• Published 5th Mar 2012
  • 2,960 Views, 78 Comments

Making the Best of it - Flame6666

When a man with a shell as thick as the planet is sent to Equestria, will he change or not?

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To Kill a Mocking Bird

Making the Best of it

To Kill a Mocking Bird

It’s been a week since the incident with Rainbow Dash and she hasn't said a word to Anthony, not only that but every time she saw him, she flew out of sight. Who could blame her though... if you had a dream crushed, and had all the hard work that you put into making that dream a reality more or less spat on, anyone would be furious. Although Anthony was in pain from what has happened, life had to continue and he had to start showing the movies again. The word about Anthony's theater has begun to spread outside of Ponyville, and some ponies from out of town have started to travel just to see them, he even had to move everything outside to accommodate the higher number of customers. He was starting to run out of movies he felt comfortable about showing to the ponies, after all, its not like he can show movies like Texas Chain Saw Massacre or The Exorcist. So he just showed Wall-E again and nopony seemed to have minded.

After the movie Twilight came up to Anthony and asked him a few questions, "Hey Anthony, that was a great movie." she said in a voice that clearly sounded like she was trying to cheer him up.

Anthony sighed, "Thanks Twilight."

"So uhm... how are you holding up?" concern filled her voice.

Again a sigh, "Still feels like my heart has been ripped out, but I'll manage."

"Ooh... Okay then... well anyway, I just wanted to tell you that Princess Celestia is going to be at the Sugercube Corner for brunch tomorrow and that your on the list."

"Okay Twilight... I'll be there." Anthony said with no enthusiasm to speak of.

"Alright, I'll be waiting." With that Twilight left Anthony to clean up.

It was the next day and Applejack went into the barn to wake Anthony up, but when she got there Anthony was already up and looking like he didn't get any sleep at.

"Anthony? Are ya alright, you look as if ya didn't get a wink of sleep."

"That's because I didn't." Anthony said with a yawn.

"Well why in tarnation did ya not sleep?"

"Because of the brunch today... I know that Rainbow Dash will be there and I was thinking if I should go or not."

"And you thought about that all night? Well yer' coming, even if Ah have to hogtie ya and drag you there myself."

Anthony sighs, "Please Applejack, I really don't want to go."

"Nope yer' coming, this is the perfect chance for you two to make up... don't make me get the rope."

"Fine." Anthony said with a aggravated voice.

Anthony got off his bed and put on some clothes that Rarity made him a while ago and went with Applejack to the brunch. On the way there they ran into Rarity who complemented Anthony on his choice of attire... and after a long wait Rarity did a loud "AHEM" and the two complemented Rarity's dress as well. When they got to Sugercube Corner there where two guards standing at the door, when the group got to them they said that they were on the list and were let through.

Rainbow Dash was looking away when they entered the shop and she turned around to see who it was, and when her eyes locked with Anthony's she glared at him and turned away. "I knew she was still mad... I better just leave before things get awkward.", "Hey listen... I don't see Fluttershy here, I'll go get her so she's not late." Anthony turn around and went out the door, ignoring the "Wait" that Applejack yelled at him.

Anthony was about halfway to Fluttershy's cottage when he saw her walking his way.

"Oh hello Anthony, why are you all the way out here?"

"I was just on my way to get you Fluttershy."

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to waste your time..."

"Don't worry about it Fluttershy, I had a feeling that you would have been on time anyway but I just wanted to be sure."

"That was kind of you Anthony, but are you sure that your just not running away?"

Anthony let out a sigh, "Your a lot sharper than you let on huh."

Fluttershy smiled and nodded then continued to walk, "Want to talk about, that is... only if you want to?"

Anthony followed her, "Sorry Fluttershy, I don't feel like it right now, maybe later."

"Okay, no problem."

When they got back to Sugercube Corner they saw Rainbow Dash messing with one of the guards out front then went back inside. They walked up to the door and the guards asked Fluttershy who she was and she got scared and started to walk away.

"Fluttershy get back here." Anthony yelled to her.

She walked back hanging her head and asked, "Yes?"

"Okay listen fellas, she is Fluttershy the holder of the Element of Kindness, I'm pretty sure she's on the list."

The two guards looked at each other and nodded, then let the two pass. Once inside Fluttershy told Anthony, "Thank you" and went off to meet Twilight, the brunch went exactly like in the show, Applejack not know what to eat first, Rarity freaking out about keeping her dress clean, Pinkie Pie being... Pinkie Pie. Not that Anthony really watched any of this since he just went into the kitchen to stay away from Rainbow Dash. When the sounds of the brunch ended Anthony went into the front room and noticed that there was a empty golden bird cage with a bunch of feathers laying on the bottom of it.

"I remember now, this is when Fluttershy steals Celestia's pet bird. Might as well go see how this is going to play out first hand." Anthony started his way to Fluttershy's cottage, the walk was a long one and by the time that Anthony knocked on the door Fluttershy was already starting to give the bird a pill.

"Hello Anthony, what brings you here?" Fluttershy asked

"Just wanted to come chat... if that's okay with you." Anthony said thinking it was a sure fire way to get him inside

"Uhm... okay, but only if you promise not to tell anypony what I'm doing."

"...Okay...I promise."

"Pinkie promise?"

Anthony sighed, "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Fluttershy giggled, "I'm surprised that you even know the Pinkie promise."

Anthony shrugged, "I heard Pinkie Pie say it a few times.", "Only in the show that is." he thought to himself.

Fluttershy backed up to let Anthony inside and he saw the poor bird seating there on the floor coughing.

"I just tried to give her medicine but she didn't take it, I even put food around it but she just ate all the food around it."

"Well maybe you should just take her back to the Princess, I think she'll know what to do."

"Uhm... I don't think she does... just look at how sick poor Philomena is."

"Okay how about this, we'll do everything that we can do and if nothing works then we take Philomena back, Okay?"

" Okay..."

They tried everything that they could, feeding it soup, tried making it a friend, using the power of singing, a humidifier, aromatherapy, a warm bath, and finally just taping all her feathers back on. Anthony knew it was about time for them to just hand Philomena back to the Princess.

"Fluttershy? I think its about time we stop this, nothing seems to work."

Fluttershy sighed, "Okay... your right, but... we never did talk about what you wanted to talk about."

Now Anthony let out a sigh, "You have to good of a memory Fluttershy."

"It’s fine Anthony, we’re alone here, you don't have to worry about anypony else knowing about whatever is bothering you." Fluttershy said in a claiming voice.

"It's just... I know that Rainbow hates my guts right now and she doesn't want me as a friend anymore. It just... hurts so much, knowing that I hurt her to that extent."

Fluttershy raises her hoof to his shoulder, "Anthony... I've known Rainbow Dash for years now and I know that she might seem very mad right now, but she will get over it in time. Trust me."

"I... Okay Fluttershy... if you say so." Anthony let out a tear and out of the corner of his eye he sees Philomena robbing her eyes in a mocking fashion. "Are you... are you mocking me?." he says looking at the bird

Philomena nods and is now on her stomach pounding her wings and feet on the ground like a child who didn't get what they wanted.

"Stop that you damn bird, here I am letting my feelings out and there you are making fun of me!" Anthony said in a angry voice.

"Uhm... I-I think we just need to claim dow-" Fluttershy was cut off by Philomena who was crying like a baby and somehow got a diaper and bib on.

"Will you stop that! Your starting to piss me off you damn bird!" Anthony said almost reaching the end of his fuse.

"Philomena... please stop." Fluttershy asked.

Philomena stopped her crying only to take out a bottle of milk and started to suck one of its feathers as if its a thumb

"THAT'S IT! That's all I can take!" Anthony went over to Fluttershy's kitchen filled with rage and takes out one of the knifes, walks up to Philomena and slashes at her... only for Fluttershy to jump into the way. Anthony cut Fluttershy's forearm with the knife... it wasn't deep but the amount of blood that came out told anything but. Fluttershy had her forearms around Philomeena and she looked at Anthony... her eyes filled with fear. Anthony started to back away from them, dropping the knife, he tried to say that he was sorry and that it was a accident, but the words choked in his throat. Fluttershy's eyes never wander away from Anthony's, as panic rushed into him he ran out of the house, running passed Twilight who asked "Whats wrong!". Anthony ran all the way to the barn and stayed there the rest of the day. It was around sundown when Applejack came up to the barn.

"Hey uh... Anthony, there's somepony here that wants to see ya." Anthony turns around on his bed and looks, it was Fluttershy who had a bandage where he cut her, his heart ached at the that sight alone but it hurt even more when he looked into her eyes that where still filled with fear.

"Uhm..... h-hi Anthony." Fluttershy put on a fake smile.

"....Hi Fluttershy...I'm...I'm sorry that I...cut you."

She shook her head as if to say it was fine. Anthony got off the bed but when he did Fluttershy flew back several feet with even more fear in her eyes. That was when Anthony knew that the damage as already be done, Fluttershy no longer saw him as a friend, but a monster... Anthony showed the one side of himself that he has been suppressing for years and he showed it to the one pony that would be effected the most. Anthony couldn't bare the pain any longer, he begged Fluttershy to leave as he sat back down on the bed and she left in a heartbeat.

Anthony felt as if he was drowning in sadness, he sobbed quietly the entire night wishing that he had never come to Equestria.