• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 502 Views, 11 Comments

Trolls in Equestria - theFlancy Mernin

When eight trolls get bored, they tamper around with a few strange artifacts. With a weird-sounding SHWOOMP, they're suddenly in a land where small, colorful hoofbeasts are one of top civilization creatures. Wait, what?

  • ...

Chapter One: Flancy

Flancy was lounging in front of her computer, a bit bored. Her four spider-leg-like horns, two on each side, reached down just above her jawline, the front two a small bit shorter than the back two. Her long, dark grey hair hung past her shoulder blades, and her yellow eyes flitted over the screen behind her top-rimmed glasses. Her left eye was not unlike a cat's, but the other was perfectly normal. Her tongue, as most always, stuck out of her mouth, which was always in a catlike grin.

Her foot tapped the floor under her seat and her finger clacked away at the computer keys, chatting with trepadaciousTiger in a chat room(kind of; he didn't talk much). Her own tag was paperPsychiatrist, and she 5p0ke w1ith a 5l1ght 4ccent. Flancy glances over at her lusus, a basilisk-like creature with a duck bill, the front paws of a lion, the wings of a phoenix, the tail of a drake, and, of course, the same horns as Flancy. It was, in Flancy's opinion, kind of cute, but to her friends, it was pretty strange. As of currently, it was snoozing in a pile of books of magic. She then looked out her window, to see the dripping stalactites, towering stalagmites, and the roaring waterfall nearby: Her room, at the top of her hive(Which reached from floor to ceiling of the cave she lived in), had a great view. She smiles, and goes back to the chat room.

One color popped out at her first, because she had spoke with him only a couple times. It was Reaper Grinne's navy blue text, saying that he had found an area that they hadn't explored yet with some stuff to mess around with there; there were already five replies to Reaper's message. Flancy thought a moment, and then she replies, "Hmm, 50und5 l1ke fun! 1'll c0me t00!".

Flancy stands up, stretches, and captchalouges her left-handed fancy glove, which was actually a magic glove in disguise. She looks about, looking for things she might need. No matter what, she always over-prepared so she would get a good deal with fate if something happened. This time, though, she felt an overwhelming need to bring lots of extra stuff too, so she brought a portable sleeping cocoon, some food, a knife, more food for someone because she just knew that at least one of the others wouldn't bring food, some paper for folding into fingers, and several of her books about magic.

Once done organizing the stuff, Flancy returned to her computer to see what the others have been chatting about. Reaper had said that it was excellent that everyone decided to come, and after that was a teleport code for the area he had talked about.There are messages from everyone but Flancy that they'd be there soon and she replied the same.

Within a short time, her teleporter had located a safe place to put her in the proximity of the area, and conjured a stable portal. Flancy quickly went over her supplies, and both seeing and sensing that she was all good, she stepped through to her destination.

~ ~ ~

Twilight Sparkle had never had such a headache in her whole life. It wasn't a headache in the normal way, nor was it a migraine. It was actually that Twilight's whole head hurt, as though the pain was ricocheting around in her skull at speeds faster than Rainbow Dash could go. She groaned again, and Spike poked his head up from under his blankets to see Twilight holding her hooves against her temples, her face buried in her pillows. "...Ow..." she said.

Spike rubbed his eyes blearily and got out of his bed. Looking out the window, he was surprised to see that it was nearly noon. Twilight would've normally waken him up far earlier to do his chores and so on. "Twilight? What's wrong?" Spike asked her sleepily.

Twilight merely groaned again. She needed quiet, and darkness would help to stop making her head pound so hard. It also didn't help that she was starving, and as if on cue, her stomach growled in protest to this fact. Spike heard her stomach and chuckled to himself, then went downstairs to make them both some brunch. Spike tied an apron around his waist and got to work fixing up some hay and barley pancakes and heated some maple tree sap syrup for Twilight.

Perched on a tree branch nearby, Owlowiscious watched as Spike gathered what he needed. At one point, Spike was trying to reach an ingredient he couldn't quite reach, and Owlowiscious hooted for his attention. When Spike turned around, he smiled and asked, "Hey, could you help me get that barley right there for Twilight's pancakes?"

Owlowiscious blinked sleepily and responded with the usual "Whoo?"

The baby dragon blinked, and then a stern look came over his face. "Uh-uh. I'm not going to fall for that again, you hear? Now, could you get the barley please?" he asked again, waving a claw at the owl.

Owlowiscious knew there was low chance of amusement now, so instead of pursuing fun, flew over to the bag of barley and placed it on the floor near Spike. Owlowiscious then flew up to his perch and promptly fell asleep, not waiting for thanks. With a smile, Spike began making the pancakes for Twilight, and hummed an abstract tune as he did so.

Once the pancakes were done, Spike took out a plate and put three pancakes on it for Twilight. Munching one for himself, he retrieved the maple syrup and a cup of orange juice, placing a small chunk of butter on the side of the plate. Grabbing the proper utensils, Spike arranges the food nicely, and then puts it all on a sturdy tray to bring to Twilight.

Looking around carefully, Spike is pleased to see that nopony has thought to come get or return a book yet today, so he wouldn't have to help somepony out while Twilight's food became cold. Quickly and carefully ascending the stairs, Spike peered toward Twilight and seeing she was asleep before placing the tray on the side table, and then closed the curtain so that Twi could get some sleep. After that, Spike stayed downstairs to help anypony who came around for book business for the rest of the day, knowing Twilight needed her rest.