• Published 15th Oct 2013
  • 5,800 Views, 377 Comments

Thirty Days, Thirty Twilights - Esle Ynopemos

A daily-updated collection of short stories featuring the loveliest of lavender librarians.

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Bonus #4: Needs More Omniship [Romance]

((Prompt: No prompt. Free writing.))

“Just a little more cucumber, darling.”

Twilight paused, six half-made sandwiches floating before her. “They've got enough cucumbers, Rarity. We'd have to cut up another cucumber to add more, and then we would have half a cucumber left and it would spoil.”

Rarity was in the midst of her own preparations for the picnic, repairing the checkered blanket, but it hadn't stopped her from peeking over Twilight's shoulder. “Or you could cut up the whole cucumber, and we would all have extra. Pinkie, you agree with me, don't you? Three slices do not a cucumber sandwich make.”

Pinkie Pie looked up from the balloon she was inflating, letting all the air out of it in the process. “They look pretty dinky, Twilight. Maybe you should add more. Or maybe some banana peppers. Ooh! What about a daub of peanut butter?”

Twilight's eyes narrowed as she put the tops on all six sandwiches. “Three cucumber slices is plenty. But this isn't about the sandwiches, is it, Rarity?”

“I've no idea what you're talking about, darling.” Rarity feigned disinterest and turned her attention back to her work.

“You think I'm playing favorites,” Twilight said. “You think I've been spending too much time with Applejack.”

Rarity huffed. “I was implying nothing of the sort! I was only trying to help. But if you're so eager to bring up the subject...” Rarity set the blanket and her needles down. “I believe you would do well to remember that we're all supposed to be equals in this relationship. It gets hard to believe you take that idea seriously when every time the rest of us want to do something, you two are off cuddling somewhere.”

“Hey, give Twi a break,” Applejack cut in. “She's worked just as hard as the rest of us combined tryin' to make this thing work. Nopony's givin' you flak for spendin' a bit of extra time with Pinkie.”

Rainbow Dash hovered above their heads. “Oh, big surprise, AJ stepping up to defend her princess. Tell me, how's that purple plot taste while you're kissing it?”

Applejack's teeth ground together. “Why you little...”

Fluttershy cowered in the corner. “Girls, stop fighting. Please.” Pinkie Pie stepped closer to her and put a hoof on her back.

“Applejack, stop,” Twilight said, a brief wisp of her magic tugging the farm pony back by her tail. “Rainbow's right, I don't need you to defend me.” She turned a cold glare towards Rarity. “If Rarity's got something to say, she should just say it to my face, not spread it around behind my back.”

Rarity pressed a hoof to her chest. “I never! The thought that you would insinuate that I—”

“But you do, Rarity,” Fluttershy murmured miserably.

Rarity's eyes widened in shock as she spun around. “F-Fluttershy?”

A defiant glare seized the yellow pegasus's face. “You do talk about Twilight behind her back. And Applejack, and Rainbow, and I just get so sick of listening to all of your negativity.”

Pinkie slowly drew her hoof back, her eyes shifting uneasily between Fluttershy and Rarity.

“Wait,” said Rainbow. “What's she saying about me? Rarity, what have you been saying about me?”

Rarity's lips pressed into a thin line. “I see. So that's the shape of it, then?” She stood up abruptly and turned toward the door.

“Rarity, wait!” Pinkie sprang up after her.

Applejack stopped Pinkie Pie with a hoof. “Let her go. If she wants to storm out of here like a drama queen, let her.”

“Like hay!” Rainbow shouted, swooping down in front of Rarity. “She's not leaving 'til she says what she's been saying about me!”

“I said that you were a codependent bundle of self-esteem issues and false bravado, and you're never truly happy unless you can make somepony look worse by comparison!” Rarity snapped.

Rainbow fell back on her haunches, mouth hanging open. “I... I...”

“Girls,” Twilight said slowly, “I think it's time that we end this little experiment.”

Applejack's eyes widened. “Twi, you can't mean that!”

“Oho! What, Twilight Sparkle can't finish something she started?” Rarity sneered. “Goodness, that hasn't happened since she was at my place last night! Too tired from bucking Apples all day, I suppose.”

“Stop!” Rainbow shouted. “Stop, I—I can't...” She curled forward, rolling onto her back. “I can't keep a straight face anymore!” She cracked up into fits of laughter. The tension in the room immediately deflated.

Applejack let out a breath she had been holding. “Phew! I wasn't sure how much longer I was gonna last! 'Bucking Apples,' that was a good one, Rarity! I've gotta remember that one!” She nudged Rarity with a hoof.

Rarity smiled demurely. “I try my best, darling. But really, Fluttershy's was the star performance of the evening. Why, I half believed I had been spreading nasty rumors, given the spirited way she stood up to me.”

Fluttershy blushed. “I've been joining Angel's acting classes lately. It's mostly pantomime, but...”

“That was fun! Let's do it again!” Pinkie cheered. She scrunched her face up into an approximation of anger. “Fluttershy! Applejack isn't fat! Why would you say that?”

Twilight shook her head. “Maybe later, Pinkie. For now, we need to get moving or else we're never going to get started on this picnic.”

Rarity tutted softly. “Twilight, dear, I really do think you should cut up one more cucumber for those sandwiches.”

Author's Note:

Not sure if I should add [Comedy] to the tags for this one.

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