• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 49 minutes ago

Shrinky Frod

Exploring the depths of the equine psyche! Now with ko-fi link and SubscribeStar!

Comments ( 16 )

Rule #3:
Please ensure your fic is well-edited and meets the word count minimum (3,500 words)
One of the best ways I think to promote this group, which leads to more members, which leads to more contests, which leads to more participants, which leads to more fun with Badgerpony and Rumble, are feature box appearances of our contest entries. As such, please make sure your fic fits the Feature Box minimum requirements, but does not go over 15k words. This is a clop contest, not the next Great American Novel.


...Dammit, I could've SWORN that said 25k.

Oh well. Drop from contest, I'll edit it a bit for more general consumption over the weekend. :applecry:

3458372 No, no, it will stay as an entry in the contest. I'll accept it. Otherwise we'd only have three entries

Just keep it in mind for NEXT TIME, aighty aighty?

Yessir, sir.

At least I finished this one!

Author's note: I have come across some formatting errors, I know. This is what happens when you're writing your BBCode raw, and forget to check it in-screen before you finish. I will make edits following judging.

Hmm, I usually don't read things like this, lol. But your description got me clicking and your great story got me reading.:pinkiecrazy:

So far I'm on chapt three and I haven't lost a single bit of interest, bravo.:moustache:

Glad you like!

If you're worried about the clop end of things, that doesn't happen until the last chapter. The first 9 chapters comprise the main story, with the 10th being the... well, hero's reward, as the title says. :)

Out of the three tags, what one do you think fits best.
We are redesigning our folder systems, and I was moving it out from the Mature folder to either the Romance folder, Adventure, or Dark.

Unless you think it goes in clop, then I'll move it there, but I doubt it. There seems to be more of a advanced base for this one.

This is for the PCRG (The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group)

No, definitely not a clopfic, given that the clop is mostly at the tail end and could be ignored if you want. ^^()

Basically... where would you put a murder mystery with undercurrents of trans/homophobia and infidelity? I'm inclined to say Dark, but not 100% sure.

I'll move it to Dark for you:twilightsmile: I am a flexible guy, and I am sure my Team guy in Dark won't mind either.

Cool. ^^

If you're going through there, Five Minutes should be Comedy, Manehattan Mare should be Dark, and I think all my other Mature fics should be fine in Romance.

You'll be seeing a PCRG review from me in fairly short order. I'm enjoying myself and getting through this pretty quickly.

That review thing I was talking about just happened, courtesy The Pleasant Commentator and Review Group.

Now, have a fave and a watch while I go read everything else you have.

This story is criminally under appreciated. I read it the whole way through in one sitting and loved every word.

Here's hoping you'll keep pumping out quality work, friend.

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