• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 2,628 Views, 83 Comments

A Pegasus' Dream - PrincessDashie

Twilight Sparkle dreamed of having wings for the majority of her life, however immortality was not part of that dream. When Dash rejects her advances, Twilight decides failure is not an option...afterall...everypony deserves a second chance...right?

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Chapter 3 : A Dream World

In Twilight's eyes, Princess Cadance was quite possibly the greatest pony in existence, perhaps the epitome of perfection: more so a goddess in her eyes. A month had passed since Cadance had taken Twilight under her wing, as a teacher, mentor, and as her foalsitter, and in the short time together, Twilight had fallen in love with this pony, seeing her as an older sister figure.

Cadance looked forward to the lessons she made for her young student. Originally she was to teach Twilight how to fly, but this soon expanded into history lessons, math, science, and what she believed to be Twilight's calling, astronomy. Despite her young age, Twilight had a gift of absorbing knowledge, and seeking out more.

Normally, Sunday is a day of relaxing for the young Princess. This one was no different until the familiar sound of toppling objects brought Cadance out of her day dream. Rushing down the stairs of her parents house, she gasped as she saw Twilight pulling herself out of a pile of books.

In a panic, Cadance charged full speed and began pulling the books off of Twilight. “Twilight! Are you ok?”

Tumbling out of the pile and onto the floor, she replied. “Yeah... I'm... [cough] ...ok”

“Don't scare me like that.” Cadance pleaded, as she dusted Twilight off. “What in Celestia's name were you doing anyway?”

“Well...” Twilight said. “I was outside, pwacticing tricks. I did a loopy loop, then I flew in the window and cwashed... I'm sowry. Pwease don't be mad at me.”

Cadance reached out with a hoof and wiped a tear as it trickled down Twilight's cheek. “Oh Twilight, I could NEVER be mad at you. Just... slow it down a little. Ok?”

Twilight hung her head in shame, as she tried her best to hold back her tears. “O...Ok...Cadance.”

“Come on Twilight, I have something for you that will cheer you up.” Cadance said, as she picked Twilight up and placed her on her back.

“Whatcha have for me Cadance?” Twilight asked.

“You'll see.” Cadance replied, as she trotted up the stairs towards her bedroom.

Once inside, Cadance picked through a stack of books on her nightstand. Picking one from the middle, she handed it to an eagerly awaiting Twilight, who took it with a smile. “Oh! Thanks Cadance! 'The Hi... Hiss... His..tory of Canterlot'” she said, as she opened the book and began to read it.

“Mhmm” Cadance nodded, taking a seat on her bed next to Twilight. “It hasn't been released yet, but... I pulled a few strings as I know a very special filly who would love it.” Cadance said, watching Twilight's ears perk up with glee. Cadance watched on as the filly dove into and devoured the information within the book. Page after page Twilight read: every now and then stopping to re-read a page or two.

“Are you enjoying it Twilight?” Cadance asked, only to be answered by a quick nod, as the filly turned another page. Using her magic, Cadance brought over a blanket from the dresser and laid it across herself and Twilight. A few moments passed and Cadance laid her head down; nuzzling into Twilight's side, and falling asleep for an afternoon nap.

As she slept, Twilight engrossed herself further into her reading. Everything she read fascinated her, everything about the Princess who ruled the land; Celestia, who resided in the regal palace, created after the banishment of Princess Luna, turned Nightmare Moon. The customs, the nobility, the regality, but there was one thing that stood out most to her: The Summer Sun Celebration.

“The Summer Sun Celebration was created approximately 985 years ago, in response to the aftermath of destruction left by Nightmare Moon. The Celebration would take place on the first day of summer every year, marking the longest day of the year. Also; Princess Celestia would publicly raise the sun, while a plethora of parties would take place all across Equestria to honor the Princess and her gift of the sun. Each year, a different city would be given the honor to hold the celebrations, where the Princess would grace the town with her presence and partake in the festivities afterward herself. When asked what her thoughts were on the Celebration, the Princess declined to comment; only stating, 'it pains me to speak of this'.”

As she finished reading, Twilight placed the book on the bed next to her, and curled up into Cadance's forelegs, falling asleep.

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Twilight slowly opened her eyes. Looking around, she noticed that Cadance was no longer in the bed with her. Hopping out of the bed, she landed on the floor with a soft thud, and commenced to stretching her hind legs. Unfurling her wings, she gently flew from the room and made contact with the living room floor below.

“Cadance... Where are you?” Twilight called, only to be met with silence. A few seconds passed until she called out once more. “Cadance? Come on... where are you?”

She glanced over the room carefully. Nothing was out of place, yet there were no signs of her teacher anywhere.

“Strange” Twilight whispered, as she glanced out the window into the night sky. Opening her wings she exited the window, flying up above the house to glance at the sky. “I... didn't sleep... that long... did I?” she said, as she stared at the moon.


“Who's there?” Twilight called out into the night sky.


Twilight scanned the sky, almost as if the voice were coming from thin air.

“Help me Twilight...”

“Who's there?!?” Twilight yelled, unable to see anypony in her presence.

Twilight gasped and screamed as a blanket of darkness fell upon her and the rest of Canterlot, leaving everything besides her, shrouded in darkness.

“Twilight please... here me out,” the voice cried, it's voice echoing eerily through the darkness.

“Who are you!” Twilight cried, “I wanna go home.”

A faint purple orb appeared in front of Twilight's muzzle, causing her to push back in surprise. “Please... Twilight Sparkle, there is no need to fear us. Please hear us out.”

Twilight reached a hoof out and caught the orb, placing it on the bottom of her hoof. Slowly it materialized into the shadowy figure of a unicorn.

Twilight's ears drooped in fear, as she slowly backed up once more. “Who... who are you.”

The shadow took a seat in front of her listener. “Me.... I am... well that doesn't matter really.” She said. “What does matter is that I have been imprisoned Twilight... My destiny was forcibly changed, and I am currently being forced to live a life that should not have been mine.”

The orb floated from Twilight's hoof, landing on the ground in front of her, the shadowy unicorn followed.

“Twilight... I've been watching you since the day you were born and, well...”

Twilight shook her head, sitting down in front of the shadow, tears streaming from her eyes. “But what can ah do to help? Ah don't know if I can do anything on my own” she cried, pleading the unicorn not hate her not outright agreeing.

The shadow shook her head, and placed her hoof against Twilight's cheek, well... attempted to at the least. “All you have to do is live Twilight... Live and everything else will follow in it's place...”

“Just... live?” Twilight asked, meeting a smile from the shadow.

“Yes.” she nodded. “Just live. Live... learn... get strong... you can do it Twilight, I have faith in you.”

Twilight smiled, feeling a little at ease around this strange pony. Almost instantly the darkness that shrouded them was relinquished it's hold on the area, and Twilight soon found herself sitting in the middle of a flowery garden.

“Where.... am I?” She asked.

“Oh this?” the shadow replied. “It's your soul.”

Twilight's ears perked up, while she took a look around. “My... soul?”

The shadow of a pony slowly lost her silhouette, slowly reforming into a solid pony. In a matter of seconds before Twilight stood a mare of pure black fur, an equally dark violet mane, bright red eyes, and a horn that would rival the size of Celestia's. As she finished taking form, she took a seat on the ground next to Twilight, rolling over on her back to look up into the sky, to which Twilight followed suit.

Twilight stared into the night sky for a few moments, before one particular detail made itself known to her.

“The sky is night, but the ground is day... that can't be possible?” Twilight whispered.

The black pony nodded, extending one hoof into the air as if to reach for the moon. “True,” she said. “In your world, this would be an impossibility. But... this world... is a representation of your soul. Your innermost feelings are projected here, creating a world in which you can feel contentment, a world that truly defines who you are. For example... the boundless open fields, signifies your love of flight, while the night sky, signifies your love for astronomy.”

“I... see.” Twilight whispered. After a few more moments of sitting in thought, a dull throbbing pain began to form from the confines of her head. The black pony took notice as Twilight put a hoof to her head.

“You will be waking up soon.”

Forming her lips into a pout, Twilight frowned and replied. “So... this is all just a dream?”

Her 'acquaintance' nodded her head. “It is but a dream Twilight, but at the same time it is very much real.”

“So...” Twilight said, trying to find the right words. “Who... just... who ARE you?”

“Me?” the black pony replied, causing Twilight to nod. “Well... I’ll tell you that some other time. But for now it's time for you to wake up.”

“Wait!” Twilight called, as the pony stomped the earth with her front left hoof, causing Twilight to float up into a forming vortex in the sky. “Will I ever see you again?” she called out.

“Indeed you will Twilight Sparkle.”

“What is your name?” Twilight asked, as the vortex took hold of her hind legs.

The pony down at ground zero smiled, and replied. “My name is '$&#@@@#'”

“I can't hear her name...” Twilight thought to herself as the darkness consumed her once more, throwing her back into reality as she shot up in bed, violently awaking from her sleep.