• Published 14th Nov 2013
  • 661 Views, 36 Comments

It is Almost Like In The Romance Novels! - Whiskey Drops

A mute dark grey pegasus recently ran away from his not so accepting family in Los Pegasus to Ponyville hoping for a new start.

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The Silent Writer

~~~~~The Silent Writer~~~~

The train heading towards Ponyville didn't have many ponies on its trip there, a dark grey pegasus with a black and yellow mane and tail, his eyes were pink and he wore a white band around his neck that had his name on it. The pegasus was sitting in his compartment of the train as he looked out the window to Ponyville, he was a runaway from his not so accepting family. He owned nothing besides the items that were in his saddlebags, which wasn't much a bit pouch with quite a few bits and a tattered book and quill with a sealed ink bottle, the train finally came to a stop as he slowly cantered out of the train and looked around on the station. He looked around as he slowly cantered his way into Ponyville to look around, still not sure if he should move into this town.

I hope this town is accepting.... The pegasus thought to himself as he trotted about looking around

The pegasus sat down and yawned, not having gotten much sleep since he did run away late at night and riding the train left him pretty tired. He slowly blinked slowly as he rubbed his eyes a bit with his hoofs.

He hung his head some as his ears laid back against his head some. No where to go, no family or home seemed a bit hopeless. One of the bad things of being mute is that he couldn't talk to any pony. He let out a quiet sigh as he looked around again. He laid in the grass as he pulled out his tattered book along with his quill and ink as he started to work on his book again. The pegasus never published anything he mostly wrote love novels because he enjoyed it, his latest one right now is about his favorite adventuring pegasus named Daring Do where she meets the love of her life. Though he hasn't gotten that far into it the lover isn't in it yet.

Life seems so much more accepting in stories. The pegasus thought to himself as he sighed softly.

The pegasus slowly fell asleep with the book closed by his head, a cyan mare trotted up to him as she looked at him then to the book. She picked up the book and tilted her head as she opened it to the first page.

“To Be Different?”The rainbow maned mare said.

“Looks like just a bunch of sentences.....huh” The mare said as she read a bit.

There is nothing..needed to be changed.
Are you the kind of pony, to force their image over others!
Cause you see them as imperfect compared to you.
Maybe your the imperfect one and don't see it.

Me I know I'm not perfect!
But I am myself regardless of the fact.
So try accepting your self completely before making a fool of your self.
I'm sure you have already...so have I.)

“A...poem or something?” The mare said to her self as she pressed on.

The mare's nose was buried in the book when she got to a bit of the book with Daring Do, soon the pegasus woke up and looked up at the mare with a blush. She looked to him and closed the book.

“Uh....sorry about that!” The mare said as she offered the book back before he slowly took it.

“I'm Rainbow Dash! The fastest pegasus in Equestria!” The mare said with a grin.

The pegasus simply pointed to his white band around his neck which reads 'Silent Quill.'

“You could just have told me your name ...you know?” Rainbow Dash said as she crossed her forelegs.

Silent gently shook his head as he tore a page from his book and started to write something on it with his quill.

'I can't speak...I'm a mute.' The message reads on the page as Silent showed it to Rainbow Dash.

“Really? So you can't talk at all? Rainbow Dash asked as Silent nodded lightly.

“So your here...to visit family or something? I haven't seen you here before.” Rainbow Dash asked as Silent started to write some more.

' I ran away from home.....my parents....didn't really accept me for who I am.' The page reads as Rainbow Dash looked a him.

“What...they didn't want you to be a writer?” Rainbow Dash said as Silent blushed a bit and hung his head as he started to write.

'Two things they didn't accept about me. One, me being mute. Two, being...Bisexual.' The paged reads as he sat there looking away with a blush.

“Well....Ponyville won't mind you one bit....cause I mean...uh.... there is two ponies here that every pony knows that they are together and I hope the one I love...loves me too.”Rainbow Dash looked around some with a blush.

'Who is the pony?' The paged reads as Rainbow Dash blushed a bit deeper.

“I...I don't want you to know who she is!” Rainbow Dash said but then place a hoof over her lips with her eyes widened.

'A mare?..Your secret is safe with me, Rainbow Dash.' The page reads as Silent sits there smiling.

“Thanks..I guess.”Rainbow Dash said as she sighed a bit.

'If its not too much trouble, I need a place to stay!' The page reads as Silent tilted his head some.

“You can stay with me! I've got an extra room you can stay in for a while and I hope you don't mind a tortoise.” Rainbow Dash said as Silent's ears perked up some

The two pegasi took to the skies after Silent got his things back into his saddlebags, They came upon Rainbow Dash's cloud mansion. Silent Quill settled in the room as him and Rainbow sat in the living talking, well talking and Silent wrote his responses.

“So, your kind of like royalty or something?” Rainbow Dash asked.

'Some what...but I don't like the title, I just want to be me.' The page reads as Silent smiled a bit.

“But you had some sort of power...right?” Rainbow Dash asked as she pets her pet tank's shell.

'No, I didn't.. I didn't have a whole lot of freedom either. I had to sit there though boring dinner parties, and my father thought it was funny by repeating a joke about having me not say anything at the parties.' the page reads as Silent hung his head some .

“O-oh....that sucks... but..well I need to get some sleep..Weather duties in the morning!” Rainbow Dash said as she got up and went upstairs to her room.

Silent Quill made his way up stairs and climbed into his bed and quickly closed his eyes. He drifted off to sleep rather quickly, the night slowly passes as the sun rises. Silent slowly woke up face to face with Tank staring at him blankly. This turtle is...actually kind of cute if you think about it. Silent Quill thought to himself as he sat up and gently pats Tank's shell.

Silent Quill got from the bed and stretched his wings some and smiled as the sunbeams shined though the window and onto him. He sighed as he cantered over to the desk where he set his book, quill, and ink as he started onto his story once more. I wonder which mare Rainbow Dash likes, I could help her maybe. Silent Quill thought to him self as he got to the bit right before Daring Do meets the lover he stopped and thought.

Rainbow Dash burst into her house and flopped onto the couch and lets out an aggravated groan which Silent heard as he cantered down stairs and tilted his head, Rainbow Dash spotted him forgetting she has a room mate and blushed.

“I....tried asked her....but I couldn't..WHY IS IT SO HARD!” Rainbow Dash threw her hooves in the air before crossing them.

'Do you need help?' The page reads as Rainbow Dash read it as Silent tilted his head.

“I've been like best friends with her....for like forever!......And what if Applejack...you know...Isn't a fillyfooler?” Rainbow Dash said quietly before she just realized she gave away her name.

'Applejack?... Just tell her......If she doesn't I'm sure she will stay your friend!' The page reads as Rainbow Dash scoffed a bit.

“This isn't like some sappy romance novel Silent...”Rainbow Dash mutter as she looked away.

Guess I'll have to help her with this in secret, might make a good romance novel! Silent Quill thought to himself as he left Rainbow Dash alone. Silent Quill got his saddlebag and carried a paper in his mouth that reads 'Applejack?' He flew down into Ponyville and cantered around to start his search for the mysterious Applejack. It didn't take long at all as a grey pegasus mail mare said.

“Oh, Applejack? She is in the town market place selling apples today! She is the orange mare wearing a Stetson.” Derpy said with a smile as Silent Quill nodded and wrote 'Thank you' on the paper.

Silent slowly cantered in the market district and looked around for the certain mare, he spotted the mare standing behind the stand as he tilted his head. A country mare?...A fast paced pegasi in love with a down to earth pony.....cute. Silent thought as he smiled and trotted up to the stand.

“Well howdy there partner! Care fer some apples?” Applejack asked with a smile.

Silent shook his head as he sets the paper on the stand and got out his quill and ink.

“What are ya doin sugercube?”Apple jack asked as she looked curiously.

'Writing is the only way I can talk miss Applejack.' The page reads as Applejack looked at him.

“How do ya know mah name?” Applejack asked as she glared at him which cause him to back away a bit.

'Rainbow Dash talked about you when we talked!' The page reads as Applejack's glare softened.

“O-oh....w-what did she say about meh?” Applejack asked as she blushed a bit.

Ah, thats what I needed..... Silent thought to himself.

' Nothing bad just taking!' The page reads as Applejack's ears drooped a bit.

“A-ah see well...thats good now what is yer name since ya know mine!”Applejack asked as Silent Quill pointed to the band around his neck.

“That name is one ah haven't heard of before! Where ya from?”Applejack asked with a smile.

'Los Pegasus.' The page reads as Applejack tilted her hat Stetson back some.

“A city pony? What brings ya to Ponyville sugercube?” Applejack asked.

'Too get away from it all.' The page reads as Silent smiled weakly.

Silent waved goodbye as he started to canter away after packing his things away. I got some work to do here, two mares that love each other...Both seem stubborn, what to do? Silent thought as he arrived at the park and sat down in the grass. It will take some doing to help these two mares but he was up to it, he hope is at least and not mess up a friendship.

What do I do....I wonder if that would work...I mean it is cliché but its sort of a classic, now I gotta dig up my family seal to make some of this work. Silent thought as he took off to the skies back to Rainbow Dash's home.

Author's Note:

Oh Me..Gosh this took forever!.....

Funny how I thought up this pony...cause all i heard from a show i was watching was something and mute.
sooo...here he is! Mah mute Pegasi! whom is a romance novel writer!. his universe isn't connected to Click's or Lowell's
In most ways this one can be considered an Appledash fan fic with outside help ;D
A bit about him!

He grew up in Los Pegasus in a upper royal family of pegasi but he went his own way, since his parents were too busy with their 'friends' and the fact they looked down on him, since he is a mute and they found out he was bi so to further the fact of going away. He always wears the white band around his neck with his name on it, his cutie mark is a tannish book with a heart on the cover with a quill laying on the book. Since his talent is in writing novels mostly romance.