• Published 27th Oct 2013
  • 1,473 Views, 41 Comments

We Know What We Are, Not You - Smashing Skunk53

Pokemon/MLP Crossover: Ever since Twilight became a Princess, the media has been using both her and her friends as a tabloid goldmine. They need to learn that no matter what others think or say, it should never matter between true friends.

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The Boys Are Back in Town

Night has settled over Equestria, bringing with it peace and tranquility that truly belongs in the twilight hours. Starlight shinnied through the windows and homes helping little foals sleep in the dark. Moonlight comforting lovers in each other’s embrace. But all was not well, especially around the town of Ponyville.

Instead of the comforting moonlight that offered solace to lovers, Luna’s risen moon casted an eerie glow over the town, many fearing the twisted shapes that seemed to threaten those beyond the safety of light. On this strange night, residents of Ponyville could sense that something was amiss, and how right they were.

Two bizarre figures dart between homes and buisnesses. A given mission in mind set only hours before. They set out from the Everfree forest, devoted to completing their tasks…Mostly.
Few hours before,

The Everfree Forest, once a den of hellacious creatures, has been cleared of violent predators by the strangest of prey they had ever seen. The four beings took to the sheltered woods, giving them cover for the night.

The curious creatures, once they ran out of things to hit, have turned to one another in confusion and anger. Growls and howls of were raised back and forth as the argument grew heated. The tallest of the four spoke, trying her best to calm those around her in her own way. The black bag around her shoulders struggled to stay on, not fitted for her body.

Dark red eyes stared down the smaller figure, as her voice boomed over the group. “I don’t want to hear it Terra!” Arms crossed over her pale yellow furred chest as she glared down with red menacing eyes. She was a born fighter, a Lucario.

Challenging the stare was another pair of red orbs, a smaller creature nearly half the size of Elena, known across the world as the cute deceiver, was a Mawile.Careful of the massive weight on the back of her head Terra shifted herself to place her hands on her hips, standing both her ground and her reasons. “There is a town just past the forest! We should just march in there and check if the Boss is there Elena."

“And what if he isn’t? What do you think they will do to us if they think we are wild Pokémon?” She shouted back, knowing that if it wasn’t built by nature, they should think carefully before taking any action. Elena's body tensed, fists clenched as the last rays of sunshine glinted off the metal spikes on the back of her hands.

Throwing tiny arms up in the air in exasperation, Terra huffed, “Fine then, what do you have in mind bossy pants?”

“We should investigate the town first, then we will plan our next move.” The Lucario said.

Terra pondered the idea for a moment. Before opening her mouth in the front. “Let’s say I agree with ya, then who should check it out?”

“The one best suited for staying unseen." Elena turned her head to the shadow in the shade of twisted trees. "Whisper can you go take a look for us?” The shadow stood, yellow light streamed from its form, illuminating its body. A quadrupedal
creature that lived for the night, an umbreon.

Silence was the only response before the Espeon next to him spoke.

“He agrees that that is the best plan of action.” Maria said. A complete contrast to the eeveelution beside her, purple fur, that with the fading light of the sun had a special sheen. Thick whiskers dance on their own accord from the power radiating from the gem in her forehead.

Terra then snapped her fingers drawing attention towards her. “Wait a sec, if we are sending Whisper, maybe we should send Moriarty as well.”

Elena resisted the urge to facepalm at the notion.“That has to be the most idiotic thing you have ever said. Here we are, in the middle of Arcerus knows where, and you want to send the most immature, playful, and scare-loving mon we know?”

“Yeah, but hear me out. While Whisper gets us the information we need, Moriarty will “test the waters” if ya catch my drift.”
“I think I know what you mean, with him we can see how the locals will react to our presence, therefore we will know what to expect if and when we make contact with the townspeople.”

Elena nodded to her comrade. “Good idea Terra.”

Personally, if anyone would get hurt I was volunteering him. , Terra thought to herself.

Purple fur shook as Maria snickered, as if she heard something funny.

“Stay out of my mind Maria.” Terra whispered threateningly, teeth bared.

I would, but I do so enjoy your thoughts. They make me giggle. The Sun pokemon then said aloud, “So now that we have a plan, shall we set it in motion?”
The strange-looking Pokémon were everywhere, and not a single human in sight. This made one worried, while the other was absolutely ecstatic.

“Think about it ol’ pal of mine, an entire town of Pokémon. Though I can’t understand a single word there saying do you?”

“Exactly! Instead of the little snippets here and there we should get them really talking.” He moved his hand over his mouth, stopping his voice from reaching any of the nearby ears. “I have…an idea.”

“We should split up and search for clues. I will follow that strange pink one there. She smells of nice things. You can watch the little dragon, he is different, and by the law of stories, that makes him important. Petter patter lets get atter!”

Moriarty vanished into thin air, trailing after small pink horse, leaving Whisper quite befuddled. He simply shrugged and went to do as his friend said.
Pinkie Pie had a great night tonight, never anything wrong with a “Nothing freaky has happened in the past week” party. If only Twilight was in town, she would have liked the especially made Princess Cupcakes she baked. They smelled just like them. Oh well, guess I just have to make her a super special batch! Maybe have Spike send her batch. Oooh I should bake some tonight!

Her mane then grew three sizes too big, her tongue shrunk by ¾ and 204050683882 hairs in her coat smoothed down. “My Pinkie Sense is tingling…”

She narrowed her eyes as they darted to fro. Something, no somepony, NO WAIT, someone is following her. “Hi Pinkie!”

The party pony’s head did a complete one-eighty and was nose to nose, nostril kissing poor Berry Punch. Her greeting interrupted by the giant blue eye staring her down. “Is something wrong?”

A flurry of limbs later, her body had twisted and aligned with her head. “We are being watched.”

Berry simply rolled her eyes, immune to Pinkie’s nonsense. “Are you sure you didn’t just party too hard?”

“You can never have enough fun! Why just last month during Cranky Doodle’s birthday-“ Berry Punch nodded, after knowing Pinkie so long, its easier just to let her finish talking before waving farewell.

While daydreaming a rather steamy plan, Berry watched a wide toothy grin suddenly appeared behind Pinkie.


“Huh? What do you mean ah? I never told you to open wide silly.” A cookie appeared in her hooves. “But if you insist.”
“No Pinkie behi-“ Cookie block. She holds another in hoof, “Ready for #2?” The sharpened teeth opened as a long tongue reached out towards the mare, purple saliva dripping from its fangs.

The lilac mare was gone in a puff of dust, leaving poor Pinkie in the grasp of…nothing. Not even the cookie. “Your welcome Berry!” The resizing of her body continued. Bringing her train of thought back I am still being watched. Pinkie Pie stretched her neck up high, telescoping the park for any other ponies and found no one. “Oh well, they will come out once I bake them a cake.”

She bounced her way out of the park, unknowingly with a currently transparent, levitating stalker.

“Mr. Caaakke, I’m back.” The door to the bakery slammed open, rustling the shelves.

“Can you keep it down Pinkie? I just put the little Cakes to sleep.”

“Sorry, but you sure did miss a good party though, and Berry Punch was acting reallll weird she even took my cookies and ran screaming into the night.” Pinkie looked to the air in thought. “Maybe she was pretending to be a banshee?”

Carrot Cake simply nodded far too tired to make any reasonable response and started to head upstairs, though he did expect Pinkie to follow.

She trotted past the stairwell and Mr. Cake to the kitchen, a twinkle in her eyes. Carrot Cake called out tiredly, “What are you baking this late Pinkie?”

“Well, I am being watched, so I thought that they might get hungry following me all night so I am gonna bake’em a cake.” A sinister smile spread across her face. “Then he, she, it or the epicene,” Pinkie paused as she pulled out a monocle,mustache and top hat out of the oven with the pronunciation of epicene. “Would have to come out and take the gift. It is the perfect plan.” Pinkie Pie’s hoof twirled her diabolical mustache.

Mr. Cake did not even give it a second thought as he continued to trot upstairs to bed. “Good night Pinkie.”

Pinkie Pie made a mental checklist of everything she needed to draw in stalker.

Time to get down to business.

Baker Hat, check.

Apron, check.

Ingredients, check.

And freshly baked cake, checked.

“Now we wait.”

Time ticks by. She can’t see whoever it is, but the Pinkie sense never lies and they are still nearby. The cake sat on the
counter in all its splendor and glory. Pure, unfiltered chocolate cake. Vanilla icing with the freshest of strawberries circling
the border of each layer of the three layer cake. Its beauty and taste was unmatched. It was the perfect bait.

Seconds tick by, then a minute clicked…


The foals’ cries drew Pinkie’s attention away from her less than silent vigil. “I’m coming my little cupcakes!” A poof of smoke and she was gone to the twins’ room.

Little did she know that two hands appeared in the kitchen as they crept towards the cake predatorily.
A lullaby and apologies to the different Cakes throughout the home later, Pinkie was finally back downstairs in the kitchen and her jaw dropped down to the floor.

Pieces of cake were being thrown into a gaping maw, floating in mid-air. Each piece of deliciousness was cut and tossed by disembodied hands into the weird transparent creature. “HEY! If you are gonna eat the cake, we could’ve shared like a
proper stalker and stalkee!”

A shrieking laugh echoed in the kitchen as it took the final bite and dissipated into thin air, leaving the jittery pony speechless.


“Ghost huh? Good thing my old Professor, O. Gollie, gave me,” Pinkie Pie stopped mid-sentence as a back-strapped, heavily modified vacuum cleaner was pulled inexplicably from behind her. “THIS!”

“I’m going to catch you and then you will rue the day you ate all the cake. YOU WILL RUE!”

Crying rang throughout the shop.

“Sorry little Cakes!”
Whisper knew that the youngling he was following was a dragon. Covered in scales, sharp teeth and struts with a certain amount of pride. The small lizard was moving through town with experience, so it showed that he was native to the area, though judging by the population he was quite rare.

The few Pokémon that were still out this late gave the byzantine dragon waves and quick greetings. Definitely local, some type of leader? “Most dragons prefer to be the top of the food chain. A Salamence at the Daycare Centre does not play in the corner quietly, instead the smaller Pokémon pay tribute with pokeblocks. While comely Lopunnys flock to his feet.”


Whisper looks to the side and notices Moriaty whispering into one of his ears. He gives the Haunter a piercing gaze with Mean Look. He backs away before disappearing into the night air. A disembodied voice spoke, “I’m going, I’m going.”

The moonlight Pokémon went back to tracking its prey. Trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible, he kept any hostile thoughts from his mind as he maintained focus on the mission. The moment he lost concentration he would light up like a firefly. Deep meditating breathes kept his mind clear of everything but the small creature in front of him.

As they neared the centre of the town, the lizard headed towards a dwelling far different than those around it. While most were like what humans built for themselves, this one lived in a hollowed out tree. He entered the home through the door, while Whisper snuck up to the window peering inside.

Books lined every wall, showing extensive knowledge. The unknown symbols lined the spine of each book. As he looked deeper into the home, he saw the green-spined child writing more weird symbols onto a piece of paper. They can read and write? Just how smart are these multi-coloured pokemon?

It soon disappeared in a puff of green smoke as the creature that many of the passerby referred to as “Spike” burned it to a crisp. Whisper watched in confusion. Why on earth did he do that? he thought. There was a knock on the door as two of the female ponies entered the home. They begin to talk to the dragon, as Whisper perked his ears up, hoping to hear any familiar words.
“How ya doing Spike? Had fun at the party?” Rainbow said, energy still bursting from every flap of her wings.

“Yeah it was okay I guess…”

“But?” She landed next to Spike as both her and Applejack got closer.

“I really wish Twilight is here, I mean sure we can keep in touch with letters but it isn’t the same when I come back to the library and no one is lecturing me on “categorizing books by publication date”, eat all the hay off my plate, and proper hygiene.”

“Please tell me you still do the last one at least.”

Rainbow Dash took a whiff above the drake and tried her best not to spew party snacks.

“That isn’t important right now.”

“Yes…it…is.” Rainbow strained as she backed away to a safer distance.

“After our adventure through The Mirror, she spends all her time in Canterlot princessessing it up…”

“Royal Duties, Sugarcube.” Applejack interjected.

“Whatever, the point is that she is never in town anymore, heck I haven’t seen her in weeks. I miss her. Ponyville just
doesn’t feel like Ponyville without her here.”

“I know its been hard Spike, but were still the best of friends with her.” Rainbow gave a quick raspberry before leaping into the air and puffing her chest out. “I mean come on were the Elements of Harmony we are Friendship. Ain’t nothing can ever break us apart.”

“Rainbow, you can’t see it can ya?” The farm pony gave a tired sigh.

“See wha-“


“It’s a letter from Twilight!” His eyes grew large and sparkled like emeralds as he read the parchment aloud.

Dear Spike and Friends,

The Royal Sisters believe I am ready to handle a delicate situation that has arisen in Equestria. Strange creatures have appeared in Canterlot and one of them is a human. But strangely enough, this human is not from the world beyond the Mirror. I am coming to Ponyville tomorrow to tell you all everything. What our little visitor has told me has me extremely worried for our country. The fate of Equestria may very well rest in our hoofs.”

Your Princess,
Twilight Sparkle

“So she is only coming back to Ponyville because Equestria is in danger and needs your help." One could not help but notice the mount of scorn in Spike's voice.

“Spike, she just hasn’t had time to visit in awhile. Besides shouldn’t you be excited? We finally get to see a human up
close. I’m pumped!” Rainbow Dash disappeared as she raced around the room in a rainbow blur.

Applejack trailed Rainbow around the room, worry etched on her face.“Yeah but she has wrote has got me worrin’, what did the creature say that she can’t say in the letter. It must be somethin’ big.”

“You worry too much AJ, whatever it is we will kick its flank to wherever it came from.”

A strange purple gas came busting through the door, its body being wisping backwards as it clawed its way over the rug, holding to the threads of the fabric for dear life as it was constantly pulled outside of the library. The red and tan rug was soon sucked out of the room with a whoosh.

“I have you now Cake-Eater!”

The jagged cloud raced around the room scrambling away from Pinkie’s modified vacuum, knocking books off shelves while Pinkie was dragged behind it. It flew over the ponies and dragon while Pinkie Pie collided into them and tumbled onto the floor in a mess of hooves, hands and poofiness.
Moriarty raced out of the library as fast as he came in and nearly collided with Whisper, who was smirking at the ghost. The levitating hands picked up the unfazed umbreon and carried him overhead and into the forest, being dragged behind the speeding head.

Returning to the forest with the moon at its zenith, both of the Pokémon had to tell their comrades what they had learnt from their nightly stroll around town.

“Anyone want a slice of cake?”

The Haunter reached a hand into his mouth and offered a perfect slice of chocolate cake to his friends, who were trying
their best to hide their…delight.

“Now that we know that the local food is at least edible for us.” Maria paused while fighting the tempting, yet still disgusting urge to eat the regurgitated piece of cake. “What do we know of them?”

Whisper sat still on his haunches, gave his nightly cohort the lead between bites of his already eaten cake. “They are definitely friendly; she baked a cake and left it out in the open for me. Such a nice girl. Oh and she can suck and blow me on ten different speeds.” He hummed a chippy tune with his eyes closed, thinking back.

All stared at him with bulging eyes.

“With her fancy machine.”

Terra bursts out in laughter, falling back onto her jaws using them as cushions. While the other two females blush at what exactly popped in their minds. Whisper just watched and chuckled on the inside.

“Shucks they use alotta stuff just like humans, like the food factory-“

“Kitchen.” Maria chimed.

“Complex formulas used in brain melting experiments-“


“They also use…the swirling device.”

“Ya mean the-“ Terra started, mischief gleaming in her red eyes.

Elena raised her paw as she interrupted Terra from her obvious translation. “So these creatures act like very little like Pokémon, but more like humans? Interesting, but that still leaves us in the middle of nowhere without our master and I will not allow us to be separated from him much longer than we have to.”

Whisper pulled himself to full height as Maria explained for the group. “While he did not make as many “discoveries” as Esperarty, he did listen to a group of them that did mention the word “human” multiple times. Whisper believes that we should make contact with the dragon in town and have him bring us to the humans.”

“So they at least know of humans. Good that means we might be closer to where we started then we thought.” The jackal gave an approving nod to its canine cousin. “Good work.” Now that just leaves us with what to do next.

While Elena sharpened her spikes in deep thought, Moriarty spoke up letting the last bit of vanilla fall free of his gaseous
form. “We should just walk up and say hello.”

Maria resisted the urge to telekinetically toss him through a few trees. “We still cannot communicate with them and the only useful information that we have is that they *may* know what a human is.”

“Better than staying out here scaredy cat.” Terra inquired from her seat.

Maria gave a small scoff, “Better to be cautious and smart, then brave and stupid like you my dear.”



Blue aura lit the forest night, covering the group in the glow from Elena’s body. Her emotions flooded deep within in their minds and stopping any rebuttals, verbal or physical. The aura dissipated, leaving the five under the moonlight once more.

“Tomorrow we are going to approach the town and try to communicate. Hopefully using the aura, they can understand we mean no harm. If they show any sign of being hostile, we will come back to the forest and think of a new plan.” She paused, looking away from her companions as she looked into the woods. When she spoke once more, the authoritive tone was gone, replaced by the tiniest shred of fear. “This is the only clue we have so far about our humans and we need to investigate. Our Master may be with them.

Terra got off of her jaws and patted the usually stoic Pokémon on the thigh assuringly, bringing her troubled gaze down to the Mawile.

“Stop worrying so much tightbutt. The Boss is probably fine and getting a night of sleep and trying not to worry over us.” Harshness forgotten as she comforted Elena, and began to drag the hunching Lucario over to one of the trees to sleep for the night as the rest did the same.

As Maria and Whisper twisted their bodies into their sleeping position, she said the final words before her head on her brother’s ringed haunches. “If he, like us, fell from the sky, ended up in front of a group of those things, and none of them could understand him, I’m sure they would treat him with the utmost respect and courtesy that any guest should receive.” Maria stated with a matter of a fact tone. “I am sure he is just having a nice rest before continuing his search for us in the morning.”
A soft sneeze was the only sound in the small cell, down in the unkempt dungeons beneath Canterlot Castle.

Author's Note:

Up before midnight, like promised. Woot. Now I will try to write two chapters for next and maybe start another story. The idea will not leave me alone.