• Published 12th Nov 2013
  • 501 Views, 1 Comments

Twilight's Game - AnimalCafe

This story depicts the few days before the Summer Sun Celebration and the real reason why Twilight Sparkle was sent to Ponyville by the princess and Twilights development of spectacular new spells.

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Chapter 1

Twilight pushed her way past the big double doors leading out of StarSwirl Academy and into the wide hallways that snaked around the building. A plethora of unicorns fled the room after her eager to escape Celestia's lectures and bustle off to their weekend of parties to celebrate the Summer Sun Celebration. Twilight on the other hoof had different plans. Just because every other pony was going to fritter away their spare time didn't mean she needed to squander this gracious opportunity. She knew that the magic comprehension tests were looming just over the horizon. Twilight knew that she didn't have to worry about grades, oh no. Twilight could easily pass, her ambitions were much higher. If she could preform an act of magic that impressed the judges enough, she could earn herself a place with the Board of unicorns and be at the forefront of magical discovery. Twilight yearned for that type of knowledge just the thought of discovering unique forms of magic sent a shiver down her spine. As she walked down the hallways she thought, shuffling past her fellow students. She was going to have to truly impress the judges, something that revolutionized the way that pony’s viewed the academy or maybe even all of Canterlot. Twilight barely gave notice to the rows of pictures taken of the school's alumni that covered the high walls as she passed quickly by. She did stop however before she passed the shrine erected in the academy's Grand Entrance. Upon the shrine sat the busts of all the headmasters that ever oversaw the academy dating even back to StarSwirl The Bearded who had founded the school.

StarSwirl, the one pony that Twilight looked up too. The hollow lifeless eyes of his bust looked down on her from its high place atop the shrine. StarSwirl had held the world in his hooves in his prime and there hasn’t been a unicorn before or since that could boast understanding even half of the magic that StarSwirl had attained. Twilight needed that sort of power, the ability to twist every element the way he had. Twilight stepped out of the academy her mind only on her task at hand. The sun was blindingly bright, after spending so many hours in the lecture hall her eyes took a couple moments to adjust to the bright light. She looked around and noticed many of the other ponies that had been in the lecture with her were undergoing the same stress. Twilight ignored them, squinting she carried on. Her spire sat not far off of school grounds and she was happy not to have to mingle with other ponies any longer than she had to. The birds chirped happily from the lush, full trees that dotted the academy grounds. The young pony stepped over a small bridge that arched over a brook that babbled with delight as it did every day. All this tho was lost on Twilight she was lost in her thoughts. She knew that she was going to have to come up with something more complex than a simple spell everypony every year presented their spells to the judges in a futile attempt at brilliance.

Twilight was glad that her lodging was located so close to the Academy, the other students called it Prized Pupils Palace, On account that it only housed one pony and one pony only. Princess Celestia's Prized Pupil, of course. Twilight smirked to herself, she had to admit it was good to be at the top, she could care less about what the other students thought of her for Celestia's special treatment. Twilight began her way up the long spiral staircase that led to her home.

After the long climb she finally reached the summit. The smell of toasted hay wafted out to greet her. Spike must have been readying supper for her. Twilight pushed open her front door with cautious optimism, bad things had a tendency to happen when spike cooked.

“Spike?” Twilight called looking glancing around the kitchen. No Spike, but there was a bowl of toasted hay placed on the table.

“Twily?” A familiar voice came floated down the staircase. Twilight’s heart skipped a beat when she heard the familiar tone of her older brother. Shining Armour poked his head down from the staircase. “Twily!” He repeated.

“Shining Armour!” Twilight replied gleefully. “What are you doing here? I thought that you were busy with patrols today.” Shining stepped down the stairs, Spike silently followed.

“That’s actually why I came to visit little sis... Spike let me in by the way, not that I thought you'd mind.” Twilight shot a glare at Spike causing him to flinch, as a rule it wasn’t encouraged to let others into her home. “I'm not sure how exactly to put this.” Shining Armor pawed awkwardly at the floor with his hoof. “But I'm not sure the guards abilities are up to snuff.” Twilight chuckled before helping herself to the toasted hay.

“Isn’t that your problem?” She raised a curious eyebrow at her brother.

“Well yes but...” His tone suddenly became very serious. “The guard is too soft, one of these days somepony is going to slip in right under our noses and there will be nothing we can do about it.”

“I don't see where I fit in in all this still.” She mumbled through a mouth full of hay.

“Well I know that your magic comprehension tests are coming up Twily and I know how badly you want to get onto the Board of Unicorns.” Twilight's ears twitched as she became suddenly interested in what her brother was talking about. “And I happen to know a secret.” His voice dropped to a hush and his eyes flicked from side to side scanning the room. “There is going to be a scout for the Board of Unicorns attending some of the tests.” Twilight's breath caught in her lungs.

“Wha-?” She gasped.

“You're Celestia's Prized Pupil, so the scout is bound to be interested in whatever you present.” Twilight's heart was beating faster and faster, she was having a hard time breathing. This could be it, this could be absolutely everything she'd been studying so hard for.

“And I need a favour... I've sent a million requests to Celestia to approve a more military training regiment for her honour guards, I'm talking about a serious overhaul but I've been turned down every time. If you can get on the Board of Unicorns you'll have actual pull over the goings on in Canterlot and even get me my advanced tactics approved.” Twilight opened her mouth to reply to her brother when a bolt of inspiration stuck her.

“No that’s perfect.” Her voice barley above a whisper.

“What was that Twily?”

“Its perfect!” Twilight jumped away from the table. “Spike write this down!” She screeched. “Its perfect Shining Armour! Your militarized guard force! Its given me the perfect idea!” Armour's eyes were wide at his sisters uncharacteristic yelling and his ears were pinned back. “All I need to do is INVENT a new style of militarized magics that we could implement!”

“But most of the ponies on the force hardly know any magic as it is Twily.” Her brother interjected.

“Clean slate then! Bring in a whole new force made entirely of unicorns. No, if we just train a regiment of unicorns we can keep the old guard for grunt work.” Shining Armour's mouth twisted up into an understanding smile.

“I see where your going here but no such “Militarized” magics exist.”

“But that's the easy part!” Twilight jumped with joy as her inspiration flowed through her thoughts and molded itself into a terrifying, brilliant idea. “I know a multitude of common everyday spells that can be tweaked into a more volatile and exponentially more effective set of combat efficient magic types!”

“But how will you present it to the judges? If you're just tweaking low level spells how will they take you seriously?” Twilight scoffed at her older brother's ignorance.

“The magic comprehension test isn’t about who has the prettiest magics, its about discovering new and innovative uses of magic and at any rate its the scout for the Board of Unicorns that we want to impress, all I need to do is whip up an enticing diagram and compelling essay and you'll have your combat efficient honour guards in no time!” Shining Armour's eyes lit up with profound glee.

“Twily you're the best! I knew I could count on you!” Twilight gasped.

“Look at the time!” She pointed a hoof at the window the sun had already gone down. “There is a lot I need to get working on if we are going to pull this off! I only have a few days off from the academy to 'Celebrate the sun'.” Twilight rolled her eyes. “I have to start studying right away!”

“I'll get out of your mane then Twily and let you get to your work.” Shining Armor smiled as he moved to leave. “Oh and love you sis.”

“I love you too!” Twilight called after her brother as he left. “You get all that Spike?” The little purple dragon bobbed his head up and down yes. “Good! Find me Hippology, A Collective and Operating Heavy Machinery for Unicorns pronto! We need to get started!” The little pony smiled gleefully as she made her way upstairs to her study she wasn’t just going to revolutionize how ponies
viewed the Academy or even Canterlot, she was going to revolutionize the way unicorns viewed magic for the rest of time! The spot on the board was as good as hers.

Twilight poured over many of the old encyclopedia’s that cluttered the dusty bookshelves scattered around her room. Spike scuttled around in silence pulling books off the shelves and replacing them as Twilight ordered. As a rule Twilight had her dragon remain silent during her prolonged research sessions, any noise could be a potential distraction.

“Spike please set up test subject Beta 12.” Twilight moved to the far side of the room as Spike frantically ran around before pushing a model pony into place. “Test range is live. Begin Welding Spell Tweak Test # 15.” Twilight lowered her horn and clenched her eyes shut as she concentrated on the simple changes she had made to the spell. Her tail twitched back and forth and a bead of sweat rolled down her face. The little pony could feel her horn growing hot as the spell charged unleashing a crimson blade of pure energy jettisoned toward the test dummy. The air crackled with static as the spell veered of course striking down her bedside table. Scarlet flames engulfed the area the bedside table once stood before spreading to the quilts on the young pony's bed.

“Success!” Twilight shouted jumping into the air. Spike hurried over to Twilight's bed to quench the flames. “Modifications to Welding Spell Tweak # 15's a complete success!” Quickly scribbling down a series of mathematical equations and free hoof notes. “Iambic tetrameter alternating with iambic trimeter seems to work much better than two successive rhyming lines as far as any any basic plasma basted artillery spell go....” Twilight muttered to herself.

“Uhhh Twilight?” Spikes voice wafted out of the black smoke that filled the air. Twilight's ears shot back in annoyance.

“Spike! I was in the middle of writing! Now I can't remember if it was a ballad or a rhyming couplet that was more effective!” Twilight scribbled out the equations she had scrawled down and replaced it with TESTS INCONCLUSIVE.

“I'm sorry Twilight...” Spike sheepishly fiddled with his claws. “But you said you'd help me discover why I don't have wings today.”

“But we have to continue our research Spike! We still need to see if altering the flow of light by means of prismatic altercation can super heat the spell into an even deadly SUPER beam!”

“We've been up all night tho!” Spike waddled over to the blinds before throwing them open. “What if I'm not even a dragon at all?” Spike worriedly looked over his shoulder to his wingless back. Twilight snorted in annoyance.

“You're wingless because I hatched you too early and you didn't develop properly. There mystery solved.” Spikes green eyes swelled with tears as he clasp his little claws together. Twilight sighed. “I'm sorry Spike.” Twilight spoke softly as to avoid provoking the baby dragon's tears. “I didn't mean that.” Twilight gave spike a soft nudge with her snout. “What do you say about finishing up with our militarized magics and THEN we'll discover why you don't have wings ok?” Twilight smiled reassuringly, she needed the little dragon to cooperate with her if she was going to get any work done. Spike wiped the tears from his eyes.

“O-Okay Twilight...” Spike sniffled. “Lets get to work!” He said with sudden determination. Twilight rolled her eyes.

The two worked together late into the evening taking a short break only when the baby dragon became to tired to push Twilight's heavy test dummies. Twilight on the other hand continued her work late into the night despite the loss of her assistant. She still needed to triple check the spell check spell on her essay and apply a third coat of paint to the tiny wooden pegasi she would use in her demonstration. Twilight turned her head to gaze out the window. The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon bathing the sky and surrounding Canterlot cityscape in a glorious bright pink. Twilight inhaled the crisp morning air then gently exhaled. It had been a rough couple of days but she was finally satisfied with her work. The young pony's eyes drooped heavily as she shuffled up the stares to her bed. Spike had taken the liberty of falling asleep directly in the centre of her bed, one of his tiny dragon claws wrapped firmly around Smarty Pants and the other being snugly sucked. The purple unicorn levitated spike from her bed then unceremoniously placed him in his round wicker basket next to her glorious princess sized bed. She didn't have to present until this evening so she could get plenty of sleep beforehoof. Twilight eased her aching body into her soft bed. Before allowing herself to drift off to sleep Twilight used the last of her energy to cast an awakening spell on herself, that should give her at least 8 hours of sleep AND wake her four hours early so that she still had time left to quadruple check her essay. Her presentation would have to preform like a well oiled machine if she wanted to make the proper impression on the judges.

Twilight was aroused by somepony wrapping unnecessarily hard on her front door. The sleepy pony rubbed her eyes before slipping out of bed and making her way downstairs.

“Who is it?” She called through a great yawn. The young pony began her morning routine of eggs n' orange juice before unlocking her door.

“Surprise little sis!” Twilight was surprised to see her brother so soon, even tho he did have an annoying habit of dropping in unannounced. “Sorry for dropping in unannounced.” Shining nudged the table awkwardly. “I just wanted to see how your preparations were coming along.” He bit his lip anticipating some form of animosity from his recently awoken little sister. At the mention of her studies Twilight's ears perked up, her attention drifting from her cooking.

“Things are better than expected!” She mumbled excitedly as she scooped her eggs onto a plate. “I created at least six new spells! Each modified from a basic everyday spell so your elite guard should have no problem mastering them in no time!” Twilight chuckled as she gently nudged Complicated Conjuring & Masterful Magics into a stack of nearby books.

“Twily that's great!” Shining Armour gleefully reared. “When can I see them? How long do you think it will take to learn them?” Shining Armour quickly glanced around the room as though he thought Twilight would have left her work out someplace where anypony could see it. Twilight chuckled.

“You can study them all you want, AFTER the test.” Twilight began shuffling through loose clutter as to look busy. She glanced at her brother out of the corner of her eye and let out a small giggle. “Most of the spells are probably still too complicated for you to learn right away, even if they are simplistic...” Shining Armours face melted from one of delight to that of disappointment. “Well...” Twilight thought for a moment. “I think one of them might be simple enough for me to teach you right now.” Shining Armours smiled happily. “While I was researching offensive spells I started thinking...” Twilight moved her brother into the centre of the room. “Once our new form of magic becomes manestream...” Twilight spoke as she rummaged through her saddle bag already packed with all her hard work. She tossed a scroll to shining armour. “Other ponies will easily be able to invent offensive magics of their own so...” Shining Armour unbound the scroll and began to intently study its contents. “I figured it would be crucial to have defensive magic able to withstand even the heaviest magical bombardment.” Shining Armour shut his eyes and focused intently on the words written on the scroll. He faltered for a moment then, sweeping his horn in an upward arch conjured a glittering red sphere that engulfed him within an impenetrable bubble. Twilight jumped up and down giggling with happiness. “Its perfect!” Twilight shrieked. “I thought it would be too complicated to learn on the fly! This is better than I had hoped for!” Twilight noticed her brother watching her from behind his force field and quickly composed herself. “You seem to have a natural talent for my shield spells.” Twilight winked at her brother.

“Just living up to my name's sake I guess.” Shining joined in with Twilight’s mirth before letting his shield falter. Twilight threw her saddlebag onto her back.

“Walk me to the academy?” She asked pleasantly.

“Happily.” Shining Smiled, then with a flick of his horn pulled the door open for his dear sister. “I can't thank you enough for helping me with this Twily.” The two siblings began to make their way down the spires great spiral staircase. Shining Armour playfully nudged his sister with his hoof. “I don't know how I can ever repay you little sis.” Twilight held her head high and trotted with an extra spring in her step. That position on the Board of Unicorns was as good as hers.

“Oh you don't have to repay me Shining Armour.” Twilight replied cheerfully. “Supplying the inspiration that helped me revolutionize the pony defence force is thanks enough.”

“No really Twily!” Her brother persisted. “With this sort of magic we could keep all of Canterlot under lock and key.”

“Don't you think you're being a bit too paranoid?” The ponies crossed over the bridge leading onto academy grounds.

“No.” Was Shining Armours sober response. “Not when it comes to the Princesses safety.” Twilight sensed the tension in her brothers voice and decided to change the subject before her brothers obsession with his job became to much for her to handle.

“I'm quite impressed with my force field.” Twilight began. “I didn't think I would be able to come up with a simple enough spell that would also be useful in the field.” Shining Armour smiled then nodded his agreement.

“I've already thought of a few ways it will come in handy, how far can I extend it anyway?”

“Well all the spell does is slow down air convection and through the manipulation of tiny particles in the air around somepony it hardens and intensifies air density which we can see through the transparent bubble that surrounds the caster. So... In theory somepony should be able to extend the force field infinity. So long as ones strength held that is.” The two ponies walked through the double doors and into the massive academy.

“Well I suppose I should let you get to your test Twily.” Shining Armour smiled and nudged his sister. “Good luck.” Twilight smiled back.

“With what I have prepared I won't need luck.” She giggled and winked at her big brother before trotting ever so happily toward the testing hall were the unicorns would be waiting to grade her. It wasn't long before Twilight found the lecture hall in which the exams would be conducted. The doors were closed which meant whatever unicorn had her test before Twilight's was still in session. Twilight checked her saddle bags to make sure all her papers were in the right order, her nerves were starting to get to her and her hooves shook ever so slightly as she sifted through her papers. Twilight was running through the order in which she would present her spells to the judges when the doors to the testing hall were flung open and a light blue unicorn stepped through.

“I'll show you all!” The unicorn yelled. “I'll become even greater than you could ever conceive! With my power and raw ability you'll be sorry you kicked me out of this pretentious academy!” Twilight chucked to herself as the other pony ran down the hallway tripping over her loose unpractical cape. Some ponies were just not cut out for the kind of work that came with the honour of attending the academy. Twilight held her head high as she stepped into the testing hall. Four bored unicorns sat in the middle of the elevated seats that circled the room, allowing the pony who was presenting to stand in the center of the room for all to see. Twilight walked confidently up to the big wooden desk and began unpacking her display. Twilight took a quick glance around the room and noticed that there was a fifth pony sitting not too far away from the judged. That must be the talent scout. After she had set up the little wooden figures that bore the likeness of the castle guard Twilight began her well rehearsed introductory speech to her presentation.

Twilight began with a brief history of conflicts pony kind had experienced in the past from the forming of the epic SkyCarrier of Cloudsdale and its terrifying ballistic capability to the earth pony rebellion that took place almost a millennium ago.

“My fellow intellectuals! With each of these problems that has plagued pony kind over the past years it has almost always been the unicorns that have had to resolve the issues and restore peace!” The Judges nodded their agreement eager to see where Celestia's prized student was going with this. “I have good reason to believe that the tactics we have used in the past may not be enough to stand up against the coming troubles we may experience in the future.” She could hear the judges mumbling amongst each other. “Allow me to demonstrate some new and potent spells that we could implement into a new highly trained elite force of honour guards that would act under Celestia to keep the peace.” Twilight demonstrated each of her new spells to the judges walking them through how each could be used and taught to other ponies. A drop of nervous sweat rolled down Twilight's face while she was demonstrating how a small electric shock could be used to easily incapacitate and airborne pegasi. The judges seemed distant, almost as if they were distracted or even worse bored. Twilight shook her head. No there was no way they could be bored, this was new and innovative stuff she was presenting they were probably just keeping a game face on.

Twilight had saved her best spell for last. She quickly arranged the statuettes she had meticulously carved the day before and took four big steps back from the table. “And now for the last demonstration in Effective Militarized Magics.” Twilight focused all of her energy into her horn which began to heat up the instant she began to focus on her spell. There was a loud crack as static in the air around the small pony was converted into a stream of pure heat that jettisoned toward the fancy oak table in the middle of the room. Splinters flew in every direction as the table was split in two and engulfed in merciless red flames. The statuettes Twilight had worked so hard to carve and paint gone in an instant. The judges gasped shocked by the destruction the little pony had wrought. One of the judges, an orange pony with a red curly mane stood up and extinguished the flames.

“Miss Sparkle.” The orange pony began. “Are you aware that it has been a very, VERY long time since Canterlot had to worry about any such threat?” Twilight's heart skipped a beat, this was not the reaction the judges were supposed to have.

“Yes, well I...”

“Your theories on militarized magics are quite quaint dear.” A blue mare with a hideous yellow mane chimed in. “But we just don't see how any of these can be practically put to use.”

“You aren't serious?!” Twilight was almost yelling. “At any time somepony could make an attempt of Celestia's life!”

“And the royal guard is and always has been there to protect our esteemed Princess.”

“Were very sorry Miss Sparkle we cannot give you a passing grade on this months comprehension test.” Twilight was stunned. Why couldn’t they see that this was the next step in the evolution of magic? They are scared of her power. That was the only explanation, they couldn’t cope with her radical new ideas.

“You're cowards! All of you!” Twilight yelled at the four ponies. Looks of shock then anger spread across their faces.

“Please vacate the premises Miss Sparkle.” The blue pony exclaimed. “Because you are the Princesses Prized Pupil we cannot decide if you should continue at the Academy but we assure you if you keep up with this behaviour you can expect the princess will be receiving a strongly worded letter from us.”

“No wait!” Twilight pleaded. “I have more I can show you!” Twilight began digging through her saddle bag until she found a page covered in mathematical scrawling. “Look!” She pleaded. “I've almost perfected an algorithm for splitting the rainbow!”

“Miss Sparkle! The Guard has been informed and are on their way to remove you!” It was the orange pony. Twilight's eyes burned with tears as she looked up at the pony. “I'll remember your face.” she threatened sinisterly as she left the hall. She didn't need the humiliation of being escorted out by her brothers solders on top of this. Shining Armour was already waiting outside the testing hall for her tho.

“I was told to come collect you.”He said tentatively. Twilight looked up at her brother and couldn’t hold back the tears any longer and cried into her brothers uniform as he wrapped a loving embrace around her.

“I'm so sorry!” She sobbed. Shining Armour didn't respond. “They are so simple minded. I couldn't get them to grasp the importance of my idea!” The little pony said through sniffles.

“I know, its alright Twily.”

“But its not alright!” Twilight objected. “I failed! I NEVER fail!” she continued to cry. “What happens if I develop some sort of a complex now because of this? What if I have a nervous break down now anytime I have to do something that involves tests or being judged?” Twilight buried her face in her brothers chest.

“That’s not going to happen little sis.” Shining Armour comforted her. “Cummon, lets get you home.” Shining Armour escorted his sister home avoiding the other ponies that were entering the school to take their comprehension tests as well and who also might enjoy seeing Celestia's Prized Pupil in such a haggard state. He walked Twilight all the way to the top of the spire and to her front door.

“I'm sorry I can't come in.” He said. “I was on the clock when I was sent to get you and I have other duties I need to attend too.” Twilight nodded her understanding. She wiped the tears from her eyes before entering her home.

“Spike?” She called, there was no answer. “Spike?” She called again. Twilight climbed the stairs to her bedroom though instead of finding Spike there in her room stood the princess. Twilight gasped then remembered to bow .

“Rise my little pony.” Celestia said her voice was soothing like church bells on Hearths Warming Eve. Twilight was instantly nervous. She began to quiver as she stood before the princess. This was it, she thought to herself. Celestia is going to kick me out of the school and sever all connection with me. I'm washed up.

“I received an interesting letter from your judges Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight lowered her head in shame. She shouldn’t have yelled at them, she shouldn’t have lost her cool.

“I'm sorry princess.” Twilight held back more tears, she didn't want to cry again and especially not in front of the princess.

“But I received an even more interesting report from the scout for the Board of the Unicorns. Celestia's tone was pleasant and judgemental.

“Whaa-?” Twilight looked up at the princess. Celestia leaned in close to her favourite student.

“He told me you had invented some new powerful magic.” Twilight was confused. Why would the scout care about her failed magic? More importantly why would Celestia care?

“Yes but the judges...” Celestia laughed out loud.

“Twilight my dear none of the ponies at the StarSwirl Academy have any real power, they are just a figurehead.” Celestia wrapped a wing around Twilight. “But you Twilight Sparkle have shown real progress. Your idea of militarized magics is very clever. Although I know it was your brother who put you up to it.” Twilight shied away from the princess.

“Does this mean your going to remove me from the school? That I can no longer progress with my studies?” Twilight looked up at the princess with her big sad eyes.

“Yes Twilight, I am going to remove you from the StarSwirl Academy.” Twilight exhaled in defeat, she knew that this was the end. “But that doesn’t mean you're done with your studies.” Celestia walked over to the large window. “How would you like to continue you're research on military magic? I've been searching for a pony who showed enough talent to undertake a job like this for me. How about it Twilight Sparkle?” Celestia turned her head to look at the little purple pony. It took Twilight a moment to find her voice.

“Of course princess! It would be my honour to assist you with whatever you need!”

“I have had in my possession a weapon of immeasurable power and I need your assistance in retrieving it.” Twilight smiled, she was still in the game. There was still a chance that she could become the most powerful unicorn in all of Equestria.

“It will require you to relocate, you will be conducting your research from Ponyville from now on.” Celestia hesitated. Twilight was dangerous, she had thought up new and powerful magic. No, Twilight would never even conceive acting against her. She was subservient just like the rest of them.

“And I will require weekly updates on your progress.” There Celestia thought. An easy and effective way to keep track of her movements. “Do not fail me Twilight Sparkle.”

“You have my word princess that I will do everything in my honour to serve you.” Twilight spoke softly and reverently as she spoke to the princess.

“Excellent, I knew that I was not wrong in claiming you as my prized pupil Twilight.” Celestia smiled sinisterly as she left the little pony. Once the elements of harmony were back in her control she wouldn’t have to worry about any more little usurpers threatening her utopia.

Twilight watched as the princess left. She would have a little while before she had to leave for Ponyville so she was going to start studying up on whatever this weapon was that Celestia intended on her finding. Whatever it was it was powerful. Powerful enough that Celestia wanted to keep it away from other ponies. Whatever it was Twilight was going to keep it for herself. She had earned her Princesses trust and even though Celestia would be suspicious of her, there was no doubt about that. Twilight had enough standing with her that she would never suspect her of using whatever this super weapon was against her. Yes. Twilight thought. She was going to become a princess herself. Then she would overthrow Celestia. A wicked smile spread across the ponies face as she thought. It was all going to be so easy. Celestia was going to fall right into her hooves. Twilight began to chuckle, then it slowly grew into a full laugh. She was going to rule the world.

Author's Note:

Not just a chapter, the whole kitten kabootle. Enjoy!

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