• Published 12th Mar 2012
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This Can't Be Happening - StayOuttaMyShed

An anti-brony finds himself in Equestria after a sudden encounter with Pinkie Pie and now has to find a way to adjust to pony life while also searching for a way home.

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Chapter 4: Seeing the Sights

I jolted up out of my sleep rather violently. That must have been the most messed up nightmare I'd ever had. Being sucked into the world of My Little Pony. I need to stop hanging around Axel and Brycen so much. Their stupid brony crap is getting in my dreams now. At least it's over and I'm back here in my library...

Wait, MY library? Twilight's library. Dammit!

"Guess it wasn't a dream."

I sighed. I should have known better than to get my hopes up about all this just being a dream. There was no way I could have dreamed up everything that happened yesterday. After looking at myself, I can see that I'm still very much a pony. As much as I hate it, I guess it's time to start the day.

I trotted downstairs and noticed that Twilight wasn't around.

"Um, Twilight? You here?"

"Yes, in the kitchen."

Sure enough, following her voice led me to the kitchen, where I found Twilight cooking some eggs. Of course, just following that delicious smell would have led me there, too.

"Good morning Morgan. Did you sleep, well?"

Of course I didn't. How could I get some good sleep when all of this is going on?

"Not really," I simply responded.

"Sorry about that. I should have breakfast ready soon."

I heard my stomach growl.

"What are you making?"

"Scrambled eggs. That ok with you?"

"Sure, but how do ponies crack eggs and stuff without fingers?"

"Easy. Since I'm a unicorn, I'm able to utilize magic. Unicorn magic is capable of various feats, such as picking up objects, teleportation, and creating force fields. So I can just pick up the egg…” An egg floated out of the basket on the counter, covered in a purple glow. It came down smartly on the countertop, cracking with an audible smack. “… And break it.”

"Ah. Well how to the non-unicorn ponies crack them then?"

"They can always use their mouth. We use them to hold a lot of things, such as pens to write with."

The more I talked to Twilight, the more weirded out I got. Before the conversation continued, a knock came at the door.

"Looks like somepony is here. Can you get that for me Morgan?"

Good lord that stupid cheesy somepony term still annoys the heck out of me.

"I suppose so."

I walked over to the front door. I looked down at the doorknob and wondered how the heck I was supposed to open it without fingers. Thinking about what Twilight said, I considered the thought of trying to open it with my mouth, but there was no way I was putting my mouth on it. I shrugged and just took both of my front hooves to awkwardly twist the knob and open the door.

"Ha, who needs fingers?"

When I opened the door, there was a pony waiting outside. A pegasus to be specific. She had a gray coat with a yellow mane and tail. Her cutie mark was bubbles and her yellow eyes were crossed. On her back she wore a bag with a muffin clip on it. Even as an anti-brony, there was no doubt about who this pony was.

"Derpy Hooves?"

"Um, yeah. How did you know my name? I don't think we've met before," the wall eyed pegasus asked in a high, air headed voice.

This was great. Axel would be freaking out right now. I can't wait to rub this in his face.

"I'm new here, but where I come from you're extremely popular."


"Oh yeah. You have no idea."

A huge grin that could even rival that of Pinkie's grin spread across Derpy's face. In the blink of an eye she almost bursted in joy.

"Woohoo!" Derpy bounced up and down in joy as she giggled to herself. "That's awesome! Do the ponies I'm popular with like muffins too? Ooooh, how about blueberry muffins? Haha, I can't believe it, I'm really extremely popular!"

As Derpy continued to show how ecstatic she was, she suddenly tripped and fell right on top of me.

"Oops, my bad."

Derpy got off of me and sheepishly grinned at me as I picked myself up.

"Sorry, it's just that hearing that really made my day."

"Don't worry about it. Say, why are you here anyway?"

The yellow haired pegasus' face scrunched up as she pondered.

"Huh, what DID I come here for? Oh yeah, I came to deliver a letter to Twilight!"

She stuck her hoof into her bag and searched around for her letter.

"I think I found it!" Derpy brought out her hoof with a muffin held in it. "Whoops, that's not it."

Derpy quickly ate the muffin and reached back into her bag. She searched around for a while as I grew more and more impatient.

"Here we go!" She pulled out a cupcake with pink frosting. "Huh? How'd that get in there? Oh well." She tossed it over her shoulder and continued her search.

It's unreal how feather brained she was. Although she COULD have a disability or something, especially with eyes like those. Guess she can't help it.

"Here it is!" She finally brought out a letter and held it in her hoof. "Can you give this to Twilight for me?"

"Sure." I took the letter and held it in my mouth. I didn't understand how these ponies where able to hold stuff in their hooves yet.

"Thanks! Well, I got to go deliver the rest of these letters. See you later mister..."

"Morgan," I mumbled out with the letter still in my mouth.

"Right, see you around Morgan."

Derpy flew off into the sky to go about the rest of her job. I smirked as I thought about how to tell Axel about meeting her when I got home. I walked back into the kitchen and sat the letter on a table.

"You got a letter delivered to you."

Without looking behind her, Twilight levitated the letter over. It was as if she knew where it was just by thinking about it. I became more curious as to how unicorn telekinesis worked, or if she just made telekinesis look easy.

"Dear Twilight, just writing to tell you that Spike is on his way back to Ponyville now and should be there in a couple of hours. From, Princess Celestia."

Twilight smiled as she sat the letter back down.

"Looks like Spike should be joining us soon enough."

You don't say? I heard the letter when you read it aloud.

"Cool. Is breakfast ready? I'm starving."

"Yep, enjoy."

Twilight levitated a plate of eggs over to me. Next to the plate was a fork to eat the eggs with. I tried picking up and holding the fork as Derpy was able to do with the letter, but all I achieved was fumbling it around.

“Hey, how do you ponies pick up things like this without fingers?” I asked. “I saw Derpy hold that letter just fine, but this fork is…”

"Well we just pick them up I suppose. Pretty simple really."

Freaking cartoons. How the heck do they work?

"Fine, guess I'll keep trying."

I tried to pick up the fork a few more times, but failed in each attempt. I then tried holding it between both hooves in the same way I opened the door, but I found turning the fork up to face my mouth troublesome.

"Oh the heck with it."

I gave up on the fork and leaned down to eat the eggs using only my mouth. Twilight looked amused with my pig like eating.

"Having trouble using utensils are we?"

"Yeah. You never know how important fingers are to you until you don't have them anymore. If only this world would have turned me into a unicorn, then I could at least levitate the eggs to my mouth."

"If you can't yet fly as a pegasus, I doubt you'd have much more luck with magic if you were a unicorn."

"Well you got me there."

As we finished up the last of our breakfast, another knock came from the door.

"That must be the girls."

Twilight and I made our ways over to the front door and she used her magic to turn the knob and open it. As soon as the door was open, Pinkie Pie merrily skipped into the room. She was closely followed by Rainbow Dash. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity, however, were nowhere to be seen.

"Girls, where are the others?" Twilight asked.

"Fluttershy is having to watch over a lot of animals today. There's like a flu spreading around them or something," the cyan pegasus replied.

"And Rarity got a big order of dresses today, so she couldn't make it either," Pinkie added.

"And Applejack?" the unicorn inquired.

"Something about having to work extra on the farm today with Big Macintosh off on a delivery."

I felt a chill run down my spine once again at the mention of that name.

"Darn. Well, looks like we'll just have to continue on without them," Twilight replied.

"Don't worry, we'll go fill them in on what they missed once we're done," the extremely happy pink pony said.

"Fair enough. Ready, Morgan?"

"I suppose so."

"Good, let's begin then."

The four of us took a seat around a table in the center of the library.

"Alright Morgan, so why don't you start by telling us a bit about this "show" that this world is apparently a part of, and how you came to watch it."

And so I explained the origins of how the show came about and how it obtained a fan base of grown men.

"So the older fans of the show call themselves bronies. They have a huge fan base about the show, and the bronies make a load of stuff based on it. Stories, toys, art, you name it."

"Whoa, so there's a bunch of art about me in your world too? Awesome! I'd love to see that," the rainbow haired pegasus responded.

Oh no you don't. Knowing how creepy some bronies could be, I don't think it would take her long to stumble into the bad fan works.

I continued to explain how I wasn't a fan of the show myself, but was talked into watching some episodes by my friends.

"So then Pinkie jumped through the TV, pushed my back through it, and here I am. No I just want to find a way to get back home."

"How odd," Twilight said in response. "Pinkie, how where you able to see him?"

"Easy, you just got to be able to look through the fourth wall. It's hard to be able to do it, but I can pull it off well if I do say so myself," the hyper pony boasted.

"The fourth wall?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah, it's pretty much what the humans are able to watch us through in their world," Pinkie replied. "And I'm able to see through it if I want. I saw Morgan here watching and I thought it would be a super duper idea to bring somepony who loved to watch us here into Equestria."

"But instead you accidentally brought in somepony who doesn't like to watch us," Twilight added.


"Yeah, listen, I'm sorry about all of this. I know it must not be easy to have some guy come in and say that your world is a creation of another world. But if it makes you feel any better, there are millions of humans back home who love watching you guys." I turned to face Pinkie. "And as for you, I can at least say that this experience hasn't been boring. It's been pretty entertaining actually."

Pinkie perked up and gave me the largest smile I had ever seen.


"For sure." I wasn't lying. Even if being in this extremely colorful world wasn't exactly a dream of mine, becoming a cartoon pony was in no way boring. Terrifying? Yeah. But not boring.

"Aw, thanks Morgan."

Pinkie jumped up and wrapped her hooves around me for a hug. I couldn't breath from how tight her embrace was.

"So all he has to do to be able to get home is go through that fourth wall thing?"

Pinkie stopped suffocating me with her hug as she pondered Rainbow Dash's question.

"Hmm, well I don't think it's that simple. I'm kind of the only one here who can bend the rules of reality so much to even see through it into Morgan's world. Unless he can see it too, I don't think he can go through it."

"So basically, you don't know how to get him back?" Twilight asked.

"No, I don't."

Well that's great. Why the heck would you bring me here if you didn't know how to get me back?

I hid my frustration as I spoke. "So, how am I getting back home then?"

"Well, right now it would appear that nopony knows how to get you home," Twilight stated. "What I can do is study up on books that talk about humans and other dimensions. Most of them are fiction books, but it's worth a shot."

"Okey dokey loki. Hey Twilight, I just got a super-de-duper idea. How about while you look up stuff in your books, Dash and I take Morgan around Ponyville? We could introduce him to everypony and let him see the sights."

"Well I don't see why not. Morgan are you ok with it?"

While I wasn't exactly pumped up to see the cheesy and colorful town, I wasn't really excited to read a bunch of books here with Twilight either. It wasn't going to kill me, so why not?

"Yeah, sure. Why not?"

Pinkie gave off a squeal of happiness in response.

"Great! You're going to have a blast Morgan. Come on Dash, let's go!"

Rainbow Dash flew out the front door, with Pinkie happily skipping behind her. I sighed and followed them out the door.

The three of us walked outside and were greeted by bright rays of sunshine. The sky was clear, and the day seemed to be your basic perfect day in a cartoon.

"So many places to go. Dashie, where do you think we should take him first?"

"How about the market? There should be plenty of ponies for him to meet there."

"Great idea! Come on Morgan, let's go."

Pinkie skipped off with Rainbow Dash flying beside her as I struggled to keep up. We walked past many of the same kind of buildings that we passed yesterday as she led me to the marketplace. It was a pretty large area that me and Pinkie had walked through yesterday with dozens of kiosks scattered around, selling various fruits and vegetables. Ponies were conversing throughout the area, many of them waving at Pinkie and Dash as they walked by.

"Now then, good morning Morgan. My name is Pinkie Pie and I'll be your tour guide here for Ponyville!"

I gave Pinkie a blank stare as she flashed me a huge grin.

"This is Ponyville market. Here we buy all sorts of food and stuff. Lots of ponies come here to talk. So who should we introduce you to first?"

I shrugged. I'm sure that if Axel and Brycen were in my position, they'd be jumping at the opportunity to meet all their favorite characters. I just really wanted to get this over with.

"Hey Pinkie, hey Rainbow Dash. Who's your friend?"

The three of us turned around to see two ponies behind us. One was a regular cream colored pony with blue and pink hair and rolled up candies for a cutie mark, and the other was a bright green unicorn with a harp for a cutie mark.

"Hey girls! This is my friend Morgan. He's new here to Ponyville, so we're showing him around and introducing him to everypony. Morgan, this is Lyra and Bon Bon." Pinkie motioned with her hoof to signify that Lyra was the unicorn and Bon Bon was the regular pony.

"Nice to meet you Mr Morgan," Bon Bon said with a smile.

"Morgan, huh? Kind of a weird name don't you think? Where are you from again?" Lyra asked. Bon Bon shot her a disapproving glare at her comment about my name.

"Er, not from around here," I replied.

"He's actually from a whole other world where he was a human with hands and everything!" Pinkie blurted out.

"HANDS?" Lyra's jaw nearly hit the floor.

"Ha, oh Pinkie Pie you're so random," Rainbow Dash quickly said. "She's just kidding around. He's actually just from Los Pegasus."

"Oh...ok." The bright green unicorn looked almost disappointed.

"Well, we need to be going. Nice to meet you Morgan," Bon Bon said.

"Uh, yeah. See you around," Lyra added.

The duo trotted off and left the three of us alone.

"Well that wasn't awkward at all," I stated.

"Pinkie, you got to be more careful. We can't just go around telling everypony that Morgan is from a different world. It'll freak them out! Did you see how shocked Lyra looked?" the rainbow maned pegasus asked Pinkie Pie.

"Sorry, got a little carried away," she replied.

"So what's next?" I asked.

"Well, we got plenty of ponies for you to meet here before we show you around town so lets get to it!"

And so Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash took me around the market to introduce me to a bunch of colorful cartoon horses. There was a dentist unicorn named Colgate, a carrot sales mare named Carrot Top, and a time expert named Doctor Whooves among them. The puns in their names alone were worthy of a royal facepalm. Or facehoof I guess. It took a while, but after being introduced to pretty much all of the dozens of ponies in the market Pinkie and Dash started leading me out of the marketplace.

"So where do we take him to next Pinkie?"

"Don't worry Dashie, I got this covered. I'm the tour guide remember? Now then." We came to a stop next to a long path that led to what looked like a farm, complete with a big red barn and countless apple trees in the distance. "Down there is Sweet Apple Acres. It's where the Apple family, including Applejack, harvest their crops. They make all sorts of super fantastic stuff with their apples. Everything from apple pie to apple cider."

"Aw man, I could go for a glass of their cider right about now," Rainbow added.

"I know right? Its taste is nonpareil!"

"Isn't that the word that those two jerk brothers that tried to put Applejack and her family out of business used?" Dash asked in an annoyed tone.

"Yeah, but isn't it fun to say?"

"No, not really," the pegasus responded.

"Well I think it is. Where was I? Oh yeah, on with the tour!"

Pinkie and Dash then led me various buildings and shops. There were basic things like a school and hospital, and more unique things, everything from a joke shop, to a quill and sofa store, to a bowling alley. How ponies can bowl is beyond me. After Pinkie and Dash showed me the pastry store where Pinkie Pie works and lives at, the tour seemed to be coming to an end.

"And now, to town square! It should be the perfect place to end the tour on."

The duo led me to a large area in the center of the town. There were statues and fountains all around the area and one of the edges of the area had a river running through it, with bridges over the water for the ponies to walk on. Most obvious of all, though, was the huge building in the center of the area. Pinkie noticed me looking at it and smiled.

"That's Town Hall. We hold a whole lot of important things there, like the Summer Sun Celebration."

"It's just now finished up with repairs too." Rainbow added.

"How'd it get broken?" I asked.

"It's a long story." She responded as she winced as if she was remembering a painful memory.

"Why hello Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash."

We were greeted by a tan pony with a gray mane and scroll cutie mark. She was also the first pony I've seen wearing glasses.

"I don't believe I've met your friend here."

"This, Mayor, is Ponyville's newest resident, Morgan," Pinkie happily replied.

Is she forgetting that I'm going to be leaving as soon as we find a way back home?

"Oh my, a new member to Ponyville's family?" the Mayor replied. "Well Mr. Morgan, let me say that it's an honor for us to have you here, and I certainly hope you enjoy your stay here."

"Thanks," I simply replied.

"Well, I must be off. See you three later."

The Mayor left us and Pinkie jumped up and down in happiness.

"Did you see that, Morgan? Now that you've meet almost everypony, seen the sights, and got to talk to the Mayor, you're pretty much an honorary member of Ponyville now!"

Oh joy.

"He is kind of missing one thing though," Rainbow Dash said.

"And what would that be?" I responded.

"We need to get you a cutie mark!"