• Published 16th Nov 2013
  • 502 Views, 11 Comments

Trolls in Equestria - theFlancy Mernin

When eight trolls get bored, they tamper around with a few strange artifacts. With a weird-sounding SHWOOMP, they're suddenly in a land where small, colorful hoofbeasts are one of top civilization creatures. Wait, what?

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Chapter Two: Takeri

A masked ninja appears near her prey. Hidden from the horde of imps that were lounging about on the sand, gravel and stones, she stalks closer, quieter than the night sky that soared high above. Pulling four ninja stars from her Cricket Sounds Sylladex, causing a few of the sounds that is made by the creature's legs rubbing against its exoskeleton, she crept ever closer to a small group of clannish imps.

Takeri Sienne, her senses focused on her immediate surroundings and those of the imp's, readied herself to aim, flick, and snatch her prey, then slit its neck. Her brown blood pumped through her veins, slowly reaching faster speeds. Takeri loved hunting, as it tested her skills and expertise as a ninja, and it gave her the thrill of being outside of her Hive. Her lusus was going to be hungry soon, and Takeri didn't want to be on the receiving end of what she liked to call its 'Hunger Madness'.

Quickly flitting behind another rock towards the imps, she allowed herself a small grin. This next part was the best part of the hunt, and she was ready to do it.

Takeri darted to the next rock that was both large enough to hide her and close enough to the imps in order to whisk them behind it. Pulling a tiny stone from from Sylladex with another cricket sound, she gauged the distance, then threw it to the other side of her prey. As expected, the imp's heads turn towards the sounds the rock makes as it clatters to the gravel in the opposite direction of her, and Takeri takes this chance to flick one of her ninja stars into the closets one's spine, where it bull's-eyed in between the vertebrae that connected its neck to its spine.

Faster than a bullet fired from a sniper rifle, she snatches the imp's now-immobile body and darts back behind her rock with it over her shoulder without a sound. Swiftly setting it on its knees with its back to her and its neck nearly against the rock, Takeri sends a thanks to the Shadow Creature for a good beginning of the hunt. Then, whipping a sharp knife from the side of her leg, with a quick slice, she sends the imp to Tartarus, or Imp Hell, or wherever they go when their minds permanently leave their bodies.

Takeri takes a burlap sack from her Sylladex(along with, needless to say, another cricket sound), and stuffs the imp's body inside unceremoniously. Keeping her ninja stars and few more small stones at hand, she captchalouges the bag, then darts to another rock at about the same distance, but another view where she was behind a new imp.

Takeri repeats this process, making sure that the imps didn't notice their comrades disappearing. When she got to the last one, instead of immobilizing it completely and killing it, she sneaks up behind it and hits several of its pressure points in quick succession. Takeri then stuffs it into a different bag than the one with all of the dead imps, and captchalouges them next to each other.

Now done with her hunt, she does a rendezvous with her teleporter, and within a minute Takeri is back in her hive. Keeping in mind her lusus' feeding schedule, she checks the time and finds that there is enough time to check up on her friends. Her ID is silentBlade and shee speeaks with a ceertain kind of way that draws out heer E's.

Takeri sits down at her computer and reads the message from Reaper, and sees two more messages responding to it. She then replies, "I find thee fact that wee havee not yeet seeen this placee inteereesting. I shall atteend thee eeveent of eexploration.". She then checks the time, and figures that an early feeding couldn't hurt her lusus.

Takeri stands up, stretches, and then walks out of her personal room. Takeri readies herself for the long run through the twisting, maze-like hive that she shared with other ninja trolls. She starts run sprinting through the hallway, leaping over secret trip wires and slicing through practice dummies with her katana, which was always strapped to her back. As she ran, she glanced left and right, darting into different hallways in order to challenge herself. When she reached the main room, she quickly ducked into a forward roll and landed on one knee and with the other foot forward. She scanned the room and flicked ninja stars at enemies as each moving dummy popped up, all but one out of fifteen hitting bullseye. Takeri grimaced, taking note that the one that was off was two circles out; she had mistimed it slightly.

Once that challenge was done, Takeri stood and ran for another door. Leaping over a trapdoor, she grabbed a red toothbrush from a pedestal and a packet of toothpaste from the next. Landing on a small, floating island of dirt, Takeri leaped from one floating island to the next before they could fall into the abyss below. They would come back up, of course, but that took a very long time. Takeri was going for speed, so any second that she didn't go fast enough was wasted.

Eventually, she reached regular hallway again, which quickly lead to a doorway. Takeri burst through the door, and with the toothbrush and toothpaste in hand, she watered her toothbrush in a pure, freshwater waterfall as she ran by it. She squeezed a tiny bit of toothpaste on the toothbrush, and then started to brush her teeth, still running. The next two minutes was filled with dodging waterfalls, leaping pools of toxin, and brushing teeth. Takeri finally reached another door, and she slowed to a stop just outside of it. She was breathing a little hard, and took a small amount of time to slow it, take her toothbrush out of her mouth, and examine the patterns on the door to her lusus' room. Takeri checked the time, and then with a small breath, she pushed open the door.

Takeri took out the bag with the dead imps inside, and walked forward onto a small landing. Looking around, Takeri found that, as usual, her lusus was nowhere to be seen, not even by a trained eye. Holding the bag before her, she stepped to the edge of the landing, opened the mouth of the bag, and dumped the imp's bodies out onto a pyre of rock with a flat top that reached up from the nearly endless abyss below. She stepped away from the ledge in order to give her lusus space, and with a shimmer, it appeared, curled around the pyre that Takeri used to feed it.

It had a long, serpentine body, with padded paws that had wickedly sharp retractable claws. Its face was long and thin, with teeth even sharper than its claws. Takeri's lusus was an impressive, awe-inspiring sight, even to those it was about to snap up in its jaws, although its horns were two stubby, double tipped little things, just as Takeri's were.

Takeri was proud she got such an epic lusus. With its camouflage ability, it was the perfect ninja, but that didn't mean it was a meticulous eater. She averted her eyes as her lusus neared the imp bodies, and sighed a little as she heard the imps' bones crunching in the powerful jaws of her lusus.

After a small while, the crunching stopped, and heard only by carefully trained ears, the swipe of a tongue over scaled lips followed. Takeri looked back to her lusus, and seeing it was done, she took out the bag with the live imp. Then, with a small sigh, dumped the live imp out of its own bag and through the air toward the pyre, only to be snapped out of the air by the jaws of Takeri's lusus.

Mission accomplished, Takeri walked back toward the door and then turned to the left to a mini-teleporter. She places the toothpaste and toothbrush in the teleport vortex, where it floats until Takeri pushes the button marked 'MOUTH HYGIENIC PEDESTALS'. Takeri then walked over to a full-sized teleporter, entered her name, the password code, then stepped through to her room.

She prepared for the trip to the new area, grabbing a portable sleeping cocoon, some food, more ninja stars and knives, and eight high-ranged walkie-talkies. With a simple check over, Takeri finds she is ready to go, and starts up her teleporter. Once it is ready, she checks over her things, and then steps through to the destination.

~ ~ ~

Bon Bon was arguing with her housemate Lyra again that there were no such things as humans, and if there were, the possibility of actually meeting it and becoming marefriends with its hands would be all kinds of weird, awkward, and uncomfortable for all parties involved, when she suddenly felt really tired. It was as though she had run for three days straight, without eating, drinking, sleeping, or stopping for even a second.

"Oohh..." Bon Bon says, sitting her rump on the floor and nearly passing out, and she puts a hoof to her temple. Lyra is surprised by this action, and stops her rant about humans to ask, "Bon Bon? What's up?"

"Not my energy...." Bon Bon replies tiredly, then shakily gets up onto the couch and passes out.

"Uhm... okay, then." Lyra watches her housemate for awhile, then shakes herself and leaves Bon Bon to rest. "I wonder why that happened?" She mumbles to herself, then makes her self a sandwich and goes about on an otherwise normal day.

Author's Note:

Hmm! That was a lot more writing than I thought I would write, but hey, have to explain Takeri's awesome in good enough detail. (ehehe...) I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and once I am done introducing all the Trolls I will show you guys a picture of all of them! I drew it a few weeks ago, and all, so yeah... But anyway, I will have an irregular update schedule due to school(Social life? Psh! ... ), so please don't expect a completely meticulous schedule. See you again soon!

Comments ( 1 )

I have a theory are the trolls getting pushed into there bodies or something? is that why these ponies are passing out?

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