did you enjoy my library? The note says.

“Very much so. I didn't know you had such advanced studies.” She responds with a hoof placed on her chin.

A good part of it's my course books from home. He writes. Although I have bought some of them on my own initiative. I'm glad you appreciate what books I have.

“If anypony can appreciate your books, I would hope that I can, what with being a librarian and scholar as my profession.” She says with a smile and a laugh. Hearing her laugh, Pinkie looks over her shoulder and waves distractedly before going right back to her work. “So I had a thought a little bit ago... What do you think about your Mom teaching me about her line of work?”

What brought this on? He writes curiously.

“Well, there's this pony I know who defies logic in the most profound way I know. I'm just getting to know him better and I think it would be prudent for me to try to understand a little about what's going on around him.” She responds with a smile.

It sounds like this pony has a very good friend if she's already petitioning his mother to learn more about him. He writes with a chuckle.

“I think it may go the other way as well, despite the difficulties when they met for the first time.” She replies.

Sometimes the friendships that start rocky end up being the strongest in the end. He replies. I don't think he would mind his mother teaching one of his friends at all either.

“I should know all about that.” Twilight says laughing a little. “I should tell you about my first time in Ponyville...”

They spend the next ten minutes or so companionably as Twilight recounts that fateful day that feels like it was eons ago. The food cooks away as Spike and Pinkie follow instructions put on the table behind them as they happily go about their work. Spike chops up some lettuce finely and Pinkie begins mixing it in with the leeks that now have a deep, vibrant green color. Looks like we're having stir fry tonight. She thinks, her lips smacking in anticipation.

They talk a little bit more, but nothing of any real consequence. Plates appear around the table which are promptly filled by Pinkie as they appear. Once the plates are all full, they dig in with gusto. The oil, vinegar, black pepper and everything blends into a crispy flavor overload on Twilight's tongue as she takes her first bite. She knows it was Pinkie cooking, but this is definitely a Never There recipe. They all talk animatedly around the table, Never There and potential plans are the subject for this supper. They settle on something a little more... restrained for his “appearance.” By the time they're done, stomachs full and full of good humor, it's partway into the normal supper time when they make their farewells. Light on her hooves, Twilight heads home with thoughts about tomorrow flying through her mind. She doesn't get to sleep for hours after sunset, like a filly who's going on a field trip the next day.

***To Be Continued...***

Author's Note:

The dinner party will be next, so stick around for the next installment... Snacks and drinks not provided for enhancement of experience...