• Published 30th Oct 2013
  • 1,138 Views, 21 Comments

The Wonderful Life of Berry Punch - Dusk-Spark

Some ponies have epic adventures across distant lands. Berry Punch, on the other hoof, has errands to run in preparation for Nightmare Night. Let's see how this turns out.

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Carousel Boutique.

Berry Punch was never really a fashionista, so she hardly came by. Like many ponies in Ponyville, she knew Rarity as the bearer of the Element of Generosity. Yes, she was a close friend of Cheerilee but that was the extent of their interactions. Berry hardly had a need for fancy dresses and Rarity wasn't the type to go out drinking. Still, they were never really on BAD terms, just kind of indifferent. Of course, there’s no telling what drunk Berry might’ve done. For all she knew, Rarity could have sworn a blood oath against Berry’s entire family line and her descendants. “Haha…oh Celestia I hope not.” She pushed the thought out of her head and ventured into the establishment. “Hello?” She called over the sound of the ringing bell hanging above the door.

“…” An eerie silence was her only response.

“Hm? Helllllllooooo?” She tried again but still found no answer. Maybe she wasn’t here then? Then why was the door unlocked?
. . . . . .
. . . . . . .
Of course not, that would be ridiculous.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
BUT WHAT ABOUT ZOMBIES?! She heard the sound of hooves coming down the stairs (which startled her enough to cause her to dive behind a mannequin), and a tired voice calling down, “Just a moment, just a moment…” Followed by a long yawn, and there was the white coated unicorn known as Rarity, trotting down the stairs looking…well…not very fabulous. It was obvious that she had just woken up from, what seemed to be a very long and stressful night.

“Have a fun night?” Berry suddenly had a strange feeling of déjà vu, as she stepped out from her hiding spot.

“Pardon? Oh…” She was starting to realize, “Oh my…I must look like an absolute mess. Berry Punch, right? Cheerilee‘s sister?”

“Last I checked, though I think I might be Cheerilee from another dimension sent here to ruin her life and make really bad jokes.” Berry joked around but Rarity didn’t seem very amused. “Ahem.” She cleared her throat, “Uh…did I do…something last night?”

“Oh, oh, yes! Of course.” Rarity trotted over to the row of mannequins, “Let’s see…no. No, not that one either. That’s for Sapphire Shores…ah here it is.” She pointed a hoof to the small filly shaped mannequin draped in the Mare-Do-Well costume, “You came in here, half conscious and then gave me a last minute order for a Mare-Do-Well costume.” Rarity said during a yawn, "It's fortunate that I had one laying around, just needed to make some slight adjustments for your daughter's build."

‘Thank you drunk Berry.’ Seemed a bit too easy, “How much do I owe?”

“You *yawn* already paid half the amount last night. So, just about 30 more bits and it‘s a deal.” Rarity seemed to be struggling to stay on her hooves.

“Oh, sure.” Berry dug into her saddlebag, bits…bits…where was her wallet? She definitely had plenty of money before she left. She made sure of it back in her bedroom and-
She froze completely solid, a sudden realization creeping up on her.

“Are you alright, dear?”

“Y-Yes, no problem! No problem at all but um…no. No, actually there is a slight problem.” Berry said with her head hanging low and averting her gaze from the unicorn‘s quizzical stare, ‘Okay, all’s not lost. I still have one chance at this.’ Berry Punch cleared her throat, stood up straight and said: “Well, you see…I was on my way here, money in hoof when suddenly…" she trailed off, her eyes darting around the room. Her eyes locking on a piece of paper with a drawing on it that looked like-
"A TROLL ATTACKED!” Oh Celestia, what was she doing? “He blocked my path across the bridge separating me from my destination and told me...”

She altered her pitch and tone, “If you want to pass, you must answer my riddles three!” Berry couldn’t exactly tell what Rarity’s expression was, she really hoped that she was buying the story, Luna knew that even Berry wasn't buying it...heck, even drunk Berry would probably call bullcrap.

“He pointed to a hat on the ground. It seemed that trolls were in the middle of a recession, so he was a bit short on money. He assured me that if I won, I would be allowed to pass and get my money back. I accepted his challenge because nothing was going to stop me from going to this fine establishment and paying for the costume that my lovely daughter” She pulled out a photo of Pinchy that she carried around with her at all times, “wanted so badly! Yes, nothing was more powerful than the love I have for that beautiful little bundle of joy that is my greatest treasure! So then the troll asked me..."

“What gets wetter as it dries!”

"It was an easy riddle, the answer was obviously a towel!” Thank Celestia she still remembered the riddle game she used to play with Colgate, Cheerilee, and Blues during lunch all those years ago.
“He then asked me..."

“Who is the most generous, most caring, most beautiful mare in all of Ponyville?”

"That was easy, I told him. The answer was Rarity, the unicorn! The most generous and kindhearted mare I have ever known!” That wasn’t a riddle, but it didn’t look like Rarity cared too much.
“His final question was the toughest..."

“How much does a male cow weigh?”

"But, I was confused, so I asked him: “A male cow? Don‘t you mean a bull? And the troll was stunned in confusion, so he said..."

“What? I don‘t know?! WAIT I MEAN-” She made an exploding sound with her mouth while using her hooves to illustrate what she thought an explosion would look like.

"And then he exploded…but not before taking my money…so…can I maybe put this on my tab?” Berry Punch stepped back and waited to see the unicorn’s reaction, really hoping her story moved Rarity’s heart. She put on a nervously dumb smile to drive the point home.

“…” Rarity swayed for a bit.

“?” Berry Punch continued to stare at Rarity, “Ummm…are you-”

Rarity immediately started falling.

“Whoa there!!” Berry punch dived between Rarity and the ground. “Oof!” Rarity was a bit heavier than Berry would’ve expected. “Ow ow ow ow owwww…” Twice in one day. Well, three if you count this morning’s hangover dance.

“Wh-What?” Rarity stuttered, “Oh! Oh my! I’m terribly sorry!” Rarity said, pushing herself up onto her hooves. Then immediately swayed again.

“I gotcha.” Berry lent Rarity her body to keep herself stable. “Are you alright, Ms. Rarity?”

“Oh, well…yes. And no. You see, I’ve been up for 3 days straight, finishing all these last minute orders. I…might be a tiny bit tired.” Rarity raised a hoof to her mane, “I must look like an absolute wreck. So...unsightly.”

Yes. She really did. “What, you? No of course not, you look very beautiful Ms. Rarity.” Berry punch eyed the Mare-Do-Well costume, but sighed, “Come on, where’s your room. I’ll help you up to bed.”

“Oh, I couldn’t possibly-” Rarity said while slipping away again.

“No buts. Up to bed, milady.” Berry used the authoritative tone she reserved for misbehaving foals and misbehaving very drunk patrons at the Thunderbutt. “Come on, let’s go.”

“But, I can still-”

“Nope. Come on now, Cheerilee would bite my head off if I allowed you to work in your condition.” Berry led Rarity up the stairs, being very careful to make sure the unicorn seamstress was securely held.

“Alright, and here’s a glass of milk for you.” Berry left the mug of milk on Rarity’s fancy nightstand, right by the lamp.

“I’m terribly sorry for all this.” Rarity said through her yawns, even though her eyes were covered by the eye…bandanna…thingy, Berry could tell how apologetic she sounded.

Berry just smiled and laughed it off, “It’s no trouble. Part of being in the service industry is helping ponies. Besides, you‘ve done so much for the town as it is. Least I can do to help you.” Berry said while tucking Rarity into bed like she would Pinchy.

“Thank you.” Rarity said, sounding genuinely grateful for Berry's help. It brought a little smile to the mulberry mare's face.

Of course, now the problem was that she couldn't just take the costume. Maybe she could swing by her parent's house and hope they didn't throw away any old costumes that Berry and Cheerilee wore when they were foals? “No problem, now you just rest up for a few hours. I’ve got some errands to run.” Berry was halfway to the door when Rarity suddenly spoke up,

“About the costume…take it. Consider it a gift.” The element of generosity indeed.

Berry could hardly contain her joy, she gave a polite bow (realizing that Rarity couldn’t see it anyways); she closed the door to Rarity’s bedroom. Paused mid-step, and pressed her ear to the door. It wouldn’t be the first time she tucked a pony into bed, only for them to still be awake to do other things. Thankfully, she was hearing the peaceful snore of the unicorn known as Rarity. She breathed a sigh of relief and started down the stairs, feeling very satisfied with herself.