• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 625 Views, 48 Comments

Be my light. - Darkened Lightning Storm

It's a beautiful, snowy, Saturday and Vine is out trotting around with his best friend in all of Equestria, Flower. But, Vine has to tell Flower something, and if he doesn't do it now, then he might never get around to telling her.

  • ...

That plot twist.

“Lighting....I'm.....with Jackie..I....I didn't know...you....well...liked me..”Lowell said, watching Lightning as she only took a step back before looking around.

“I....I...didn't know Lowell...I..” Lightning said as she took another step back, flattening her ears and taking off into the sky before Lowell could said anything. He only reached his hoof out and watched her fly off over the distance.

"I...had no idea......great now she is upset some friend I am." Lowell said as he closed his eyes and looked to the ground.


Tears streamed down Lightning's face and she tried to bury herself deep into the storm cloud like it would make all of her problems disappear.

"I'm such a bucking idiot! I should have known he was with AJ, considering the fact he's been living at her house for the last few bucking weeks! Ugh, why did I not see this coming!" Lightning storm yelled at herself as she stuck her head deep into the cloud, and in return got zapped with lightning. Quickly leaping off, rage coursed through Lightning as she dove head first into the storm cloud, sending storm pieces scattering. She then quickly flew off and landed by a river, not caring if some ponies were watching or not. As she stared at her reflection and noticed how different she looked. Her light grey and white bang-like mane dreadly hung over her tear stained face instead of pointing out in a half-brushed mess, and her eyes were red and puffy. It made her look like she hadn't slept in days, that or was really depressed. She let out a small sigh and zoned off into space on her reflection, not really noticing the cyan mare that had taken notice in Lightning and had trotted up next to her.

"Hey Lightning." Rainbow Dash said as Lightning Storm snapped back into reality.

"Oh... Hey..." Lightning weakly sat up as Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow.

"Uh... Are you ok? You look as if you have been crying..." Rainbow said softly as Lightning Storm tried everything in her will-power not to break down again.

"Yea, I have.... But I-It's nothing though..." Lightning Storm looked away from Dash as she spoke and Rainbow smiled sympathetically and wrapped her wing around her.

"Hey.. Come on.. We all have are moments... Well expect for me, I don't cry." Dash had started but Lightning gave her a tiny glare but couldn't help but smile as RD rolled her eyes and smiled too.

"Ok, I'm going to tell you something. But, if you ever tell any pony else... I'm... going to deny it. Even I get my moments... Sometimes I break down and I got no pony to cheer me up, because, ya know, me plus crying plus going out in public equals my reputation down the drain. But, don't want you sitting out here alone crying.... ok? Now, you can tell me what's wrong, or I'll simply fly away and forget this ever happened." Dash told her as Lightning Storm was silent for a moment or two. Soon she threw her forehooves around the rainbow-maned pegasus and sobbed into her shoulder as she explained everything. Dash just silently listened and wrapped both of her wings around the black pegasus as she spoke with a soft, quite voice.

"Huh... Well... I'll have a talk with AJ and everything can easily be sorted out for you." Rainbow Dash said and Lightning Pulled away from Dashes shoulder and stared at her.

"No no no! I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened.. I want Lowell to be happy, and if being with Applejack makes him happy then it makes me happy." LS sighed as Rainbow Dash looked at her confusedly.

"But Storm... You're not happy..."

"I'll be happy... Sooner or later I'll move on. Besides, I don't wanna lose Lowell as a best friend..."

Lightning Storm sighed as Rainbow Dash started to pull her wings away, but before she could completely pull them away Lightning Storm wrapped her forehooves Around RD again and pulled her in for a tight hug. Rainbow blushed somewhat, quickly accepting the hug and they sat there like this for awhile.

"Thank you Dash." Lightning Storm whispered before pulling away. The two mares sat there silently and somewhat awkwardly until Lightning spoke up again.

"I better go find Lowell..." Lightning sighed as she smiled slightly at Dash before taking off.


Lightning Storm whizzed through the sky all sadness and sorrow forgotten. Sure, she knew she was going to hurt for awhile, everyone does after being turned down by someone they fell in love with. And yea, there was a chance that her and Lowell's friendship wasn't going to be as strong the second time around. But, Lightning Storm had a feeling inside of her that everything would be fine at the end of the day, that everything would be all right if she played her cards the way she planned. As Storm came across Sweet Apple Arces she smiled and dove down to spot Lowell watching two fillies. He hadn't noticed her yet, but that was about to change shortly.

"Cute kids." Lightning storm smiled and leaned against an apple tree as Lowell turned around obviously surprised.

"O-oh! They LS, I wasn't suspecting you to drop by...!" Lowell stuttered out as he got to his hooves. The two fillies had stopped playing to watch them, listening silently.

"Look, Low, I might like you a lot, but I don't want you thinking that you're a a bad person. Because you're not... You're the awesomest pers- I mean, pony I have ever met. Yea, I'm going to hurt for awhile but I'll get better, as long as you're happy then I'll be happy. And trust me, I rather have you have you as a best friend and not end up loosing you then have you as a coltfriend and end up loosing you in the end." Lightning Storm smiled and looked up at the sky as every pony was silent. she gave a small happy sigh and watched a rainbow streak breakout through the sky before she continued.

"Besides, I think I found some pony else that's not taken, and is not my BPF." She just simply smiled before sitting down and watching the fillies play tag as she and Lowell chatted.

Author's Note:

Oh that plot twist to the max! Sorry for this taking so long, Valentine-crin had to write the beginning my guess was he forgot about it till I reminded him.

So, this story might be continued on, it might not. Celestia knows what I'ma do.

Big thanks to Valentine-crin! If you want to check him out, just look at any of my stories and you'll see the Link somewhere in the author's note... I'm to lazy to put it in this one!

Anyways, if you see any mistakes, feel free to point them out! I'm sick with the stomach bug at the moment so I'm not really in a big editing mood but I tried my hardest. Thanks for reading!