• Published 15th Nov 2013
  • 3,351 Views, 52 Comments

Sunset Huntress: A New Beginning - Wind Typhoon

Golden sunsets haunt my mind, Taunting me with fate denied. Another fate still waits for me, With promises of Harmony. My salvation from my past, A distant flame guides me till the last. (Rewrite of Sunset Huntress)

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Prologue: Sunset's Betrayal

Prologue: Sunset's Betrayal

"This is the biggest mistake you'll make in your entire life," The enraged mare snarled, as the guards led her away from her former mentor. Celestia muttered something, glancing at an old mural, but Sunset Shimmer didn't hear it. Or care. All she cared about right now was getting back at the princess she had looked up to, the mare that in her eyes had betrayed her.

She belonged here. She was smart enough, she was powerful enough, and that was how the world worked, didn't it? After all, Celestia was the only living pony strong enough to have achieved ascension, and she was Equestria's ruler. ...even if she had gotten 'soft'.

That's why this world needs a new ruler. Somepony who is still strong. That's what the mirror was showing me, and she knows it. She's afraid of me. The sorceress mentally grumbled, fuming. She was not going to take this disgrace lying down. Lowering her head as if ashamed as she walked, so that her mane hid her horn from the view of the two guards flanking her, she waited until they passed as close as they would get to the mirror. All the while the most potent flare spell she knew built.

"Now," There was the mirror. Her prize. Her escape. Closing her eyes and letting loose the flare the room flashed bright white. She didn't waste a second, shifting her weight to her front hooves and lashing out with her rear ones. The satisfying clang of brass horseshoes against golden helmets rang out, followed by two thuds.

"Amateurs," The grinning sorceress stated with a disappointed huff, before trotting casually over to the mirror and stepping through. After feeling the magic of the portal teleport her, she found that she was outside at night time.

"Well, this is an interesting development..." Sunset mused as she looked over her new form. She had known enough about the magic mirror to be aware the journey would change her, but not this much. Where once has been a lovingly groomed beautiful golden coat was now a hairless tan hide. She had a biped build that reminded her somewhat of a minotaur... or maybe a monkey? It was hard to tell. Her amber streaked red mane remained but seemed longer with more of it coming from the top of her head instead of her neck and back, but at least her ears and tail were still where they belonged. Strangest of all, she had manifested the oddest of attire.

The clothing resembled a dress in burgundy and amber with black accents. The top had long sleeves that expanded slightly, hanging loose around her forearms where black bracers. The material of the bracers was black and felt like the hide of some creature. It was the same material as her boots. The symbol for her cutiemark stenciled onto the full length side of the dress against an amber background, only, changed slightly. That parts that should be red were red, but the parts that should be gold were absent save for a red outline, as if somepony had tried to render it with only a single color.

"Now, where in Equestria am I?" Sunset thought, as she looked around. The first thing she saw that she was outside of a huge building. "Wow, so the mirror took me to another world," Sunset said to herself in amazement. Another thing she noticed was the statue she came out of. "So, this is where the portal of this world is located," Sunset thought as she turned towards the nearby cliff. Looking out, she saw a city unlike any other she had seen before. "Now, let's see what this new world has to offer," Sunset said gleefully, smiling as she walked into the nearby forest.

Two Years Later...

Sunset did the same thing she did when she was back in Equestria, she ran away. She was currently wearing a black cloak over clothes and was holding a backpack . "Can't let them catch me, have to get away," she thought desperately. Sunset heard footsteps behind her as she was running. She tried to think of a way to shake her assailants when she remembered something. "Hope this works," She thought as she focused her aura. The assailants were about to catch her when there was a flash of light and she suddenly disappeared.

Near one of the drainage pipes at the Vale beach, there was a flash of light and Sunset suddenly appeared. "Thank Celestia that worked," Sunset said to herself. Sunset was about to walk towards the town before she remembered the mask she was wearing. She quickly took it off and put in her bag. "Well, now what am I going to do?" she thought somberly as she walked towards Vale. Looking around, she saw someone on the streets that looked familiar.

"That woman, she wouldn't happen to be..." Sunset thought curiously. She quickly pulled out her Scroll and looked at a list of people she had on it. "That's right, she's the assistant to the headmaster at Beacon," Sunset thought, looking at the name. She quickly put away the Scroll and walked into a nearby alley.

Walking through the alley, she hear the woman talking to herself as she approached her. She wasn't able to hear much, but she did hear her talking about something involving Roman Torchwick. When she heard enough, she wrote a note and tossed it at her, ducking behind a nearby wall.

Glynda was, at the moment, thinking about what happened over the past semester at Beacon. "This year is looking to be an interesting one," she said to herself. Rubbing her head, she thought of two of the new teams this year. "Teams JNPR and RWBY, those two are more interesting than I originally thought," Glynda thought. While she did think about Team JNPR, she was more interested in Team RWBY. "That team, they're something else, being able to break up one of Roman Torchwick's operations," Glynda said in amazement.

She lost her train of thought when she felt something hit the side of her head. Looking down, she saw a crumpled up piece of paper on the ground. Picking it up and uncoupling it, she saw a note written inside of it.

"Go into the alley to your right, I have information on the White Fang."

Turning to her right, she did indeed see a dark, empty alley. She was about to leave, when she saw someone enter the alley from the other side. Seeing an opportunity to get potential information, she cautiously entered the alley.

"Wow, didn't think you would actually come," the person said, a hint of amazement in her voice.

"You're the one who tossed me this note?" Glynda asked cautiously.

"Yes, that would be me," the woman said.

"Who are you?" Glynda questioned.

The woman was quiet for a moment, before responding, "Call me Flare."

"Very well, you said you had information on the White Fang?" Glynda questioned curiously, keeping a stern tone.

"I do, but I have one condition before I tell you," Flare told Glynda.

"What would that be?" Glynda questioned.

"I want to attend Beacon," Flare said simply.

Glynda was surprised at the condition. "Is that all?" Glynda inquired.

"That is all I ask," Flare stated. Glynda stayed silent as she thought about the answer.

"Very well, but you must come with me to Beacon," Glynda told Flare eventually.

"I have no objections," Flare told her.

"Then give me a few minutes do I can inform Headmaster Ozpin," Glynda said. Flare stayed silent as Glynda contacted Ozpin on her Scroll and explained the situation to him.

"I see, that is very interesting," Ozpin said after Glynda explained the situation.

"You're going to accept her?" Glynda asked curiously.

"I don't see why not," Ozpin told her.

"Well, what are you going to do with her?" Glynda asked, a hint of irritation in her voice.

"I'll take care of that, just get over here as soon as possible," Ozpin told her in a calm tone.

"Very well, we're on our way," Glynda said, cutting of the call. Sighing in annoyance, she turned back Flare. "Well, the meeting is set up," Glynda told Flare.

"Thank you, I really appreciate this," Flare told her.

"Come along Miss Flare, we need to get going," Glynda said in an annoyed tone.

"I do have something to tell you," Flare said.

"What is it?" Glynda asked annoyingly.

"It's about how I know the information I'm about to give you," Flare said stepping out of the alley. Glynda stayed silent as Flare exited the alley. "My true name is Sunset Shimmer, and I am a former White Fang member," "Flare" said.

Glynda was surprised at what Sunset told her. "So, you quit the White Fang?" Glynda asked curiously.

"I think it's better if you hear the full story when I explain it to you and Ozpin," Sunset told Glynda.

"Very well, let us be off in that case," Glynda said in a irritated tone. With that, the two of them went to Beacon.

Sunset was beyond nervous at the moment. "I can't believe that I was able to do this," Sunset thought as she sat outside Ozpin's office.

"Hey, you're the one Ozpin needed to talk to, right?" a voice asked in front of her. A little startled by the voice, she turned to see someone standing in front of her. The person in front of her was a female wearing a sky-blue shirt, a yellow hoodie, a gray skirt, a pair of black sneakers, and an arm band with a storm cloud on it.

"Yes, I would be the one that Ozpin wanted to speak with," Sunset told her.

"I imagine that your coming to apply to Beacon?" the girl asked.

"I am," Sunset responded.

"That nice, I was actually speaking with Ozpin a little while ago," the girl said, sitting down next to Sunset. "I hope you get accepted in that case," Sunset told her. The two sat in silence for a moment before Glynda came out of the office.

"Well, I need to meet with Ozpin," Sunset said as she got up. As Sunset walked past the girl she noticed that the girl was looking at her tail.

"You're a pony Faunus?" the girl asked curiously.

"Why do you ask?" Sunset questioned nervously.

"Interesting, what's your name?" the girl asked, ignoring Sunset's question.

"Sunset Shimmer," Sunset told the girl.

"The name is Storm, nice to meet you," she said extending her hand. Sunset shook Storm's hand and walked into the office.

When Sunset stepped into the office, she immediately felt tense again. "Hello, you must be the one that Glynda mentioned," Ozpin said.

"Yes, I would be," Sunset responded as she took a seat.

"Well, while I am interested in this information you have, I want to know why you want to join Beacon," Ozpin told Sunset. Sunset stayed silent as she thought about what to say. "Well?" Ozpin asked.

"I wanted to join Beacon, because I wanted to turn a new leaf on life and leave my time in the White Fang behind," Sunset explained.

"Is that the only reason?" Ozpin asked.

"No, but the other is kind of personal," Sunset admitted.

"That's fine, I just wanted to know a reason you wanted to join," Ozpin explained. The two sat in silence as Ozpin thought of something to say.

"May I explain a little of my past and my time in the White Fang?" Sunset asked awkwardly.

"Go right ahead," Ozpin told her.

"Well, about two years ago, I ran away from home. If you're wondering why I ran away, my family wasn't exactly the nicest one around. I was walking down the street when I noticed some White Fang members robbing a store. I had heard of the White Fang before and, while I wasn't exactly keen on what they were doing, I did look up to them in a sense. When I saw them leaving, I followed them back to their hideout. When I got there, I asked if I could join. At the time, it was the best course of action for me, as I ran away with no money and no plan. They accepted me and I worked with the White Fang."

"For the time I worked with them, it was pretty ok. I had someplace to live and people I could relate with. I didn't participate in much jobs with them, I was more a leader. As the first year ended, I was given an assignment to infiltrate a nearby Dust facility and collect some Dust. When I infiltrated the facility, I not only stole some Dust undetected, but I also stole some security codes for a weapon from Atlas. This not only surprised my superiors, but they promoted me to a commander. After that, things began to change for better and for worse."

"My position as commander was kept secret, they thought it would be better if the enemy didn't know who they were facing. About midway through my second year, my opinion of the White Fang began to change. My more peaceful side kicked in and basically told me to think about what I was doing. I did and, while I didn't tell anyone anything, I was keeping away from the White Fang. When I heard about a special item they were developing, that's when I had enough. Just this morning, I told my superiors that I was leaving to work on a plan. In actuality, I took that item and fled to Vale."

After finishing her explanation, Sunset waited for Ozpin to respond. "That's an interesting past," Ozpin commented calmly.

Sunset mentally breathed a sigh of relief, as she did lie in parts of her story. "May I ask what the item you stole was?" Ozpin inquired curiously.

Sunset, in response, showed Ozpin her left arm. On her arm, there was an odd-looking gauntlet with a sun symbol on it. "What is that?" Ozpin asked curiously.

"I call it the Solar Gauntlet, the reason why is because this didn't have a name as far as I know," Sunset explained.

Ozpin examined the gauntlet closer and saw a small, odd-looking terminal on it. "What is that terminal on the gauntlet?" Ozpin inquired.

"The terminal, as far as I know, is made to do multiple thing, but I don't know how to activate it," Sunset responded.

"I see," Ozpin said. The two then sat in silence for a while before Ozpin got up and went over to the door.

After a few seconds, Ozpin came back with Storm following him. Storm sat down in a chair next to Sunset. "I believe you two have meet each other briefly," Ozpin said. The two looked at each other for a moment then then looked back at Ozpin.

"Well, while I don't know the exactly what I'm going to do for you two team wise, the both of you are accepted into Beacon," Ozpin said, a hint of happiness in his voice. Sunset and Storm looked at each other and gave each other a high five.

"However, there is something I would like to ask Sunset," Ozpin said.

"What would that be?" Sunset asked.

"Well, I imagine you don't have somewhere to stay?" Ozpin inquired. Sunset stayed silent in response to the question. "I figured as much," Ozpin said sadly.

"I think I can see where this is going," Storm commented, a smile forming on her face. Sunset looked at Storm with a look of confusion on her face.

"You picked up what I was suggesting quickly, I'm impressed," Ozpin commented proudly.

"What are you two talking about?" Sunset asked curiously.

"Well, before you came in, I was meeting with Storm and she told me something you might like," Ozpin explained.

"You see, recently, my father gave me a house recently as a present," Storm told Sunset happily. Sunset let that information sink in and process it.

"What I'm asking is, do you want to stay with me during the break?" Storm asked politely.

Sunset looked to Ozpin, who gave her a comforting nod. "Sure, I don't really have any choice," Sunset said.

"I'm glad that issue is now settled," Ozpin said. Sunset and Storm looked at each other and smiled. "I believe that this meeting is over now, I will want see you two the day before classes start," Ozpin told the two. Sunset and Storm nodded in agreement. "You two are dismissed," Ozpin said.

After Sunset and Storm left Ozpin's office, the two started to talk. "So, your dad gave you a house?" Sunset asked curiously.

"That's right," Storm responded.

"You must have a good father," Sunset commented, a hint of sadness in her voice.

"You could say that," Storm said. The two walked in silence for a little bit as they exited Beacon. "I overheard your interview," Storm told Sunset, breaking the silence. Sunset looked at Storm and stayed silent. "I feel sorry for you," Storm said.

"I don't need your pity," Sunset said.

"I went through a similar situation myself," Storm said, ignoring Sunset's comment. Sunset stayed silent in response. "I just want you to know that if you ever feel nervous or have any doubts, come talk to me," Storm told Sunset in a sympathetic tone.

"Doubts?" Sunset thought.

"After all, what are friend for," Storm said.

"You consider me a friend?" Sunset questioned.

"Of course," Storm said with a smile on her face.

As Sunset processed that information, she noticed a motorcycle on the side of the road. "I see you saw my motorcycle," Storm said.

"That's your motorcycle?" Sunset asked in amazement.

"Yes, it is, want a ride?" Storm replied as she got on it.

"Sure, I don't see why not," Sunset said, getting on behind Storm. Storm handed Sunset a helmet, which she put on. "You might want to hold on tight," Storm commented.

Sunset happily obliged, grabbing onto Storm's midsection. "You ready?" Storm asked. Sunset nodded quickly, mostly out of excitement. Storm started up the motorcycle, revved up the engine, and took off down the road.

After a few minutes of going on the road, the two arrived at Storm's house. When they got close, the garage door on the side opened and Storm pulled into the garage. "Wow, that was really exciting," Sunset commented as Storm turned off the motorcycle.

"I know, riding this thing is something that I always love to do," Storm agreed. Storm got off the motorcycle and walked towards the garage door, Sunset following her.

Opening the door, Storm and Sunset entered the house. Sunset was extremely surprised at how the house looked like on the inside. "This is the house that your father gave you?" Sunset asked in amazement.

"Yes, I think I can tell that you like it," Storm said in a teasing tone.

Sunset blushed out of embarrassment as she looked around the house. "This house is amazing," Sunset said. Storm simply smiled as Sunset looked on in amazement.

Eventually, Sunset let out a loud yawn. "Wow, must be more tired than I thought," Sunset said in an exhausted tone.

"Come on, sleepy sun, I'll show you your room so the sun can set," Storm joked, earning a light punch to the shoulder. Storm lead Sunset upstairs to the end of the hall. "Here is the room you'll be staying in," Storm told Sunset, opening the door to the room.

The room was about the size of a normal bedroom with a bed, a desk, a bookshelf with books, and a TV.

"Wow, this is nice," Sunset said. "Thanks, see you in the morning, goodnight," Storm said closing the door.

Sunset wan now left to her own thought and breathed a sigh of relief. She sat down on the bed, grabbed her backpack, and opened it. As she reached into the backpack, she couldn't help to look back at the gauntlet. "I'm sorry Ozpin, but even you can't know what this gauntlet's true purpose is," Sunset thought as she pulled out a small briefcase and a book from her backpack.

When she opened the briefcase, she saw five familiar items to her. One common trait the items had it that they were all shaped like eyes and had a button on their side.

The first eye was a color similar to the night sky and had the symbol of a half moon on top of it. The second eye was lavender in color and had a starburst symbol on top of it. The third eye was pink in color and had the symbol of a heart on top of it. The fourth eye was bright yellow in color and had a familiar looking sun symbol on top of it. The last eye was different in that it was completely red in color and had her cutie mark on top of it.

"These Eyecons, why did that man give them to me?" Sunset thought, putting away the Eyecons. She thought back to the man that gave her the Eyecons in the first place. "What did he mean when he said these items are not of these worlds?" Sunset thought. She then grabbed the book and put it on the desk. "I'll worry about that thing tomorrow, for now, I need to sleep," Sunset said to herself., climbing into bed. When her head hit the pillow, Sunset immediately fell asleep.