• Member Since 22nd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago


Comments ( 210 )

Oh this is beautiful...but, I think it's not done I think you should create an extra chapter, that shows how Nighty here felt during James's Return, and when she was forced to fight him. and when Celestia was about to execute her....before James intervened...

3434164 Perhaps I will, though part of the reason for writing this was to get me back in the groove of writing MLP related stuff. Especially after that last long chapter that was just going over a past event that already happened in the story. I'm trying to get myself back in the present.

3434255 I see, Fair enough, I'm eager to see the next chapter in Lost element, but also I think you COULD make another chapter, detailing Nighty's reunion...

3434270 Perhaps I will. If I ever find myself stuck and need to get my creative juices flowing again.

This story just yells out AWESOME!!!!!!!:flutterrage:

Oops sorry, too loud.:twilightblush:

Though, I'ma bit curious about something.

Surely you must realize that it can't end here. This is a cliff with an overhang. This is a cliff that looks like the hill in Halloweentown. You must know that it can't possibly just end like this.

3435014 If you want to find out what happens next, read The Lost Element.

A truley sweet fic, i really enjoyd Reading it.

3437675You can see it right next to this one on my userpage. If not, make sure your account can view mature content.

3437635 Some people can deal with loneliness better than others,And after a millennium on the moon,Three years in a forest is probably a welcome change

3438143 Ah, that'll be it then. I'll get to it in a bit.

I thought the first half of this story was actually good. But when the human got involved it just went downhill. (and I love HIE) It seems that this is connected to your other story and it is really holding this story back. You should just cut off all ties with the other story and start a new story with the setting of a human running into this nightmare moon. I could get behind that.

3440182 This story is really just a small filler that shows a part behind the scenes from the view of another character with a large role in my other longer story. I only wrote it as a means to get myself back in the groove of writing MLP related stories after a brief hiatus.

>>Humanity Well... A lot of things, but they're just alternatives I'll tell later. My main reason of curiosity is Nightmare Moon herself, since this is her personal POV.

It's her feelings towards James that confirmed my suspicions.

I mean, sure she said it herself, but somehow that didn't do justice in that sense, in my opinion.

Also, we need to know what was her thoughts when James returned to the ruined castle and the aftermath of it all, plus of what her recation was when she found out that he and Fluttershy are a couple.

But, it's also... About the sister's parents. She said that they saw humans around that time before they got shifted off world.

3441903 That will all come to a head in Arc 4 of the story during a rather nasty event.

>>Humanity A nasty event you say.

Now even more curious.

I shall await for it to happen.

I have not read your other story but I might after reading this. Nightmare Moon always seems to me to be misjudged and a tad bipolar maybe. I should know since I have bipolar myself so I guess I relate to her.

3438301 I strongly doubt she was ever conscious while sealed in the moon. More than likely trapped in a type of stasis. If she had merely been locked away, I'm sure calling her a mentally shattered wreck of a mare when she returned at the start of the series would be a grave understatement.

3499003 Could have gone insane,Then sane,Then insane again over the time,and just luckily landed on a sane time when the return happened....

3499008pepp Peh, I doubt any living being could endure that level of isolation over a millinium in a cold rocky dark chamber. Their will would've likely been broken beyond the point of salvation.

3499090 Sanity breaking through the madness,Or madness breaking through the sanity,Does it really matter?

3499095 would you be able to endure that long in such conditions for a thousand years?

3499471 No clue,And ill never find out...But Alicorns have the mindset of immortality,However cursed it is,So they might fare better than a mortal mind

3499697 no way of knwoing the sure

sorry for mispelling. just got out of work and had rough night so loosen up with some string drink.

3500043 Meh,If your understandable (which you are) its fine for informal stuff like comments and skype

Awww, can't you please update the original story? THAT STORY IS SO GOOD I WANT TO READ IT!!!!!!

Okay, I take back my previous comment, this story is also so good, keep updating this!

3740823 I am working on the next part.

3741351 If I may ask, what did you enjoy most from this first part?

I like James and Fluttershy...but damn if I don't want him and Nightmare to be together.

From what I understand, she truly loves him, wants to be with him...and yet denies herself from even telling him. Whether because she doesn't want to interfere with his current relationship, or if it just hurts too much, my respect for Nightmare just went up.

Great re-telling, here's hoping she snogs him someday :rainbowlaugh:

3921530 Is it just me, or is this story still set to "Incomplete"? :trollestia:


Oh, did you hear that?

That's the sound of my hopes going up, hope you don't disappoint...:trollestia:

Dude. I like the idea, too. Not the snogging, but the pairing.
If something goes wrong, Nightmare SERRIOUSLY needs to be there for him.

:twilightangry2: if you don't update you're stories soon i'ma find you and i'ma smack you, these are to good to remain unfinished

3922907 Two chapters remain for this one, though I may take a while to finish the fourth. It will contain spoilers otherwise.

That was just beautiful - (you heard nothing) But seriously it really, REALLY is. And I hope to see more of this.

But now I'm curious as to what she dreams of in her sleep? Ah forget, best not to know.

But say, here's a question: Shouldn't James still be in control since it was only in the grey area and not the darkness? Because he was half way of losing it completely.

Though I guess that's just me.

Great chapter by the way!

3924391 What she dream about? Who knows? Maybe we'll find out next time. :trollestia:

But in any case, what did you love most here? I tried my hardest to get everything done just right on this.

>>Humanity Hmm... Let's see here...

Oh yes! It's mostly base around how NM tells her story in this chapter. There's just so much emotions in here, mostly love and all that. I even liked the part where she felt torn apart in between, then coming up to the point where she felt that he betrayed her feelings, broken, if not shattered, her heart. This even confirms that she wanted him to be, not only her lover, but her King, but this also raises the question of: Can she really turn James into an Alicorn? Then again, Tia turned Twi into one.

As for when she gone and - pardon my French - pissed off James to the point where his inner demonic savager tried to kill her. Well isn't that ironic, her appearance and reputation of sort strikes fear into the hearts of ponies, now she's the one who wrought the monster outta him and to be reminded how much destruction humanity can bring upon their enemy when enraged. I know I would, though I guess it's for the best that doesn't happen. Anyway sidetracking, after doing so, her struggle on surviving and desperately trying to cling to life, she finally thought that witnessing this, proven that mankind was still a dangerous threat, can actually bring her back to her home, when all of that of which she's doing is creating more bloodshed. How human is that!

After clearing up and making up with each other, plus waiting for help. She even mentions that Chrysalis was there at the time as well. It's no wonder why she herself wants James too, but also states that Changelings can't be trusted. It also pains me that Moon can't have James since she learned about him and Futters, she's in the same spot as Twi is right now, perhaps maybe a little bit worse. But she'll get over it (maybe not).

Though can I ask: what happens if they try to summon another human? I know it isn't going to happen, it's just something I'm curious about. And if you're not sure I might be able to help, but it could be different than what you would want.

All an all, I loved the whole thing bro.

3922918 i mean this and the lost element need moar, MOAR I TELL YOU, MMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR

3924552 There will be another human brought in, but not until the sequel.

>>Humanity Ooooh, I wonder who it will be. Well looks like you're all set with the sequel then.

Though I wonder how this other human's gonna take it? Probably end up crashing through a wall.

3926285 Heh, I think she'll be right at home.:twilightsmile:

>>Humanity Wait, wait back up here a sec!!? Are you actually saying that this new human's a girl!? Holy-- there are so many scenarios that could happen with her in it, not to mention it's sound like a pretty good plot-twister for the series.... MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!

Say can I PM something to you?

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