• Published 15th Nov 2013
  • 3,351 Views, 52 Comments

Sunset Huntress: A New Beginning - Wind Typhoon

Golden sunsets haunt my mind, Taunting me with fate denied. Another fate still waits for me, With promises of Harmony. My salvation from my past, A distant flame guides me till the last. (Rewrite of Sunset Huntress)

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Chapter 1: An Introduction to Vale & Talking With Storm

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Vale & Talking with Storm

The next day, Sunset woke up from her sleep and felt great "I haven't slept that good in a long time," Sunset thought happily. Getting up from the bed, she noticed that she left her journal on the desk. She slowly picked up the old journal and opened it. As she flipped through the pages, she saw several old messages that Celestia had sent her. "Was it really worth coming to this world?" she thought to herself.

Sunset closed the journal and put it back in her bag when she heard a knock at her door. She walked to the door, opened it, and saw Storm outside.

"Morning, did you sleep well?" Storm asked Sunset.

"Yes, I actually did," Sunset said, a hint of joy in her voice.

"Come on, I made you breakfast," Storm told Sunset. The two went downstairs and sat at the dining table to eat.

"You know, I have actually never been to Vale before," Sunset told Storm as she was eating.

"Really? Then do you mind if I show you around the town?" Storm offered Sunset.

"I wouldn't mind that, this is basically my home now," Sunset responded.

"Great, then let me show you around after we finish eating," Storm told her. The two finished eating and after getting their things ready, they left to look around Vale.

After leaving the house, the two first went to the shopping district of Vale. "So, I'm going to guess this is Vale's shopping District?" Sunset inquired as they walked down the street.

"That's right, this place has a lot of different shops, so it can get really busy," Storm told Sunset.

"What kind of shops do they have here?" Sunset asked curiously.

"There are the shops that are pretty normal for an city in Remnant, like Dust Shops, food places and several convenient stores," Storm explained.

"Is there anything special that's around here?" Sunset questioned.

"There is a club that is run by someone named Junior, I don't remember the name of the club though," Storm told Sunset.

"Really, that's actually pretty interesting," Sunset admitted.

"Come on, I want to show you one of my favorite places to hang out," Storm said cheerfully. Storm grabbed Sunset's hand and dragged her to a nearby Dust store. When they entered, Sunset noticed that the store was bigger than any other Dust store she had been in.

"Wow, what is this place?" Sunset asked when they stopped.

"This is known as Dust Haven, it's Vale's main attraction," Storm explained. As Sunset looked around, she saw several aisles of Dust.

"What exactly does this place offer in terms of service?" Sunset questioned out of amazement.

"Well, not only does this place offer a wide variety of Dust and is two floors tall, it also has a weapon enhancement center, a cafe with indoor and outdoor seating, and a library on the second floor," Storm told Sunset with a large amount of joy in her voice.

As Sunset absorbed all that information, she saw two people walking towards them. Sunset was about to say something when Storm saw them and waved to them.

"Friends of yours?" Sunset asked.

"Not really friends, more accomplices than anything else," Storm explained to Sunset. As the two got closer, Sunset started to make more clear details about them.

They were two guys, both appearing to be human. The one on the left had a green hoodie, a pair of pants, some combat boots, and had a distinct flare to his style. "He looks kind of cute," Sunset thought, blushing a little bit. The one on the right had a cap on and was wearing a brown shirt, a pair of shorts, and some sneakers.

"Hey Storm, nice to see you again," the one on the right asked.

"Who's your new friend?" the one on the left.

"Oh, this is Sunset; she is living with me at the moment. Sunset, I would like you to meet Nova and Tri." Storm introduced.

"Nice to meet you, name's Stellar Nova, but I prefer Nova" the one on the left introduced.

"You can call me Trinity Nitro, but you can all me Nitro," the one on the right said.

"Well, nice to meet you both," Sunset said politely.

"What brings you two here?" Nova asked Storm.

"Well, I'm just showing Sunset here around town since she moved here," Storm explained to the two of them.

"I guess we should have expected that from you, you always trust someone even if they're a complete stranger," Tri said, rubbing the back of his head.

"You really trust complete strangers often?" Sunset asked Storm curiously.

"Hey, I only trust those who look good and dependable," Storm said.

"Still, you trust people who you've never meet before, that's going to get you in trouble eventually," Sunset told her. Nova and Nitro smiled at the fact that Sunset was telling Storm to be careful.

"I'll be careful," Storm said with an annoyed tone.

"Aw, Storm's being told off, isn't that cute?" Nova said in a playful tone.

"Quiet you," Storm told Nova, blushing a little bit.

"Anyway, why did you move to Vale Sunset?" Nitro asked curiously.

"I'm actually going to be going to Beacon," Sunset told them.

"Really? Me and Nitro are actually going there as well," Nova told them.

"You two are attending Beacon?" Storm asked out of surprise.

"We were going to tell you when we next saw you," Nitro said.

"Well, I got to show Sunset around Vale, see you guys later," Storm said, heading towards the exit.

"See you later, you two," Nitro and Nitro said. With that, Storm and Sunset left Dust Haven to go see the rest of Vale.

A few hours passed, and after they ate lunch, Sunset asked where they were going to stop next. "Well, why don't we go to the harbor?" Storm replied.

"This town has a harbor?" Sunset inquired.

"It does, it's where most of the goods from other of the continents arrive," Storm explained.

"Does it have a view of a harbor?" Sunset asked a hint of excitement in her voice.

"It does, why do you ask?" Storm responded.

"I actually like the water, it's calming to me," Sunset explained.

"You're in luck, there is a viewing platform that does overlook the harbor with a good view of a far mountain," Storm explained.

"Well, let's go," Sunset said, rushing off in a direction.

"Sunset, the harbor is the other way," Storm yelled at her. Sunset ran back to Storm and rubbed her head in embarrassment, before she followed Storm to the harbor.

After a few minutes of walking, they reached the harbor. The harbor itself was large with warehouses on one side and docks on the other. On the side that had the docks, there was a pathway that leads to a viewing platform. "Wow, didn't expect the harbor to be this good," Sunset commented.

"Well, this is the main trading hub of Vale, so it has to be big," Storm explained as they walked to the viewing platform.

"I notice that they have a lot of warehouses here," Sunset noted as she thought about the White Fang.

"If you're nervous about the White Fang, the police force has recently gone through and cleared out most of the White Fang that were stationed here," Storm assured Sunset.

"The police here must be good in that case," Sunset said.

"Oh, I mispronounced what I said in that case. They did clear them out, but that was after a group of Huntresses made the rest of them run away," Storm explained giggling a little.

"Wait, who lead this faction of the White Fang again?" Sunset asked curiously.

"If I remember right, it was a guy called Roman Torchwick," Storm said after thinking about it.

"I swear, that man is as hopeless as always when it comes to leading the White Fang," Sunset thought as she mentally sighed. As Sunset thought that, she also thought of a question she wanted to ask. "Hey, who was the group of Huntresses who stopped Torchwick?" Sunset asked curiously.

"It was one of the newer teams that started this year. I believe it their team name was RWBY," Storm told Sunset.

"A new team stopped the White Fang? I find that hard to believe," Sunset responded.

"I know it seems hard to believe, but I'm telling you it's the truth. Heck, since you're starting next semester, you could ask them yourself," Storm said.

"You know, you have a very good point," Sunset admitted as they arrived at the viewing platform.

When Sunset and Storm arrived at the platform, Sunset was amazed by the view. The view in question overlooked the bay of Vale with a mountain in the distance. "The view is amazing," Sunset said as she marveled at the view.

"I told you it was amazing, in fact, I have something even better to show you," Storm said as she closed her eyes. Sunset was about to ask what that thing was when she saw something forming over the water. There looked to be a ball of wind forming and started to come towards the platform.

"Is this what you wanted to show me?" Sunset asked.

"Yep, it's my Semblance," Storm told Sunset.

"Aeromancy, I've heard about it before, but I never thought I would see it myself," Sunset said.

"Is that what's it called?" Storm asked as dismissed the ball and manipulated small gusts of wind.

"You didn't know what it was called?" Sunset responded.

"Not in the slightest," Storm said.

"Do you want a little bit of explanation about your semblance?" Sunset offered.

"Sure, but what did you know about my Semblance?" Storm responded.

"Well, your semblance is one of the ten elemental Semblances, one for each element of Dust known to exist. Those elements are of Fire, Water, Electricity, Wind, Earth, Ice, Light, Shadow, Gravity, and Time," Sunset explained to Storm.

"Wait, how do you know so much about these types of Semblances?" Storm asked. Sunset said noting and snapped her fingers in response. To Storm's surprise, a small flame appeared on Sunset's thumb.

"I hold the Semblance of Pyromancy," Sunset said before blowing the flame out.

"So, you were born with yours?" Storm asked.

"In a sense, yes, but there is more I don't want to go into. What about yours?" Sunset responded, some bitter memories resurfacing.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not sure. In fact, I don't remember much of my past at all," Storm said, a bit of sadness in her voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know," Sunset said, sitting next to her.

"Its fine, I wanted to tell you anyway," Storm told Sunset, hugging her knees.

"I know you may not want to remember, but what do you recall before coming to Vale?" Sunset asked.

"I don't recall much, but I feel like I faintly remember an attack by the White Fang somewhere, after that the next memory is that I'm in a hospital room in Vale," Storm explained as she recalled her past.

"Do you remember where the White Fang attacked?" Sunset asked curiously.

"Faintly, I recall a laboratory, several doctors or scientists of sorts, and an odd feeling of power near the lab," Storm described.

"What kind of power?" Sunset asked.

"I'm not sure how to describe it, but if there was one word that I can use, it's destructive," Storm described, gripping her legs in fear.

"In what way is it destructive?" Sunset asked cautiously, a hint of fear in her voice as she remembered part of her time in Remnant.

"It's the kind of destructive that is separated and you don't want to be released and reunited at any point. A better example, it's the kind of power that, if it were wielded by several Grimm, I know it would destroy humanity as we know it, without much trouble," Storm described in fear.

Sunset held her breath as she remembered that she did feel that same type of power before joining the White Fang. "Storm, do you mind if we go back to your house? There's something I need to tell you about," Sunset requested, a tone of fear in her voice.

"What is it?" Storm asked.

Sunset suddenly pulled her close and whispered in her ear, "It has to with that kind of power you felt."

Storm's eyes widened in surprise and she nodded in response. With that, the two of the headed out of the harbor area and back to Storm's house.

A few minutes of sprinting later, they arrived back at Storm's house and went inside. When they got inside, Storm immediately dragged Sunset to the living room so they could speak. Sunset sat in a chair in front of a table and Storm sat across from her. "What do you know about that power? Even though I don't remember it clearly, I know it's been a good 10 years since I felt it," Storm asked in a panicked tone.

"Well, it's not like it was recently, it was about two years ago when I felt it," Sunset explained.

"What exactly happened when you felt the power?" Storm asked as she breathed a sigh of relief.

"I can't remember much, but I do remember that it was before I joined the White Fang," Sunset explained.

"What happened that you felt that power?" Storm asked.

"Well, it caused my Aura to go out of control," Sunset explained. Storm stayed silent as she processed the information.

"That's all I want to know. I have more questions, but I don't think I can handle anymore," Storm said.

"Are you ok Storm?" Sunset asked, worried for her friend.

"I think I just need to turn in for the night," Storm said, getting up out of the chair.

"You need me to help you?" Sunset offered.

"I would appreciate it," Storm said. Sunset helped Storm to her room and helped her into bed. After wishing Storm goodnight, Sunset returned to her room. When she got to her room and looked in the mirror, she saw a familiar figure instead of her own reflection.

"It's you again, what do you want?" asked the figure. Sunset in response felt her entire body flare with pain, causing her to kneel on the floor. "So, you're still looking to take control. Hate to tell you, but that isn't happening any time soon," Sunset said as she reached over to the gauntlet. Before she could reach it, her arm had a huge spasm of pain, though she continued to reach through the pain. When she touched the gauntlet, the waves of pain stopped and she was able to stand.

The figure wasn't there when she looked back at the mirror, only her own reflection. Sweating and breathing heavily, she slowly walked over to her own bed and laid down "Good to see that still works, but that does make me wonder. The last time I saw that thing was a good two weeks before I left the White Fang, so why did appear again now?" Sunset thought as she drifted off to sleep.

"So, she's still resisting," A voice in Sunset's mind said. The voice belonged to the figure Sunset saw in the mirror. "Well, if I could find a way to talk to her, maybe I could do something," the figure planned. The figure then proceeded to walk in Sunset's mindscape, as it thought of way to contact Sunset.