• Published 14th Nov 2013
  • 662 Views, 36 Comments

It is Almost Like In The Romance Novels! - Whiskey Drops

A mute dark grey pegasus recently ran away from his not so accepting family in Los Pegasus to Ponyville hoping for a new start.

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Clues To Love~Redux~

~~~~~~Clues To Love~~~~~~~~

Several days later while Quill was sitting on the other side of the couch writing in his stories, Rainbow Dash was lazing about on her side of the couch reading a Daring Do book. Her thoughts often drifted away from the book back to a certain country mare, her day dreaming was cut short. There was a knock at the door of Rainbow Dash's cloud mansion, as she answered it to find Ditzy standing there with a letter in her mouth as she gave it to Rainbow who only tilted her head.

“Who is this from Derpy?” Rainbow asked as Ditzy just shook her head.

“I can't tell you...its a secret!” Ditzy said with a smile as she flew off.

“Who do you think its from Quill?” Rainbow Dash asked as Quill only answered with a shrug.

“A secret admirer or something!?” Rainbow said a bit excited as she opened the letter and started reading it.

“Come to the Ponyville Park to find what you are missing, from a friend.” Rainbow Dash read the letter out loud.

“I'm missing something? “ Rainbow said as she looked around and didn't notice anything missing.

'Might as well check it out, I'll keep Tank company for you.'The page reads as Rainbow Dash lightly shrugged.

“Alright, I'll be around later then.”Rainbow Dash said just before she took off towards the park.

Rainbow Dash grumbled while she flew towards Ponyville Park, she had no choice but to see what she was being dragged into, being how she couldn't sit around and wait she quickly flew towards the park and landed as she looked around huffing out a sigh.


Applejack was just finishing up her chores, she just sat there as she took her hat off and wiped her brow.

“That's a fine haul of apples fer the day ah'll say!” Applejack said to her self as she placed her hat back on.

Applejack spotted a grey mare in the distance as it was closing in, Ditzy landed of her offering her a letter as Applejack tilted her hat some.

“Ah thought the mail had come already Derpy?” Applejack said as she took the letter.

“It has but this is a special delivery!” Ditzy said before she took off.

“Who in the hay could do this?” Applejack questioned as she reads the letter.

“The park? This better not be one of Pinkie's or Rainbow's pranks.”Applejack said to her self as she started to canter off to Ponyville.


Rainbow Dash was at the park and waiting

“Now, I have to wait for something to happen?” Rainbow said as she looked around already getting bored.

“I shouldn't have too wait!”Rainbow Dash said to her self as she looked around.

After about an hour or so she was pacing around grumbling about ready to fly back home, but soon Applejack slowly cantered into the park as she looked around.

“Really, it was Applejack???” Rainbow said in disbelief .

“Did you/ya send the letter?” They both said at the same time but stopped.

“No I/ah didn't” Again they both said.

“Ya first sugercube.” Applejack said as she watched Rainbow Dash seeing if it was one of her pranks.

“Me? You sent me this letter didn't you?” Rainbow Dash asked as the orange mare shook her head lightly.

“B-b-b-b-but then who did!” Rainbow Dash said as she threw her hooves in the air.

A letter fell between the two as one looked up to see Ditzy flying away.

“Lets play a game, ya'll two go eat somewhere, talk and have fun. If ya still haven't found it another note will be waiting, your friend. “ Applejack read the note as she looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Who is this pony....”Applejack asked as Rainbow Dash shrugged.

“You got me there cowpony......uh...want to go?” Rainbow Dash asked as she looked around some with a bit of a blush.

“Might as well ah suppose, might find our mystery pony?” Applejack said as she smiled lightly and cantered with Rainbow Dash.

Okay RD, you gotta play it cool! This could be your chance to ask Applejack the one thing you always wanted to ask her for a long time! Rainbow Dash thought to her self as the cantered .

The two mares slowly cantered up The Dillydally Hoof n Go Diner, the place had quite a few ponies in it. Both Rainbow Dash and Applejack sat at a table and waited for a waiter, they both looked around awkwardly they two gave each other a small smile when they looked at each other.

“Soo, hows yer weather duties been Rainbow?” Applejack asked trying to start it off.

“Uh, a-awesome.....yea...how...about applebucking season huh?”Rainbow dash said as she tried to keep her cool.

“That ended last week...remember Rainbow” Applejack said as she tilted her head.

Rainbow flinched a bit remembering, Great smooth move feather brain! Rainbow Dash thought to her self before blushing a bit.

“Ooh yea, I forgot about that...my bad!” Rainbow Dash said as she rubbed the back of her head.

The two made their orders to the waiter as they looked at each other, Come on RD.....your chance... Rainbow Dash thought to her self as she plastered on a smile. Their order came as they both started to eat sharing a glance at each other now and then, they ate quietly both with a blush on their cheeks. It didn't last long till Applejack spoke up, just to break the silence.

“So, who do ya recken the pony who is behind all of this?”Applejack asked as she tilted her head back some.

“No clue, but.. we could find out...together.”Rainbow Dash said as she rubbed her foreleg some.

Ah swear this mare ah love her with all mah heart.....ah want to tell her. Applejack thought to her self as she was staring at Rainbow Dash who started to blush.

“W-what is it AJ?” Rainbow Dash said as she started to look around with a blush.

“N-nothing sugercube...j-just thinkin was all!” Applejack quickly said as she looked away blushing.

Rainbow Dash was about to say something but just kept quiet, more of the awkward silence came besides the bustling noise of the diner. They paid the bits they owed, cantering out they found Ditzy there with another letter offering it to them.

“Another letter for you two!”Ditzy said as she gave it to Rainbow Dash before flying off.

“Go to the cliff sides and watch the sunset and think of the three words that changes lives for better or worst, hope you find what the words are before you leave the cliff sides.” Rainbow Dash reads the letter aloud as she looked to Applejack.

Both mares slowly made their way towards and looked to the sun which hasn't set yet, Just who is this pony? Rainbow Dash thought to her self as she was staring at AJ who was looking off towards the sun with a smile.

She looks so awesome.....Rainbow Dash thought as she had her eyes half way open as she smiled towards the mare who noticed her staring.

“W-what are ya'll lookin at me like that Rainbow?” Applejack asked as she blushed and looked around some.

“Uh....I-I wasn't s-staring at..y-y-you!” Rainbow Dash said as she quickly looked away blushing.

“S-so what do you..t-think the words are?”Rainbow Dash asked trying to change the subject as she slowly looked over at Applejack who was looking at her.

“Ah have no clue sugercube...”Applejack said as she looked out as the sun was now starting to set.

I...I got to tell her.....and best hope she stays as my best friend i-if she says no I wonder...if those are the words.. Rainbow Dash thought as she closed her eyes.

“A-AJ..” Rainbow Dash said quietly as she lowered her head some.

Applejack looked over at her and tilted her head.

“T-there is something...I've been wanting to tell you for a very long time..”Rainbow Dash said as she slowly looked up at Applejack who was looking at her.

“What is it sugercube?” Applejack said as her ears perked up some.

I-is she gonna ask what ah think she is gonna ask?! Applejack thought to herself as Rainbow Dash took a deep breath.

“AJ!..Your..t-the coolest mare I've ever known...I mean...I....I...l....lo......I like …...how you.....keep your mane like that” Rainbow Dash said as she looked down.

“....Ah....ah....like it....alot too sugercube?” Applejack said as she looked seeming a bit confused Rainbow Dash who hung her head

Nice going, totally messed that all up! Rainbow Dash thought as she blinked before Applejack looked away some..

“S-so what do we do now?” Applejack asked with a blush as Rainbow Dash answered.

“ I...don't know ...just go home I guess....”Rainbow Dash said as she smirked a bit.

“Ah guess we can find that pony some other time...huh?.”Applejack said as she blushed a bit and tilted her hat over her face some.

The two watched the sun set before they went their separate ways toward their homes. Rainbow Dash stamped her hoof on the ground as she looked up at her home and growled to herself and flew up to her front door. Rainbow Dash cantered in though her front door Quill was sitting on the couch, she looked at him as she cantered over as he was writing something on a page.

'So how was your day Rainbow Dash?' The page reads as she sighed.

“Not cool at all, I failed to tell her my feelings...again.” Rainbow Dash said as her shoulders slumped as she sat on the floor.

' You were with Applejack? I'm sure you will tell her one day.' The page reads as Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes a scoffed.

This might be harder than I thought, no matter there are other times to try! I have to help a friend, since she is my first real friend. Silent Quill thought to himself as he watched Rainbow Dash petting Tank's shell.

Author's Note:

Redone! O:..this one .....felt more right owo rawr! to their stubbornness...or lack of courage of asking.

Comments ( 8 )

Nicely done with the revisions! :pinkiehappy: *shoots confetti cannon* I think that's a lot better. Not to mention, you can have Silent Quill also find out something too through this. By prolonging a plot like this you allow more side steps and multiple lessons for the characters to learn. I mean I can already think of a lot of places you can take this. :scootangel: Good work and good luck :raritywink:

Let me know if you need any help okay?

awsome can't wait 2 the next one:pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss:

3593237I got something planned fer it

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