• Published 18th Nov 2013
  • 625 Views, 48 Comments

Be my light. - Darkened Lightning Storm

It's a beautiful, snowy, Saturday and Vine is out trotting around with his best friend in all of Equestria, Flower. But, Vine has to tell Flower something, and if he doesn't do it now, then he might never get around to telling her.

  • ...

My Rays of light in the dark

Fire Flicker laughed lightly as she scrambled up and hid in a tree.

"5 bits says you can't find me!" Fire Flicker called out to the golden filly below.

"Oh really?"


And with that, Fire Flicker fell out of the tree and right in front of the golden filly.

"Ok ok... You win... But.. I don't have any money so... Ha!" Fire Flicker to scrunched up her nose and crossed her eyes, sticking out her tongue at the filly, who responded with a chuckle and held out her hand offering help up. Fire quickly took advantage of this and dragged the filly down and tumbled over her, pinning the filly to the ground.

"I win again! 5 Fire Flicker, 2 Golden Rays." Fire grinned as Golden Rays smiled lightly and blushed some, chuckling.

"I've never met a pony as competitive as you." Rays chuckled and Fire Flicker got off of the golden filly, leaning against an apple tree.

"Because you never met a pony like me before." She smiled and Golden Rays just shook her head and laughed lightly, getting up and sitting next to Fire Flicker closely.

"I guess I haven't." Rays smiled up at Fire, who simply smiled back and stared at her softly. Golden Rays was a pale yellow filly with a golden mane with light blue eyes. She wore a black tee-shirt underneath of a denim jacket and had dark blue jeans on. Fire Flicker on the other hand had was a light pink filly with a black, shaggy mane and had dark purple eyes. She was wearing a black hoodie overtop of a dark grey shirt and had black, ripped jeans. Your classic troublemaker, she remember her old teacher called her. It was true, Fire loved to goof around an have fun, which used to always land her in the principles office at her old school in Cloudsdale. But that was before her parents had left her to defend for herself on the street, then she hardly ever ate anything and it was a surprise she had clothes on her back or a makeshift shack to sleep in. But that didn't really matter to Rays, she supposed. The filly seemed to like Fire for the way she was, and not where she lived.

"So uh, you said you had something to tell me Rays?" Fire Got up and Rays leapt to her feet.

"I um... I'll tell you later..." Rays looked away attempting to hid a blush that Fire Flicker quickly caught notice of.

"Okie Dokie then..." she playfully wrapped her arm around blushing filly and put her in a gentle headlock and started to nogie her.

"Hey, hey! Ow! Fire! Stop!" Ray chuckled and Fire released to squirming filly and took off towards a small lake. "hey wait! Fire Flicker!"

~a few hours later~

Fire Flicker smiled as she threw some sticks into the small fire she and Rays have started and looked out at the lake, sitting right next to Rays so there was hardly an inch between the two.

"So, we campin' out here tonight..?" Rays looked up at her and Flicker shrugged.

"Want me to run back to your house and get some sleeping bags?"

"Sure.. But.. Why don't you wait a bit... I um... Need to tell you something..."

"Sure what's up?"

Fire Flicker watched as Golden Rays stared off out at the lake and then sighed, turning back to Fire and staring into her eyes.

"I... Fire... I like you a lot... And I like you as in 'I want you to be my fillyfriend' like you..." Ray kept her stare as Fire's face light up like a Christmas tree and she blinked. Fire Flicker had always been a Fillyfooler, and Rays knew that since day one. And even though Rays herself told Fire she was a Fillyfooler as well on that same faithful day, Fire kind of just pushed it aside and doubted she ever had a chance with the beautiful farmer's daughter. Fire Flicker was never good at relationships, really. They always seemed like a waist of her time and she saw racing as a much more valuable thing. But ever since she met Rays she had been falling hard for the golden filly, even though her brain kept telling her to move on and that it would never happen.

"R-really?" Fire Flicker finally stuttered out sounding as shocked and surprised as some pony would be if they won the lottery.

"I... Yeah... I get it if you don't feel the same way though..." Rays finally looked away but she felt her head turned back to Fire and before she could respond, she felt Fire Flicker's lips against hers.

It all felt strange to Fire Flicker, kissing Rays, that is. Sure, she had kissed tons of fillies and colts back in her school days. But this felt different... Like, the whole world had stopped moving for that blissful moment and everything felt perfect. Fire forgot everything at that moment. All her troubles, her problems, heck, she even forgot her name and where she was. All that mattered right now was the golden filly in front of her.

Author's Note:

Heh. Remember Golden Rays? One of Lowell's innocent little fillies?

Well, me and Val have been planning this for quite awhile now so, I didn't buck over plans. :)

Yay me :)

Comments ( 4 )

Owx...m-my lil girls are growing up Twx

4127003 DX I still remember when I found them a thousand years ago!

5513709 Rainbows frickin everywhere!!! O:

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