• Published 19th Oct 2013
  • 5,478 Views, 172 Comments

Fleeting Romance - Sketchy Changeling

A human college student meets one of the Wonderbolts. Can they hit it off? Will it last?

  • ...

Final Chapter: Let the Games Begin!

This. Is the longest chapter. I've EVER. Written.

“Wish us luck,” Blaze said as she and Misty Fly were about to leave the prep room. The competition’s first event, acrobatics, was about to begin.

“You guys don’t need it,” said Soarin. “Go out there and kill the competition!”

“You got it, Soarin!” Misty said as she and Blaze left the room.

“You think they’re gonna do well?” Cory asked Fleetfoot.

“Well, Blaze has this on lock. I know that for a fact,” said the mare. “As for Misty, this is her first time at this competition, but she’s proven to be a skilled acrobat. She’ll do fine, too, as long as she doesn’t let the pressure get to her.”

“Pressure?” the human asked.

“Well, unlike smaller competitions, this one has the biggest number of attendees every year,” Fleetfoot explained. “I’ve seen ponies break down under the pressure of all those eyes watching them. Misty’s still young, just a year older than you, so I’m a little worried for her.”

“You’re talking as if you’re that much older than her, Fleetfoot,” Cory chuckled.

“I know, but still,” she said, “I can’t help but think that she might crack.”

“It’s not like you to worry this much Fleetie,” Spitfire interrupted. “Has Cory turned you soft?”

“Hell, no!” Fleetfoot said defensively. “What makes you say that!?”

“You’ve never been this worried about a teammate before,” the captain explained. “So you must be turning soft. That or you don’t believe Misty can do this.”

Fleetfoot rolled her eyes. “I’m not falling for it, Spitfire. You just want to get me mad.”

Spitfire smiled. “Damn, Fleetie. I never thought you’d catch on that quick.”

“I only let you get away with it because I know it’s your way of keeping your nerves under control,” Fleetfoot said, which made Soarin laugh loudly.

“Shut up, Soarin!” Spitfire said, not noticing how red her face was. No one could tell whether it was from embarrassment or anger.

Probably a combination of both.

Just then, Instant Replay, the announcer on the TV, said something that caught everyone’s attention.

“Representing the Wonderbolts in the Acrobatics event, give a round of applause for Blaze and Misty Fly!!!”

Everyone’s heads turned to the TV when the announcer said those very words. The first thing they saw was Blaze and Misty flew out of their starting area and up into the sky. As they did their routine, Fleetfoot looked at Misty carefully, and was surprised at what she saw.

Misty was totally composed. She showed no signs of nervousness at all. Even with all those eyes watching her, the young mare seemed calm, almost too calm. In fact, she looked as though she was enjoying the fact that everypony was looking at her, like it was fueling her fire. By the time the routine ended, Blaze and Misty Fly were both winded, and they were awaiting their scored from the judges. The event was being scored on a one to ten scale, with ten being the best, of course.

The first judge raised her scorecard. Nine.

The second judge raised his scorecard. Nine.

The third judge took a while, but he finally made his decision and raised his scorecard.


Fleetfoot, Spitfire, Rapidfire, Soarin, and Cory cheered from inside the prep room. No team in the history of the competition had EVER gotten a ten from the third judge. Not only did Blaze and Misty take the lead in the event, but they made history.

The Wonderbolts continued to score first for the next two events. Soarin and Rapidfire annihilated the other competitors in the endurance event, and Spitfire’s time in the recovery event was a competition record.

Then it came down to Fleetfoot’s event: the obstacle course. By then, Fleetfoot had gotten back into her aggressive state again. She had been pounding away at a punching bag for the past five minutes, and Cory took the risk to approach her to see if she was okay.

“You alright?” he asked.

“Alright?” she asked back. “I’m more than alright. I’m friggin’ PUMPED!!! I am so ready for the obstacle course! Bring it on!”

Cory chuckled nervously. “Heh-heh, I’m glad you’re not nervous.”

“Why would I be?”

“Well, because twenty minutes ago you told me that you were…” Cory reminded worriedly. Did Fleetfoot really not remember that she was nervous? This “aggressive state” of hers seemed more and more like a real psychological thing that she goes through.

Just then, there was an announcement over the PA system.

“All contestants competing in the Obstacle Course Race please make your way to the starting area. Again, all Obstacle Course contestants report to the starting area, please.”

“That’s all you, Fleetfoot,” said Blaze. “Knock ‘em dead.”

“You know I will,” she said confidently as she strode out of the prep room. Everyone else turned their heads to the TV so that they could see the action.

“I was able to take a look at the course with Fleetfoot earlier,” Spitfire said. “It’s pretty standard for the most part. You got your hoops, your tunnels, and the like, but what concerns me is the final obstacle.”

“What is it?” everyone asked.

Spitfire sighed. “They’ve got automated mini cannons shooting at the competitors.”

“Shooting what?” Soarin asked worriedly

“Rubber discs,” said Spitfire.

“That doesn’t sound too bad,” said Rapidfire.

“It’s worse than you think,” the captain lamented. “The cannons are stationed in a tunnel-like area, and these discs that they’re shooting not only have high elasticity, but they have an almost abnormal ability to ricochet.”

Looks of fear appeared on everyone’s faces when they realized just how dangerous this was.

“So there’s gonna be a bunch of rubber discs bouncing around a tunnel at high speeds!?” Misty asked in disbelief. “What were the officials thinking!?”

“There’s no way this shit’s legal!” said Cory.

“Apparently they’ve tested it and it’s been approved for safety,” Spitfire explained.

“’Approved for safety’ my flank!” Soarin objected. “Somepony could really get hurt in there!”

“It’s not like there’s anything we can do about it now,” Spitfire reminded everyone. “The event’s gonna to start in less than two minutes, so all we can do now is hope.”

Everyone looked at the TV with mixed expressions of worry, frustration, and most of all, hope.

“The Obstacle Course event is about to begin!” said the referee. “Contestants on your marks! Get seeeeeeeet…”


The referee’s horn shot out a gunshot-like blast of magic and all the contestants, including Fleetfoot, took off, and the Instant Replay gave his commentary on the event.

“The racers are approaching the first obstacle, Gauntlet of Hoops, an arrangement of moving rings that each racer has to fly through. Now remember, folks, for every ring that a racer misses, there will be a one-second penalty to that racer’s time.”

Fleetfoot narrowed her eyes and focused on each hoop as it came to her. Thanks to her petite figure, she was able to swoop through each and every hoop with the greatest of ease.

“Don’t forget, everypony,” the announcer reminded, “there’s a hidden gold hoop that will grant the team whose racer passes through it a special bonus that will be revealed after the final relay race concludes and the scores have been tallied.”

Fleetfoot didn’t need a reminder; her mind was already set on finding and clearing that gold hoop. While one half of her concentration was on the normal hoops, the other half was fixated on finding the golden hoop. Fleetfoot finally found what she was looking for; the golden hoop was the last hoop of the course, on the lower left-hand corner, which was a blind spot for most pegasi.

For Fleetfoot, though, the position of that hoop couldn’t have been clearer.

“Aaaaand Fleetfoot makes it through the hoop, leading the pack after the first obstacle!”

Everyone in the Wonderbolts’ prep room cheered, and the watched as Fleetfoot made her way through the second obstacle, the artificial clouds.

“You can feel the tension in the air as the racers zoom through these artificially made clouds, generated thanks to technology provide by PonyTech, Inc.,” Instant Replay announced, squeezing in that last bit for the sake of endorsement.

Cory rolled his eyes at the lack of subtlety. Then again, when is endorsement ever subtle?

No one could see who was where thanks to the thickness of the clouds, but a few racers fell out of them when they collided. Thankfully, Fleetfoot wasn’t among them, so she was still in the race. Finally, three racers made it out of the clouds, and while Fleetfoot was one of them, there was one racer in front of her.

“Crap! Fleetfoot’s in second!” Soarin exclaimed.

“Don’t count her out yet,” Spitfire reassured him. “There’s still that last obstacle.”

“With only three contestants left in this event, the race moves on to the final obstacle, the Disc Cannons of Death!!!”

The name did little to ease Cory and the Wonderbolts’ worry.

“This deadly tunnel of disc-firing, motion-detecting cannons is the most dangerous obstacle we’ve ever had in the history of this event!” the announcer yelled with unnecessary bravado. “Will our three remaining racers survive this gauntlet of terror!”

“Forget the others,” Cory thought. “I just hope Fleetfoot survives.”

When the three remaining racers made it into the tunnel, the cannons immediately activated and started shooting. It started off simply enough, with only a few discs rebounding across the tunnel. However, the cannons just kept shooting, and the tunnel was soon overrun with the rubbery projectiles. It became apparent that the longer one stayed in that chamber, the less safe it was to stay in there.

It was at this point that Fleetfoot started to fear for her safety.

“Dammit!” she thought vehemently. “Trying to dodge these things is becoming a hassle, and it’s only gonna get worse! Not only that, but I’m STILL in second place!”

Just then, a disc came flying at Fleetfoot from behind and-


The disc hit the unfortunate pegasus in the back. Thankfully, Fleetfoot wasn’t that pegasus. She was lucky enough to fly downward and dodge it since she was trying to avoid another disc that was coming at her from another direction. When she ducked, though, the disc hit the racer in front of her, causing him to crash and allowing the small Wonderbolt to take the lead.

“Thank Celestia that wasn’t me,” she thought. “The exit is up close, now all I have to do is make sure the guy behind me doesn’t pass me.”

Fleetfoot continued to duck and weave through the onslaught of projectiles. She was going to make it; she was in the clear. But then…


Just as Fleetfoot was about to cross the finish line, a disc struck the tip of her left wing. “Fuck!” she quietly cursed. She tried to recover as best as she could, but she knew that it wouldn’t work, so she just tried to stay airborne long enough to cross the finish line.

“And Fleetfoot finishes first, earning the Wonderbolts another first place win!” Instant Replay declared. “Oh! What’s this? Fleetfoot is down. That last disc must have done more than just graze her!”

A pair of medics flew down to get Fleetfoot to the medical ward while several more medics went inside the tunnel to retrieve the pegasus that was struck down earlier.

Meanwhile, everyone in the Wonderbolts’ prep room, especially Spitfire, Rapidfire, and Cory, were in a panic. They all rushed to the medical ward to see their injured teammate, except for Misty Fly, who was told by Spitfire to check on the team’s standing in the competition with Fleetfoot’s injury. When they got there, they saw that their small companion was already patched up, with a bandage on the tip of her left wing. Everyone clamored over her, asking various question about her condition.

“I’m fine, I’m fine!” Fleetfoot insisted, waving her hands in front of her.

“Can you fly?” Cory asked.

“I don’t know,” she answered. “Let me see.” Fleetfoot started to flap her wings as she got herself airborne, but she suddenly winced in pain and lowered herself down.

“Shit,” Spitfire cursed.

“Bad news guys,” Misty announced as she returned from talking to the competition officials. “The ponies upstairs said that if Fleetfoot is too injured to participate in the team relay, then we’re disqualified.”

“WHAT!?” everyone yelled in outrage.

“Yeah… Remember the pony that got knocked down by one of those disks earlier? He suffered a severe fracture in his wing along with some damage to his ribs, so his team is out of the running.”

“That is such bullshit!” Spitfire objected. “Those cannons shouldn’t even be legal, dammit!”

“It’s fine, Spitfire,” Fleetfoot reassured. “I’m still gonna race.”

“Are you crazy!?” Rapidfire asked incredulously. “That wing of yours is gonna get worse!”

“He’s right,” Blaze agreed. “As much as this competition means to us, we can’t have you risking your health. You were lucky enough to get off with just a scratch compared to what could have happened.”

“Participating in the relay is a bad idea,” Cory added. “The last thing I want, the last thing any of us want, is for you to get hurt.”

“I’m not gonna drag this team down because of a small injury,” the small mare persisted. “If I race, and we lose the competition, so be it, but I’ll be damned if we lose by forfeit.”

Everyone looked at Fleetfoot and saw the intensity in her eyes. Deep down, they knew that they couldn’t change her mind.

“Fine,” Spitfire conceded. “We’ll continue on to the last event. We’ll have to figure out, where to put you, though.”

“We could put her first and get it over with,” Soarin suggested, “then we can pick up the slack.”

“It’ll be a lot of slack to pick up though,” Cory countered. “Maybe she should go last, and then everypony else can cover as much ground as they can so Fleetfoot won’t have to exert as much effort in the final stretch.”

The Wonderbolts considered Cory’s idea for a moment, wondering if it was the best course of action.

“Cory’s right,” Rapidfire said, shocking everyone else for the second time that day. “We’ll put Fleetfoot last in our lineup and do most of the work for her. Then, all she has to do is make sure none of the other teams catch up to her.”

“It does make sense…” Misty Fly agreed, and the other Wonderbolts nodded their heads in compliance.

“It’s decided then,” said Spitfire. “We’re still in this thing.”

“We’ve finally reached the final event of the competition folks, the team relay race is about to get underway!” the announcer said. “Before we get started, though, let’s take a moment to remind the folks at home about how the teams are scored.”

Cory sighed as he sat in the Wonderbolts’ pit and listened to Instant Replay’s explanation.

“After each event, the teams earn points based on how well they did in that event. For example, the team that won first place in an event will receive ten points while the team that placed second will receive only eight or nine points. At the end of the competition, we add up all the points that each team has earned, and that will decide our winner! For the final event, I have a special guest commentator with me. Please welcome veteran flyer Contrail!”

“Thanks for having me here, Replay,” said the veteran.

“So, Contrail, so far the Wonderbolts have earned first place in every event. Do you think they’ll be able to relax a little during this event?”

“Not likely. This event weighs heavily point-wise, so while the Wonderbolts don’t need to win first place in this event, they can’t place any lower than second if they want enough points to win.”

“You heard the stallion, folks! The Wonderbolts can’t let their guard down for a second, but can they pull through when one of their fastest flyers had an injured wi-”

Just then, the TV shut off.

“You don’t need to hear that, Cory,” Soarin said as he patted him on the shoulder. “Fuck what they say. We’re gonna win this.”

Cory smiled up at him and said “You’re right. I shouldn’t worry.”

Soon, an announcement played over the PA system.

“All starting racers please make your way to the starting line.”

“I guess that’s me,” said Blaze as she made her way to the track. “I’ll try to keep the others from getting ahead of me.”

“We all will,” Spitfire smiled.

Cory looked up at the giant monitor over the track, which displayed the lineups for each team, including the Wonderbolts. Blaze was first, then Misty Fly, then Rapidfire, then Soarin, then Spitfire, and finally Fleetfoot. Once the first racers in the lineup left, the following racers had to get into position for their lap of the race. Cory decided to sit right next to Fleetfoot and help her wing heal as fast as it could in the short amount of time that they had.

The referee prepared his horn so that he could start the race. “The final team relay race is about to begin!” he yelled. “Contestants on your marks! Get seeeeeeeet…”


Every single racer took off and flew as fast as they could, while the next racers in the lineup, Misty included, took their places at the starting line. As the first batch of competitors zoomed down the track, Cory was in deep thought.

“Okay, so the track is a standard figure eight, and the average lap time is two and a half minutes, so that gives us about… twelve-and-a-half minutes before Fleetfoot’s lap starts.”

Just then, Cory felt a warm hand take hold of his, and looked up to see Fleetfoot smiling at him warmly.

“Don’t worry about me,” she said. “I’ll be fine.”

“Okay,” he sighed.

So the minutes passed as each of the Wonderbolts taking their turns in the race. Cory kept a soothing ice pack on Fleetfoot’s wing tip all the while. Soon, it was Spitfire’s turn, and when she took off, Fleetfoot had to get into position.

“Wish me luck,” she said to Cory as she got up to leave, but before she left, she turned around and kissed him softly on the lips.

“Good luck,” Cory said as Fleetfoot made her way to the track.

Cory looked up at the race monitor and found a reason to smile; Spitfire was way ahead of the pack, and was nearing the end of the lap while the other teams were only halfway there. She could see Fleetfoot at her position and tagged her when she caught up to the small mare, prompting Fleetfoot to take off and fly as fast as she could without straining her wing.

“And the Wonderbolts make it to their final lap, but it seems that Fleetfoot isn’t going at her top speed,” Instant Replay announced.

“She’s most likely doing this to keep from straining her injury,” Contrail commented. “On top of that, she’s way ahead of the other teams, so there’s no need for her to go all out just yet. You have to commend her dedication.”

“I know! She’s risking her health for the sake of her team. Talk about martyrdom!”

“I don’t think that’s a good use of the word ‘martyrdom’,” Cory mentally argued. “She is making quite the sacrifice, though.”

Fleetfoot was doing well at first, but when she reached the track’s halfway point…

“Oh! And the other teams have finally begun their final lap!”

“Shit!” Fleetfoot mentally cursed. “I need to haul flank!”

The mare started to flap her wings a little harder, and she picked up speed.

“Looks like Fleetfoot is starting to get serious now that the other teams are on her tail.”

“Sweet Celestia, will you shut the fuck up!?” she thought, annoyed. She looked behind her and saw two of the other racers turning the corner behind her; she looked ahead of her and saw that she was about to turn the final corner.

“Okay,” she thought, “after this turn, I’m gonna give it my all, regardless of how much it hurts.”

Fleetfoot finally made it to the final stretch, and she immediately started going at full speed. She was surprised, at first, because she didn’t feel any pain…

But then it came at her like a ton of bricks.

“AGH!” she yelled as she felt her wing writhe. She struggled to recover, but eventually got it back together. Because of that, her speed went down significantly. Fleetfoot looked behind her and saw that the two racers that were on her tail were now even closer, and the finish line was so close.

“Crap!” she thought at she tried to speed up just a little bit. “C’mon wings! At least give me enough power to place second!”

Fleetfoot tried as hard as she could to make it to the finish line first. She felt her opponents gaining on her with each passing second, but she was so close to the finish line. She still had a chance!

“Come on, come on, come on come on come oooooooooooooon!”

“And it’s a photo finish! That was way too close to call!” Instant Replay said. “Somepony roll the recap!”

A video appeared on the monitor hanging over the middle of the track. Fleetfoot was just about to cross the finish line when the two racers that were behind her had caught up. They both passed her before she could make it.

Fleetfoot placed third.

Once all the other teams finished, their scores were tallied up and the final results were revealed.

The Wonderbolts lost by two points.

By this time, Fleetfoot had already made it to the team pit, where her teammates and Cory were waiting for her. She fell to her knees, but it wasn’t because her legs were tired. She had barely used them.

Her spirit was broken.

Fleetfoot didn’t even pay any mind to the aching pain in her left wing. It was small compared to the feeling of letting down your teammates.

And it was microscopic compared to the feeling of letting down the one you loved.

“It’s okay, Fleetie,” Spitfire said. “It wasn’t your fault. You did your best.”

“Yeah, you did great out there,” Rapidfire assured.

Fleetfoot looked up at everyone, and her gaze focused on Cory. “I didn’t win, Cory,” she said with a barely audible voice.

“I don’t care about that,” he told her. “My opinion of you won’t change just because you lost a stupid race, and I’m definitely not gonna stop loving you because of that, either.”

Cory got out of his seat and walked over to the melancholic mare. “Besides,” he said, “this isn’t over yet.”

Everypony looked at him with confused faces.

“Remember the obstacle course?” he asked them. “Fleetfoot flew through the golden hoop, and they said that that would grant a special bonus to our team. We still have a chance.”

The looks on everypony’s faces changed from confusion, to understanding, and then hope.

“Alright folks, those are the scores, but we have one last thing to do before declaring the winner!” Instant Replay announced. “During the obstacle course, Fleetfoot of the Wonderbolts found and cleared the golden hoop, which granted her team a special bonus, and that bonus is…”

Everyone looked at the monitor intently, hoping for a miracle.

“Three whole points added to their total score!”

When those words, were said, the monitor immediately added the three points to the Wonderbolts’ score, giving them the lead by one point.

“And with this surprise bonus, the champions of Equestria’s National Flying Competition are the Wonderbolts!!!”

Everyone in the Wonderbolts’ pit cheered in excitement, and they all went towards the main stage, where Contrail was waiting to present their championship trophy to them. Cory, however, opted to watch from the crowd.

“On behalf of the officials at this competition,” he announced, “it is my honor to present this trophy to you and declare you this year’s Champions!”

Spitfire accepted the trophy on behalf of the team, and walked over to the lectern to address the audience.

“I… I don’t know what to say,” she admitted. “I could go on about how we had a plan and how we knew we were going to win from the start, but the truth is, we had no idea what would happen. What we did know was that we were either going to win with dignity or leave with our heads held high, and because we didn’t give up, even when things seemed bleak, we were able to win. I’m not gonna stand here and take all the credit, because I have a great team behind me. There are some things that I can’t do that these guys could to in their sleep, and I’m lucky to have them with me.”

Spitfire looked back at her teammates as the crowd cheered, and then she looked back at the crowd, the crowd that continued to cheer. She stepped down from the lectern and returned to her team, but then the crowd started to chant a certain name.


The mare that they were chanting for widened her eyes in surprise. Usually when the crowd called out a name, it would be either Soarin’s or Spitfire’s. Fleetfoot apprehensively walked up to address the fans, and she began to speak.

“Thanks for all the praise, everypony,” she said. “This really means a lot.”

Just then, somepony from the crowd yelled “How did you do it? How did you get that far with an injured wing?”

Fleetfoot chuckled. “To be honest, I don’t even know. I’d like to think that it was the love my team had for me that I was able to go so far. Hell, they were willing to forfeit for the sake of my health. Just a minute ago, Spitfire said how lucky she was, but I think I’m even luckier.”

“What are you and your fellow Wonderbolts gonna do next?” somepony else shouted.

“Well, that brings me to something I’ve planned on announcing today,” said the mare. She looked at Cory, who she easily spotted in the crowd minutes ago, and then she took a deep breath.

“I’m taking a leave of absence from the Wonderbolts.”

This immediately resulted in an uproar from the audience, but they weren’t boos, they were just concerned yells.

“Don’t worry, I’ll only be gone for a year,” Fleetfoot assured. “There are some personal endeavors that I want to pursue, and I feel like I need a break from the professional flying scene for a while. I’m not sure what will be in store for me over the next year, but whatever happens, I’ll definitely be cheering for my fellow Wonderbolts when next year’s competition rolls around.”

The audience remained quiet for a while, but then it erupted into cheers. Comments like “Good luck” and “We’ll miss you” were being thrown at Fleetfoot as she stepped down and returned to her teammates.

“There you have it, folks!” said Contrail. “Let’s get one more round of applause for the Wonderbolts!”

As if it weren’t impossible, the crowd cheered even louder for the team of pegasi as they left the stage, trophy in hand.

Back in the team’s hotel room, everyone was still basking in the afterglow of victory.

“I can’t believe it…” muttered Misty Fly. “We actually won…”

“Believe it, kid,” Spitfire smiled.

“So, lovebirds, what’s next for you now that Fleetfoot is on leave?” Blaze asked.

“We don’t know,” answered Cory.

“We’ll just make it up as we go,” added Fleetfoot.

“Sounds good,” said Soarin. “Well, I’m gonna go get a celebratory soda. I’m parched!”

When the stallion left the room, though, Spitfire followed after him, making the others raise their eyebrows.

“Hey, Soarin…” she said nervously.

“’Sup, Spitfire,” he answered.

“There’s something that… I want to tell you,”

“I’m listening.”

“Well, after seeing Cory and Fleetfoot. All the things they’ve been through, good and bad, it’s made me think about things for a bit. It’s made me reevaluate some decisions I’ve made and… basically what I’m trying to say is…”

Soarin put a reassuring hand on his captain’s shoulder. “Go ahead. What is it?”

Spitfire took a deep breath and said what she needed to say. “I want to give you another chance. I want to give us another chance.”

Author's Note:


I will be writing an epilogue to this story. I have to. I can't just end it here without showing how everyone went on. That'd be unfair.

Plus, it'd bother me personally, too.

So yeah, expect a short epilogue soon.