• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 2,960 Views, 78 Comments

Making the Best of it - Flame6666

When a man with a shell as thick as the planet is sent to Equestria, will he change or not?

  • ...

Early Return

Making the Best of it

Early Return

Anthony, feeling like the world could end right now, was going back to the barn just to sulk. Once he got to the farm, he looked up and saw Rainbow Dash chasing a... pink cloud? Anthony just shrugged it off and went into the barn and in a few minutes heard Rainbow Dash and Applejack yell, so he got himself up and went outside and went wide eyed at the scene before him.

Pink clouds filled the sky raining chocolate milk, fields of popcorn with a Pinkie Pie swimming through them, giant apples growing from the trees, and a herd of bunnies with house like legs, "Noooo... noo... he shouldn't be out now, not until after the Grand Galloping Gala."

Anthony stood there as he watched his six former friends go into action, Rainbow Dash rounded up the canteen candy clouds up into a ball, Applejack lassoed the clouds and brought them down to earth, and Fluttershy used reverse psychology on the animals to make them eat the chocolate milk filled canteen candy clouds. After that was done Anthony ran over to the ponies with one thing on his mind, "Have to make sure that Discord doesn't mess with there friendship this time around."

He got to the six ponies as Twilight was in mid-sentence, "...there's nothing that we can't overcome when we all work together." Then Spike burped out the letter, Twilight picked it up with telekinesis and gasped, "Come on girls, Princess Celestia wants see us all in Canterlot immediately!"

Anthony got up to them catching his breath, "Wait... we need to... go to the library first..."

"Why? We can't be wasting time, the Princess said immediately." Twilight said sounding aggravated.

"Okay let me put it this way, either we waste a little bit of time or, we all have a very bad day."

"You mean worse than it is?" Twilight said with a snort.

"Yes Twilight, much MUCH WORSE!"

Spike spoke up, "Come on Twilight, if anything it will only be a few minutes."

"Fine, but this better be good." Anthony nodded and Twilight teleported them to the library.

"Okay Spike, can you find the reference guide to the Elements of Harmony for me?"

"Elements of Harmony? Oh I know exactly where that is." Spike ran over to some ladders and pulled out the book and handed it to Anthony.

Anthony gulped, "Hope their in here, or else Twilight is going to kill me." Anthony slowly opened the book and found, that the Elements of Harmony were not around.

"So what are you looking for already?" Twilight asked with a bit if anger.

Anthony sighed, "Nothing now... okay time to go to the Princess."

Twilight gave him a angry look and then teleported everyone to Canterlot castle thrown room, "Sorry we're late Princess Celestia, somepony had to look at a book." Looking at Anthony when she said it

Anthony rolled his eyes and thought, "We probably got here faster since you teleported us instead of running here."

"Thank you all for coming but please, follow me, we don't have much time." Celestia said as she walked off with everyone following suit. They walked down a hall that had stained glass windows that showed the stories of major events.

As they walked down the path Anthony thought to himself, "Okay, the elements weren't in the book, so that must mean that Discord hasn't started his game yet, if so I have to do everything in my power to stop them from going into the maze."

When they got to the end of the hall Celestia told the group the story of Discord and that she and her sister can no longer us the Elements of Harmony to defeat him and that only they can. Celestia opened the magic door and found that the elements were missing. Just then Discord made his first appearance and eventually told them the riddle, "To retrieve your missing elements, just make sense of these change of events, twist and turns are my master plan, then find the elements back where you began." Then Discord disappeared.

"Can we go home now?" Fluttershy said with fear in her voice.

"What do you reckon he meant by twist and turns and ending back where we started?" Applejack asked.

"Twist and turns... twist and turns... twist and turns that's it! I think Discord hid the elements in the palace labyrinth!" Twilight came to a conclusion.

"No Twilight, their not in the labyrinth, their back at the library." Anthony brought up.

"Of course the elements are in the labyrinth, it makes perfect sense." Twilight said feeling like Anthony was just wasting their time.

"Think about it Twilight... "Twist and turns are my master plan." So that must mean that he wants us to go into the maze, "Then find the elements back where you began." that would mean the library... Please Twilight, trust me for once, just trust me."

"Why should they trust you, when you can't even trust them?" Discord reappears before them.

"What are you talking about Discord, I trust them more then anyone else!" Anthony yelled that the draconequus.

"What am I talking about? Hmm I don't know, how about this?" with a snap of his fingers Anthony's laptop popped into existence and Anthony's eyes went wide, "There it is, I knew that you knew what I was talking about. Lets see here... how do I work this thing hmm...forget it." with another snap of the finger the laptop grew in size and had the first episode of My Little Pony playing on it. Everypony wore confused looks, even Celestia was baffled at what she was seeing, "You see my little ponies, in his world we are all fiction. He didn't really want to be your friends, he just wanted to live out his fantasy living here."

"Thanks not true! I love these girls like family and I would never do anything to hurt them, that's why I never showed them this and why I never got rid of it, to know how to protect them from what hardship that they will face!"

"Really? and how did that work out for you?" Discord snapped his finger and the episode switched to Sonic Rainboom episode, right at the part when Dash dose the Sonic Rainboom, "If you wouldn't have interfered then Dashie would have done that Sonic Rainboom and won the competition."

"Wait WHAT! I would have WON!" Dash yelled.

"Yep." Discord said with a smirk, "Also, if you didn't want to see how Fluttershy took care of that bird then you would have never cut her."

"HE DID WHAT NOW!?!" Applejack and Rarity yelled at the same time, "Why didn't you tell us?" Rarity continued.

"Uhm... I-I didn't want everypony to get m-mad at Anthony." Fluttershy said getting lower to the floor with each word.

"Well... my work here is done. TATA" Discord vanished again leaving glaring eyes on Anthony.

After some moments Twilight finally said, "Come on girls, we need to get to the labyrinth and stop Discord."

"Please Twilight, you can't go there, its a trap!" Anthony tried to plead.

"LOOK, we will deal with you later, but right now we need to beat Discord. So stay out of our way." The Holders of Harmony left Anthony behind as they left to the labyrinth and Anthony followed them. When they got to the entrances of the maze, Twilight noticed Anthony followed them, "Didn't I tell you not to get in our way!" Twilight yelled at him.

"And I wont be in your way, the moment you all step in there walls are going to separate you and Discord will pick you off one by one."

"HOW WOULD YOU KNOW? Are you a spy... a psychic spy?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"No Pinkie... I watched the show and know what is about to happen."

"Really? Then whats gonna happen?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well you were planing on just flying over the maze to find the elements and then Discord was going to come out and take your guy's wings and horns and tell you the rules, which are-" Anthony was cut off.

"No flying and no magic!!" Rainbow's and Fluttershy's wings vanished along with Twilight's and Rarity's horns. " And rule two is-" Discord was cut off.

"Everypony must participate or else you win." Anthony said.

"Close, everyONE must participate or else I win. That includes you." Discord said pointing at Anthony.

"I was planing on it Discord." Anthony said glaring at Discord.

"Oooh so much anger, I love it, this is going to be the most fun I've had in years." Discord vanished again.

The ponies looked at Anthony, his eyes filled with rage. They could feel his anger radiating off him, no one said a word. They walked into the maze and sure enough the walls came up separating them and they started on there journey to find the elements that weren't there, but Anthony only went in there to find answers such as, how did Discord know about the videos on Anthony's laptop and how he knew about the show in his world.

---------------Authors Notes---------------

Hello everyone just felt the need to tell you that the next chapter will be the ending and a LOT of crazy stuff will be explained, so look forward to that!!!

Also the plan was to do this all in one chapter but I decided that it should be two, so sorry for the abrupt end here again.