• Published 24th Oct 2013
  • 511 Views, 8 Comments

The Vast Unknown - FLUTTERxxDASH

This story revolves around a pony who isn't your average colt, Dawn was born into this world with different looks than the average pony, Y'know, 2 horns, and the runes on his body weren't a dead give away of this fact and why is Luna s

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To Canterlot

In Sugarcube Corner

A sweet smell drifts through the air, a sight of muffins, cakes and all delights around as three ponies are sat at a rounded table in Sugarcube corner. Breathing in between bites Dawn chomps into the muffins he was given “damn, these are the best muffins,” what was a pile of muffins disappeared within seconds, *BURP*, “hew, pardon me, sorry about that but Pinkie how did you make them so tasty?” moving to grab the paper sheets at the middle of the table to clean up Dawn asked.

Hopping over from behind the glass counter, “a good cook doesn't bake and tell,” moving to sit next to Rainbow.

Just finishing her own muffin which was a swirly chocolate delight, Twilight turns to Dawn who’s just taking a sip of his coffee, “if you don’t mind me asking, well, where do you come from?” she herself now taking a drink from her cup.

Placing the cup back down, Dawn sighs already knowing he has had this conversation so many times he wouldn't be able to count them all anymore, “well I’ve been travelling for a few years now but I use to live north of Neighagra falls not too far from the Crystal mountains, me and my grandfather lived there in peace,” taking another sip, “but that was around three years ago now and it wasn't my original birth place either,” looking outside he can see that the ponies are back out and getting their stalls packed up.

Twilights second question never really startled Dawn as It always popped up, “well I mean, I have to ask, oh how can I phrase this without sounding”.

Red eyes bob over the seams of the table, “You want to know where he was born right, because he has me and those horns that no other pony you've seen or heard of has had right?” Shadow answered for Twilight making her nod shyly.

Pushing his cup aside, giving a little cough, “well to answer what you want, I really can’t say, that’s why I came here in the first place and started my journey,” his eyes made contact with Twilights, “that’s why when I heard that you Twilight might be able to help me, I finally thought that I could get some answers but it seems even the royals of the kingdom know nothing of what my race really is,” maybe I really am just a deformity, I mean I was found in the woods by grandpa when I was eight.

Well that still wouldn't explain our loss of memory for those eight years now would it Dawn? Everpony noticed Shadow turn his face to Dawns as if he was talking to him.

At Dawns answer Twilight thinks for a moment, well he is very different, I haven't seen anyone like him before and I haven’t read anything with his sort of anatomy, one hoof raised at her mouth and the other around her waist, looking at Dawn, nothing was coming to mind how to resolve her new friends problem, well I may be a royal now but I haven’t been one for long, Oh right, why didn't I even think of that, making everyone jump, “I got the answer,” blushing with embarrassment having made everyone but Pinkie jump.

Moving back down from springing into the air at the sudden volume increase, “jeeze twi, volume control, you may be royal but don’t use that Canterlot voice,” Rainbow Dash was now sitting with arms crossed, she blows a bit of hair out of her face, “so what’s the idea egghead?” looking back at Twilight.

“Well I think for now we should go back to the library, it’s getting dark and I think we need spike,” getting up from her seat, Twilight gestures for them to follow.

With a look of confusion on his face Dawn asks, “why the library?” completely not being able to follow the conversation now that they all moving to the door.

Turning her head back but not stopping, as a purple mist twists the handle of the door opening it, “because I live there,” now just outside of Sugarcube corner.

Coming to a full Holt at this, “wait, wait, wait, what about your guards or you're castle that a princess usually has?” realizing that they are getting further away he runs to catch up.

Twilight looks in the direction of Dawn but doesn't turn her head this time as he is in ears range, “all that fancy smancy stuff about being a princess is something that I could have had if I wanted too but I just didn't want anypony to change around me just because I now have a title,” looking up at Rainbow she waves her friend goodbye as she sets off to Cloudsdale, “plus I realized this was my home all those years ago when Celestia sent me here for the summer sun celebration to make friends and face Nightmare moon”.

“Celestia,” with an eyebrow rose wondering who the mare twilight refers too completely missing the second mares name because he has heard the name celestia before.

“Oh C’mon, as if there is anypony who doesn't know Princess Celestia, your serious, well she and Princess Luna are the two who govern the sun and the moon, I’m surprised you have never heard of them before,” Twilight states.

“Well I've heard the names mentioned before but I never knew they were that important,” Dawn spots the big tree he saw earlier today.

Twilight looks at Dawn with a shocked face at what he said, well it’s not every day you come across a pony with such little knowledge of the world.

Inside The Library

A young dragon goes about his daily chores of stacking his adoptive sisters books back in their own respective places once again before he has to do it again tomorrow as she always does the same thing, C’mon twilight its getting dark and the food went cold hours ago, where are you, not like you would be on a date or something because you always have your muzzle in a book and after your done I’m always the one to clean them up, with a sigh he places the last book on the shelve while he clung to the ladder.

The big wooden door to the library swung open as a voice rang in his ears, “SPIKE!”

Clearly startled spike let go of the ladder, “WOAH, WOOAH, WOOOOOOAH,” with a thud spike crashed to the floor and rolled back to Twilights leg.

Looking down at the purple and green scaled baby dragon, “Oh, there you are, I have somepony I want you to meet,” walking to the other side of Spike letting her guest walk into her home, “this here is Dawn Shade,” pointing a hoof his direction.

Eyes widening in shock at what he saw, “erm, Twilight why is there a man in our doorway and why does he look weird,” getting back on his feet.

Shadow pops his head out, “for crying out loud not another whiny, little turd,” eyes squinting at the now slack jawed dragon, “what are you supposed to be you little”.

“Shadow! Calm it will you, he was probably shocked by us” Turning from Shadow back to spike, “sorry to startle you he a bit of a pain in the flank and his mouth isn't any better either,” Dawn says before entering further into the library.

Twilight starts to use her magic to gather some materials, “Spike I need your help, can you write a letter for me to Princess Celestia”. Spike was still on the floor contemplating what was weirder that there was a colt in the library or that the guy had a tail in the shape of a snake that talked back to him, “Equs to Spike wake up Spike”.

“Oh right, right, what was it you wanted, a letter, give me a sec,” spike fumbles to his feet and quickly bobs over to where his quill and papers are picking them up.

Clearing her throat, “Dear Princess Celestia, this is Twilight sparkle, there is an pony who just came from a long travel in search of answers to a very odd question and I believe that only you or Princess Luna may be able to solve them, If I may I wish to come to Canterlot with him to seek these answers, your faithful student, Twilight sparkle,”.

“Arkle,” putting the final words on to the paper he breathe out green flames as it ignites the paper making it disappear.

Moment later a scroll with a red tie having the initial C on it pops out of Spikes mouth in a green flame, Twilight catches it in her purple magic, “let’s see here, it says that it would be best to come tomorrow when it is daytime, she will be available after she has seen to day court,” letting the scroll roll back up she places it on the table and looks back at Dawn.

Dawn was stood shuffling his front hooves thinking about what to do, “well that’s great but, well since earlier today I think most ponies are going to shy away from us so I don’t think we can get any BnB’s to accept us”.

Twilight began to point over to a sofa on the other side of the room, “Y’know it might not be much but I was just going to let you stop down here till tomorrow I wasn't expecting you to have to go find a hotel at this hour so don’t worry about that, I mean what are friends for right?”.

Hahahaha friend, you don’t get a break do you Dawn, another mare wants to only be your friend, I really do feel sad for you.

“Shut up,” with a shout Dawn startles Twilight, “erm not you I mean Shadow, the whole same consciousness thing means he can annoy me both verbally and mentally, Makes me really want to go get a new style of tail one of these days”

“Get stuffed you know you can’t live without me, literally”

“Well that’s….. Troublesome,” walking over to the stairs Twilight ushers spike up the steps, “well if you need anything to eat or drink in the middle of the night the kitchens just down through that door, no pony could miss it, good night Dawn”

“Erm, well, thank you and……Good night… erm…. Twilight,” blushing slightly at the thought of being able to say that again after so long of not having any real contact with somepony who wasn't stepping on eggshells all the time.

That night Dawn dreamed of his Grandfather and how he spent his time in the forest, just the two of them.

The Next Day, Celestia comes to swap places with Luna

Princess Celestia was nearly twice as big as the usual pony and had a white coat fur with a flowing rainbow mane to complement it, golden shoes, necklace and tiara was the attire of the mare, “Little Sister, as always thank you for the help with the moon, it is time I raise the sun and give you your rest,” a yellow aura envelops her long horn as a tint of red begins to show above the crystal mountains to the north, “well that’s the sun set on its course, Luna, I also think you might want to come by my recreational quarters later as well, there will be somepony you will want to meet,” winking at her sister she gracefully leaves the room headed for the dining hall with Luna following.

Luna looked physically drained from her work but the all too familiar teasing attitude of her sister peaked her interest, “Sister, to whom do you refer to when you say I would want to meet them, it isn't another prank like that one over a millennium ago with that stallion, the one with fru fru mane as you put it,” having to move her legs that little bit faster due to being a little smaller the dark blue mare kept up to Celestia with her Star spangled mane flowing in the same non-existent wind her sisters did.

With a small giggle, Celestia turns to Luna, “no my dear sister, it is someone whom you know already but had lost contact with,” with a gentle smile she turned back to facing forward, “you may ask how I already know who it is but I have been keeping my eye on this one for many years now myself just to make sure nothing bad happened to him”.

“Celestia, just tell me who it is”.

“All in due time sister, he will be here later with Twilight, you will meet him then at three so don’t be late,” waving her sister goodbye Celestia turned to the right, now heading to start the daily day court to settle the troubles of her many little ponies.

At the entrance to the Palace

“Princess Twilight Sparkle, I am to escort you and Dawn to the princess’ quarters where you will wait for her to arrive in twenty minutes,” a guard in golden Armour had walked up to the two with his hoof saluting them.

“Hello to you too Skylar, how’s your family,” Twilight shoots a smile at the guard while greeting him.

Putting his hoof back down and turning around the guard replies with, “they’re good, you and RD should really come back over, I’m Sure Feather Drift and my daughter would love to see you again”.

Dawn shuffles closer to Twilight to whisper in her ear, “Hey, Twilight, I’m quite sure I never introduced myself to anyone in Canterlot before, how did he know my name?”

With a shrug of her shoulders she replied with a simple, “I really don’t know, I even didn't say your name in the letter to Celestia, I just put it that you needed help with your problem,” nearing the end of the corridor they entered a room with four cushions around a large oak table, a pane window what had the sun in a bright yellow was on the far end of the room with blue curtains on either side that had a sun emblem on them as well.

The guard stopped at the door nodding to his fellow guardpony, “it won’t be long before the princess arrives so if I am not needed anymore I shall be on my way Princess Twilight,” nodding at the two and bowing at Twilight before leaving through the doors that closed behind him.

“Why is this room so fucking bright, for faust sake talk about blowing your own horn,” putting his head in Dawns mane Shadow lays across the black markings on his back.

Walking after Twilight, “Shadow, language like that won’t fly far with royalty so I suggest you shut your trap for the next few hours if we want to find out our needed answers!”

“Fuck you Dawn, it’s your fault for waking me too early, I'm already cold blooded but you then make me wake up on a chilly morning to help twilight with her chores, faust your already whipped”

“Cold blooded? Whatever, Fine I will make it up to you later just please be quiet when the Princess arrives, I am begging now,” looking back at Shadow.

With a sigh, “Fine I will play along for now but I still think this is a waste of time,” looking at Dawn with a look of disdain, Still if I hear something wrong with the conversation that I don’t like don’t expect me to keep quiet then, got it, as a reply Dawn just nod’s.

A few minutes later the guards open the doors back up as the sound of two sets of hoof steps can be heard coming up from behind the two in the room, “good afternoon Twilight, and to you too Dawn it’s so nice to meet you,” with a quick nod both Celestia and Luna sat on the seats adjacent to the two ponies.

Bowing back its Dawn who answers, “Thank you Princess, erm you’re not shocked by my……. Disposition?” with an eyebrow raised he looks over the table. Celestia’s face was neutral showing nothing much than a smile but to her right the mare that was dark blue had teary eyes and a look of disbelief. “Ah, I’m so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry, I’m sorry for scaring you”

“Thou hast nothing to be sorry for, these are tears of joy my dear child,” using a hoof to wipe away a tear she lets her sister begin the explanation now that she knows who it is her sister was talking about to her earlier in the day.

Celestia waves a hoof to a maidmare that was on her left, “please could I have a cup of tea please, do any of you want anything,” with the shakes of heads she carry's on, “that is all I guess, well to answer you're earlier question Zalik, no I am not shocked or disgusted or any of the words that are rushing through your head at the moment, I have seen my fair share of ponies and you’re not the first of your kind I have seen,” taking the cup in her magic she takes a sip, “for many years now since your arrival in this realm, I have been watching over you and have seen you grow into who you are now”

Speechless, his mind blank Luna begins to speak.

“I myself have known of you from your ninth birthday, your grandfather and I were pen pals for many years and I enjoyed to hear of your growth and adjustment to daily life after being found by Railin Shade,” a tear stained the fur of her cheek again, “it was very saddening when I received the letter from you thanking me for keeping Railin happy with my letters, and that he had passed on to the afterlife, I must thank you now for that my child”

With a look of joy and sadness, “You were the one from those letters, the one with the alias nightlight twinkle,” tears streamed down Dawns face and sniffing could be heard from his mane.

Celestia stood up walking around the table over to Dawn,” well now let’s have a look at you, hmm, yep seems good enough the runes are still stable and it looks like your nearly ready,” nodding at Luna she moved back to her seat.

Luna took a deep breath before beginning to talk, “okay there may be many questions you want to ask but I know the main one, where do you come from?” looking at Dawn, fully knowing how hard this is going to be to both him and herself.

“The one question that defines my reality at the moment is that one, if you know you must tell me, what am I? Who am I? Where do I come from? Please I must know!”

“Yes my child you shall learn all this in due time, over a millennium and a half ago there was a kingdom with two other races of pony that resided in Equestria along with the earth, pegasi, unicorn and crystal ponies, it was a race called the deviponys ones with two horns instead of one and some had wings that looked like a bats, all ponies from this culture also were born with a familiar, one type of animal per pony that could either move on their own or would be tethered spiritually to their masters,” looking just behind Dawn, “in your case it is different something that hasn't been seen before has happened in your birth or when you got to Equestria, your familiar has joined your body both spiritually and physically and has also gained its own will along with this”.

With a look of concentration Dawn takes all of the information in like a sponge and slowly filtering the information in his mind, so I am a deformity even in my original race there was never a pony with an animal attached to them.

“leading on from this the deviponys had a trait no other race had, within their bodies two souls made battle over dominance of the mind, the average devipony didn’t have that much trouble with their personality as their urges were subsided by their own royalty that lead them, king Shenrick and his wife were noble rulers,” taking a quick look around she saw twilight with a shocked face that glimmered with interest in the information she was being given, “apart from them there was another race of ponies that also had bodies very different from the ponies of this era, ponies the size of a hoof called flutterponys were the keepers of history and the negotiators between countries and the nobles and royals of the time, they helped both Shenrick and our father to govern their respective lands with a just hoof,” taking another breath with eyes closed she awaited an answer.

“all this time and I finally know”

“What will you do now child”

“I…. I really don’t know”

“Then we shall both see to the end of your path, to the destiny that awaits you my child”