• Published 23rd Oct 2013
  • 575 Views, 10 Comments

Amnesia - Arctic Wave

No memories of who you are, your life, and even your very best friends.

  • ...

A New Start

My friends and I run outside and begin to jump around and play. An hour later, we all fall down on the front lawn and begin to fill the street with laughter. Then a peanut butter brown dog and black cat run out from my house. The cat leaps on Gillian's belly and the dog comes to lick my face. I laugh even harder and he continues to lick. The dog flashes his collar to show his expertise.

"Hey Gillian?" I ask. "What's the dogs name? Is he mine?"

"DUDE! HOW CAN YOU FORGET YOUR OWN DOGS NAME!?" Shouts Celeste in surprise.

"Uh, amnesia Celeste. Duh," says Micheal sarcastically.

"Heh. Yeah, I forget stuff like that. It's so good to have her back that it feels like she was never gone. Sorry Rhia," apologizes Celeste.

"N.P. It's fine. So can I please get an answer now?" I ask impatiently.

"Oh yeah. Sure. Your dog's name is Peanut Butter. But I didn't miss the impatientness," says Micheal under his breath.

"Dude I so heard that," I say with a ton of sarcasm.

His face turns a bright shade of red and looks around. I ask what the cat's name is and learn that his name is Pickles. I laugh at both of the names because they're both foods that I like. Suddenly, they all get up on their hooves and take a bow towards the street. I turn to look at what they're bowing at or to and I quickly jump up and do the same. Silently I ask who the other three princesses are and I get no reply right away. Quickly Celeste says, "Cadence is the pink one and she represents love, Celestia is the white one who raises the sun, and Luna is the dark midnight blue one who raises the moon and stars." Suddenly, a beautiful voice tells us to raise our heads. We quickly obey and stop bowing.

Slowly, my mentor walks up to us and gives me a tight hug. Then all of the princesses and my friends do the same.

"Princess Twilight. I'm so happy to see you. Would you like to come in for some party cake?" I ask politely.

"Yes. We would like some cake and we also need to talk to you four in private. But let's have some cake first to set a happy mood," my mentor says quiet enough for only us eight to hear.

We walk inside and Twilight sees Flash Sentry handing out more cake. She glares at him and he turns around with suspicion of the eyes touching the back of his neck. He trots over and she starts to turn a beet red. Cadence whispers to her to keep calm and just ignore him and that he can come back to work at the castle whenever. I trot to the cake and cut eight slices from the mountain of chocolate frosting. I walk slowly back and tell everypony to come with me. Everypony except Flash. He goes back to the cake to enjoy the party as we make it up the stairs to my room. The unicorns and Alicorns levitated over chairs from my work desk and sat down while the pegasi just hovered in midair. I ask what the problem is and the Alicorns just ramble about who is gonna kill/ destroy what or who.

"One at a time. Celestia, Princess. What is the problem for Equestria?" I ask with all the mannerly politeness I could muster.

She bends over to whisper so just us regulars could hear. "Sombra, Chrysalis, Discord, and Nightmare Moon have returned to Equestria. Sombra was defeated years ago by Cadence with the help of the Elements of Harmony and Spike the dragon. Same with Nightmare Moon. But not defeated with Cadence. That was how my sister was saved. Chrysalis has ruled threat against Twilight's empire which is where you live today. Discord has lost his friendly touch when a spark of hatred beat down on his heart. He was sad until he found the power to destroy all harmony again. And Nightmare Moon. Her spirit has been awakened by the fall of the lost Element of Harmony. His name was Star Dust. He represented the element of good will. No pony had heard of him until he entered the Wonderbolts but then left so he could live a life with the love of his friends and family.

"We need you to help defeat them so our land can live in harmony and light. No pun intended. I have chosen to let Luna rule for a year in her own territory. She started on the first of this year and has done quite well but she has been worried that N.M. will come to get her while she is asleep. I have worried too about her safety. Good luck at destroying them my little ponies. Now let's go enjoy the party!"

I open the door and walk outside feeling dizzy. I think about having cake as I flop in the hallway. I catch myself as Celeste and Gillian rush to the rescue. I walk with Celestia to see if there is anything else that I need to know and she replies with a no. I slow down to walk with my friends as Twilight casts a spell on us. As far as I know it was helping us because I felt stronger.

"Now. This spell will let you do anything you want with anything you want. Unicorns will have invisible wings and the pegasi will have a star on their forehead which will substitute as a horn in battle. You will have all the normal race requirements but only one rule is different. NO using it in an inappropriate manner. No love spells to help you ask somepony out or vice versa or anything else. Do you understand Micheal?" She asks staring at him.

He nods quickly, making small glances at the Celeste and back at the princess. I giggle at the rush of embarrassment for him. Then he glares at me and I stop. But then I start again with bursts of laughter and I begin to roll on the floor. Then the girls and Micheal start to laugh about it too. Then they burst out into lauter and roll on the floor like me while Twilight has the 'stop doing what your doing and we can get this done' look on her lavender face. I cast my own spell to make us stop laughing and it works. We stand up and continue the lecture.

"OK. Now that that's over, we can continue. Rhiannon, you are in charge with the help of one mare or colt to help you lead the way. Did that make sense? Ugh, never mind. You have three days till your journey begins. You are the saviors of this empire and land. Please help Equestria. We need you. And the reason why is because we need to rule a world which is now in discord. Good luck girls. And guy. On your journey to save the world," she whispers as she disappears into the crowd with the other princesses.

Our journey awaited and we needed to prepare. "K. I need to pick somepony to help me. Uh, Gillian, I choose you to help me lead the way because I've known you longer as you have told me," I say as I rub the side of my face near my eye.

I feel a warm thing on my face near my eye and rub it more. I begin to ask Gillian what's on my face and she tells me that it's a heart before I got the sentence done. I begin our plan and we pack up our things in our saddlebags and head on the adventure. Flash saw me walking with it on towards the door and he stops me. Well here it comes.

Comments ( 2 )

It's Michael. Not Micheal. Just saying. AND OMC IM SO COOL IN THIS STORY! and why are you in a relationship with Flash?

3453810I'm dumping him in the next chapter. He really sucks:twilightblush:

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