• Published 19th Oct 2013
  • 5,477 Views, 172 Comments

Fleeting Romance - Sketchy Changeling

A human college student meets one of the Wonderbolts. Can they hit it off? Will it last?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Where We Stand

“Hello?” Cory answered.

“Hey, it’s me,” said Fleetfoot with a hushed voice. “Can we talk?”

“I was just about to call and ask you the same thing,” he said. “Are you alone?”

“Yeah. I’m on the balcony outside my room,” she answered. “You?”

“On my back porch,” he said.

“Good,” said Fleetfoot. “I was thinking about earlier this afternoon, and… I was wondering if you could meet me at the mountainside spire again tonight, if it’s not too much trouble. I’d rather say what I want to say to your face.”

Cory thought about it. It was an odd request, no doubt, to meet up with Fleetfoot at nine-thirty in the night. Then again, he felt like he had to see her in person, too.

“Okay,” he said with a sigh. “I’ll be there. I have something I want to tell you, too.”

Later that night, Fleetfoot made it to the spire first, and she got increasingly nervous as she waited for Cory to arrive. Meanwhile, Cory was on his way to said location. At that moment, they were both having similar thoughts, and similar fears.

I know what I want to tell him…

I just don’t know how to tell her.

What if he gets nervous again?

What if she laughs at me?

Why am I so worried about this, though?

I mean, we’re just friends, right?

But if that’s the case…

…if we really are just friends…

Then why did I invite him to the mountainside spire at this time of the night?

Cory, in particular, was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he didn’t even notice that he was near the top of the mountainside spire by the time he was done thinking. He shook his head and continued to the top, where he saw Fleetfoot looking off the edge of the balcony.

“Hey,” he said.

The pegasus flinched and turned around in surprise. “Oh, hi…” she said with some relief. “You made it.”

“Like I said I would,” he said as he approached her. “So, do you want to go first? You seemed pretty urgent on the phone.”

“Well, I made you come all the way over here, so why don’t you go first…” she said.

“Okay…” Cory paused, and then he took a deep breath. “Fleetfoot, after what happened today… I’ve been feeling really-”

“Confused?” she finished for him.

“How did you-”

“I’ve been feeling the same way, Cory,” she explained. “All that’s happened today made me think really hard about my feelings. Remember when my wings were stiff and you thought I was cold?”

“Yeah…” he answered, not sure where she was going.

“I wasn’t cold,” she said. “It’s something that happens to pegasi when they’re… excited…”

“Excited?” Cory asked, confused. “You mean-”

“When you weren’t looking, my eyes kind of… lingered on you,” Fleetfoot explained.

“Oh…” Cory said with a blush. Seeing the red on his face reminded Fleetfoot of another thing.

“That reminds me,” she said. “I know you couldn’t see me, but when I was holding you while we were flying, I was blushing, too.”

“You were?”


“So, what does this mean?” Cory asked. “I mean, are we friends, or…”

“I don’t know,” Fleetfoot answered, daring to get closer to Cory. “I mean, I do think you’re a great guy. This is the first time in a long time that I’ve had someone outside the Wonderbolts that I can relate to, so I don’t know if my interest in you comes from that or something else.” She paused for a moment, contemplating whether or not she should say one particular thing on her mind. Deciding that she had nothing to lose, she went for it.

“I do think you’re kinda cute, though…” she said apprehensively, hoping that Cory wouldn’t take offense.

Cory’s face got even redder before he said “I think you’re cute, too…”

“You do?” she asked.

“Yeah, but I’m sure you get that all the time,” he said.

“Not really,” Fleetfoot admitted. “Most of the ‘you’re cute’ comments go to either Misty Fly or Blaze.”

“That’s surprising,” Cory said. “Sometimes, I get a little disappointed when you have to wear your disguise. I really like the way your mane looks normally, and I think that your green eyes are a lot more beautiful than your pink contacts. That’s why I was blushing so much the last time we were here.” By the time he was finished saying this, Cory covered his mouth. Had he gone a little overboard just then?

Fleetfoot looked at him with wide eyes. “You really think so?” she asked, unsure if he was serious or just flattering her.

“Yeah, I do…” Cory said as he looked down at his feet, afraid to look Fleetfoot in the eye.

“Look at me,” she said softly, not wanting to scare him. He complied with her request and looked up at her, and he found himself staring into those green eyes that he found so beautiful. Conversely, Fleetfoot was staring into Cory’s brown eyes. Because they matched his skin tone, his eyes weren’t his most striking feature, but for some reason Fleetfoot got lost in them.

They kept staring at each other; their voices were silent, yet they had so much to say. While their minds were unsure about how they felt for each other, their hearts had somewhat of an idea.

Fleetfoot made the first move. She, albeit apprehensively, wrapped her arms around Cory’s neck, and he made the next move, wrapping his arms around the mare’s waist. They held that position for a moment, each taking in each other’s warmth. Cory savored the felling of Fleetfoot’s soft fur around his neck, while she relished in the sensation of his smooth skin around her exposed sides. They soon started to lean into each other, their lips getting closer and closer…

But at the last second, Cory hesitated and pulled back a bit, still unsure of whether or not this was what he wanted. He saw the surprised look on the mare’s face and decided to try and explain himself.

“Fleetfoot, I don’t know if I-”

Cory’s explanation was halted by Fleetfoot’s lips as she swiftly-yet-gently placed them on his. Her arms pulled him closer to her, making him instinctively reciprocate the action. He eventually closed his eyes, returning the kiss. As the moment went on, many thoughts ran through each of their heads.

Her lips… They’re really soft…

I wonder if I’m the first girl he’s kissed.

I don’t know why, but…

I’m really glad this is happening right now.

Somehow I feel…

like I don’t want this moment to end.

The two finally separate, staring into each other’s eyes again. They didn’t need to say that they liked each other now. The kiss they shared was enough to get that message across.

“I guess we know how we feel about each other now, huh?” Cory asked.

“Uh-huh,” Fleetfoot said with a nod.

“I’m really flattered, you know,” he said. “It’s not often that a guy can say that someone famous has feelings for them. I feel really lucky.”

“Well, I feel pretty lucky myself,” she said.

“How’s that?”

“Well, on the day we met, I was lucky enough to bump into you,” she explained. “Most of the stallions I meet aren’t as sensitive as you. I don’t know if it’s a human thing or if it’s just you.”

“I think it’s just me,” Cory answered, thinking about all the muscle-headed guys he grew up with throughout his childhood.

“I must be luckier than you, then,” Fleetfoot smiled. As much as she wanted to stay with him in her arms and herself in his, she knew that she had to leave him, for now. “I should get going,” she said.

“Me too,” he replied. “I guess I’ll call you tomorrow?”

“Nah, I’ll call you,” she said as she spread her wings. “See you around,” she said before taking off.

Cory looked up at Fleetfoot as she flew away, a smile growing on his face. “Yeah. See you around.”

Even in the dark night sky, Fleetfoot could see the balcony to her hotel room. She lowered herself down, landing gracefully and silently on the floor. Being as quiet as she could be, she slowly opened the sliding glass door and stepped into the room, shutting it behind her just as slowly. She took a glance at Spitfire’s bed. It looked like she was still asleep, and Fleetfoot made an inward sigh. The mare continued to quietly make her way to her bed. She shifted the sheets and began to climb in when-

“Where were you?”

Fleetfoot’s heart stopped for a second when she heard that voice. No way! she thought. I thought Spitfire was asleep. I saw her!

“I heard your voice when you were talking on the phone earlier,” she explained, “but the door was closed so I couldn’t hear exactly what you were saying. If I had to take a guess, though, I’d say it had something to do with that Cory guy.”

Fleetfoot knew that there was no point in lying. “I guess nothing gets past you, huh,” she said.

“I know you don’t want to hear this, especially from me, but I don’t like the sound of this guy,” Spitfire said, plain and simple.

“What do you mean!?” Fleetfoot said, getting offended.

“You’re lying to your teammates just to spend time with him, and then you’re sneaking off at night to see him,” she said, laying out the facts for the smaller mare. “I care about you, Fleetfoot, and I don’t want you throwing your career and your livelihood away just because this guy tells you to.”

“You don’t even know what’s going on, Spitfire!” Fleetfoot said with a hushed yell. “I was the one that suggested our meeting tonight, and we were only just friends until now! He’s nothing like what you think he is. Maybe if you took the time to get to know him-”

“How can I when you’ve never introduced him,” Spitfire argued. “I wouldn’t have to be suspicious if you hadn’t been keeping secrets.”

Fleetfoot growled at the realization that her captain was right. “Alright then,” she said. “In that case, why don’t I introduce him tomorrow, to you and everypony else on the team, and then you’ll see that you’re suspicions were wrong.” She couldn’t help but say that with contempt, and she realized how much she really liked Cory; defending someone against her closest friend in the way that she did doesn’t happen often.

“Alright then,” said Spitfire. “Tomorrow, find out when he’s available, and we’ll plan things out from there.”

“Deal,” said Fleetfoot.

With their confrontation out of the way, the two mares went to bed without saying another word. I’ll show her, Fleetfoot thought as she slowly drifted to sleep. Cory’s nothing like Spitfire thinks he is.

As Cory arrived home, he walked as quietly as he could. While he knew that Gaffer was a heavy sleeper, he didn’t want to risk anything. He crept up the stairs and walked down the upstairs hallway to his room. The sound of Gaffer’s snoring filled the hall. Yeah, there was no way he was gonna wake up.

At least, that’s what Cory thought until he tripped over his own feet and fell to the ground with a thud.

MOTHERFUCKER! He thought as he lay on the ground. He prayed that Gaffer wouldn’t wake up, and he listened to hear if his snoring had stopped.

It didn’t.

Cory sighed and got up on his feet before going to his room. He kicked off his shoes and jumped into the bed, his mind shifting back to the kiss he shared with Fleetfoot. Up until that moment, he wasn’t sure how he felt about her, but now he was certainly sure: he really liked her. He thought she was the most beautiful mare, no, the most beautiful female he’s ever gotten to know, inside and out.

All it took was one kiss for him to realize that.

Author's Note:

So Cory gets to meet the Wonderbolts in the next chapter. Will they like him? More importantly, will Spitfire like him. You'll have to wait and see.

In case you didn't notice, I tried out a new writing style where I write thoughts in italics without quotation marks, but I'm gonna go back to italics with quotation marks. Makes it easier on me for editing.