• Published 27th Oct 2013
  • 1,473 Views, 41 Comments

We Know What We Are, Not You - Smashing Skunk53

Pokemon/MLP Crossover: Ever since Twilight became a Princess, the media has been using both her and her friends as a tabloid goldmine. They need to learn that no matter what others think or say, it should never matter between true friends.

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Save the Predators!

Pounding on her door woke Fluttershy from her bed. Thanks to Rarity, all of the injured creatures were bandaged and resting peacefully before she left last night. Fluttershy’s legs were aching from all the care she gave to all of the Everfree residents. She struggled to sit up in bed as she wiped her eyes with her hooves groggily.

Knock, knock.

Fluttershy jumped at the sound, getting her wings caught in the sheets. Fighting against the blankets, she found herself quite worried by her visitors. Who could be here so early in the morning? She thought. She scrambled off the bed in a hurry, while trying to shout, “I’ll be there in a minute!”

The pounding on the door continued, getting progressively louder. Many of the recuperating predators growling at the unwelcomed awakening. Humming a simple tune to soothe their aggression, and her own nerves she trotted over to the door.

Another knock, but much lighter this time. More of a light tap upon the wood. Using her hoof, Fluttershy turned the doorknob slowly and opened the door. She froze. The manticores in her home roared, and timberwovles raged and crackled with their weakened bodies. Claws scrapped against the floors as the nature healer’s scream hurried the broken predators into action.
Ponyvillle was in a state of perfect peace and tranquility yet again on another wondrous day. Mares and stallions all around were going about their day in perfect harmony that Equestria is known across the world for. Milling about in the market, was a rather small pinto colt in front of the flower stand. His eyes constantly scanning the crowd while his head turned side to side with a tinge of blush on his face.

Roseluck stood behind her stand and tried her best not to scoop up the little Pipsqueak and dance across town. The little colt has a crush! She thought with justified glee. She stood behind her stand, ready to give the young lad the very best effort and advice for his little crush. I swear it on my cutie mark, she paused mid-thought to look at the rose that stood out proudly against her pale yellow coat, he will get the right flower to win her heart! A triumphant hoof was raised into the as a wide smile broke across her face.

“Umm…Miss Roseluck?”

“Oh Sorry Pip, got a little caught up in the moment there, but not to worry I know of just the right flower for your little friend.” Roseluck reached underneath the shelves and pulled out a box, nearly as long as her leg.

Plain, wooden, unadorned and just a wee bit of a trapezoid, Pip watched the new item with large eyes.

“Okay now listen up Gentlemen Pip,” Roseluck whispered into his ear as she leaned over the top of her stand and down towards him. “In this box I have three very special flowers that I know your special filly will love from what you told me about her. These flowers are known as Ipomoea among skilled botanists such as myself. Their real name is what your little filly will find out on the next night she goes stargazing. You just need to make sure she knows to take these with her to truly appreciate how you feel.”

Pip reached towards his tiny saddlebag for payment, but the florist raised a hoof to stop him. “There is no need, for I would do anything for young love!” She sighed dreamily while staring into space.

“Thank you Miss Roseluck!” Pip trotted off at a great speed through the market, three of the white flowers held lightly in his mouth.

Oooh, he will be such a charmer when he is older. All the mares will be after him. Roseluck watched as he disappeared from sight, before a shrill scream sent her into a panic.

Small crowds of ponies were screamed and hollered as many near the original source clamoured away fearfully. Roseluck was scared, and once she saw the pony everyone was backing away from fearfully. She hid behind her stand as cockatrice flew pass. Not risking even a glance at the monster, she kept her face buried between her hooves until the sound of its scaled wings trailed off into the distance, along with the yelps of both surprise and fear from anypony between here and its destination.

When she finally stood once more, the square was empty of all the customers for the stall owners. Roseluck look to the left and met the eyes of her neighbor, Carrot Top.

Their eyes met, bright green pools reflecting one another as they continued to stare. Neither saying a word before both faces on the earth ponies scrunched up in frustration, and then they let out a timely sigh.

It has been so quiet lately too.
The door to the library was blasted open as a NPC, non-pony creature crashed into the room and into the mares near the door. The varicoloured pile of twisted limbs twitched and groaned. Many seeing stars from the unexpected impact. Rarity was the first to get her bearings, as she was met face to face with a cockatrice. Her face twisted into that of fear.
She could feel body going numb and the blood flow to her legs slowing down. She was doomed to become the newest, most fabulous piece of art for the library, to awe all the visitors and to watch over in silent judgement…

Wait a moment, I am not turning to stone. Rarity thought, trying to move her rather constricted body. Rarity looked away from the now confused cockatrice as she saw herself at the bottom of the pile, mares all over her.

“Get up there is a cockatrice here!” Applejack’ s voice brought her out of her stupor, as the backed away quickly and cautiously from the creature.

She looked over to the cockatrice and finally saw that it was one of the injured ones that were being looked after by Fluttershy. The dirtied bandages and patches of bare skin between scales proved it.

“Wait! This was one of the hurt creatures that Fluttershy was helping yesterday!”

The cockatrice was waving its wings wildly as it slithered back and forth, to and fro in front of the mares. Its head swinging between the four of them trying its best to get their attention.

“Welp, I guess since it isn’t turning us to stone, it must mean its lookin’ for somethin’.”

The chicken-lizard became even more frantic as cawed and crowed repeatedly.

“What the heck are you all doing down there?” A sleepy voice came from the stairway as Spike descended the stairs rubbing his eyes, woken up from his slumber by the commotion. When he removed his hands from his face he took in the scene before him. Books scattered on the floor from bodies crashing into bookcases, a table overturned, and an extremely dangerous creature from the Everfree Forest.

Without batting an eye, cracking a smile or a grimace, he hissed long and loud toward the cockatrice, startling the ponies. They jumped again when the cockatrice hissed back with a short gasp at the end.

“Fluttershy is in trouble, some of the animals that beat them up so badly are now at Fluttershy’s cottage and are wrecking the place up.”

“How did-“

Spike picked up one of the books floor and showed them the cover.

“Lizards, Snakes and Hisstonouns” The guaranteed language of reptiles and their magical counterparts, by Professor Silvester Possessor.

“Twilight isn’t the only one that studies, you know.” Spike said.

“Well what are you all waiting for? Fluttershy needs our help, LETS GO!” Rainbow streaks of light were all that was left as the cyan pegasus disappeared from sight.

Applejack headed for the door. “Wait for us partner, you can’t handle them all by yourself!”

“Game face, Pinkie Pie. Time to get serious.” She skipped away with determination.

“I will be along with you all shortly, I will see if anyone can aid us in our endeavour.” She looked towards where the dragon was standing and gave her best doe eyes as she flipped her mane over her neck as it reflected the rays of sunshine from the broken doorway. “Oh Spikey~Wikey~”

Spike had turned his back to her as he covered his ears with his hands and sat on the floor.

“Spike…Spike can you hear me? SPIKE!”

While her screams echoed in the library, Spike repeated a mantra he had come up with for these types of situations.

Hear no Rarity; See no Rarity, Speak NOT to Rarity.

Pinkie Pie trotted back and hooked her foreleg around Rarity's neck.“Come on Rarity, its time for us to save the day for like, the 66th time!”

Once the all left, leaving the tired cockatrice and isolated dragon, he removed his hands and stood up once he was sure they were gone. “It is too early to save the day. Guess I’ll make some breakfast for when they all come back…and MAYBE something for Twilight when she gets here.” He turns toward the kitchen ignoring the mess in the lobby.

He gave a short hiss as his forked tongue danced across his lips toward the cockatrice. It twisted its head sideways at the question and gave a response.

“Sorry, we don’t have anything like that, but will birdseed do?” Spike asked.

It gave a nod as it wormed its tail around a large pile of discarded books and used them as a pillow. Shifting its long body as it laid it head down to rest.

Spike watched the cockatrice get settled, before whispering to himself, “Guess I will make sure that you will keep out of trouble until Fluttershy can come and get you then, I guess.”
Rainbow Dash was the first one to Fluttershy’s house as she stared at the scene, fear crawling up her spine, yet making her fly faster as the fear was not for own safety but for Fluttershy’s. Her front yard looked like a small battlefield. Pieces of wood were scattered across the grass, most likely from the timberwolves she had been nursing.
Her white picket fence around the property had broken boards every few feet.

The strangest thing was the erratic spots of dead grass with some type of purple goo on it.

A roar rang throughout the cottage as two manticores came running through the open doorway and out onto the grass. One was heavily bandaged was carrying a yellow pony by its pink between its jaws.


She surged forward hooves at the ready to strike the manticore with such fury that there would be nothing left of its battered body. She caught movement in her eyes as Fluttershy struggled to get free of the beast. Air became thinner around her body as she barreled toward the manticore without mercy.

“Rainbow Dash you will not harm this manticore!”

Rainbow then met the ground at a breakneck speed, digging a trough through the dirt with her muzzle as she skid to a stop in front of the large monsters and one extremely peeved pegasus. Big blue eyes attempted to stare her down, but lost their near-supernatural power due to the fact that she was still being held by her tail.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie and the disgruntled and ruffled Rarity arrived and Rarity made sure to pop a hoof into Pinkies mouth to stop the bubbling laughter threatening to burst forth at the sight of “The Stare” being used while being held upside down in a manticore’s mouth. The manticore finally released the now emboldened pegasus as she used wings to turn herself upright.

Rainbow dusted herself off while keeping an eye on the cottage. “We had a cockatrice tell us your in trouble, what’s happening Shy?”

Her brave face disappeared as she told her friends what had happened, a group of strange amphibians had burst through her door and started to break everything in sight. While the cockatrice ran for help, many of the injured predators stayed to protect Fluttershy. Even now, cries of the timberwovles could be heard along with the sound of wood being crunched and snapped.

“If it wasn’t for Manny and his friend here, I wouldn’t have been able to get past them at all. But we need to help those wolves, they were already hurt before, heavens know how much pain they are in for trying to protect me.” Fluttershy had tears welling up in her eyes. No matter how bad a timberwolf is hurt, they can always piece themselves back together, but that does not mean they do not feel pain.

“Ain’t exactly “thrilled” at saving the timberwolves Fluttershy.” Applejack said, and then gazed into big, blue watering eyes. “But since they saved you, guess that means I owe them one.” She twisted her hat on tight. “And an Apple always pays her debt.” The fire in her eyes burned bright as she stamped the ground at the ready.

“Me and Applejack will see what we are dealing with and you two,” Rainbow Dash paused as she pointed to the two manticores. “Should be ready to carry those three out of here if things get a little rough.”

Fluttershy’s eyes grew wide as she pleaded to her friends. “But girls, these creatures are much too dangerous to handle by yourselves.”

“Not to worry Fluttershy, we are just gonna distract them so the wolves and everything else can get away. Twilight is supposed to be arriving soon and she will probably have a few guards that can show those critters a good one-two.”
The sound of glass shattering and a hard thump hitting the ground at a crushing scene could be heard, showing a timberwolf near one of the windows to Fluttershy’s home, barely holding itself together as it gave a wizened howl.

“C’mon Rainbow let’s get that fella out of here before they get to him.” Applejack ran ahead with Rainbow above her at the ready. As they neared, the timberwolf saw them and struggled to stand up as pieces of bark and lichen crumbled and fell from its body with every breath. Before it could make it to its full height, a figure jumped through the window and slammed into its side, shattering it to twigs and leaves.

The two ponies could only gasp at the strange toad before them. It stood on its hind legs was only a head shorter than Applejack. Covered with blue slimy skin and two white stripes across its body with a black on top. It had had hands and feet like Spike, but they were much softer looking then the dragon’s claws and scales. Three digit hands with an orange middle finger.

“Crooaaa-gunk.” It croaked.

Fluttershy rushed forward, ready to give the toad a piece of her mind, but Manny grabbed hold of her so she would not be near the dangerous adversary. Two more of the “Croagunks” emerged from the broken window, woodchips falling from their hands and feet. “Stop hurting those wolves you meanies or I will come over there and so help me-“ Fluttershy’s rant was cut short with a rather loud boom. One of the Croagunks was knocked back a few feet with a splat by a cannonball of made of confetti and water balloons.

“BOOM! Headshot!” Pinkie Pie was jumping and whooping beside her smoking cannon. The other toads, now distracted from their wooden quarry, headed towards the ponies. Their red cheeks pulsed as they inflated to twice their size.

“Rainbow, I’ll take care of this feller, you go stop the other two.” Applejack readied her lasso, as she stared down the lone Croagunk in near the cottage.

“No problem Applejack.” Rainbow sped towards the approaching pair; the Croagunks tried to ready themselves before a blur slammed into one, then the other before they could blink. “Taste dirt you overgrown toads!” Rainbow taunted as she zoomed back into the sky, using hit and run strikes on the blue creatures.

Twirling the rope above her head, Applejack stood at the ready as her opponent eyed the rope cautiously. The toad’s hands moved in a hypnotic rhythm in front of its body, waiting for an opening to strike the farmer.

Applejack tossed the rope down, hoping to wrap it around its torso to keep its arms out of the fight. It struggled against the binds to no avail. Applejack smirked, “Best to give up now part-WOAH!”

Applejack found herself without her stetson and balance as the Croagunk leapt forward and kicked out her hooves from under her and brought her tumbling to the ground. She lost her grip on the rope as the purple creature jumped back a distance, now free from its binds.

The Croagunk surged forward passed the dazed Applejack, and towards the rest of its gang trying to futilely to hit the most vibrant of pegasuses. Every time she was close enough to hit, Rainbow Dash had already knocked them on their butts and was far beyond their reach in the sky.

Rainbow Dash was smiling with glee and pride. “I can do this all day!” The pair of toads hit the dust again, being knocked off their feet from another one of her swoops. “Why don’t you all just get out of here and go home? There is no way you can hit the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria!” Rainbow was laughing as she loop-de-looped in the sky.
The lone approaching Croagunk seemed to have enough of the flying menace, he looked to his cohorts, and muttered,

“Croa-gunk, cro.”

The other two had enough bruises. Both on their bodies and their egos, they gave the prompted leader a nod as they got into position.

Applejack sat up, finally able to see straight after getting “the rug pulled out from under her” and watched as the toad she fought was running towards one of the other two at a high speed. The other two Croagunk were not moving as the eyed the approaching comrade. These fellers are more than just unusual critters. Applejack thought.

The closest of the pair locked his hands together and continued to watch the approaching toad.

“Don’t worry Applejack, I’ll take care of all three of them. The will never hit me!” Rainbow Dash continued to rant in the sky above as the toads pretended they could not hear the taunts.

The “leader” jumped into the locked hands of his cohort and was launched into the sky, about halfway to an ignorant pegasus.

Rarity watched from the sidelines, wondering. Why on earth would you just launch him into the air? Rainbow Dash is far too high for a boost to reach her.

The third of the trio, unknown to all, had been crouched as low as possible to the ground. The muscles in its entire body exploded as it jumped high into the air and right next to the other as he rose after the vault. Using the airborne comrade as a stepping stone, the Croagunk used his powerful legs to jump even higher into the air and just about level to Rainbow Dash.

With her back turned to it. Rainbow was lying back and was still badmouthing the toads.

“I suppose if you all leave here quietly, I won’t embarrass ya too much."


A fist slammed into Rainbow sending her into a straight fall into the ground. Hard.

Swirls in her eyes and dirt where it shouldn’t be, Rainbow could only weakly say, “Did someone get the license plate of that cart?”

“Rainbow!” Whoever said it, no one knows. All that matter was that Rainbow was hurt badly from the crash as all her friends gather around her protectively. Even the manticores stood in front the ponies fighting for them.

A white light shined in the sky, keeping Rainbow away from the realms of unconsciousness. The Croagunk that hit her was falling slowly, enveloped in white. The body within grew taller, fingers grew longer as the centre one became more hook-like. When it finally touched down, the light had disappeared and a new creature had taken its place.


“It’s like somepony took one of the toads and added an extra heap of scary to the recipe!” Pinkie Pie commented about the now more viscous looking enemy.

“Girls this is bad.” Applejack grunted with pain trying to stand. “Grab Rainbow and get the heck out of here. I’ll be right behind ya.”

Pinkie Pie’s objection was one that was shared between all of them. “Oh no you don’t missy!”

“Between the manticores, Rainbow and yourselves, yall won’t be moving to quick. I’ll slow them down while you get yourselves to safety and get help.” Rarity gave her an incredulous look, not believing what Applejack was saying.

“Twilight will be here soon, and she is bound to have a few guards with her that can take care of these guys.”

“But Applejack-" Dams threaten to burst behind Pinkie’s eyes as she tried to beg her friend to run.

The Toxicroak was closing in, getting itself ready for the final showdown with the stalwart yellow pony. His Croagunk pals spilt up, trying to slowly surround the slightly injured ponies and the heavily hurt manticores.

“This ain’t up for discussion, now get out of here!” Applejack screamed, sweat was pouring off her brow as the fear set in. They are getting too close. She thought. They won’t be able to get away quick enough if they don’t run NOW. “I said-“The ground beneath their feet began to tremble. Giving all parties involved pause. “What the heck?”

Dirt, grass and soil collapsed in on itself as a hole appeared in front of Applejack. Out of it leapt a black fox-like creature that stood with its back to her.

It did not make a sound. It’s coat was midnight black, two long ears on top of its head and a long bushy swished before ponies and their bestial companions.

The toads stopped their advance, and began to glare at the newcomer, only for them to take a step back in fear as eerie golden yellow markings lit up across its fox-like coat. The supernatural light astounded the ponies while giving the toads pause.

“That would be the best nighttime buddy ever! He could glow in the dark!”

“Pinkie!” All the mares yelled.

“Why are you all being worrywarts? He is protecting us.” Pinkie Pie was smiling at the revelation that dawned on her friends faces.

Rainbow, finally free of her stupor, lowered her voice and said, “I can put up my dukes if I have to, but me and
Applejack won’t be able to do too much. It can’t handle all of them on its own.”

The shock of the new and foreboding opponent on the field finally wore off as the Toxicroak took a step forward.

Only to be hit by a beam made of the entire colour spectrum that flew him a dozen feet away. Knocked out like a light.
Both groups’ eyes widened with both alarm and gratitude as they saw where the beam shot from. On the edge of the Everfree was a purple cat with a sparkling red gem embedded in its forehead. Judging by the glow gathering around the gem, it looked like it was getting ready for another attack. Not only that, but beside it was two more creatures, but at this distance, Applejack could not even guess what the strange figures were.

The Croagunks, and the toppled and unconscious Toxicroak, knew better than to pick a fight with the newcomers. Especially with a beam powerful enough to take their alpha down in one-shot. Giving a final croak to the ponies and manticores, they ran and half dragged themselves back towards the Everfree Forest as the new figures close in on the group.

Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash struggled to their feet, but both were stopped as Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy stepped ahead of them and between their friends, the strange black fox and the approaching creatures.

“You girls are in condition for another fight. We can handle this.” Rarity took a breath and smiled. “Besides, since this fellow is more than likely to be part of their entourage. So surely did not save us just for them to finish us off.” As the strange creatures got closer, Rarity could not help but swallow the growing lump in her throat as she noticed the numerous fangs, sharpened canines and gaping maws. Or maybe they wanted an easy breakfast.

Fluttershy took in the strange creatures as she scrutinized and studied them based upon their appearence. In the centre stood a canine, closely resembling a jackal based on facial structure. Its chest was covered in yellow fur, with a blue coat and black fur along its legs and arms. The most alarming feature on the creature was that it had metal spikes poking out of its body at the centre of its chest and on the back of its paws or hands.

The other four of the creatures keep giving this one a side glance every few seconds. It must be the leader or “alpha”. Fluttershy reasoned.

To the jackal’s right was something that Fluttershy could not recognize. Like the leader it was bipedal with red eyes, but that was where the similarities stopped. It stood at roughly the size of a tall foal and was covered in yellow skin, with a shade of black around its hands and head, along with the large appendage behind it.

That is quite a lot of weight for the head, is that natural, or perhaps a mutation for such a size difference? It was at this point Fluttershy noticed movement as the appendage opened slightly and exposed numerous pointed teeth and a pink tongue.

Intrigue became an intense curiosity to take a closer look at the second mouth, but with friends being extremely cautious about them, now was not the time. A walking venus-flytrap? Fascinating.

To the right of the deceiving little one was a shadow that seemed to disappear and reappear every second, as if trying to avoid being seen.


Fluttershy nearly jumped out of her skin as she saw Pinkie growling at the semi-transparent figure floating over the ground. The intense gaze seemed as if she was trying to blow it up. With her mind.

As the ghost-like creature came back into sight once more. Fluttershy was going hysterical in her mind. It’s a living creature, or at least she hopesit is, but it’s not a solid, but made up of gas. How does it survive, let alone how did it evolve to this state?

Its form seemed to ebb and flow with the light breeze in the open field, causing its purple “body” to ripple. Its hands were separate from the body and floated by themselves, but it was holding them together as the kept wringing themselves constantly. The gases seem to curl around the mouth, sharpening themselves into teeth and two large eyes that seemed to look everywhere but the ponies. Especially Pinkie Pie.

Does Pinkie Pie know what this is? Because it seems to know Pinkie Pie based on its behaviour and the nervousness in its…body?

On the left of the leader was probably one of the easily recognised animals. It seemed to be some type of feline; its body was slender, quadruped, with a well-groomed light purple coat. Though the most intriguing features about it was its face. Its eyes were deep magenta with an eerie white pupils that seemed to pierce through Flutterhy’s mind. The red gem in its forehead, the originator of the beam-like attack earlier, seemed familiar.

Perhaps, like a unicorn horn, it is used to focus and use magic. They must have the ability to manage and use magical power using the gem. The question is though, whether it is a natural occurrence, or if the gem is an artificial improvement.

When the strange animals were finally close enough, the black fox left its sentry like post in front of the girls and took its place beside the purple cat. It seemed closer to it than the rest, and after so long at looking at its fluffy black tail, she could finally have a complete look at the creature.

Like the feline, it moved on four legs, yet it seemed to mirror it in some way. Midnight black fur, with yellow rings that glowed faintly around its physique, likes its ears, its forehead and flanks. While the feline basked in the morning sunlight, this one seemed to shun from it. Its red eyes watching, yet the way it moved seem to say it patient, and would continue to be so no matter how comfortable.

Definitely a nocturnal predator. Though it may have lacked the numerous teeth, or large jaws, it moves with a silent grace and completely focused on the task at hand. Though I really wish it was not eyeing us like prey.

Both groups stood still, analyzing one another seeing who would make the first move. The manticores took the intuitive and growled at the new animals before them, risking more injuries than their broken bodies could handle. Fluttershy moved to calm them, but was stopped as the tallest of the creatures shimmered in a blue light for just a moment.

The growling from the manticores ceased, they now had faces not of hostility, but of curiosity and confusion. Then the strangest feeling washed over the ponies. From the cobalt glow, each of the girls felt something.

Fluttershy felt like the first day she set foot on the ground, surrounded by animals and the tranquility of nature. The scent of the lilies soothed her nerves after falling so far from home.

Rainbow Dash remembered the feelings she had during her first Rainboom when she was a young filly. The whistling wind, the coloured streaks racing behind her, and the joy of getting a step closer to her dream.

The smooth feeling of silk against her coat was absolute heaven for Rarity. The most difficult to craft, let alone to attain in Ponyville but the sense of accomplishment as she watched a beautiful creation snug to her body.

For Pinkie Pie, it was just smiles and cupcakes. Also cupcakes made to look like a smile. And cupcakes being eaten while the desserts were laughing. It was hilarious and slightly creepy for anypony that was not Pinkie Pie.

The feelings and fantasies that arose for the ponies from the cobalt glow also gave them a single unspoken word that they could feel.


While coming to terms with this strange sensation, both groups failed to notice the approaching golden flying chariot with an armed pegasus escort.

Author's Note:

Just gonna double my story size with this chapter alone.. hehe.

Anyway, reason why this one is much more robust than the previous ones is because that is how I saw this chapter going. Granted the next one may or may not as long as this one. But never fear, for the few who are reading this, this story will be worked on. It has not been forgotten, I am just a slow writer.

And I am also trying to breed the ultimate pokemon with near prefection. Yessss...

Anyway, if anyone can explain to me on how to use GoogleDocs to upload a story here, that does not post a link, I would be grateful. I am sick of copy pasting this from a Word Doc then going through this with a fine toothed comb seperating paragraphs, adding italics, and all that fun stuff.

Lastly, any artists, give me a shout. Looking to see if possible they can make me an avatar of cover picture.