• Member Since 1st Mar, 2012
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Fusion Fool the 3rd

The self-appointed leader of the Twilight Sparkle Fan Club - Netherworld Branch (Please don't tell Titania, dood)

Comments ( 821 )

Yay, thanks Meester. Let's see how well this goes, shall we, dood?

3421309woo read the doc, but ima read this aswell cause i enjoyed it

An Twiharem story by the author of Twilight's Misadventures... i do not even need to read the story to know it deserves an favorite.

What the heck, I'll give this a shot.

I like what I see so far and am looking forward to seeing where this goes. I know I like most of your stuff fusion so I am sure this will be entertaining. The fact that we have Twilight as a noble in this story, or becoming one anyway, just makes the story that much more up my alley.

sorry if i came across as yelling, i didn't mean to. there were still a couple of things i would have changed, but since it isn't my story, and that my job is just to fix the punctuation, i'll keep them to myself. i gotta admit though, i'm really excited to see how where this goes! if you ever need someone to bounce ideas off of, i'm sure me and Wrabbit would be glad to help!

Hmm... I don't see a lot of Barb clopfics; gimme moar chapters!

3421360 Oh you, dood. You made me blush.

3421402 Thanks for the shot, dood. Hope I can keep it, dood.

3421512 You came across as 'yelling'? when, dood? But thanks, I'll probably keep up with this style of proof-reading for this story, dood.

3421525 I wanted a reason to have Twilight fuck her dragon assistant without pissing people off and having Spike's junk going into Twilight's stuff... cause Spilight is wrong, but Barblight is A-OK, dood. Hypocrisy AWAY, dood!

3421477 Thanks, dood. I'm glad you enjoy my other stuff, hopefully I don't run into any road blocks that fuck my lfie over with this story... like I had a few times with some others, but I keep trucking for everyone else's enjoyment, dood.:twilightsmile:

I happily await the story, and grammer be damned. If I can read and understand it then I have nothing to complain about.

3421577 That's why I got the jist of from the sites I posted my Non-Pony clop on, dood. It's just here where the olympians of literary congregate, dood. The fact that they aren't laughing me out of town makes me proud to be among them, dood.

I for one am happy that you are here, your stories are a bright point in my day when I get the update alert

ALERT! I'm going to finish the Lyra/Bon-Bon chapter before I do chapter 2 of House Sparkle, YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WARNED, DOOD!

I look forward to seeing how this story unfolds and just who gets 'shafted'

3421624 Knowing me, dood... A lot of mares are going to get shafted.

good good, angry sex is good just no hard feelings after...that just leaves a cold rock in my guts...heh


It's just here where the olympians of literary congregate, dood.

Olympians of literacy. I also would have accepted, "Olympian Literati". :rainbowwild:

But seriously, if you need some more help on this for the next chapter, give me a ring. This was pretty fun.I'd say to put a r46 warning, but now that we have the anthro tag as well as mature and sex, that's pretty moot. :twilightsmile:

3421812 You, thanks for your help, dood.

Not sure how I missed these, but... :facehoof:

halls of Starswirls University of Magical Mastery

Not sure how I missed this one. Needs an apostrophe.

Her white blazer and pants rustled lightly in the breeze as she adjusted her black-framed glasses. Her white blazer and pants rustled lightly in the breeze as she adjusted her black-framed glasses.

You wrote this twice. You wrote this twice.

seven year old dragon girl in eigtht grade


To my sister, Twilight Velvet, and her husband Night Light, I leave Thirty-seven point five million bits. I know you don’t like living the life of a noble, but I don’t want the nobles of Canterlot trying to take it from our family

“To my nephew, Shining Armor, I leave you my home in Ponyville and of course… my title as Count of Everfree, they are yours. I also leave you ten million bits for you and your future wife, and yes… that means you can keep the cars too.”

“And finally; to my niece, Twilight. I give you my land and my precious company, Spark's designs. As well as two point five million bits to start you off. As long as you take care of Barb, I’ve noticed you two becoming inseparable in my final years, so I want you to take care of her.”

Forgot to tell you to put these into single quotations (' ') as well as the regular double quotations (" ") since he's reading verbatim from the will.

Twilight will inherit Silver Sparks title and land

Needs an apostrophe.

About that last part, Silver Spark’s house staff

Should it be Spark's or Sparks'?

3421917 Oh my goodness, this is what I get for trying to comparing two docs at the same time, dood.

Oh, thank goodness. I thought I was losing it... :twilightoops:

3421932 Nah... BronyPonyMan wanted a seperate doc to actually edit the stuff, but when it came to throwing it all in, it got rather tedious trying to compare what he did vs. what you told me to do, dood.

Great story, but I think the apostrophe should go here. "Starswirl's"

halls of Starswirls' University of Magical Mastery.

I leave Thirty-seven point five million bits.

This may be a bit nit-picky, but this doesn't flow right to me. Maybe either you use "37.5" or "Thirty-seven million, five hundred thousand bits"

I barely did shit and I got a feature? THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH, DOOD!

Why does it seem like every ten or so Likes, I get a dislike, dood?

Must be my natural demonic aura, dood.:duck:

Ahhhhh? C'mon I want mooooore. D:

3422363 I'm working on it, dood. I'm almost done the Lyra/Bon-Bon chapter of Twilight's Misadventures then I'm working on Chapter 2 of this mess, dood.


How old is Twilight?
When does this take place in the show?
The crystal kingdom is there... but Twi is still in school at Canterlot?
Barb is... what? How can she be hatched and be anthro... and...

Um... answers?

3422437 Uhhh... Save me, Alternate Universe tag, dood!


Even so, an AU tag isn't a free pass to be obscure. Yeah, take us to a different world, great, I love that. But you need to explain it more. This doesn't feel like an AU right now, just a jacked up sense of time in canon.

I'm gonna track, because it's you and because it's futa, but you really should think about making the next chapter longer and have a bit more explained. :twilightsmile:

3422437 SOrry that was rude of me, dood.

Anyways, I didn't state anything. Of course, I didn't think I needed to state stuff like some of the junk you just showed me with that handy AU tag, dood.

Crystal Kingdom isn't gone via dark magic, Twilight is 20-ish while Barb is 15, this doesn't take place In the show itself, and Barb is... yeah... magic, dood? Dragons are fucking weird anyways, dood.

3422368 :< Waiting is hard. Guess I have something to look forward to, though! Maybe even Twi knocking some new friends up...


Cool, cool, dude... er, dood, since I guess that's the vogue thing these days.:derpytongue2:

Also, if barb is fifteen, you may want to clarify that. The way you have her written, she feels like just a little kid, what with wearing a training bra. Plus this comment;

This made things awkward when she was a seven year old dragon girl in eighth grade with several students that were easily twice her age.

make her sound younger than you see her.

3422504 Dammit, you got a point there, dood.

3422504 Barb got aged up by two in that sentence, and she's a late bloomer, dood.... I'm be sure to have Rarity poke fun at Barb for that though so everyone knows, dood.


Okay, but you still never specified what grade she's in NOW, and that was what lead to my confusion.

I hope I'm not coming off as haughty or anything. I just think stories should be the best they can be... even if it's ab out a futanari Twilight. I just want to know, when she eventually gets with Barb, is it hentai or loli, ya dig? :pinkiecrazy:

3422643 Ahh, I guess I should have mentioned Barb's grade then, sorry about that, dood. You'll find out next chapter about the other stuff though, dood.

Strange, but the good kinda strange I think yeah?

3422757 I hope it's good weird and yeah, dood. As long as people enjoy it, I'm happy and means I can keep writing with little fear of pissing people off, dood.

Just realized I wasn't following you. What's wrong with me?

Well you haven't failed me before so.. in we go.

Can't wait for more this is starting to look like another epic great story from you keep up your ever amazing work

Alright, I'll bite for now. Looking forward to see where you take this.

3422904 Don't worry, dood. There are plenty of reasons why you aren't following me, dood. Glad you are now though.

3422905 Wow, I'm surprised that I haven't yet... even with that Chrysalis chapter from a long time ago, dood.

3422908 Aww, thank you so much, dood.

3422930 I hope I can keep it entertaining for you, dood.

Well as soon as i saw the 'dood' i had to take a look at this...in we go my friend, you haven't failed me yet.

3423079 The power of the 'Dood' compels you... to read my lame clop, dood.

Dood, I ought to change my avatar to:fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/041/5/d/The_Prinny_Lebowski_by_BrokenTeapot.jpg

Ha ha that's fucking awesome :rainbowlaugh:

Looks fantastic so far. I look forward to more, my good man!

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