• Published 15th Oct 2013
  • 5,800 Views, 377 Comments

Thirty Days, Thirty Twilights - Esle Ynopemos

A daily-updated collection of short stories featuring the loveliest of lavender librarians.

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19: What Would You Do? [Sad]

((Prompt: There's only one day. One day, before Equestria ends.))

What a curiously morbid question, darling. Why do you ask? Is this some sort of personality test, perhaps?

Hmm. I suppose the first thing I would do is put on my finest clothes. If the world were to end, I would want to go out looking my best. Oh, and I suppose I would bring out that bottle of crystal brandy I've been keeping. It's for a special occasion, and I can't imagine a much more important event than the end of life as we know it.

Yes, I should think that sharing a glass of fine wine with my friends would be a satisfying way to witness the apocalypse.

Now, could you hold this bit of fabric here for me while I pin it? Oh yes, that looks positively fabulous!


I'll tell you what I'd do, Twi.

I'd fly out, find whatever it was that was supposed to make the world end, and I'd kick its sorry flank from here to the Unicorn Range! I'd make it sorry it ever even thought about ending any worlds! Hay, by the time I was through with it, it wouldn't even be able to end a sentence!

What do you mean, 'if there was no way to fight it?' There's always a way, you know that. No worlds are gonna end on my watch, I'll tell you that!


I would throw the biggest party ever! There would be balloons, and streamers, and all different sorts of cakes, and games, and there would be a big banner that says, 'Happy Birthday, Celestia!' and I would—

Oh, ohh! You said the 'end of the world,' I get it! For a minute I thought you were talking about... nevermind.

Well, I would have to throw an even biggerest party, then! I mean, if it's Equestria's last party, then it has to be something spectacular, right? There'd be all that stuff I just said, but even more of it, and I would invite everyone—not just everypony, but every single creature in the world, because it's their world ending, too, and we would have music, and dancing, and we would rock on into the end of the world!


That sounds scary, Twilight. I don't know what I would do.

I guess first I would make sure all my animal friends were all right. I don't think I could stand it if they were uncomfortable when... when it would happen. I would have to say goodbye to Mr. Mouse, and Mrs. Mouse, and Harry, and Angel, and...

Oh, thank you for the tissue, Twilight.

Um, after saying goodbye, I think I would probably hide under my bed and just hope whatever's ending the world doesn't find me. I'm sorry, that's probably not a very good answer, is it?


Ain't never thought on that before. What would I do if I knew it all ended tomorrow?

I reckon I'd want to spend as much time as I could with my friends and family. It don't matter what we'd do, so long as we'd be together. I'd tell Big Mac, Apple Bloom and Granny that I love 'em, and I'd make sure you girls all knew I think the world of ya. Hay, I'd probably end up goin' out and buckin' a few trees just to get my mind off of it.

Heh, shucks. Come to think of it, I just described what I do every day anyway. I s'pose the world endin' wouldn't change a darn thing for me!


This will be my final research entry. Attached to this booklet are all of my notes over the last five years. Their topics vary widely, from astronomy and magic theory to my friendship studies and a few agricultural records. In addition, I have compiled as much useful knowledge as I could find as would be relevant to re-building society. I intend to send these notes ten years into the future in the hopes that, if there are any survivors, they can use this knowledge.

To whoever finds this, I wish you luck. I hope you succeed, and when you build your new civilization, I hope it is founded on the principles of friendship and harmony.

This is what I do with the last day of Equestria.

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