• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 8,341 Views, 196 Comments

Cute Cutie Mark Crusaders (CCMC) - Night--Mist

This is what happens when you scare you sisters and older friends to death.

  • ...

A Terrifying Afternoon and an Adorable Morning

It all seemed like a peaceful Saturday afternoon. The birds were chirping their afternoon song, The flowers swayed in the wind. Fillies and Colts were playing with their families and each other at the parks, and mares and stallions were either selling or buying their goods for the day. Rarity was at her boutique, making her latest line of fashion designs for a mare who had placed a small order for some complicated designs, knowing Rarity could handle it. Pinkie Pie and the Cakes were enjoying their day serving customers their sweets.

Fluttershy was tending to her animal friends making sure they were well fed and had their exercise, and of course, Angel Bunny was being his stubborn self. Rainbow Dash of course was taking an afternoon nap after doing her training to keep herself in shape for the Wonderbolts. Twilight was at the library, working on her latest spell that Celestia had assigned her since she had become a Princess. Applejack was raising money, selling apples and apple dishes on her cart as always, and she was making good profit for the day.

Then the peaceful afternoon was disturbed by three familiar voices screaming. Applejack went wide eyed as she saw her sister Apple Bloom and her friends tangled in a rope with their scooter and wagon being dragged by a hot air balloon. The balloon had been loosened from it's stand and no pony was piloting it. The balloon wasn't enough to pull them off the ground, but it was certainly not letting them gain control of where they were going.

They screamed as they were heading for the river that was still raging a bit since this years Winter Wrap Up was only two weeks ago. The scream did not only catch Applejack's attention, but Rainbow Dash's as well. Finally snapping out of her shock, Applejack quickly flipped the sign to saying "No Sales At This Time", and galloped after the CMC, yelling, "Hold on youngins, I'm a comin!"

"Help us!" screamed the CMC, terrified by what was happening.

Rainbow Dash was now fully awake to their cries for help and screamed, "Hang on kids, I'll getcha out of there!"

She spread her wings and dove off towards them using all her wing power to reach them. "Rainbow, bite the rope!" Applejack called to her.

"What!" Rainbow Called back,

"The rope! Bite the rope at it's weak spot!" Applejack yelled again pointing out the part of the rope about to give way.

"I'm on it!" Rainbow Replied.

As the CMC neared the water, Applejack was finally able to grab hold of them and used her back hooves to slow them down as Rainbow Dash bit into the weak link in the rope. The balloon kept drifting away, but the girls and Applejack had fallen into the river.

Being a good swimmer, Applejack soon started to pull the girls to shore. By the time they arrived, all of Applejack's friends, besides Pinkie Pie, were at the scene. Big Mac was there too and soon all helped to pull the girls out. Once ashore they helped the CMC to get out of the rope they were tangled in. "What in tarnation happened, you three?" Applejack snapped.

"Now AJ, calm down, let them explain first. They just survived from drowning thanks to you, so let them speak," Twilight gestured.

As the girls were able to catch their breath, Apple Bloom spoke. "We were all headin to the spa to see if we could get our cutie marks in spa treatment," she said with truth in her eyes.

"Yeah, and when we were just about there that balloon came out of blue and got us caught in the ropes. We tried dodge it but the rope was swinging all over the place," Scootaloo added in.

"Then we were being dragged through Ponyville, that's why we were screaming for help," Sweetie Belle finished.

"See, it wasn't their fault, but we will have to find out what caused that balloon to go loose," Twilight said.

"Eeyup," Big Mac said.

"Well, I think that is enough worryin about the three of ya'll for one afternoon. Ya'll were lucky you weren't hurt this time round. I'm sorry I have cut yer crusadin short, but Apple Bloom I need ya'll to head home with Big Macintosh while I speak with Princess Twilight. And no complainin," Applejack said.

Apple Bloom opened her mouth to say something but closed it again. She then bowed and said, "See ya'll later Princess Twilight, See ya girls."

Big Mac bowed as well and soon nudged his little sister to get moving towards home after her friends told her goodbye. As they walked off, Rarity said, "Sweetie Belle that goes for you too, wait for me back at the boutique, and no sneaking off or bickering."

Sweetie Belle gave the same gesture as Apple Bloom and soon bowed to the princess and said her goodbyes. Scootaloo watched her friend take off and soon Fluttershy stepped in and said, "Scootaloo, you go wait at my place, we're going to talk later on, and don't force me to use the stare," Fluttershy said gently.

Scootaloo crouched back a little at Fluttershy's last statement, and bowed and scampered off. For now, Only Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy knew her secret and didn't tell anypony, but didn't know how long it would last, since their friends were starting to wonder, so they thought now was the right time to let their friends know.

"Why does everypony keep bowing? I told them it wasn't necessary," Twilight said.

"Well, I think it's just a matter of respect for you darling," Rarity stated.

"Well, anyways. Why are you being so harsh to the girls? They didn't do anything wrong," Twilight stated.

"Well this is the fifth time in three days they scared us half ta death with all they have been doin," Applejack pointed out.

"Yeah, and they would have drown today if we hadn't of been here," Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, what are you girls going to do about it?" Twilight asked.

"That's where you come in Twilight," Applejack stated.

"Me?" Twilight asked.

"Mmhm," Rarity said.

The girls walked towards the library and explained what they wanted to be done.

Meanwhile at Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom was walking with her head low, trying to understand what she had done to get her in trouble today. As Celestia's sun finally gave way to Luna's night and moon, Apple Bloom and Big Mac finally made it to the house where Granny Smith was waiting with supper. Apple Bloom quietly sat down and ate her supper once given permission and Big Mac explained in the gentlest way to Granny about what happened. Granny Smith was just relieved her youngest grandchild was safe and sound.

After Apple Bloom finished, she was scooted upstairs to get ready for bed. She wanted to complain, but knowing she would lose the battle and she promised her sister no complaining, she obeyed and got ready for bed. Once she finished brushing her teeth, she got her pajamas on. They were covered in pictures of different colored apples, and were her favorite attire for bed time. She tried to wait for her sister to come home, but the events of the afternoon had taken their toll on her and she fell asleep, thinking she'll probably be working in the fields with her family all day as punishment. She didn't know elsewhere her friends had passed out as well from the events, as their sisters were heading home.

The next morning, as celestia's morning sun rose over the horizon, the beams shined onto Apple Bloom's face. At first she just covered her eyes to block it out, then that's when she realized something. The sun never shines into her room in the morning, so that meant only one of two things. Either she had slept til sunset for some reason, or she was... in Applejack's room.

The rooster crowed in the far of distance, barely heard, but enough to confirm it was morning and she was in her sisters room. In a matter of seconds she was thinking, 'How did I end up in my sisters room? I know where my room is, and I wasn't that tired that I would make that mistake.'

She then opened her eyes and her irises became no bigger then a pin, she was laying in a place that was all too familiar to her from when she was three, but it was a whole lot bigger. She was laying in her old crib, still in pristine condition somehow for not being used for so long. She was completely in shock. She looked over to where the sun was shining on her right and sure enough, it was her sisters room she was looking at, and the bars of her old crib. Not knowing how she got in her crib, or her sister's room, she decided to pick herself up to climb out.

Upon trying to sit up, she noticed that somehow, she was not able to lift herself, as if her body strength had left her. 'Okay, if somepony is playin a joke on me, their doin a pretty good job of it,' she thought to herself.

She then tried to roll onto her side. Upon attemt, and barely roling at all, she felt something on her flank. Curiosity caused her to lift the covers she was under and she saw it. A disposable diaper wrapped snugly around her flank. That wasn't what surprised her. What surprised her was the fact that it felt warm and wet against her. She knew the only way it would feel like that is if she had, and she gulped at the thought of it, used it while she was in it.

She then looked to her left and saw her sister Applejack passed out under her bed covers. She noticed her sister now looked like a giant to her. That led her to believe one thing... she was now the size of a baby, and probably the age of one to. She tried to say, "Applejack get up and tell me what's happened," but all that came out was, "Mama, goo goo gah."

Apple Bloom covered her mouth. She still had her mind, but somehow, couldn't even speak, had just called her sister 'Mama'.

This had been enough to wake her sister up and come to the crib. "Oh, Apple Bloom, your up, did my baby sis have a good sleep?"

That confirmed it, she was a baby again. And she didn't know how. She reached to get to the railings of her crib but failed. "Oh, you want up? Okay, come here, Mama-Sissy's gotcha."

'Mama-Sissy? She hasn't called herself that, nor have I called her that since I was four,' Apple Bloom thought.

As Applejack picked her up, she felt her now baby sister's diaper. "Did my lil sis flood the orchard? I think she did," Applejack said in a cute tone.

Flood the orchard was the families way of saying she wet herself when she was still being stable-trained as far as she can remember. Apple Bloom was feeling really embarrassed by all this and did the only thing she could think of... she cried.

Applejack did her best to calm her down as she rubbed her back and said, "Shh, shh, Mama-Sissy's gonna make it all better."

Apple Bloom's crying lowered to soft whining as her sister rubbed her back like when she had been little before. "That's it, now let's get ya'll changed baby sis," Applejack said.

Apple Bloom didn't know why, but she was liking the attention she was getting from her sister as she was carried to the changing table that had been set up for her. She noticed as she was carried, half the room was now a nursery. Apple Bloom now had a hunch of what was happening, but couldn't be sure. So she waited til she was placed on the changing table. Once Applejack set her down, she looked at her and mentally requested an explanation.

"Ah know what ya'll is wonderin. Why are you a baby again?" Applejack said, and Apple Bloom nodded.

"Well lil sis, Ah know you want yer cutie mark and all, but... Apple Bloom Ah don't wanna lose ya. With all the things you and your friends have been doing, Ah just couldn't stand the thought of you or your friends getting hurt anymore. My own friends shared my fear. We had been discussing every other option, but none of the others were going to work. We had Twilight turn you ya'll into foals as you slept because we want to look out for you. We agreed it's only til summer. We have you covered for the next four months. Twilight agreed to do the homework for ya'll after we convinced Miss Cheerilee what was happenin, well with a twist that this regression was an accident and the effects lasted til the end a school, and thankfully she agreed to let this happen, not wantin' to see ya'll fail. Now Ah know you may not want this, but this is to get your crazier crusadin ideas outta yer lil heads," Applejack said as she finished diapering Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom was a little steamed her sister did this to her, but after seeing the logic in her sister's words and the motherly way Applejack was looking at her, she just couldn't help but think this actually was a good idea. On a bonus, she got out of school for the rest of the time and she was getting her 'Mama-Sissy' back. She reached for her sister and Applejack asked, "What is it baby sis?"

She lowered her head and Apple Bloom grabbed her muzzle hugging it before she said, "Mama."

Applejack started to cry tears of joy that her little sister was not mad and was okay with this. She picked her up off the changing table and said as she held her sister to her muzzle, "That's right my lil Apple Bloom, Mama-Sissy's here. Now let's go downstairs and get you fed."

Apple Bloom could only gurgle in response as she was carried downstairs. She was expecting to be taken to the kitchen for some foal food, but Applejack made the turn into the family room. This confused her until Applejack took her into one foreleg and grabbed a bottle with the other. Apple Bloom knew that it was formula, and from the memories she had as a three year old, didn't like the taste of it. As Applejack brought it to her mouth, she pushed it away with her tiny hooves. "Come on now, ya'll need yer formula," Applejack said in a motherly manner.

Apple Bloom kept resisting, not wanting it's icky aftertaste. Just as Applejack thought she had the upper hoof to get her to drink it, the door to outside opened ringing the bell inside. Granny had walked in with some groceries and some foal things. As she saw what Applejack was doing, she galloped over and knocked it out of Applejacks hoof. "AJ, ya'll should know better than that. Apple Bloom can't have formula at that age, Celestia forbid, that stuff shouldn't even exist," Granny said.

"But Granny, she's too young fer foal food. How do I fee..." Applejack cut herself off as she realized what Apple Bloom needed and continued, "But I'm not even producing my own milk Granny."

Apple Bloom now knew why Applejack was feeding her formula earlier, she was not even a month old and needed mother's milk, but with their mom and dad long passed away, Applejack was the closest thing to a mom she had, and Applejack had no milk. "Where do ya think yer Granny has been all morning? While you youngins were still snoozin, went out and got the things ya'll needed for her. Twilight gave me these for temporary measures so ya'll can feed her milk, but she said to be careful and not eat too many," Granny said as she pulled out a white flower that helped make mother's milk.

"What happens if I eat too many Granny?" Applejack asked.

"Uhhh, I, uh, I ferget," Granny said.

Applejack and Apple Bloom sighed. 'Just like Granny, always forgetting things,' Apple Bloom thought.

Applejack shrugged and ate the flower. It soon did it's work and Applejack put a blanket over her belly and Apple Bloom as she lifted her hind legs to reveal her breasts. Applejack scooted her close and, Apple Bloom didn't know how, but she instinctively put one of the teats in her mouth and began to nurse, really fast. "Wow there sugarcube, slow down sweetie, or ya'll will get a tummy ache or drink too much."

Her advise came a little too late as Apple Bloom started coughing from swallowing too much. "Ah told ya lil sis, now this time drink slowly," Applejack said.

Apple Bloom latched on again and began to suckle again. "That's it, slowly, slowwwly," Applejack said to slow her sister's drinking rhythm.

Apple Bloom soon made soft happy whimpers as she fed and wondered in her mind, 'I wonder how my friends are taking this?'

Author's Note:

End of chapter one. Hope you all enjoyed. So the CMC are babies now and AJ just explained the whole thing to her little sister, who is taking well to this, even though it means earning her cutie mark is on hold...or is it? Now how will her friends react to this whole thing? Will they find a way to speak to each other? And hopefully Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon don't hear about this or find out it's them. Please leave me some positive comments and constructive criticism if you can. I'll update when possible. Stay tuned.