• Published 16th Oct 2013
  • 1,937 Views, 5 Comments

Fallout Equestria: The S.A.T.S. Orb - Sparkler

The leaders of Stable-Tec discuss a spell that makes killing easy.

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The S.A.T.S. Orb

Senses return to you, but not your own - the memory orb has taken hold, its recording overriding your own body. The body you come to is a unicorn of very slight frame - and a mare, if only due to the elegant dress she is wearing. The blue and gold are markedly out of place in this building of grey and white and oil-black. The pegasus walking next to you is in a more businesslike outfit, but from the brief glances you catch, she's comfortable around your host - her pace lazy and relaxed. The mare you're coming up to suits the place - except for bandages at the knees, she's wearing little more than grease smudges and a devil-may-care grin.

"Thanks for coming, girls," she greets you, waving a hoof as she dives under a control panel again, kicking a little as she gets resituated. "Just let me reconnect this monitor, the cables on these things are always fallin' out."

"Sure thing, Apple Bloom," the pegasus at your side says, taking a step forwards. She's built stronger than even the earth mare, but she has to have the smallest wings you've ever seen on a pegasus.

"It's always great to see you," your host says, her dulcet voice just as out of place in the industrial grime as her dress. "Now, what's all the fuss about?"

"Well, it's the guard robot issues." The earth mare - Apple Bloom - says, as she rolls out from under the cabinet. "Oh hey, Scootaloo," she says as she looks up to the pegasus. "Have you had any success with the Steel Sentinel project?"

"Well... no," the pegasus says, rubbing behind her head. "They still have task decision issues - they'll randomly just start wandering, and they don't know why. The guys have some great ideas involving brains, though..."

"Brains?" Both the earth mare and your host make a face at the same time.

"What? Brains learn!"

"... that's kind of creepy, Scootaloo."

"Oh?" Her wings ruffle up, and she frowns. "Well, what have you done?"

Apple Bloom grins widely. "That's why I called y'all," she smiles, as she rears back up. "C'mere, take a look at the screen. We got a demo for ya. Ya know those Pip-Bucks that we're sellin'?"

"Well, duh," your host says. "They're basically the only business Stable-Tec is doing while we work on the demo stable."

"Well, it turns out they're even more powerful than we first figured. I have to give it to you hiring him, Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom says, nodding in your direction. "Button Mash knows his stuff."

Your host gives a smug little grin, but steps up. "So what you have to show us has to do with Pip-Bucks?"

"Everything. And nothing. It's not the platform," Apple Bloom says, as she turns a dial on the imposing command board, making it hum to low life. "It's the spell we got runnin' on it."

"And what spell is that?"

"C'mere. Look at the monitor," she says, waving at a grainy black-and-white screen. Your host and the pegasus crane their necks, while Apple Bloom slides over to a microphone. "Hey, Rumble."

"Yeah?" The voice on the microphone is clipped, and there's a grunt followed by the jinging. "Hold up, this security barding's heavy."

"No can do. Demo time is now," Apple Bloom says as she throws a switch. On the monitor, the dimly lit room comes alive in a series of rotating alarm lights and hydraulically operated targets swinging up. "Randomized test pattern. Bring up S.A.T.S. and go for speed."

There's a brief curse of surprise over the line, then it drops as a pegasus in dark padded armor steps into the camera. In his teeth he grips a jointed baton, and he tosses his head back.

"That's the Eyes Forward Sparkle," Apple Bloom beams. "Even in dark or hazy conditions, just toss your head like that and you can see who's around you."

On the screen, the armored pegasus ran up to a hydraulic target. A practiced toss of his head, and the baton struck it, making. On the control panel, a red lamp winked out.

"Hey," your host shouts, pointing a hoof. "Why's he running past some of them?"

The earth mare grins. "Target identification. Each target is marked 'ally' or 'enemy' at random - and S.A.T.S. lets him tell the difference. That was the best part of this demo. Even if a stable goes dark, no risk of hitting anypony but an agress'r that way."

"Aggressor," your host corrects. But next to your host, Scootaloo flutters her wings.

"So, you've got a spell telling us who to shoot. Okay," she says, rolling her eyes. She turns to the screen, just like your host, as the test pony swings at another target, the baton striking the plywood pony at a painted knee.

"Button Mash's breakthrough, however, was the 'analysis' spell. Every sparkle indicates a chance to strike, based on how fast you move and how fast the target moves. Now, these plywood ponies aren't dodgin' too much, but watch," Apple Bloom says excitedly, as another strike takes a plywood pony at its plywood flank, making another red lamp wink off. "Maximized hit chances means fewer missed swings. And that makes a fight quick an' simple."

"Best thing - we've even got a DMG rating for each attack."

Your host tilts her head, curious. "DMG?"

Apple Bloom nods. "That's the spell he's proudest of. Basically, it calculates the percent chance that each attack disables a target. Now, for this simulation, all the targets are simulating ponies for S.A.T.S., so he's going after the 'legs'." Apple Bloom lifts her hoof to point at the screen, as Rumble takes another swing, the jointed baton amplifying the toss of his head as it strikes just above the training dummy's shoulders. "And 'head'. Since he's using a baton, either could result in a quick takedown - and instead of having to guess, he's got the exact numbers."

The three fillies watch as their test 'guard' swung three times more in quick succession, causing two more red links to blink off. "It's about making combats short, clean - instead of long and brutal. Hit chance times DMG results in speedy disables, and universal IFF prevents friendly fire, bringing combat to a swift end."

"Fighting at maximum efficiency. Okay." Scootaloo rolls her eyes. "Can't see how that could go wrong, not at all."

Apple Bloom's eyes open wide. "What d'ya mean?"

"Well, that last part you just snuck right in there. 'Universal IFF'." Scootaloo sighs. "So, Apple Bloom, tell us: How does it decide who to kill?"

"Kill?" Apple Bloom looks insulted. "It's not about killing at all! This is so security ponies can keep their wits calm and collected in the stable. They don't have to spend their entire lives trainin' to fight - they can do it when they need to. This way, even in case of intrusion or riot, they can stop it."

Your host seems to shy, although she soon brings herself back to a prim and proper pose, taking a deep breath before she continues. "- and so the Ministry of Wartime Technologies can more efficiently point their new toys."

Apple Bloom looks at Sweetie Belle, blinking. "You mean... y'know?"

Scootaloo blinks. "Know? Know what?" She turns to Apple bloom, squinting - but your host immediately notices that her lip is quivering, as she whispers. "Apple Bloom... what did you do?"

"I... uhm..." The mare stammers, as on the screen behind her, Rumble takes his final swing - decapitating a training dummy with one fierce swing coming up underneath a wooden jaw. "I... it was Applejack, really. They've got a 'passive defense' system but they wanted an 'active defense' system t'compliment it, so-"

In a blur, the tiny wings have alit, and Scootaloo is slamming Apple Bloom up into the wall, making your host scream in surprise. With eyes narrowed, Scootaloo shoves Apple Bloom until the larger mare is trapped up against a wall, gasping for breath. Snarling, Scootaloo screams again, pushing in with every word: "What. Did. You. Do?"

Apple Bloom lifts her hooves up to her neck, trying to pull Scootaloo off her neck. A look of horror crosses Scootaloo's face when Apple Bloom rasps, releasing the earth mare - her eyes now full of tears.

"We're licensed. We'll be producing Pip-Buck motherboards to introduce into her projects. Armor, mostly."

"Armor?" Your host speaks up, curious. "What sort of armor?"

"Magical," Apple Bloom says. "The details are top secret even t'me, but... it's supposed to stand up to any bullet. Instead of just pilin' on more weight, Applejack wanted something to make them take less shots - don't need armor if you aren't getting hit. And these Pip-Buck-" She takes a moment to clear her throat again- "These motherboards, running Stable-Tec Universal IFF, are just the thing to do it."

Scootaloo frowns. "And this thing can run on - what. A specialized pipbuck?"

Apple Bloom clears her throat, and squeaks awkwardly before she speaks up. "It will run on the next production run. Button Mash and his team has already incorporated both SATS and the EFS into the 2000-series operating spell-"

Scootaloo screams, and rears up, raising her hooves as if to strike. Apple Bloom coils up, screaming - but instead, Scootaloo strikes the panel next to her, which pops off and clatters to the floor with the sound of metal on concrete. "Great. So now every filly, colt, and foal in Equestria can have their own murder-by-the-numbers tool on their arm." She turns to your host, and growls. "And you told me this was so everypony could have a radio."

"I-" Your host stammers, and shies again, shaking her head quickly. "I- it was! But we needed a computer t' miniaturize the radio enough to get it to work on a hoof, so it's useful for lotsa things-"

"You could have trusted me," Scootaloo says, her voice growing lower. "The cybercanine project - it was making steps. Guard dogs," she says, throwing her hooves out. "They're loyal. And we were using ... real brains. They would have been able to live with their Stable family forever, and keep every-- everypony..."

"... safe."

Scootaloo take one step towards your host, and she flinches. However - Scootaloo stops, and scruches up her face, closing her eyes.

"We didn't start for this." Scootaloo turns to face your host, then Apple Bloom, before hanging her head again. "This is so far beyond construction that it's... it's..."

There's a pause, words gone unsaid between the three - unfortunately, memory orbs don't record thoughts, leaving you adrift in the body of a sniffling mare. Your host, however, soon takes a few steps, and wraps a hoof around Scootaloo. Your host looks up to Apple Bloom quickly, and they share a slight nod, the earth mare helping to hug Scootaloo.

"You know... there is one advantage to S.A.T.S. versus a cybercanine," your host says, one hoof giving a gentle squeeze. When Scootaloo turns to face your host, she smiles widely.

"A cybercanine is giving a weapon the ability to fire itself. But with S.A.T.S... there's still a pony that has to pull the trigger. The spell doesn't control their minds. It's still ponies making the choice, Scootaloo."

For a moment, the pegasus nods, and almost seems about to smile. But then, something crosses her eyes, and she frowns again.

"Pull the trigger? Wait a minute. Apple Bloom," she says, as she pulls the earth mare tighter. "Does S.A.T.S. - does it work with firearms?"

Both your host and Apple Bloom blanche as they look at each other; your host bites her lip, as Apple Bloom faces Scootaloo. "Ah... yeah. Yeah, we've had live fire tests before. Not quite as fast but it still works."

"This... this is... that's it, then." Scootaloo says, shuddering. "I can't be part of this anymore. We're..." She shudders, and looks up to Apple Bloom, as if pleading. "Don't you see? It's not about - about weapons, or even killing. I - I know you have to kill, sometimes. But it's... it's about how easy it will all be. Look around. Choose the most likely. Make them die. Repeat. Ponies in the middle of a battlefield, killing-" She shakes her head, and sighs. "Just as easily as... as having dinner. And in super-duper armor, no less - which further minimizes the-the maximizing. It'll all become so - routine!" A deep shudder, and a ragged breath. "That's not us. Stable-Tec saves ponies. And if this is what... what we're doing... then I'm sorry, girls. I'm out."

For a moment, there's only the sound of breathing, as the three mares just cling to each other. Eventually, however, Apple Bloom speaks up.

"Don't you want to know?"

Scootaloo lifts her head, and turns away from you, facing Apple Bloom. "Know what?"

"The most important part," she says, with a weak smile. "What we got in return."

Both your host and Scootaloo look into her eyes now, two pairs of ears swiveling to face her. "And... what was it?"

Apple Bloom's smile becomes a bit wider. "Thirty."

Your host's jaw drops, and for once, she beats Scootaloo to the punch. "Thirty million bits? That won't even keep the lights around here for more than a year'r so-"

"Not bits, silly filly. Stables."

Now Scootaloo's jaw drops, as well. "Stables? You mean... they agreed? But we haven't finished the demo stable yet!"

"We don't need to - well, we can still try for private investors," Apple Bloom smiles. "But Applejack agreed to this herself. Thirty stables for initial delivery - she gets first dibs on the placement of the first two - and another stable a year after that in licensing fees. The orders will keep coming, and we'll have lots ready if doomsday comes."

Your host shakes her head. "When."

Both of Sweetie Belle's companions look to her. She clears her throat, and continues:

"It's almost certain, at this point. Our economies are eating themselves. Equestria can't continue without Zebrican coal. Zebrica can't continue without Equestrian gems. Shots are already being fired, up and down the coast. Eventually, somewhere, it's going to come inland." Your host laughs. "Whether land forces or just remotely. Both sides can do it now - we have megaspells, they have balefire. Somewhere along the line, somepony'll think it necessary. And then-" Your host waves her hoof, as if shaking. "Poof. Game over."

"Wait a minute, Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom says, squinting at you. "How are you so certain?"

"Because rapid escalation makes the biggest profits on the spreadsheets. Royal stipends causing massive industrial rampup to maximum capacity up and down the coasts, requiring a supply chain from Dodge Junction to Detrot and all the way to the front, with profit to be made along the way. These goods, by definition, are fed by a consumable that is absolutely required to continue functioning, causing permanent increase in base income, making it easier to expand development and shovel down profit. War is great for business." Sweetie Belle says. "I know it's what I would do."

The other two face you in horror, but your host continues.

"So. We can't compete there. They've sewn up the competition for bits, and all it cost was a war. Let's define profit in a different way. We'll mark our ledgers in survivors," your host says. "Right now, Apple Bloom, your little stunt might have made killing easy - yes, Apple Bloom, this is on you - but there are thousands of ponies out there with computing cutie marks. It was going to happen anyways. Heck, somepony else might be working on it right now."

"But... if the end is inevitable," Scootaloo says, wilting, "Why even bother?"

"Because of the goals," your host says, exasperation in her voice. "There's ten thousand companies trying to profit from the war, six ministries trying to end the war, and only the three of us trying to save ponies. Apple Bloom," she says, looking the yellow mare in the eyes. "What's the capacity of a Mark I vault?

"Mark I? Uhm..." Apple Bloom scratches her head. "Ah... about a thousand. Twelve hundred fifty if you count the leeway for population expansion and system failure."

"A thousand. Great. That's a thousand in Canterlot, or in Seaddle, or in Manehattan, that will make it. Add another twenty-seven sites, all over Equestria. Apple Bloom, you just saved thirty thousand ponies."

"And a thousand a year more," she says, smiling happily. "That's dozens of families."

"I wouldn't count on getting too much in licensing fees," your host says wryly, as she looks the pegasus in the eyes. "But I can count on one of us to stick with it, until we give out."

The memory orb's illusion starts to fade, and your own sensations are taking hold, but you can still make out your host raising Scootaloo's hoof in hers, their eyes meeting each other. The pegasus looks unsure, as if she could fly at any moment, but she isn't looking away. "Please, Scootaloo. You have to stay. We can't stop this war, but we might still save Equestria..."

Author's Note:

Thanks to Artimae and Eselle for their assistance proofing. Additionally, thanks to /u/meditonsin of Reddit for pointing out the many canon errors - while I'll try to fix them up as best I can, the core precept I based this story on is "Apple Bloom and Scootaloo fight over whether or not it's okay to use the funds from S.A.T.S. to get the vault project off the ground," and this story is mostly about their fighting.

Hopefully I foreshadowed some of what is to come without spoiling it.

Comments ( 5 )

Came for the Pipbucks, stayed for the wartime economics. A little dry for my taste, but I'll give it a like.

Nice. Could almost see this being canon.

An excellent addition. The idea of Button Mash programming S.A.T.S. makes a frightening amount of sense; he just thought in terms of RPG mechanics.

Still, it's a shame that Apple Bloom never did answer how the IFF works.

Ooh, really well done. Loved the characterization too. Kudos! :scootangel:

Characterization was magnificent. As Scootaloo says at some point in the original, through an Orb: "Sometimes, you just have to become the villain of the piece."

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