• Published 20th Oct 2013
  • 2,628 Views, 83 Comments

A Pegasus' Dream - PrincessDashie

Twilight Sparkle dreamed of having wings for the majority of her life, however immortality was not part of that dream. When Dash rejects her advances, Twilight decides failure is not an option...afterall...everypony deserves a second chance...right?

  • ...

Chapter 7 : The Morning After

After dinner: Cadance, Morning Dew, and Cirrus had retired to the living room, while the two fillies had fallen asleep, curled up in the corner of the room. A cool breeze blew in through the opening of the window, the howling of the wind resonating from the hallways.

“I never knew just how noisy the wind is inside a cloud house.” Cadance stated, as she closed her eyes, content to keep listening. She could hear the wind rustling off of every nook and cranny of the house, and was soon brought out of her daze by the sound of a tea cup being placed onto the coffee table. “That reminds me,” Cadance said. “Just... HOW do you manage to keep the furniture from falling through the clouds and down to the ground?”

“Enchanted furniture,” Cirrus chuckled, which ended when he received a playful nudge from his wife.

“Behave Cirrus,” Morning Dew giggled.

Cirrus placed his foreleg around Morning and pulled her into his side. “So Princess, how long are you and little Twilight going to be here for?” Cirrus asked.

Cadance smiled when she saw Twilight curled up with Fluttershy. “About a week or so. To be honest, I'm going to hate taking her home now.”

Cirrus nodded. “Well, she's welcome here anytime, you as well Princess.”

“Thank you Cirrus,” Cadance whispered.

Morning Dew stood up and gathered the coffee cups. “Who would like dessert?” she asked.

“Sounds great babe.” Cirrus said, as he gave her his cup.

Cadance took the cups with her magic. “Let me help you Morning,” she said, as she followed her into the kitchen.

“Place them by the sink if you don't mind Cadance” Morning said, as she removed a lemon cake from the refrigerator, and placed it on the counter. “Could you remove three plates from that counter?”

Cadance sat the plates onto the counter, while Morning Dew cut a slice of cake and placed one on each plate. “Anything else Morning?”

Morning shook her head as she returned the cake to the refrigerator. “So how did you meet Cirrus?” she asked Cadance.

Cadance smiled as she volunteered to wash the cups. “He was my personal guard when Auntie first adopted me as her niece. About... 6 years ago?”

Morning Dew smiled as she placed the now cleaned cups, into the cupboard. “It's really hard you know... being married to a royal guard. It's even harder for Fluttershy. All she talks about is how she misses her daddy, or how she wishes he was here to play with her or...”

“Or how she wishes I would take her with me for a day.” Cirrus said as he trotted into the kitchen.

“Does she know you're leaving in the morning Cirrey?” Morning asked.

Cirrus shook his head, as he accepted his cake from Morning. “No she doesn't, but I'll tell her when we put her to bed tonight. Which reminds me: where will you and Twilight be staying Princess?”

★     ☆ ★     ☆ ★     ☆ ★

Morning came too soon for a couple of fillies. Celestia's sun rose slowly over the horizon, pulling Twilight from her dreams. Slowly opening her eyes, she first noticed she was in a new, but familiar room.

“Not my bedroom...” Twilight groaned, as she pulled the green comforter off of her head and flipped her self over. As she opened her eyes a bit more, she jumped back in surprise when was met by a sleeping Fluttershy. “Oh yeah..... I remember” she whispered.

“Ohh.” came a soft grumble.

“G'morning...” Twilight groaned, as she snuggled up into her friend. They laid there for a few moments, relishing the warmth from the sun as it lit up the room more with each passing moment.

Fluttershy was muzzle deep in a sea of purple mane when her bedroom door slowly opened. She slowly backed out and slid deeper under the bedding as she saw her mother eying her questionable.

“Good morning you two.” Morning Dew said with a smile, as she pulled the bedding off of the two fillies.

“Good morning mommy” Fluttershy whispered, as she pulled herself out of bed and landed on the floor with a soft thud.

“Morning..” Twilight said as she closed her eyes at an ill attempt to reclaim sleep. Morning Dew however, was not going to have that and picked Twilight up into her forelegs.

“Goooood Moooorning sleepy filly” Morning cooed as she placed Twilight next to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy smiled as her mommy took the hairbrush and ran it through her pink mane, slowly bringing out the natural swoop at the bottom. Once she was satisfied with Fluttershy, she took to working on Twilight's mane. Morning struggled as she attempted to pull the brush through her mane, but the vast amounts of product prevented just that.

“Twilight, what does your mother use in your hair?” Morning said, flabbergasted at her failed attempt to tame the purple mess atop Twilight's head.

“Well, Cadance and my mommy use a straightening crème, and an extra firm gel to keep it straight.” Twilight said. “Plus they don't use brushes, only magic. I like flying fast, so Cadance says keeping my mane straight helps me go faster, and helps me keep better control so....”

“OK then come on” Morning said, as she led Twilight to the bathroom. “I don't have any hair products like that, let alone any magic to use, but in the mean time we can wash the old out so we can at least get your mane somewhat under control for the day.”

Fluttershy giggled as her mother picked Twilight up and placed her chest deep into a tub of warm water.

“Oh you think it's funny dear?” Morning whispered.

Fluttershy's eyes went wide as her mother picked her up as well and placed her into the tub next to her friend. This time however, it was Twilight who was giggling.

“Oh you girls, whatever will I do with the two of you.” Morning joked as she set to cleaning Twilight's mane, using a bottle of 'butterfly kisses' mane and tail shampoo.

“Oh that stuff is girly, totally not cool at all.” Twilight joked, as a bucket of warm water ran over her head. Morning Dew set to cleaning Twilight's tail next, as she playfully slapped her wings into the tub, splashing water into the direction of Fluttershy, who only held her hooves up to keep from getting her face wet. “Water fight!” Twilight yelled.

Twenty minutes later, two clean and dry fillies walked out of the bathroom, while a sopping wet Morning Dew laughed as she dried herself off. “Those two...” She thought. “I haven't ever seen Fluttershy this outgoing. I'm glad she finally made a friend, if only for a week, maybe... just maybe Twilight will help do away with her shyness.”

Morning finished brushing her pink mane and proceeded into the kitchen where to two fillies sat at the table, both very hungry-eyed. “Who want's pancakes?” Morning called.

Smiles formed on both of the fillies faces as they both extended a foreleg into the air saying “I do!”

“OK then, while I get started on this, why don't you two go to the back porch and get some berries for me?” Morning asked.

Fluttershy led Twilight to the back door of the house. She opened it and was greeted with the warmth of the days sunshine. Out back, the two fillies were picking a few black berries and raspberries from a small flower pot that sat upon a cloud pillar. Two minutes later, a measuring cup was filled to the brim with a mixture of berries. Fluttershy sat it onto the patio table, and turned to face Twilight, who wasn't anywhere in sight.

“Twilight where are you?” Fluttershy said. She looked around the back yard, but did not see her friend anywhere. “Twilight? Don't scare me, come back please!”

Unbeknownst to Fluttershy, Twilight was indeed very close by. Twilight hovered a few feet above Fluttershy, taking care to follow her movements to avoid being caught.

Twilight took her time as she slowly descended upon her prey. Forelegs stretched out, she did what any reliable friend would do. She slowly approached her friend. Twenty four inches, twenty, sixteen, twelve, eight... Once Twilight was but a mere six inches above Fluttershy. She leaned her head down, so her muzzle was but an inch from her ear and whispered.


Fluttershy shrieked and jumped forward in surprise as Twilight tackled her, ending up rolling half way across the backyard. Twilight giggled as their roll slowed to a stop.

“Twilight!” Fluttershy screamed. “You scared me!”

Twilight stood up, grinning very widely. She extended a hoof to Fluttershy and helped her up. “Come on Flutters, we have to bring the berries in.” Twilight sang.

“Flutters?” Fluttershy whispered, as she smiled softly.

Twilight and Fluttershy waltzed back to the kitchen, and gave the cup of berries to Morning Dew.

“Thank you girls.” She said as she washed the berries off in the sink, before placing a small portion onto each of the three plates.

Twilight and Fluttershy took a seat at the dining table as a plate was set down in front of each of them.

“Thank you” the two said in unison, as they both picked up their forks and began eating.

Breakfast passed in relative peace and quiet. The two fillies ate in silence as Morning kept watch on the two while she finished her plate.

“Miss Dew, where's Cadance at?” Twilight asked, as she placed her fork onto her now, empty plate.

“Well...” Morning started. “You two fell asleep in the living room last night right after dinner... She had a few things she needed to do today, so she asked me to keep watch over you. And well... here you are.” Morning giggled, as she collected the plates and placed them into the sink.

“So...” Morning said, as she filled the sink with water. “What would you girls like to do today?”

★     ☆ ★     ☆ ★     ☆ ★

On the other side of town, Cadance was walking through an upscale neighborhood. After roughly twenty minutes of searching, she found her destination, '4823 Pegasus Way'

She approached the front door, and gingerly knocked on it. A few moments later, she heard some rustling behind the door as it opened. In the doorway stood Wildfire.

“Cadance!” she spoke happily as she embraced her friend. “What brings you by this early in the morning?”

Cadance gently pushed Wildfire off of her, and said. “We need to talk... now.”

“About what?” Wildfire said with a smirk. “Didn't we do plenty of that yesterday?”

“Hopefully about something you're not already aware of.” Cadance replied.

Wildfire sighed as she led Cadance inside.

“Is Golden Glory around?” Cadance asked.

Wildfire shook her head. “She's still sleeping. Now what did you need to talk about? I'm very busy today Cadance.”

Cadance snorted as she slowly approached Wildfire. “I want to talk about how your daughter bullied my student yesterday.”

MY Daughter?” Wildfire exclaimed.

“Yes.” Cadance replied. “YOUR daughter.”

Anger formed in Wildfire's eyes as she stared down the Princess of love. “I assure you my daughter did no such thing. She is a well behaved filly, unlike that ruffian student of yours.”

“What was that?” Cadance asked, as she slowly trotted towards Wildfire.

However, Wildfire stood her ground as Cadance closed in on her. “What? Didn't you know?” She asked, mocking the Princess. “The reason she doesn't have any friends in Canterlot isn't because she's a Pegasus... PRINCESS.” Wildfire turned and walked towards the bar in the corner. She pulled out a bottle of whiskey and filled a shot glass. Downing the shot she continued, “My little Golden Glory has no problem making friends in Canterlot, and she is also a Pegasus if you remember... the difference is she isn't a shy crybaby who show's off her flying talent in order to try and make friends... My Golden Glory is a very outspoken filly, who makes friends by inspiring others.”

“You mean by joining up with other bullies.” Cadance said, as she glared towards Wildfire. “I see where she get's it from too.”

“Oh?” Wildfire cooed, as she downed another shot of whiskey.

“Twilight doesn't show off her flying abilities. Sure she loves flying... but she enjoys studying just as much, if not more.”

“So she's a Princess's pet... just another reason for the other foals to pick on her and stay away.” Wildfire said.

Cadance turned and approached the door. She stopped for a moment to glare towards Wildfire. “Tell your daughter to stay away from Twilight. Auntie would be very.... displeased if any harm were to come to my star pupil.”

Wildfire snorted in anger as the Princess slammed the door behind her as she exited.

“Mom?” A voice called out.

Wildfire turned to see Golden Glory peeking down the stairs. “Good morning pumpkin.”

“Don't call me that.” Glory spat. “Am I in trouble with the... Princess?”

“Oh...” Wildfire replied. “You don't have to worry about her... she's always been nothing but talk.”