• Published 12th Nov 2013
  • 2,081 Views, 196 Comments

Lightning's Bolt - PaulAsaran

When Lightning's childhood orphanage was wiped out, she managed to save just one filly: the timid Keen Arrow. Lightning has taken her in, but can she handle being a parent? Does she even understand the responsibilities she must face?

  • ...

A Touch Too Much

The sun was dropping on the horizon, and ponies throughout Ponyville were beginning to close up shop. Keen's hooves dragged along the ground as she followed behind Lightning, head hanging low.

“But I don’t want another foalsitter.”

Lightning said nothing.

“I could go with Fluttershy.”

Lightning let out a huff, but otherwise remained silent.

Keen pouted, kicking a pebble and glowering at her guardian’s back hooves.

“Or Twilight could do it.”

Still, Lightning wouldn’t answer.

Not ready to give up, Keen moved a little closer and tugged on Lightning’s tail. “Fine could!”

Lightning turned about and knocked Keen’s hooves from her tail with a sneer. “Enough, Keen! I know you don’t like it, but it has to be done.”

Keen dropped back at the adult’s anger. “B-but they’re all good choices.”

Lightning rubbed her forehead and sucked in a deep breath. “No, they’re not. You can’t go with Fluttershy to Cloudsdale. You know you can’t walk on clouds.”

The filly offered a hopeful smile. “Twilight can make ponies walk on—”

Her guardian poked her in the chest, which hurt. “We’re not imposing on Fluttershy while she visits family. Stop asking.”

Keen rubbed her chest and drooped, but perked up quickly. “But Twilight can still—”

Lightning silenced her with an ominous frown. “You’re lucky enough she offered to be your teacher. Don’t push it.”

Keen wilted once more. She’d spent all day thinking on those arguments… “And Mr. Fine Crime?”

“No. Just… no.”

That wasn’t a reason! Keen crossed her hooves and sulked, eyes on the ground. “I don’t want a new foalsitter…”

Lightning groaned and lifted Keen, setting her on her back. “So you keep saying. Just deal with it.”

Keen rocked to Lightning’s motions as the mare continued down the road. “I don’t wanna deal with it, either.” She observed the back of Lightning's head and wondered if it would be worth the trouble she'd be in if she gave it a good whack.

Lightning's growl was enough to make her abandon the idea, so Keen merely dropped to her belly and kept her lips pressed tight. She had been arguing all day. Lightning wasn’t going to budge, though, so the filly just turned her head away and sulked. She locked her eyes on the setting sun, wondering which adult she would have to spend next week with.

Lightning had worked late today. She was going to work late on several days over the next week. Why did ponies have to get sick in the fall? It wasn’t fair…

Keen’s ears perked as laughter briefly filled the air. She turned to look ahead and saw that they were approaching a short, wide building. Up above the two sets of doors were signs. The words over the single left door were darkened and read Jimmy’s Days. The pair of doors on the right sported a sign that glowed a dark blue and read Nye’s Nights, with a white crescent moon between the words.

The doors to Nye’s Nights opened as a pair of ponies left the building, and laughter reached her ears once more. Keen could see a large crowd inside and her chest tightened. She ducked and waited with bated breath as Lightning approached the building, a silent prayer going through her head.

Lightning paused a few feet from the door and raised her head. She studied the doors for several seconds, then looked to the darkened Jimmy’s Days. At last she approached that side of the building, and Keen let out a deep sigh.

Lightning knocked on the door, and the two waited quietly. Keen looked up at the sign and wondered about the name. After a while Lightning knocked again with a little more force. Still, there was nothing.

Keen's spirits rose a tiny fraction. “Maybe they’re not home.”

“If he’s not,” Lightning replied without looking back, “we’re going in there.” She waved a hoof towards Nye’s Nights just in time for a lone stallion to enter the doors, a burst of chatter escaping the building. The filly ducked and shook her head. Let them be home!

Lightning knocked again, and this time the door opened. Keen peered over her guardian’s head to see the big, muscular pegasus they’d met at the library before.

“Lightning?” he asked, tilting his head. “What are you doing here? Nye’s is on the other side.”

“Nice ta see you, too. Can we come in?”

He blinked, eyed Keen and finally stepped aside.

“Thanks, Jimmy.” Lightning trotted through, and Keen made sure to keep her face half-hidden as Jimmy's green eyes followed her.

Keen dared looked up at Jimmy as they passed him. He offered her a smile, but Keen only ducked back behind her mane. Who was this pony? Lightning said she used to work with him. How?

Jimmy’s Days was a workshop filled with tools, spare parts and strange machines. It was all very clean and organized. Keen wasn’t sure what most of the bits and pieces were, and found herself staring at them with genuine interest.

“Sorry it took so long to answer.” Jimmy made his way to the counter. “I was in the back, working on some designs.”

“But aren’t you closed?” Lightning asked.

“I’ve got way too many orders to stop working at closing time.”

“Oh.” Lightning gave Keen a worried frown. “I guess that nixes you, then.”

Now leaning heavily on the counter, Jimmy raised an eyebrow. “Nixes me for what?”

Lightning went to the counter. Keen promptly hopped on top of it and sat, hiding once more behind her mane as both adults turned their eyes on her. Lightning said, “I’m in a bind and need somepony to look after Keen while I’m working next week.”

Jimmy whistled and smiled. “Yeah, I definitely can’t. Maybe if I wasn’t swamped with orders.”

Lightning sat back, her shoulders sagging. “Fluttershy suggested trying this place. She gave me a small list of names, but since I know you and your brother I thought I’d come here first.”

Jimmy's head cocked. “We were on the list?” Lightning nodded. “Huh. I’m kinda surprised.”

“Why?” Lightning studied him. “Don’t think you’re up to it?”

Jimmy chuckled. “Neither me or my brother have any experience with foals.”

“Well, Fluttershy thinks you can do it.” Lightning patted Keen on the head, perhaps trying to encourage her. Keen made no attempt to show her face, though. “She’s been taking care of Keen for a few weeks now and doing a great job. If she says you’ve got it, I’ll believe her.”

Jimmy studied Keen for a few seconds, and she averted her eyes. He seemed even bigger than she remembered.

“Let me grab Nye. I can’t help ya, but he doesn’t open his shop till late in the afternoon, so perhaps he can.” Jimmy came back around the counter and made his way to a side door. “Be right back.”

Keen watched as he left, voices coming out of the other part of the building while the door was opened. Once it closed, she cast a big-eyed look Lightning’s way.

Lightning rolled her eyes. “Don’t worry! Jimmy and Nye are stand-up guys, I promise.”

Keen bowed her head and sighed. “I dunno…”

Silence filled the workshop. Keen’s eyes roamed the tools and machinery that filled the place, but they no longer held her interest. All she could think of was that she was going to be with new ponies. She didn’t like meeting new ponies.

“Hey.” Lightning leaned forward and wrapped a hoof about Keen with a soft smile. “Trust me, kiddo. I’m not gonna give ya to somepony who can’t look after ya.”

Keen frowned at her guardian. “Then why can’t I stay with Mr. Fine?”

Lightning facefaulted, her head whacking the counter hard enough to make Keen wince.

Please, Keen, just work with me!”

Keen pouted and looked away, determined not to say anything else.

The door opened. Jimmy came back in, followed by a slightly shorter white stallion. Keen noticed this newcomer’s lack of wings and tilted her head; weren’t they brothers? The new stallion also didn’t have Jimmy’s muscles and was a little wider in the midsection. Keen couldn't help giggling; he reminded her of a marshmallow.

“Lightning! I was wondering how long it would be before you graced our place.” The newcomer wrapped Lightning in a hug, which she returned awkwardly.

When they parted Lightning had a strange frown, as if she wasn’t sure what was happening. She blushed and offered a weak smile. “Umm, yeah. Sorry, Nye. I’ve been kinda busy, y’know?”

“Yeah,” Nye agreed with a nod, “it gets that way.”

Jimmy snorted, his cheeks puffing out as he fought down a laugh. “Yeah, right! Like you ever actually work.”

“Hey!” Nye sat and crossed his legs, head raised. “I work plenty at my shop.”

His brother grinned. “Between the naps, and chasing Rainbow around, and napping with Rainbow, and—”

Nye pressed a hoof against Jimmy’s muzzle, effectively silencing him. “Shut up, bro! They don’t need to hear that part.”

Keen tried not to smile, she really did, but it came anyway.

“So.” Nye turned to Lightning with a grin. “Jim tells me you’ve got a foal problem?”

Lightning gestured to Keen with a nod, still smirking at the brothers’ banter. The filly quickly hid her face when his smile turned her way. “Well hello, little lady. And what’s your name?”

It took her a second to find her voice. “K-Keen.”

“What’s the matter, never seen such a handsome stallion before?”

He leaned against the countertop with a grin, and Keen backed away. He seemed a lot more… active than his brother.

Nye tilted his head, his eyebrows rising in curiosity. He never lost that charming smile.“You’re a shy one, aren’t ya?”

Keen winced, but Lightning wrapped a hoof around her once more. “She has to get used to strangers.”

“I’ll fix that.” He leaned low, his head hovering just over the counter as he smiled at the Keen. “Tell me, kid, what’s your favorite treat?”

Keen's ears perked and she gave Lightning a questioning look. The mare shrugged. Keen looked to Nye and saw he was eagerly waiting, so she closed her eyes and tried to think of an answer.

She could remember Hearth’s Warming Eve, though she didn’t know why. Her father working the fireplace, her reading at her little desk he’d made. Her mother was in the kitchen, cooking up something for that special night. Pasta, her mom loved pasta. And cake and a big bowl of her father’s favorite soup. Well, Keen thought it was soup. She could almost smell the spices, and the burning wood, and the sweetness of the cake, and the—

—the cookies. Warm, soft, sweet cookies with that powerful aroma. Keen loved those cookies. Cookies her mother made every year, laced with...

“Mint.” Keen opened her eyes and looked up at Nye with a deep frown. “I like mint.”

Nye stood straight, clapped and pointed at her with both hooves and a wink. “Don’t you go anywhere!” He was off to the other room.

Keen and Lightning shared questioning looks. Lightning turned to Jimmy. “What’s he gonna do?”

Jimmy smiled and shrugged. “His thing.”

Nye returned a couple seconds later carrying some bottles, a bowl and a curious looking machine on his back. “Ladies and fillies, let’s have a little show!” He set the bottles on the countertop one at a time, followed by the machine. He placed the bowl next to Keen and a strong, minty smell hit her nostrils. She peeked inside to find it half-full of crushed mint leaves.

Nye grabbed two bottles, which spun about his hooves in a blur as he shot his audience a grin. “I call this one the Minuette Special!”

Keen gaped as he began to juggle the bottles. Two, three, four, six! Every now and then he’d pour just a little of something in the machine, never slowing down as bottles flew through the air. He tapped the machine with a hind hoof and a flourish and it began to buzz. He spun one bottle right over Keen’s head, making her duck in surprise, but when she came back up she was laughing.

Nye put on a great show. Bottles bounced on his hind legs, rolled on his back, spun circles about one another on the counter. One of them went flying at Jimmy, who caught it with a smirk and sent it right back.

“Someday I’ll actually hit him,” Nye cracked with a wink at Keen. “Knock some sense into that thick skull.”

He grabbed the bowl, spinning it over his shoulders before tipping a small amount of its contents into a waiting glass. He kicked the glass with a hind-hoof; it slid into place under the machine just in time to catch the steaming liquid that poured out. As soon as the machine was empty, he snatched up the glass and had it spinning around his legs alongside the bottles. Keen could only watch, mesmerized by the display. More liquid was poured in from the other bottles.

“Little lady—” the full glass slid to a stop right in front of Keen, “—the Minuette Special.” He posed, the bottles all perfectly balanced on his legs and head and a big grin on his face.

Keen laughed and clapped. “That was great!”

“You’re tellin’ me,” Lightning said with a grin. “I’ve never seen anything like it! What’s the cutie mark for flare bartending look like?”

Nye chuckled with a blush as he set the bottles on the counter. “Hehe, yeah, that’s not my special talent. I just thought it would be fun to learn.”

Keen giggled. “It was very fun! Thank you!”

He offered a flamboyant bow before gesturing to the glass. “Better drink up before it gets cold.” He tilted his head to Lightning with a grin. “On the house.”

Keen blinked and studied the glass. It was almost half her height! She glanced at Lightning, who nodded with smile. “Go ahead.”

Keen looked down to see a green liquid inside. It wasn’t steaming anymore. She carefully lifted it and took a sip; her tongue was assaulted with a warm, chocolatey mint flavor. She let out a small gasp and took a much bigger drink. When she finally set it down she beamed up at Nye with chocolate coating her muzzle.

“It’s yummy!”

“Knew you’d like it,” he declared with a wink. “You come by every now and again and maybe I’ll whip up something else for you to try.” He turned to Lightning. “So, what’s this problem you’ve got?”

Lightning had to think for a moment. “Oh, right! Sorry. I’m looking for a foalsitter to look after Keen next week while I’m working. Fluttershy suggested you and Jimmy.”

“Oh.” He winced and his smile went lopsided. “I dunno, neither of us have much experience with kids.”

Lightning smirked and gestured to Keen, who was eagerly lapping up some more of the Minuette Special. “Could’a fooled me.”

He chuckled but shook his head. “I could probably do it, but I think you’d want somepony who knows what he's doing.” He rubbed his chin for a moment, eyes rolling up to the ceiling. “I don’t know every pony in Ponyville, but I think I know one or two who could help.”

“As long as it’s somepony trustworthy,” Lightning replied. “Anypony Fluttershy suggested will be good. I just wanted to come to see you guys first.”

“For once, I have to agree with Nye,” Jimmy told her. “No disrespect to Fluttershy, but I don’t think either of us have foalsitter potential.”

Nye's ears perked and he raised a hoof. “I think I know just the pony, and you’re in luck: she’s gracing my establishment at this very moment. Let me grab her real quick.” He turned and headed for the door.

Keen lifted her glass, trying to tip it without making a mess. It was abruptly forced back down, and she looked up to see Lightning smiling at her.

“Slow down, kiddo. Jimmy, ya got a smaller glass?”

“Yep.” He reached under his counter and pulled out a glass more fitting to Keen’s size. “I use this for my once-a-day dose of Cider Rainbooms.”

Keen tilted her head as he poured the rest of her Minuette’s Special in the smaller glass. “What’s a Cider Rainboom?”

“Something only older ponies get to drink,” he replied. “Sorry, Keen. You’re a bit too young for that.”

“Does Nye come up with his own drinks?” Lightning asked as Keen sipped her beverage.

“Yeah, the guy’s pretty good at it.” Jimmy shook his head. “He’s always been the creative one. Got it from our Ma.”

Keen looked up at him with raised eyebrows. “But this isn’t his special talent?” Jimmy shook his head. “What is?”

The stallion chuckled. “Cobbling.”

Lightning tilted her head. “What’s that?”

“He makes shoes?” Keen barely noticed Lightning's blush.

“He doesn’t,” Jimmy replied, “but that’s what his gift is. Don’t ask, it’s a long story.”

The door opened and Nye was back. He stood aside and held the door open for another Earth pony, who walked in at a slow and graceful gait with her head held high. She was grey-coated with a dark mane and mulberry eyes. Keen studied her and couldn’t help thinking she was awful pretty.

“Octavia?” Lightning leaned forward. “I thought Nye’s place would be too ‘low brow’ for your tastes.”


Octavia giggled. “Maybe, but he still serves the best drinks in town. And now that he’s not chasing after my tail—” she patted him on the cheek with a smirk, “I feel much safer coming here.”

Nye struck a pompous pose as the door closed behind him. “Come on, Octavia! You and I both know you’re jealous that Rainbow got to me, first.”

Octavia covered her lips and fought down a giggle. “Yes, jealous. That’s it exactly.” She gave Lightning a beaming smile. “I’m glad to see you back here, Lightning. For a moment I thought Nye was trying to cheat on Rainbow with me.”

Nye ducked as the two mares and Jimmy chuckled. “No way! Rainbow might drop a Rainbomb on my head if I tried something like that.”

Jimmy waved. “Hey, Octavia. How’s Upper Crust?”

“Jimmy.” Octavia offered him a broad smile. “She’s… getting along.” She caught sight of Keen and set a hoof to her cheek. “And who is this lovely little filly?”

Keen set her almost-empty glass down and smiled up at Octavia. “I’m Keen!”

“She needs a foalsitter,” Lightning added, patting her on the head.

“Oh. So that’s what this is all about.” Octavia giggled and tapped the countertop. “Jimmy, could you get her a napkin?”

Jimmy chuckled and pulled something out of a drawer. “Have a rag.”

He tossed it to Octavia, who promptly wiped chocolate from Keen’s muzzle. “There, much better.”

Keen rubbed her face. “Umm, thank you?”

“You’re very welcome.” She gave the rag back to Jimmy before turning to Lightning. “Foalsitting, hmm? I don’t understand why it is that so many foals like to visit me, but I suppose one more wouldn’t hurt.”

Lightning’s eyes lit up and her wings half-opened. “Really?”

But Keen shifted. “Other foals?”

“Mm-hmm.” Octavia noted how the filly drooped. “Is something wrong?”

Lightning cringed, her moment of excitement effectively quelled. “Maybe.” She glanced around, then gestured for Octavia to follow. “Let’s talk over there, huh?”

Keen watched the two of them walk to a corner of the shop, lip trembling. She didn’t want another foalsitter, but getting one that had more foals around was even worse! Lightning wouldn’t make her go… would she?

She heard a familiar buzzing sound and turned to see Nye working the mixing machine. At her curious look he smiled and grabbed her glass. “Want another?” She bounced with a big grin. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

“Now hold on.” Jimmy tapped the countertop and gave Keen a frown. “Are you sure you’re not overdoing it?”

“Whatcha mean?” Nye asked.

Jimmy gestured to the empty glass. “How much sugar is in one of those things?”

Nye ducked as if to dodge a blow but continued to fill the glass with his tilted smile. “Come on, bro! Kids thrive on sweetness! One more couldn’t hurt.” He set the steaming glass in front of the filly, who was quick to suck down some of the minty beverage.

“If she gets sick, I’m blaming you.”

“I’ll be okay,” Keen assured him with a chocolate-covered grin. “It’s really good!”

“I’m sure it is.” Jimmy chuckled and wiped her face with the rag once more. “But good rarely means good for you. Beware that you don’t succumb to my brother’s evil ways.”

Nye grinned and waved a bottle at her. “Come to the dark side! We have chocolate.”

Keen giggled, silently concluding that she liked these two.

“The matter is settled.” Octavia rejoined them, Lightning at her side. “I’ll be taking turns with Fluttershy and Twilight to look after Keen, at least when I’m not traveling on the job.”

Keen’s happy mood popped like a balloon. She turned to Lightning, whose face was set in a firm frown. “But what about the foals?”

“They aren’t always around,” Octavia noted pleasantly. “Don’t worry, Keen.”

Keen's ears folded back and she kept staring at her guardian. “Lightning?”

“Sorry, kid,” Lightning replied, “but we’re gonna try this for a bit.”

Keen pouted and lay down to sulk. “It’s not fair…”

“Welcome to life,” Lightning grumbled.

Octavia shot a critical look Lightning’s way, then lowered her head so it was close to Keen’s. Her kind eyes locked with the filly’s and she had a soft smile.

“Keen, please give me a chance. If you don’t like it the first day, you don’t have to come back.”

Keen blinked and raised her head, not sure what to make of this offer. She glanced at Lightning, but her guardian said nothing, so she turned her eyes back to Octavia. “Really?”

Octavia nodded and straightened, setting a hoof to her heart. “On my honor.”

Keen chewed her lip and tried to think. She wasn’t used to being given an option… “Well, I guess I can try. M-maybe? If there really won’t be any other kids?”

“They may drop by to visit,” she replied, “but don’t worry. I personally vouch for them!”

Jimmy leaned over Keen. “Uh, vouch? You know what that means?”

“Oh, she knows.” Lightning patted Keens' head with a weak smile. “She’s one smart kid.”

“I don’t wanna.” Keen stood and studied Octavia for a few seconds, mulling over the situation. She cast another glance at Lightning before heaving a long sigh and bowing her head. “If I have to…”

“Thank you, Keen. “ Octavia beamed. “I promise, it won’t be that bad.”

Keen was lying on her back in the bed, groaning and rubbing her belly. “It hurts…”

Lightning stood nearby, scowling.

“When I get my hooves on Nye, I swear I’ll shove those bottles down his throat.”

Keen shifted to her side and gave Lightning a big-eyed, teary look. “What do I do?”

The pegasus rolled her head back on her shoulders with a sigh. “Wish that a store was open this late so I could buy some medicine?”

That didn’t sound promising. Keen curled into a tight ball and clutched at her stomach, unpleasant sounds coming from her throat as she fought not to cry.

“But it hurts…”

Lightning grumbled and shook her head. “I’m sorry, kid. There’s nothing I can do. Maybe this’ll teach ya not to overdo it on the sweets next time.”

“It was just a little chocolate...”

“Three glasses of mint chocolate whatever does not count as a little.” Lightning facehooved. “Had I realized Nye was giving you so much…”

Keen eyed Lightning through her mane, teeth clamped at the pain. “D-don’t be mad at him. Please?”

“Well of course I’m mad at him! Who should I be mad at? You?”

Keen hid in her mane, a tear running down her cheek. “I’m sorry…”

“I bet you are.” Lightning sighed and patted her head. “You’ll be alright, Keen. You’ll just have ta bear with it for a little while. I promise not ta hurt Nye… much.”

She tucked Keen under the covers, a small frown on her lips as she watched the filly cringe. “It’ll go away. Just give it time.”

“I want it to go away now,” Keen muttered.

Lightning went to the door, but cast one more apologetic look the filly’s way. “I know it’s hard, but try and be tough, kiddo.” Keen didn’t answer, and after a few anxious seconds the mare closed the door.

Keen tossed and turned, her mind focused on her churning stomach. She didn’t understand why something so good could end up so bad. She buried her head in her pillow and cried. She really wanted Lightning to stay with her tonight. Why hadn’t she asked?

Because she was supposed to be tough.

But she wasn’t a tough filly! She was just Keen…

Her bed shifted and she promptly sat up. Her eyes went wide at the sight of Fine Crime, who offered her a small smile.

“Hey, Miss Sweet Tooth.”

Keen curled and held her stomach some more, then wiped a tear from her eye. “H-hello.”

He tilted his head at her. “Hurts, huh?” She nodded with a sniff. “No surprise.”

Keen drooped. “We don’t have medicine…”

“But I do.” She looked up to see a small, dark-red bottle floating next to him. “Come on, let’s get some of this in ya.”

She approached, eyeing the bottle. “Will it help?”

He nodded. “It’ll take some time to kick in, but yes. You’ll be feeling better before ya know it.”

She sat next to him as the cap unscrewed from the bottle, which tilted and poured a small amount directly into the cap. The medicine dropped down to hover before her.

“This won’t taste good. Medicine never does.”

As long as it stopped the pain. Keen leaned forward and took the cap, sipping from it. Her face wrinkled up at the bitter flavor.

Fine chuckled. “Just drink it all in one go. Get it over with.”

She sighed and, bracing for impact, did as he suggested. It was even nastier the second time around! She forced herself to swallow, smacking her lips to try and get the taste out of her mouth with a profound “Ick.”

Fine replaced the bottle’s cap and set it aside, bringing up from beside the bed a small glass of water. “Here, wash it down.” She did, grateful for the cool liquid. “There. That’s better, right?”

“No,” she grumbled, wincing as her stomach performed a few flips. “It’s not.”

He chuckled and pulled her a little closer. His horn shined, and black clouds poofed into existence overhead. When they faded, a small book was in their place. “I hear you like to read.”

She nodded, though the book held little interest to her at the moment. It lowered to about her height, and she saw from the title that it was a series of short stories. She recognized the author. “Mom liked her.”

Fine raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”

Keen fought the urge to grab her stomach so that she could take the book in her hooves. “She had a small collection of Verity’s books.”

He chuckled once more. “Ever read any?” The filly shook her head, and he wilted just a little. “Well, why not start now?”

Keen sighed and set the book aside. “I don’t feel like reading…”

“Oh, come on.” He magically raised the book up to her once more. “I hear you’re really good. Show me?”

Her stomach did a backflip, but she took the book anyway. Why did adults always want her to do things she didn’t want to do? She used her horn to flip a page or two, feeling a little proud that she could do that now. She read through the table of contents, but nothing interested her. So she flipped to a random story and began reading out loud, sure to keep her voice down so that Lightning wouldn’t overhear.

It was a curious story. At first she just read through it, but soon she was wondering how the colt would convince the ghost to leave the flowerbed. She kept reading, even as her eyes drooped and a long yawn escaped her lips. A ghost that was scared of honeybees? Could ghosts be scared?

About halfway through the story Keen found herself leaning against Fine. He took the book and began to read for her. He had an animated voice, even when whispering. She snuggled up against him and listened, trying to catch all his words. He was a good reader. She wouldn’t sleep yet, she had to know if the poor ghost would be okay…

But at last her mind drifted. Just before everything went dark, she found herself wondering…

What happened to her tummy ache?

Author's Note:

Poor Nye and Jimmy won't get a big part in this story, so it was nice to give them their due cameo. Leave it Nye to make a silly mistake like this, though. Hopefully Lightning won't be too hard on him...

And look at Fine Crime, being all kind and helpful!

There was a lot of small suggestions going on in this chapter, all geared towards building up certain things I'm aiming for. I prefer to let people see the tiny hints and suggestions for themselves rather than just let them know everything that's happening, and that went on in spades here. But we're moving along, and something rather significant is going to happen in the next chapter.

Apologies for the late update. I blame myself for not riding my pre-reader's butt.