• Published 12th Nov 2013
  • 2,082 Views, 196 Comments

Lightning's Bolt - PaulAsaran

When Lightning's childhood orphanage was wiped out, she managed to save just one filly: the timid Keen Arrow. Lightning has taken her in, but can she handle being a parent? Does she even understand the responsibilities she must face?

  • ...


Something bumped Keen in the darkness, jarring her from half-sleep. She let out a deep yawn as her eyes flickered open, but all she saw was black.

“Come on, kiddo,” Lightning’s voice called. “We’re here.”

Keen uncurled from her insulating ball of mane and tail, shivering as she was hit with the cool air left behind by the storm a couple days ago. She rubbed her blurry eyes and looked around, realizing she was nestled between Lightning’s wings. Had she fallen asleep on the way? “Mmm up…” she muttered, shaking her head in an attempt to get rid of her sleepiness.

She climbed off her guardian’s back into the cool, moist grass and looked up to see Octavia smiling down at her. “Mornin’, Miss Melody.”

“And a good morning to you, too,” Octavia answered. “What’s got you so sleepy, hmm?”

“Nothin’.” Keen shifted under the adult’s gaze as memories of Fine's visit flitted through her mind.

Lightning's head hovered low and her eyes had that simmering nature Keen had become accustomed to. “I should be in early today. I volunteered to help Rainbow fix her place.”

“That was awfully generous of you.” Octavia raised her head high and offered an approving smile.

Lightning jerked her head away with an angry snort. “I just don’t want her jumpin’ my rump for not bein’ a ‘team player’ again.”

Octavia raised an eyebrow. “I see. Well, I shall hope she doesn’t… erm… ‘jump your rump’.” Her unpleasant expression made Keen giggle.

“Yeah, whatever.” Lightning turned away and opened her wings, albeit tenderly. “Thanks again for looking after my kid for the day.” She lifted off, flying away at a slow speed as she favored her weak wing.

Keen watched her go with a frown; no ‘goodbye’ today. Well, she did seem upset ever since the storm.

“Come, little filly.” Octavia ushered her to the open door. “Let’s get out of the cold and damp, hmm?”

The interior of Octavia’s two-story home was lined with bright colors and dark accents. There wasn’t a lot of furniture, but there was a number of interesting decorations, such as odd pictures and foreign-looking pottery. Octavia claimed they were from her ancestral homeland of Nildea. They were neat to look at, but Keen wasn’t sure she liked them.

“How about a nap?” Octavia offered with a knowing smile.

Keen shook her head slowly and opened her eyes wide to demonstrate her awake-ness. “I’m good.” Octavia’s smile grew. “Honest, I’m up.”

“We shall see,” her foalsitter declared. “I was just about to practice. Why don’t you borrow one of my books and read in the music room?”

Keen nodded and went to the short bookshelf under the stairs. She took down the nilgiri history book, the one written by Octavia’s father. She paused to consider the book, then lay it on the floor. Checking to see that Octavia was watching, she focused as hard as she could. It took a few seconds, but a dark blue aura began to appear at the book’s edge. Keen worked the magic, trying to recall what she’d learned, and finally managed to get the aura to cover the entire tome.

Grunting with the effort, she finally managed to lift the book off the ground. Sucking in a deep breath, she grinned at Octavia, who returned the expression. She’d finally done it! Twilight would be so—

The aura fizzled out and the book went slap on the floor.

Keen sagged, her muzzle so low it almost touched the floor. “Aaww…”

Octavia chuckled and lifted the tome with a grin. “Don’t feel bad. That’s very impressive for a filly whose only just started to learn! My sister couldn’t have done that at your age.”

Keen followed her to the music room, so called because it was Octavia’s preferred room for practicing her cello. The room was very bare aside from the musical instrument and a small desk covered in sheet music. One wall was made up almost entirely of a big window that displayed a nice view of the field behind her house. Keen eyed the cello on its stand in the corner, its polished veneer reminding her how important it was.

“Up you go.” Octavia picked the filly up off the floor and set her atop the desk’s chair, which she’d raised so Keen could read the book at the desk’s edge. “How’s that?”

Keen lifted herself up to the book before nodding to Octavia with a long yawn. “This is fine.”

The musician smirked. “Are you sure you don’t want to take a nap?”

“No!” Keen turned to focus on the book. “I wanna know how the war went.”

Octavia chuckled but said nothing, instead going to her cello. Keen sat back and eyed the closed book for a few seconds, trying to recall her place. After a while she thought she had it and, with some effort, managed to cover a portion of the tome in her blue aura. She had to work to turn so many page at once, by which time she could hear Octavia testing her cello’s tuning. A cursory glance revealed that Keen had reached the desired page in her first try, which had her feeling pretty good about herself.

Keen did her best to focus on the story, she really did. It was all about a revolution in Nildea. It was a very detailed book, and a little hard to follow at times. Octavia said it was supposed to be for university students, so it was a little advanced for the filly. She followed the story as best she could, because she wanted to know if the nilgiri could defeat the griffons. Still, there was a lot of names and dates…

Octavia began playing a slow, deep tune. Keen glanced back at her through heavy eyelids; the musician’s eyes were closed, a soft smile on her lowered face as her body swayed back and forth to the music. Keen couldn’t help smiling… and yawning. She turned back to her book and had to struggle to find her place.

Laughter. The laughter of foals. That’s what Keen was hearing. She shifted, shook her head, tried to get the sound out of her ears. She felt that familiar sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach; something ominous was out there in the dark, its laughter mocking as it hovered just in the peripheral of her awareness. She whimpered and clung to her pillow, wishing the noise would stop. The sounds kept shifting, and she could swear there was a strange clicking underlying the pretense of happiness.

Blue eyes. Happy, mocking, mirthful blue eyes. They peered, they closed in, they laughed…

Keen jerked up, eyes opening wide as she let out a startled gasp. Her heart was pattering in her chest as she sought out her tormentors, but she was alone.

The laughter didn’t stop, though. She ducked a little at the sound, her eyes searching the room for threats. She was in a bedroom. Octavia’s? Sunlight streamed through a pair of open windows, making it all the more clear that she was alone. She perked her ears at the laughter, turning her head to the slightly-opened door.

The filly hesitated; if there were foals here, she didn’t want to meet them, but she was also worried about Octavia, for what if they weren’t really foals?

Choking down her fear, Keen crept to the edge of the bed. It wasn’t as tall as her own, though she still moved carefully to get down, lowering her hind legs over the side before dropping to the floor. Her hooves sounded loud in the empty room, making her wince. She paused with ears perked, ready to dive under the bed at a moment’s notice… but the laughter continued.

She approached the door at a slow pace, pushing it open just enough to poke her head through. She was at the edge of the stairwell, with a short hall to her left. Not seeing anypony, she pushed her way through and made for the stairs. She paused at another bout of laughter and ducked, body trembling, but she refused to stop. She had to check on Octavia! What if she needed help?

Keeping her body low, Keen slowly made her way to the top of the stairs. She could hear excited chatter below, but had to drop a few steps to understand what she was hearing.

“—what now?”

“A fan club!”

“For our favorite hero, of course.”

Octavia made an exasperated sound. “I really don’t think I need a fan club.”

Keen recognized those voices. She dropped a few more steps until she was at the level where the banister began, peering between the ceiling and the step. Just as she thought, there were four familiar foals in Octavia’s living room, surrounding the clearly amused mare.

“You definitely need a fan club,” Apple Bytes declared with confidence.

“All heroes need one, do they not?” Ani asked.

“Rainbow Dash has one,” Dinky pointed out.

Octavia blushed with her lips curled in a lopsided smile. “Rainbow is far more deserving of fans than me.”

“No she’s not!” Dinky gave a little bounce. “That’s why we want to form one, to show everypony that you’re the greatest hero of Ponyville!”

The mare sighed. “Rainbow does things almost on a daily basis. I think she’s far more qualified than a mere musician.”

“But Rainbow didn’t buck a dragon!” Apple declared.

Dinky rolled her eyes. “Yes she did.”

Ani shook her head. “Didn’t see it, didn’t happen.”

Dinky turned to her friends and tapped her hooves together as if keeping count. “Pinkie says so, Twilight says so, even Fluttershy says so!”

“And Rainbow continues to do impressive things,” Octavia added hopefully. “I don’t think I’m anything in comparison.”

Green Daze spoke up for the first time, moving over to give her a hug. “Are too!”

Octavia’s head rolled back on her shoulders. “Green, not you too…”

“It was his idea.” Dinky patted him on the back with a grin.

“Yeah.” Apple shoved the colt away from the blushing Octavia. “But he needs ta stop hoggin' the hero.”

Green fell on his back, laughing. His eyes locked on and Keen immediately jumped back up the stairs. She pressed her back against the wall, air catching in her throat as she waited…

“Hey, is somepony upstairs?”


“Come here.”

Keen looked up to see the uncertain face of Upper Crust at the top of the stairs, waving for Keen to come closer. The filly hesitated, but she could hear the voices below and found herself bounding back up the stairs. Upper Crust ushered her back into her bedroom and closed the door, leaving her alone. Keen pressed an ear to the door, holding her breath to better her hearing.

Green’s disappointed voice passed through the wood. “Oh, it’s you, Miss Crust.”

“Yes, it’s just me.” Upper Crust sounded… grumpy. “And please, call me Upper Crust.”

“Hey there, Crustie!” That one was Apple.

Ani was next. “Hey, you like the idea of an Octavia fan club, don’t you?”

“Indeed I do,” Upper Crust replied pleasantly. “Why, I might even consider signing up.”

Please don’t encourage them,” Octavia called from downstairs.

“But it’ll be fun!” Green shouted back.

“You can join if you like,” Ani declared. “As club leader, I extend a warm welcome to you!”

“That’s very generous of you,” Upper Crust replied.

“Hey,” Apple snapped, “I’m the leader of this thing!”

“Pu-lease,” Ani countered in her haughty manner. “What leadership experience do you have outside of a video game?”

“I’ll just add some points to that skill,” Apple declared smartly.

“That doesn’t even make sense!”

“Only to losers.”

“Princess Animatia Erroria is not a loser!”

“She’s not a princess, either.”

“Girls!” Dinky’s voice effectively silenced them. “I think Green should be the leader. He’s Octy’s biggest fan, after all.”


Upper Crust interrupted. “I think you all should press Octavia a bit more. I’m pretty sure she’s not convinced that she deserves a fan club.”

“Oh, come on!” Apple cried, and Keen could hear her running down the stairs. “How could she think that?”

“We’ll convince her,” Ani agreed. “We’ve got my charm, Dinky’s smarts, Green’s enthusiasm, and Apple’s… umm… and Apple.”

“I heard that!”

“There’s no way she won’t be convinced.”

“Would you really join the club?” Dinky asked, her excitement clear even through the door.

“Of course! I’m a fan too, you know.” Upper Crust sounded sincere.

“That’s great! We’ll be sure to list you as a founding member. Come on, Green.”

“Kay. Bye, Crustie.”

The mare made an unpleasant sound. “Upper Crust!”

The foals were heading downstairs, and Keen leaned back from the door with a relieved sigh. But then the door began to open and she fled with a startled squeak! She trembled under the bed for a couple seconds, only peering out when the door closed once more.

Upper Crust gave her a weak, sad smile. “You okay?”

Keen crawled out from under the bed and nodded, half-hiding behind her mane. “Th-thank you.”

A lingering silence passed between them. Upper Crust’s head was low, her eyes averted as her smile slowly slipped away. Keen copied the expression, but kept careful watch of the adult through her mane.

She didn’t know what to make of Upper Crust. She lived with Octavia, but didn’t speak much, and tended to stay hidden away. When she was around she would try to look happy, but she always seemed sad when she thought nopony was watching. This was the first time Keen had ever been alone with her.

The silence went on for a little too long, and they were both fidgeting. At last Upper Crust spoke. “S-so…umm…how do you like being foalsat by Octavia?”

Keen raised an eyebrow. “Umm… it’s okay. I guess?”

“Good.” Upper Crust managed the tiniest hint of a smile. “That’s good.” Her eyes shifted and her ears drooped.

Another long, awkward silence. It was so uncomfortable that Keen blurted out the very first question that came to mind: “Are you really Octavia’s fan?”

Upper Crust blinked, locking eyes with the filly for the first time. Keen blushed and used her tail to hide her face. The question didn’t feel very… important.

Upper Crust answered, “Yes, I really am.”

Her sad voice made Keen peek from over her tail. “Why?”

The adult considered the question with a hoof to her chin, sitting as her eyes rolled up to the ceiling. “Octavia… is a good pony. She took me in when I was in trouble.”

Trouble? Keen took a small step forward, observing Upper Crust’s deep frown and dull, heavy-lidded eyes. “Are you still in trouble?”

Upper Crust smiled. “Not in any way that you have to worry about.”

Keen ducked, her recent dream coming back to mind. “Do… do you have monsters, too?”

“Monsters?” Upper Crust cocked her head. “Well… I suppose that’s one way to put it. But they won’t come here. They don’t like Ponyville.”

Keen frowned as she tried to understand those words. “Why?”

Upper Crust chuckled, but it was a feeble sound. “It’s hard to explain. They just… prefer the cities. Like Canterlot.”

Keen's ears perked and her eyes went wide. “Canterlot has monsters?”

Another laugh, but this time is seemed a bit more sincere. “Do not worry, my little filly. They only like to be around rich ponies. They’re completely harmless.”

Keen tilted her head, her muzzle wrinkling as she thought. “But how can a monster be a monster if it can’t hurt you?”

“There are many different kinds of monsters,” Upper Crust explained. “They all have their peculiar habits. Some are scary. Others are just… dumb. Like mine.”

“But if they can’t hurt you, why run away from them? Why live with Octavia?”

Upper Crust’s smile broke, and for a moment she actually seemed hurt. She turned her head away, reacquiring that familiar frown. “Because I used to be one of those monsters.”

That made Keen back up just a little, her head ducking low. “R-really?” The mare nodded solemnly. “But you’re not now?”

Upper Crust offered another small smile. “I took a look in a mirror one day and didn’t like what I saw. So I ran away. I was lucky enough to meet Octavia. She’s a very kind pony, and she’s teaching me how to not be a monster. That’s why I am Octavia’s fan.” She leaned forward a little. “Maybe you could be a fan too.”

Keen considered that, but shook her head. “I don’t know… I think I like Fluttershy more.”

Another, far more sincere giggle from the adult. “I’m sorry to say Miss Fluttershy already has a very large fan club, and most of the members are stallions or older colts.”

Keen tilted her head, not sure what to make of this news. She felt like she was being led away from something…

“You’re an Octavia fan?” The mare nodded. “Then why aren’t you happy?”

A choking sound came out of Upper Crust’s throat as she leaned back with wide eyes. “I…err… I’m happy. I am.”

Keen peered at her, wondering why it was that so many adults tended to lie when she asked questions.

Upper Crust blushed, her eyes darting about for a few seconds, but finally sighed. “You’re very observant for such a young pony.”

“That’s what Lightning says,” Keen noted.

Upper Crust regained that feeble smile. “Keen… I lost somepony very important to me and I don’t know if I’ll be able to get him back. So I’m very afraid… and a little lonely. I miss him, that’s all.”

The filly’s eyes went wide as a thought passed through her mind. “Did the monsters take him away?”

Upper Crust considered this for a few seconds... then nodded.

Keen’s breath caught in her throat, a terrible fear gripping her. Before she knew what she was doing, she ran to the mare and wrapped her hooves about a leg. Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she held on tight.

“K-Keen?” Upper Crust shifted. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m sorry.” Keen nuzzled the mare tenderly. “I’m so sorry!”

“You don’t have to… I m-mean…”

Keen looked up to see the mare looking about wildly, her cheeks a deep crimson. The filly rubbed her eyes free of the fresh tears before letting her head hang low.

“I’m really sorry they took your friend, too.”

Upper Crust blinked and looked down at Keen with wide eyes. “Too?”

Keen only pressed her head against the mare’s leg and cried some more. She felt so… so terrible! To think that the monsters were still stealing ponies away, even in Canterlot! Was nopony safe?

Upper Crust dropped to her knees and nuzzled the filly. “Please don’t cry. I might get him back.”

Keen sat back with a choked hiccup. “C-can you do that? Save a pony from the m-monsters?”

The mare offered a smile, though it lacked enthusiasm. “I used to be a monster, but I’m a normal pony now. If I can be saved, so can my husb… my friend.”

This was… important. Keen bowed her head, rubbing her cheeks with a hoof as she thought. Ponies could be saved, brought back. Did that mean that all the other foals could have been saved too? They all burned. She saw them burn. When the worst nightmares struck, she would hear the screams of black creatures no bigger than herself as they were consumed in flames. They were monsters, but it had been so horrible…

“Come on,” Upper Crust whispered, standing and opening the door. “Let’s get you cleaned up, okay?”

“Mmm-hmm.” Keen nodded and trudged out the door, mind still focused on the terrible memory.

They were halfway down the stairs before Keen remembered the other foals, her body going rigid with fresh terror. Upper Crust almost tripped over her. “What’s wrong?”

A quick glance showed the room was empty. Keen sank back as if to hide, but after a few seconds Upper Crust lifted her off her hooves and carried her the rest of the way down. Keen said nothing, though she trembled like a leaf from where she was tucked under the adult’s leg.

Octavia appeared from the entry room, blessedly alone. She spotted Keen and Upper Crust and offered her usual calm smile. “Hello, you two. Don’t worry, Keen; Green and his friends have gone.”

Keen relaxed, letting her body go slack as she breathed a relieved sigh.

“Who’s that, Octavia?”

The filly went stiff once more at the unfamiliar young voice. A unicorn filly, who appeared to be around Apple's age, appeared beside the musician. She was white with a mane that combined both mulberry and rose-pink colors. She offered Keen a friendly smile. Keen, unable to properly flee in Upper Crust’s grasp, covered her face with her mane.

Octavia’s voice was as gentle as ever. “Sweetie Belle, this is Keen Arrow. We’re foalsitting her today. She’s quite timid, as you can see.”

Keen could feel Upper Crust moving, and after a few seconds she was set on top of something. She peered through her mane and saw she was on the counter by the sink. She turned, spotted Sweetie approaching with a curious expression and promptly pulled her tail across her face for an extra layer of protection.

“L-leave me alone!”

“But I haven’t done anything,” Sweetie noted with a confused frown.

Keen's tail rose of its own accord, covered in the green aura of Upper Crust’s magic. The mare, a soft smile on her lips, brushed Keen’s mane aside and rubbed a moist towel across her face. “There, that’s better, hmm?”

When the towel lifted Keen let out a squeak at the sight of Sweetie raised up against the side of the counter. She backed away, lips trembling and heart hammering in her chest. “G-go away!”

Sweetie cocked her head. “I just wanted to know why you were crying.”

Keen merely cowered against the wall, her tail over her face and her entire body trembling. “P-p-please, just leave m-me alone…”

“Come on, Sweetie,” Octavia instructed, her voice sad. “Keen’s been through a lot. You have to give her time.”

“Oh. Umm… okay.” Sweetie dropped back to four hooves and followed Octavia into the music room, though she cast a forlorn look Keen’s way as she did.

Keen relaxed, but only a little. She looked to Upper Crust, who lifted the filly and set her on the floor. “Why don’t you grab a book while I whip up some lunch? I think Octavia left your favorite on the table.”

Keen didn’t move, her eyes set to the music room door. She could hear Sweetie and Octavia discussing something involving music. “Wh-what about the… about Sweetie?”

“They’ll be in there for a couple hours at least,” the adult claimed, opening the refrigerator. “The two visit to discuss music once a week. Don’t worry, she won’t bother you.”

Upper Crust made a few salads while Keen tried to read. It wasn’t easy; she kept glancing at the music room, heart pounding constantly. Upper Crust delivered two salads to Octavia and Sweetie before making some for Keen and herself. They weren’t the best salads Keen had ever had, but they weren’t bad. Upper Crust seemed to think they weren’t good at all. Keen had the vague impression that the poor pony didn’t like herself that much.

Keen decided to stick with Upper Crust for a while, following her around the house and helping her with chores. She kept hoping Upper Crust would talk about her monster experience. Her only other option was Lightning, but Keen’s guardian always dodged the subject. If only she could be a little more open about it with somepony… but Upper Crust never brought the subject up again. Even so, Keen felt that maybe she’d found somepony who could sympathize with her fears.

Upper Crust remained quiet much of the time, but she didn’t seem to mind Keen’s presence and they worked well together on the household chores. Keen found comfort in the mare’s sad aura, and thought Upper Crust might feel the same way about her. In the end they retired to the living room, Keen nestled at Upper Crust’s side as they read together.

They were still at it when Lightning returned. The pegasus was steaming, the simmer of her eyes from that morning having evolved into a boil.

Upper Crust remained on the couch, tilting her head curiously at the sight. “I say, Lightning, whatever is wrong?”

Lightning jerked her head away from them both, steam blowing from her nostrils. “I hate that pony…”

“Oh.” Octavia appeared at the door of the music room, Sweetie Belle at her side. “Hello, Lightning.” She noted Lightning’s fierce expression with classy disdain. “I take it your assistance didn’t go so well?”

Lightning offered only a menacing snort.

Keen ducked when those fierce eyes locked onto her. “Are you okay?”

“No.” Lightning stomped over to the couch and turned so that she was standing beside it. “Come on, we’re going.”

“Are you sure?” Upper Crust held Keen back with a wary frown. “You sure you don’t want to go cool off for a bit?”

Now, Keen.”

The filly hesitated, but climbed on Lightning's back as she was told. She was going to say goodbye to Upper Crust, but Lightning's abrupt walk made her slip and interrupted her words.

“Thanks, Octavia.”

“Any time.” Octavia maintained her haughty, lecturing expression as they passed. Keen caught a glimpse of Sweetie hiding behind the door as they exited the house.

“Hold on.”

Keen barely had time to grab hold of the pegasus’ neck before they launched into the air, a streak of lightning in their wake. She felt her stomach churn at the sudden lift, her heart leaping into her throat at the sight of the homes below.

Lightning flew through a cloud, the cool moisture making Keen wince. “W-where are we going?”

“Just gotta cool off,” Lightning grumbled as they flew in directions Keen couldn’t fathom in the blinding clouds.

Keen held on, not sure what Lightning intended as she swayed back and forth. Keen couldn't resist a shiver in the chilled cloud, but even so she gradually came to lose her fear. Lightning wasn’t flying all that fast and Keen was used to the cold. She didn’t understand what her guardian was doing, but maybe it was better to wait and see?

Keen let out a surprised shout as Lightning performed a swift rise and fall maneuver. Keen hadn’t been holding on properly and her momentum sent her flying up off the pegasus’ back.

Now she was scared.


Lightning turned so she was flying upside down and caught the filly in a tight hug, making Keen gasp at the grip. She looked up to see that Lightning was watching her with a solemn frown. She seemed angry… but there was a touch of something else in Lightning’s eyes.

“Sorry, kid.” Lightning loosened her hold just slightly. “Didn’t mean to scare ya.”

Keen nodded, her fear already dissipating. “What are we doing up here?”


Keen looked around at the fluffy whiteness all around. “Nothing?”

“Nothin’,” Lightning repeated. She blushed, eyes dodging as she maintained her glower. “I just wanted to see ya. Alone. For a little bit.” Her frown softened. “I guess I just wanted a reminder.”

Keen cocked her head, but settled down on Lightning’s chest and nodded. “Rainbow, again?”

The mare faked a gag that made Keen giggle, then patted the filly’s head with a sad smile. “Sometimes I wish I was more like you, kiddo. Maybe then I wouldn’t be so mad all the time.”

Keen frowned and shook her head. “You’d be afraid all the time.”

“But I’d be good,” Lightning countered. “And then that goody-four-hooves wouldn’t piss me off so much.”

It was hard to reply to that. Keen turned her head away, wondering. Lightning wasn’t a bad pony… but she wasn’t all that good, either. It didn’t feel like something that should be pointed out, but it still made her uncomfortable.

Lightning let her head fall back to hang loosely in the air, her wings beating in a slow, steady rhythm. “Sorry for pulling you out of Octavia’s like that. Was it okay today?”

Keen sighed. “Lots of foals visited.”

Her guardian's head rose up with her eyebrows. “Did you try talking to them?” There was no disguising the hope in her tone.

Keen frowned and shook her head. “I hid.”

“Oh.” Lightning's head rolled back. “Crud.”

Her suspicions confirmed, Keen turned around and stared into the cloud. She felt a tiny fire of anger in her chest, but didn’t say anything about it.

“I spent the day with Upper Crust.”

“Yeah? She nice?”

“She’s sad,” Keen said, her anger abruptly fading as she wilted. “She lost a friend to the monsters, too.”

Lightning shifted. “Really?”

The filly nodded, turning back to Lightning. “She wouldn’t talk about it, though.”

She studied Lightning for several seconds, their eyes evasively meeting on occasion. Keen found herself thinking on Upper Crust and what she’d learned today. If Upper Crust wasn’t a monster anymore… why did the thought upset her? But it did. It made her really mad and she wasn’t sure why.

But she didn’t have long to think on it before Lightning lifted her up and, flipping over on the cloud, set Keen on her back once more. “Y’know what? I feel like having a little fun. How about we go to Sugarcube Corner?”

The anger was gone in an instant. “Really?”

They flew off, Keen’s mind now completely focused on what sweet delectable she’d have this time.

Author's Note:

On the surface this chapter might seem like filler, it actually has a number of hidden purposes. Some of them won't be apparent until much later. This is a case of me sneaking important things into seemingly innocuous material. The chapter's called 'Seeds' for a reason...

Keen's a pleasure, but writing her chapters are tricky. I'm constantly trying to balance her intellect with her age, and I always find myself questioning if I've managed it. This is one of the chapters where I actually feel pretty good about how I handled Keen's vocabulary and thought processes.

Throughout No Heroes I was accused of ignoring an obvious topic for Lightning Dust, and my pre-reader sometimes questioned me on that very same topic. At long last it is time to answer the queries! The next chapter will hopefully put some things to rest.