• Published 24th Oct 2013
  • 511 Views, 8 Comments

The Vast Unknown - FLUTTERxxDASH

This story revolves around a pony who isn't your average colt, Dawn was born into this world with different looks than the average pony, Y'know, 2 horns, and the runes on his body weren't a dead give away of this fact and why is Luna s

  • ...

New body, new life

New body, new life

Dawn felt a hoof laid across his back as he was sleeping, a bird could be heard as the sun shone through the window making a stream of light shine into Dawns eyes, as they open he cringes from the sight and opens them slowly to see his surroundings. Without moving his head he eyes where he is, familiar white double doors with a moon crescent on each, an open balcony with a telescope and bookshelves that had books missing what were littering the room, a sweet voice came from above him as the hoof stopped stroking his mane, "Are you awake my foal?" turning his head he was greeted with a warming smile coming from Luna, "Oh what beautiful eyes you now have, gold with a silver ringlet, beautiful but never-the-less time waits for no one not even the ageless, now get up we need to get ready for breakfast, make haste," Luna moved from where they were laid and moved to the doors, taking one back look at Dawn, "I will meet you there, I have already cleansed you last night so there should be no problems with a shower and Celestia is eager to see her new nephew up and about my dear," then she left the room.

Dawns body felt like dead weight, wow that took a lot of energy out of me, I didn't think I could feel this way after sleeping, his body was aching but somehow shadow made his way around to Dawn, "woah what happened to you, you're....you're bigger"

"Speak for yourself your a giant now, go see for yourself"

Dawn stumbled to his feet, "ARGH, wow that's different, my legs are nearly twice as long, I feel like I'm going to be tripping quite a lot too," Dawn slowly made his way to the opening for the bathroom, inside there was quite a sizable open bath shower and a sink that was the height of two ponies so that Luna didn't have to bend down, just above it was a mirror, "That should do it, lets see now,"Dawn walked up to the mirror with a curious look that quickly changed to surprise.

His old mane that was tangled and more like dashes now flowed much like what Fluttershys would except it had flowing spiky ends, Like Luna said his eyes changed only slightly having silver circlets now, he had grown quite large now, just under Lunas height but the biggest change he could see most of all were his appendages that donned his back, white scaly wings much like a dragon with a massive wingspan, wow they move just like another leg, weird it feel like I've been using these my who life, noticing a quick glint of light Dawn notices his canines, much like a wolf they were elongated and they for some reason made him fee some pride, "I think I like them, what about you?"

"Ive had them all along, whats the difference," finally huffing like the usual Shadow he retreated to Dawns back to sleep more.

"Well no point in keeping Luna waiting then, wait will I have to call her mom now," making his way out of the bathroom and heading to the door he headed to the dining room.

It wasn't a long trip usually and you would think that will longer legs it would be much faster but for Dawn it was like he was a newborn trying to find his balance, after finally getting the hand of it he carried on waking every now and then passing a maid or worker of the castle, most mares would giggle and blush whilst moving aside and the Stallion workers nodded at him as he moved past them. Ok am I hallucinating because that mare just blushed at me, ME?!

Wow what is the world coming too as Dawn finally gets a girl to blush for him, what a world OH WHAT A WORLD! shadow thought in a sarcastic tone, that earned a glare from Dawn.

Tea, toast and greetings

The guards who were usually shifty weren't as bad today as they nodded at Dawn before opening the doors to the dining halls, once inside he saw the table that could seat at least sixty ponies and at the far end sat Luna and Celestia, most shocking was that Luna was in her true Devicorn form, strange, earlier she was in her disguise, moving down the left of the chairs where the windows were he made his way to the chair next to Luna, "Hello...... um....mother?"

"Hello my child, how are you, have you gotten use to thy *clears throat* I mean your body," Lunas face had a blush even if that was possible with her dark coat, "shall we get started then we have lots to do today with Regalia, suits, personal maids, going public with our appearance and whatnot, yes?"

Celestia was having a soft giggle across from them, "calm down Lulu, your confusing the poor boy, anyway eat and then we shall explain," Dawns confused face just wobbled up and down as toast was placed in front of him.

After everything was finished Celestia began to explain as Luna had already started filling out forms and documents for something, "Dawn today will be quite hectic, it will be the first time the public will again know of the Devipony race but we shall keep the fact of what could happen in future to ourselves so that there is not any more mass wide panic than there will be already over you and Luna, of course I'm sure the public will love to have another Prince. First though my child is you're personal attendant and maid, surprisingly its one I never thought of," the doors opened as a pegasi came through them, a navy blue mane and a grey coat with scaled wings, "this is nightshades only daughter, Midnight Octave, she has been trained to be a great private assistant, any and all trouble you should run into just ask Midnight and she should have an answer," the grey mare came up next to Dawn and bowed down showing authority.

"Oh don't do tha..." he was interupted by Celestia, "I am sorry if it is uncomfortable but she must do this, understand that you are royalty now"

A small dainty voice came from Midnight, "Don't worry, its okay, I am proud to be of service to you, Prince Dawn," she then looked over to Celestia who nodded making her a little giddy, "*clearing throat* Prince Dawn, today on your agenda first we have picking Regalia with your mother and then we have the announcement of both your nation and your ties to loyalty," with a sigh of relief she then bowed again and stood behind his chair.

After she finished Luna took off her reading glass' and placed them upon the table, "So then we are all ready then, yes?" with a nod from Dawn they both got up, "Okay back to your room.."

"My room?" Dawn had a confused look.

"Yes you are my son now so I would expect that you will live here," as Dawn blushed both Luna and Midnight giggled surprisingly, "and you, please make sure you don't mess anything up, I expect the best from nightshades daughter," Luna gave a quick wink at Midnight who blushed in turn, "so then what say you to a tiara Dawn, I think you would look adorable with one," Luna held her chuckles same as Midnight.

Dawn huffed knowing a joke when he heard one, "HARDY HA HAR," the pair burst into a giggling fit but it was nice to see that Midnight had stopped being so rigid, seeing him turn back round Luna gave him a wink, "did you, for um never mind," shes doing this to make it easier for us to get along, very sly.

A few minutes passed travelling down the hallways of the palace, it was rather funny seeing some ponies look at there group, some had intrigued faces whilst others looked quite baffled about what they saw, not at Dawn but mostly at Luna. Finally they arrived at a set of doors, one white with a black skull and the other was black with a white skull, not the most welcoming but it wasn't threatening as they looked more like a cartoon than realistic. Luna was the first to enter the room, it was huge, I think we could fit that dining table in here, at the far end of the room were large segmented windows that opened above the gardens of the palace and next to it was a large ruby pined bed with white pillows and quilt scattered across it, a spiral staircase was just left of the opened doors that led to an upstairs quarter filled with a lottery amount of books even Twilight could dream of and finally there was a door leading to a closet for costumes and wait did Luna just say bling bling I wasn't listening, I'll ask Midnight later, "this isn't a closet its more like a walkway Luna," as Dawn saw Luna scowl he corrected himself, "urm I mean...mom"

Luna cleared her throat, "well yes but when you are loyalty it takes you to a lot of different events and I'm afraid that there are lots of 'donations' from nobles and the like, if we do not wear them every now and then it t'would be offensive, no?" Luna asked rhetorically, "now we can't have a prince without his regalia now can we," as she scanned the 'closet' she looked through them, trinzinite head crest, emerald neck chain, silver horn ringlet, "Ah, this should do, an onyx horn ringlet, I am sure it would bring discomfort to you my child if we made you don the full outfit so soon so this should do for now"

"That was rather fast," the onyx horn ringlet levitated onto his horn in a blue hue, "I thought it would take longer"

"Well if you wish it to we can sort your clothes out for the next week if you wish my foal"

"NO!... I mean no thank you and I know I'm your son now but is there a need to say 'foal', I'm already seventeen so it is quite embarrassing"

Luna walked over to inspect the head piece, "Hmm, looks good, now as I have said before, in our years you are but a foal to us, so I can call you that but if you really wish for me to stop I will just call you Dawn from now okay, now we must set off its already forty five minutes past two, we have five minutes to get to the throne room, Celestia is already there"

Midnight led the way, again most of the hallways looked the same, window, window, door, window, window, ARGH its like I'm in a maze, everything is the same here, looking around at the white marble it was quite difficult to understand exactly where you where in the palace, finally they arrived at the doors to the throne room as Midnight stopped before them.

Midnights wing came in front of her with a wooden board that she grabbed and the other held a pen, "well not that you wouldn't know already Princess Luna but I don't think Prince Dawn has been in here before should I explain how the court runs," Midnight looked over to Luna who nodded for her to give a quick explanation, she then coughed gently before going on to explain, "when in there it will be Celestia who is adressed first and foremost until she gives you a signal to speak don't unless it is really imported as this is her court, there will be only the nobles today in the court who will ask some mediocre questions about some crap or *coughs* sorry I mean have there own reasons to be there, after such events you and Princess Luna shall exit to the outside of the castle where a public speech will be held of what is to happen in the future whether Princess Luna has want of her own kingdom or to carry on a co-rule with Princess Celestia, if not then there would be procedures to elect both courts as both Luna and Celestia with gain the title of Queen in there respective reigns, apart from that are you ready Prince Dawn," her only reply she got was an odd, 'dubwaaa' from the Prince, "okay here we go then, she turned around and opened the left door as the guard who was stationed there opened the right door.

As they walked into the room there was many noble looking ponies who began to slightly gasp or mumble things between each other, not surprising as they only just learnt of Lunas true form, everything in the room had changed apart from one aspect, another marble throne had been placed at the top of the red carpet stair way what had a ruby red cloth drape over it with a white skull over it, kinda cheesy Dawn, I'm just gunna sleep through the boring shit , they all ascended the stairs and Celestia nodded at Dawn to sit at 'his' throne, so he did, turning to see the crowd of pompous ponies was quite daunting as their faces didn't look too happy about the recent developments of their royalty.

Celestia spoke with a loud voice, clear she was using a spell to enlarge it, "Quiet now my little ponies, many of you will have you're own questions but for now my sister would like to say her piece first, Luna, if you please," Celestia turned to Luna and nodded at her with a gentle smile.

Luna leaned forward and with the same spell addressed the crowd, "Thank you sister, as you can all see I have been keeping a rather large secret from all of the public and you nobles, there shall be more indepth documents sent to your respective houses but for now all we shall say is that my race or should I say our race had lived among equestrians but had moved to far off lands, this race of ponies were called the Devis and I was the Devicorn Princess of that kingdom, I am sorry for keeping this from you for so long but it was to protect my dear son from harm," after saying this she took a deep sigh as the crowd began to mumble again, she sat back down on her haunches as Celestia got back up.

"Well we will now take questions but I will have non that are offensive to my sister or her son, if there are that person will be held in a dungeon with food nor water for three days even if he or she be a noble it not matter, you will raise your hooves and I shall pick you out to talk, Ok first, Ah the lord of windgates speak"

A stallion with his head head high stepped forward, "Princess Luna, since you are of a different race this means you have no relation to Princess Celestia, am I correct?"

"Unfortunately, yes, we are not related by blood but she has been there since I was but a foal, I was adopted by Celestias mother and was raised as an alicorn,"

The stallion nodded and stepped back, as Celestia chose the next pony to speak, "now, mrs Scarlet Wine from the house of Balsuum, you may speak"

A rose maned pony stepped forward with grace, her voice had a sweet tinge, "Thank you, what of the new Prince is he truly your son, if so why has he not been brought up in the same manner as your highness," she bowed and awaited her answer.

Luna was quiet for a minute thinking of how to answer the question, "Yes, our races royalty have there foals when ready even if there is no mate, I had a dear friend take him for me to show him the world and then when he was old enough to take the throne and had the knowledge of the public so as to be fair he could rule along side me and his aunt Celestia"

"So your race have a different breading pattern?" the same mare asked.

Luna nodded, it is a lie but it is best they do not know of what dwells within tarturus, "our races mares come into pregnancy later in life when they so chose so to do so, I wanted to have a kin and so I had Dawn"

The mare stepped back as she had a not trusting face but never the less was quiet once more, Celestia looked to Luna with a contemplated look but turned back to the crowd, "next, lord Von Snittzle, speak"

A curly blond stallion swam to the front of the crowd, "Thank you your highness, you said not to be rude but I am sure that most of us here would like to ask this question, Prince.......

Celestia said, "Dawn"

"Yes, Prince Dawns appearence is much like yours Princess Luna but I have to ask, his tail is somewhat alive," the stallion had a questionable look on his face.

"It is to do with our anatomy, we are born with a familiar or should say an animal Spirit, but with the royalty some of us fuse with the creature during birth, for the usual Devi pony they are just spiritually tethered to their familiar where as we have a much deeper bond to our spirits, we feel their pain and sorrow and we share their consciousness"

"If that is so Princess where is your......... familiar?"

"I am afraid quite a long time ago my familiar had died and ever since I still feel its pain course through my vains," all the things said by Luna were true apart from Shadow and Dawns unexplained circumstances, a tear nearly came from the night Princess as she nodded at Celestia.

"If there are no more important Questions we shall call this meetings end, further notice about what will happen to the reign of the country shall come to your estates soon, in another thirty minutes we shall announce to the public the existence of Lunas race, all are dismissed," the ponies in the room started to disperse, Celestia could see that Luna could not last longer and that Dawn was frozen stiff, quite comical but Luna was on the verge of tears.

"Its okay Luna let it out, I know you miss Risen," Princess Celestia held her sister until she felt more comfortable as Dawn slowly thawed from his stupor as he noticed Luna.

"um............m..mom, it'll be ok.......... we can see it through together, all three of us," Dawn walked over to the two and put his hoof onto his mothers left wing stroking it gently in a calming motion.

Luna turned and pulled Dawn into an embrace with Celestia on the other side, "Thank you Dawn, yes, we will get..... get past this as a ...family," small hiccups of breathe came from Luna as she calmed down, now breathing normally she steeled her nerves for their next task, "well sister, the public will finally know about myself and Dawn, hopefully there wont be too much trouble"

Celestia looked into her sisters eyes and with a sad smile she nodded, "yes, Lulu, I am sure there wont be too much trouble, we must let them know you haven't changed and that everything will be the same as before except you wont have to hide any longer, it will be fine"

The three Celestial beings sat in there embrace for a few minutes, We haven't been held by a mother before have we Dawn, its kinda...... comfortable, Yes Shadow.....it might be weird but I guess we have a home again, a small tear escaped his eye and traveled down his muzzle.

Celestia released the embrace and face the pair, looking from Luna to Dawn she smiled happily, "well we cant keep them waiting longer, we may have thousands of years but we cannot spend them here, there is no time like the present, lets go see 'our' public," Dawn and Luna nodded and followed Celestia down the red carpet and up to the double doors that ed to the outside, the guards opened the doors as the light shone through, Celestia walk up to the pedestal and formally addressed the crowd, "My little ponies, we have come here today to celebrate the return of an old race, Please welcome Devicorn Princess Lunescent and Prince Dawn the royal airs to the Devicorn crowns,"

Well here goes nothing, the pair looked at each other before stepping out into the light and up to the pedastal........

Author's Note:

this was just a quick chapter to get Luna and Dawn out to the public, this way we can push onto other subjects, there are many flaws I know and if something confuses you put a comment, that way I can explain it and fix the story so that future readers arn't in the same predicament.
Shadow:wow I had like, four lines you shithead
Dawn: calm down she tried his best
Luna: Shadow shame on thee, that is not the language a royal uses
Shadow: ahh fuck, is she always going to be this naggy
Luna: *moves back in shock*
Dawn: sorry hes a potty mouth, just ignore him mother, anyway onto the credits, Sera does not own any Hasbro affiliated pony or any content as such, I think thats it because Sera is being ignorant on her computer, oh well see you guys on the next chapter of the vast unknown

Comments ( 1 )

This story gets even better and better :pinkiehappy:

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