• Published 12th Mar 2012
  • 4,317 Views, 130 Comments

This Can't Be Happening - StayOuttaMyShed

An anti-brony finds himself in Equestria after a sudden encounter with Pinkie Pie and now has to find a way to adjust to pony life while also searching for a way home.

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Chapter 3: Getting Settled In

Pinkie Pie was merrily jumping down the path we were on, humming to herself as she did. It was unreal how over the top happy she was, but once again I needed to remember that she's a cartoon. I guess that also made me a cartoon now. This has been one heck of a day.

It looked like we were finally getting to the end of the path, and were about to enter a town--Ponyville, according to Pinkie Pie. How original. As soon as we stepped out of the path and into the town, I got a pretty good reminder of a big reason for why I didn't like this show in the first place: the cheesy way everything looks.

Houses lining the street stood tall, and their windows had a cartoony purple tint to them, while their roofs were covered with straw. As we entered farther into the town, the streets also began to line up with stands selling various things, from food, to books, to even soap. It was actually funny how much different stuff they were selling.

Dozens of ponies were walking about, chatting, buying from the vendors, or just sitting around. They were all just as cartoony looking as Pinkie Pie, and all just as happy, although not nearly as hyper. The sheer amount of cheesy joy and bright colors was enough to make me cringe.

As I looked around, it seemed like a good number of ponies were looking at me, most likely due to being a new face to the town. But I noticed that there were three ponies in particular that couldn't seem to take their eyes off of me. They were significantly smaller than most of the other ponies, so I assumed that they were the pony versions of kids. A regular yellow pony with a big pink bow in her red mane, an orange pegasus with a purple mane, and a white unicorn with a pink and purple mane. After staring at me for a good few minutes as I followed Pinkie Pie, they finally approached us.

"Hey there Pinkie! Who's your new friend?" the yellow one with the big bow in her hair asked in a thick country accent.

"Well Apple Bloom, this is my new bestest friend Morgan!"

"Um, hi."

"Hello," all three of them replied in unison.

"Say Morgan, we haven't seen you around here before. Are you new to town?" the little orange pegasus asked me.

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Morgan just arrived here in Ponyville, and I'm showing him around!"

"That's great Pinkie!" the unicorn exclaimed. "But we couldn't help but notice that he doesn't have a cutie mark."

"I don't have a what now?"

"You know, a cutie mark. The picture that a pony gets on their flank to signify that they've found their special talent in life!" she replied.

I looked at Pinkie Pie and noticed the balloons that were pictured on her flank. As I looked around at all the other ponies in town, I noticed that they all also had pictures on their rears, everything from flowers to dumbbells. Now that I looked back at my own posterior, I could see what the three young ponies were talking about, as there was nothing pictured on my flank, just like the three of them.

"Well! Ain't that something. I thought we were the oldest ponies in town without a cutie mark, but Ah guess that's changed," the regular yellow pony said.

"Aw man, what if we get to be as old as him and we STILL don't have our cutie marks?" the purple maned pegasus asked. Her friends faces showed fear in response to her statement.

"We can't let that happen! Come on girls let's get back to crusading before it's to late!"

With that, the three galloped away, leaving Pinkie and me alone again. “Those three were Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo,” she said. “I bet seeing another blank flank made them feel better about being blank flanks!”

I rolled my eyes. “Yup,” I sighed, “They were some kinda super-duper happy.”

She bounced around in joy and cheered, my sarcasm apparently going over her head. I groaned and looked away, trying to find something else to look at. But oh right, everything’s sickeningly pink!

"Aw, cheer up mister mopey. This IS your first time in Ponyville after all."

Before I could respond, Pinkie's eyes grew wide as she gasped.

"It's your first time in Ponyville! Stay right here Morgan, I'll be right back."

The hyperactive pink pony darted off and was out of sight within seconds. Although I was expecting her to return quickly, which she did, I was not expecting her to return with a large pink wagon.

"What the heck is that?"

"This right here is my welcome wagon!"

How clever.

"Ok, so what is it supposed to do?"

"Just watch!"

Right after saying that, Pinkie pressed a red button on the side of the wagon, triggering it to open and reveal a bunch of balloons, flags, and instruments. Also accompanying the wagon was the start of music. Oh lord, that could only mean one thing...

"Welcome welcome welcome.
A fine welcome to you.
Welcome welcome welcome.
I say how do you do?
Welcome welcome welcome.
I say hip hip hurray.
Welcome welcome welcome to Ponyville today!"

As she sang this incredibly cringe inducing song, Pinkie danced around joyously as she sang and even pulled out a drum and began to play on it for a line of the song. As she finished, she slid on her knees towards me and emphasized the final line to her song.

"....is that it?"

"Wait for it."

I was going to ask her what she meant by that, but an oven mounted on the wagon suddenly jerked open and shot out a cake, while cannons mounted on the side of it blew out confetti. Written on the cake in frosting was the phrase 'Welcome to Ponyville!'

"Yes! I actually remembered to put the cake and confetti in the right places this time. What did you think Morgan?"

As much as that song made me want to barf, the cake did look quite delicious. Not to mention that I didn't want to make her sad like I just did when I snapped at her earlier, so I might as well be nice about it.

"That was...entertaining Pinkie."

"Really? Do you mean it?"

The hyperactive pink pony looked pretty overjoyed by my comment.

"Sure. This cake looks pretty great too."

I could hear my stomach growl as I looked at the cake. I hadn't ate since coming to this world of ponies, so food was starting to sound like a good idea.

"Mind if I go ahead and eat it?"

"Of course not! It is your cake, silly."

I leaned down to take a bite from the cake, and after only one bite my mouth was greeted by a delicious vanilla taste, complimented by the strawberry flavored icing. It was quite possibly the most delicious cake I had ever tasted, and being so hungry, I ate the whole thing up within a minute.

"Dang, even in cartoons cake is still amazing. That was one of the best things I've ever ate."

"I'm glad you think so, I baked it myself."

"If that's the case, as long as I'm here, you're more than welcome to bake me some more cake. That was great."

"Aww, thanks pal."

That last comment made me cringe a bit, but I kept a smile on my face to show my appreciation for the fantastic pastry Pinkie had just given me.

"So where are we going now?"

"Well right now I want to introduce you to my bestest friends, and they should be at the library right now, so it looks like we're going there next!"

"Alright. Well, lead the way then."

Pinkie turned and began skipping off in what I assumed was the direction to the library that she mentioned. I followed her closely behind, ready for what Ponyville had in store for me next.

After about another ten minutes of walking, I could finally see the library that Pinkie had been leading me to. Unlike the other houses in this town, it was inside of a large tree, complete with a deck and windows.

"We're here! I can't wait for my friends to meet you and tell them about where you came from."

Pinkie hoped over to the door and waited for me to catch up to her before opening it. I slowly followed her as she walked in, now giving me a good look at the library.

It was pretty impressive as far as libraries are concerned. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of books lined the shelves of the massive building. There were multiple levels of the library, as there were stairs leading downstairs and upstairs. The upstairs area seemed to contain a bedroom, meaning there must be someone who lives here. Or I guess I mean somepony. That's still going to take some getting used to.

While observing the inside of the library, I didn't notice that five other ponies were standing around a table and were alerted by the entrance of Pinkie and I. Even as an anti-brony, it was easy to recognize them from the little bit of the show that Axel and Brycen had made me watch. Along with Pinkie Pie, they were the main characters.

There was the nerdy purple unicorn, the fashion obsessed white unicorn, the blue pegasus with the rainbow mane that bronies make a lot of lesbian jokes about, the country girl orange pony, and finally, the shy yellow pegasus.

"Hey girls, I'm here!"

"We can see that Pinkie. Who's your friend?" the purple unicorn asked.

"This, Twilight, is my special friend Morgan. He's brand new to Ponyville."

"Is that so?" the orange pony with the country accent replied. "Well welcome to Ponyville then sugarcube. What brings you here?'

I looked about, thinking about what I could say about that. They probably wouldn’t even believe me if I told them the truth. "It's a long story."

"Actually, I brought him here from a whole other dimension."

Pinkie's five friends looked at her, puzzled, for a bit in a short awkward silence.

"Pinkie, that's impossible," the one Pinkie had called Twilight finally said. "Even if there were other dimensions, there's no way anypony could travel between them."

"Oh believe me, she found a way."

Pinkie grinned at my comment.

"I just hopped into his world, and pushed him back through in to our world. Pretty neat huh?"

Twilight came over and inspected me, making me feel all the more awkward.

"He looks like a perfectly normal pony to me Pinkie."

"Well duh, that's because he's in our world now silly! When I went in to his world he looked a lot different. He was a human."

"A human?" the rainbow maned pegasus asked. "What's that?"

"They're a type of mythical mammal," Twilight responded. "They're supposed to be capable of standing on two legs and have fingers and toes like dragons. But they don't really exist."

"Maybe not here, but they did in his world, isn't that right Morgan?"

"Yeah," I responded. "She's telling the truth."

The purple unicorn in front of me didn't look convinced. And as crazy as it sounds, neither was I.

"Hmm, still seems unlikely. Even if you are from another dimension, how could Pinkie so easily teleport there?"

"Easy, he was watching us, so I just jumped in and pushed him through the box he was watching us through!"

"Say what now?" the orange pony asked. "And just what in tarnation does she mean by watching us?"

I was starting to get nervous. How do you explain to a bunch of ponies that they're cartoon characters? Guess I had to explain it somehow.

"Well, I come from a place where humans are the main race. In our world we have a thing called television, which let's us watch TV shows on it created by people." They looked at me, perplexed. "Just trust me on that, because I don't want to explain how a TV works. Anyway, one of the shows that has been made is an animated one called My Little Pony." I looked around at the six ponies who were listening to me closely. "And, well, this world is pretty much the world of that show."

"That......doesn't make any sense at all," the blue pegasus said in an annoyed tone.

"Dash is right," the orange pony added. "How the hay could any of that be true? So what y'all are saying is that Equestria was made by these humans from another dimension?"

"Look, I don't really get how it works myself. I didn't think cartoons actually existed as their own world. But lo and behold, she jumps through my TV when my friends were making me watch an episode of this show," I replied, pointing to Pinkie Pie with my hoof. "Then she pushed me through the TV and next thing I know, here I am."

Twilight looked baffled.

"That can't be right. Well if our world is really just a creation of your worlds, then prove it."


"I don't know," Twilight responded. "You said you were watching us, so tell us something that only we would know."

I racked my brain trying to think of something to say. I didn't like this stupid show, so how was I supposed to tell them something from it?

"Uh, well the six of you are the main characters in it."

That last response seemed to make the yellow pegasus, who had remained quiet this whole time, seem to cower at the thoughts of being watched.

"Not good enough. How do we know you and Pinkie aren't just making all this up for a prank?" the cyan pegasus asked.

I thought harder. All I could remember was the episodes I had been watching before Pinkie jumped into Axel's room.

"Well, in the first episode she's in some big fancy city, and obsessed with studying," I said pointing at the purple unicorn. "And then the queen pony or whatever she is makes her come to this town where she meets all of you."

"Ok...that's creepy," Twilight replied. "But I'm still not really convinced. Tell me then, how did I meet everypony here?"

"I think you met her first," I said pointing my hoof at Pinkie Pie, "But she gasped and ran away from you. Then you met the pony over there wearing the hat, and met her giant family and ate apples."

The cowgirl pony looked legitimately surprised by my answer.

"Next you met the blue pegasus pony, and she rained on you and cleared the sky, or something like that. Then she took you to her house to dress you up a bunch," I said nodding my head at the white unicorn. "And then you met her." I pointed my hoof at the yellow pegasus, who whimpered when I pointed her out. "She was all shy and stuff when you met her, but then wouldn't stop talking to your pet dragon when she saw him."

Twilight looked stunned by my answers, obviously not expecting me to give her the correct responses. She finally cleared her throat to speak.

"Spike is not my pet. He's my assistant and friend."

"Well you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I do. And you got all of my encounters with everypony correct."

"He forgot to mention that then I threw you the most super amazing welcoming party ever after that!"

"Yeah, and at it you drank hot sauce," I added.

"Ok, I've heard enough. You certainly know a lot about my encounters with my friends, but there's still the possibility that Pinkie told you all this on the way here for a prank," the lavender unicorn replied.

I sighed.

"Fine. Let's see." I pondered, thinking of what I could say to convince Twilight. "After you drank the hot sauce you ran up to your room, said how every pony in the town was crazy, and was afraid of that big evil pony coming down from the moon. None of your friends were there to see or hear that part."

Now she looked even more surprised.

"Wow...he's right."

"See! I told you that I brought him from another world."

"Still, this all seems so bizarre. If Equestria is just a creation of inhabitants of his world, how is he able to be here when he himself was not created by the same humans?"

"Beats me. Like I said, I didn't think any of this was possible until she busted through the TV and brought me here."

"Interesting. And how are you a pony now, and not a human?"

I shrugged.

"Not sure about that either, but Pinkie said something about taking the forms of the creatures of the world you're in."

"Ugh, this is starting to hurt my brain," the blue pegasus said. Yours and mine both, kid.

"I agree with Rainbow Dash," the white unicorn added. "This seems quite absurd."

"Everypony calm down," Twilight replied. "I don't really get much of this either, but as long as he is here, I can study and use what he knows to try and figure out how all of this is possible. Until then, I think it's best we just get some rest, I can start my studying tomorrow."

"And where is he going to stay darling?" the other unicorn asked. "If what he's saying is true, then I doubt he has any place to stay."

"Well he's a pegasus, maybe he could stay at my place," the cyan pegasus suggested.

Twilight turned to me.

"Can you fly?"

Of course I can't, I just got turned into a pony. How would I know how to fly already?

"I just got here. If I CAN fly, I haven't been able to figure out how to yet."

"Right then. Guess that's a no to staying with Rainbow Dash."

"Perhaps he could stay with me," the white pony responded.

I could remember the scene of her house from the first episode. A bunch of dresses everywhere. Being stuck in this girly cartoon was bad enough. I didn't need a bunch of dresses, makeup, and jewels around me too.

"I don't know," I started to say.

"Well how do y'all feel about farms? We got plenty of room for a guest down at Sweet Apple Acres."

"That doesn't sound too bad, actually. We have farms back home too, and I used to go to my grandmas farm all the time."

"Sounds like a fit to me then," the purple unicorn said. "Will your family mind Applejack?"

"Aw shucks no. Ah'm sure that Granny Smith, Apple Bloom, and Big Macintosh won't pay him no mind."

I froze as the mention of the name Big Macintosh reminded me of a certain memory…

"Come on Morgan, just read one story. You'll like it, I promise you will."

Axel pleaded with me as we rode the school bus on a field trip.

"Axel, if I don't like your stupid pony show, why the hell would I like fan stories about it?"

"Dude just read one. It's a lot more mature than the show, I swear it is. Just read a quick one before we get to our stop."

I let out a sigh.

"Fine, just one story."

Axel grinned, and messed with his phone, pulling up the story he would have me read.

"Here you are," my friend said as he handed me his phone.

"What's the title of this story again?"

"It's called Sweet Apple Massacre!"

"Umm, are you okay sugarcube?"

I snapped out of my trance, realizing that I had just zoned out.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Hey, uh, is it ok if I stay somewhere else? I don't think staying with you is the best idea."

She looked pretty hurt and annoyed that I was turning down her hospitality.

"Why the hay not?"

"Bad memories."

The pony looked even more confused by my response.

"Just trust me on this one, alright?"

She nodded, although still obviously confused by what I said.

"Well, how about staying with Fluttershy?" Twilight said, turning her attention to the cowering yellow pegasus.

"Um....I don't know," she squeaked out. "He could scare off the animals."

"Alright, well that leaves-"

"ME!" Pinkie bounced up excitedly. "He could come to Sugar Cube Corner with me and the Cakes!"

"If it means more desserts, that sounds fine to me."

"Great! I'm sure the babies will love you too."

Babies? How about no. I didn't know how pony babies were compared to human babies, but if they were in any way similar, we wouldn't get along well at all.

"Actually I'm pretty bad with kids. That's probably not a good idea either."

"Oh, alright," the hyperactive pink pony said as she pouted.

"Well, I guess that means you're staying here then," Twilight stated. "Unless you're bad with books too."

"Nah, I'll be fine."

"Then it's settled. After today's excitement from this, I think it's time we give ourselves some time to think. Come back here tomorrow everypony, alright?"

The other five ponies nodded in agreement.

"Alright. See you all tomorrow then."

The ponies said goodbye to their friend and I, but stopped to introduce themselves before leaving.

"I'm Applejack by the way, pleased to meet you."

"I'm Rainbow Dash."

"Rarity. It's good to meet you darling."

"I-I'm Fluttershy."

"I'm Pinkie Pie, but you already know that." Pinkie Pie gave me a big grin.

"And I am Twilight Sparkle. Welcome to Ponyville mister Morgan."

The other five ponies told Twilight and I goodbye one last time, and took their leave.

"I'm sure today had been pretty tiring for you," she told me. She looked outside where the sun was beginning to set. "How about we have dinner and then call it a day?"

I nodded, eager to have something for dinner after only having Pinkie Pie's cake during my time here. The lavender pony smiled and led me to the kitchen where she made us both what she called a daisy sandwich. It wasn't as tasty as Pinkie's cake, but it was still shockingly good.

"Hey, so where IS your dragon friend that you have?" I asked as we finished up our meal.

"Oh, he's visiting Princess Celestia in Canterlot right now, but he should be back soon. As early as tomorrow, in fact."

I yawned as I nodded at her response. It had been a long and exhausting day, and sleep sounded like a great idea. Twilight could easily tell how I was feeling.

"Follow me, I'll show you to the guest bed."

She led me upstairs and walked over to a tidy looking bed. I slid in awkwardly, and covered up.

"I'm going to get some rest too, we have a big day of researching tomorrow. Well, goodnight."

Twilight walked over to her own bed and went to sleep. I lied in my bed for a short while contemplating the days events. So after my friends forced me to watch a cartoon that they know I hate, one of the cartoon ponies somehow jumped into the human world, pushed me into her world, and now here I am as a pony. It was still incredibly bizarre to think about. My friends were likely worrying about my safety, and wondering where I am. I need to figure out a way to get back home above all else, but as for right now, all I can do is wait and hope that maybe Twilight can find a way.

After finishing up my thoughts, I finally drifted off to sleep. Maybe when I wake up, this’ll just be some kind of nightmare. I’ll be in my own bed in my own room. Everything will be peachy.

Just. Peachy.