• Published 17th Nov 2013
  • 8,342 Views, 196 Comments

Cute Cutie Mark Crusaders (CCMC) - Night--Mist

This is what happens when you scare you sisters and older friends to death.

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Sibling and Daughter Hassles and.... Mama Twilight?!

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had grown to like their new life after the first day of being foals. Sweetie Belle was still having a more difficult time accepting it. She had gotten the chance to nurse from her sister, but that was when she was about to go to bed. After the first two days, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity agreed that they would have a get together at Twilight's library. Twilight asked for a day of preparation so that she could foalproof the place which gave Applejack and Rarity time to get the potion they needed for feeding after Fluttershy had suggested it. Now Twilight was finally ready to let them come over and said she had a 'little' surprise of her own waiting.

It was now late morning at the Apple Farm and Applejack was having bit of a hassle. "Now come on Apple Bloom, that little tush a yers is gonna get a rash if you don't hold still," Applejack said as attempted to diaper her sister.

Apple Bloom kept rolling onto her belly wanting to have fun with her sister. She wasn't noticing it, but the spell on her and her freinds was starting to cast its side effects. Twilight warned them that the three may start showing their foalish side as a result, since she left their minds in tact. Applejack wasn't worried tough. She was experienced in taking care of her little sister, and knew just the trick to keep her sister still for the change. "Okay I guess Mama-Sissy isn't gonna give you your favorite toy after we get back from Princess Twilight's place," Applejack said.

Apple Bloom gave a squeak and stopped moving for her sister. Oddly enough, she gotten back into playing with her special toy, which was a toy fruit bat who's middle body was shaped like and apple. It had been passed down from the Apple siblings' Great Granny Apple Tart all the way down to her. As she held still, Applejack finally had time to diaper her up. "There we go, all in a nice and snug in a new diaper," Applejack said before hearing a certain little stomach growl and adding, "And just in time for breakfast."

Applejack soon grabbed her baby sister by the scruff and took her downstairs. Apple Bloom playfully kicked her little legs as she was carried to the family's living room. Soon she settled down as her sister laid on the futon and set Apple Bloom near her teats. By now, Apple Bloom knew what to do and crawled to where her meal was. As she suckled, she thought about how much she was actually enjoying this, as much as she tried to convince herself she wanted to be big again, more and more within the span of a few days, she was wondering if it was really that bad to stay a foal.

The only drawback she had from going to see Twilight was if Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon found about her and her friends. Those two bullies would never let them hear the end of it. She had to admit, a week prior to their accident, it was as if Diamond and Silver had disappeared. She had seen Diamond's father, Filthy Rich around and Silver's mother, Gold Goblet as well, but there seemed to be no sign of the snob bullies anywhere. She only hoped this week of relief wasn't about to end and wouldn't see them today either.

As she finished up, Applejack placed her over her shoulder and sure enough after some gentle pats, Apple Bloom let out a giant burp. "Haha, sound's like somepony enjoyed their meal," Applejack said.

This made Apple Bloom Blush and cover her eyes. "Aw, don't be embarrassed baby sis, it's really cute when burp like that," Applejack assured her as she began a tickle fest. Apple Bloom was no match for the tickle and belly blast attacks as she waved her little hooves around in joy.

Meanwhile at Flutter's cottage, Scootaloo was getting a morning bath with Rainbow Dash after making a mess of herself from some flour Fluttershy was using to make pancakes. Rainbow and Fluttershy couldn't help but find it cute that even though she was now a baby, she tried to be a big girl and help. Rainbow had tried to stop the mess before it went too far, only to be covered in flour herself. All three had a giggle fest after seeing how silly Scootaloo and Rainbow looked. Now they were taking a bubble bath together and Scootaloo was having a lot of fun. "Mmhmhmhm, okay Scootsy, Mama Flutters has to get that icky out of your mane before we go see Princess Twilight," Fluttershy said.

Scootaloo splashed the water showing that she still wanted to have fun. "Come on now sweetie, we have to get the flour out of your cute little mane," Fluttershy tried to reason once more.

Scootaloo was too playful and let her own foal side take over not listening to her mom's pleas as she kept splashing the water. "Heh heh heh, I think she wants to stay messy. I guess we can't let her play tag with her animal frineds downstairs after we get back from Princess Twilight's place," Rainbow said and winked at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy caught on quick. "Yep, looks like Scootsy will get nap time after we get back," Fluttershy added.

Just like Applejack, Rainbow knew Scootaloo's weaknesses, and Scootaloo jumped and squealed at the same time and soon stayed still for Fluttershy. Fluttershy soon applied the baby shampoo gently on her daughter's head and rubbed it in soothingly all while humming her tune. As she did this, Scootaloo started to go deep in thought about what was happening. Sure, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash said this would only be til summer, but did she really have to end it there. Even though Scootaloo had been greatful to the two mares taking her under their wings, this was a treatment her birth mother had never given her. Where that mare was, no pony knew, but the father had been confirmed to have died in a fire while trying to fight it off in Baltimare.

Now there were many reasons her mother could have given her up, but the orphanage had never really treated her nicely and when she helped form the clubhouse, She slept there for a night or two until Rainbow Dash found her. Now yes, Rainbow Adopted her after the marriage to Fluttershy, but, she still looked out for the filly before hoof. Now she was in a nice cozy cottage with two loving mothers and all the comforts she could ever ask for. This all made Scootaloo wonder if she really had to change back to her filly self. Like Apple Bloom, she was in deep conflict with the whole thing.

Soon Fluttershy finished cleaning her off and Rainbow Dash made quick work to wash herself. Soon both were out of the tub and dried off and Scootaloo was picked up by Rainbow Dash as they headed to the changing table and Fluttershy diapered up her baby girl. Then it was time to go downstairs. Scootaloo knew what was next, it was feeding time. This morning it was Rainbow's turn, and as much as Rainbow tried to hide it, she actually had come to enjoy Scootaloo nursing from her when she got a turn to feed her over the past few days.

Now there was a whole other matter that was going on over at the boutique. Sweetie Belle had let them do the changes and the feeding, since she didn't have much of a choice, but now she had to draw the line. Rarity, along with Aloe and Lotus, had insisted on her wearing one of Rarity's latest foal attire designs. Rarity of course used the usual "It would give me so much inspiration if you try it on Sweetie" talk, but she still refused. Lotus and Aloe even tried to coax her into trying it on by trying to convince her of how comfy it would be. Sweetie Belle refused, since the last time she tried one of Rarity's outfits for school fillies one time, she had developed a rash that gave her an itchy back for a week. She wondered how foal attire would be any different. Plus, she was sure that her friends didn't have to put up with wearing foal suits, so why should she?

This was the one part of being a foal she didn't like. She knew that her adorableness was the one thing that would keep them badgering at her until she caved. This was another reason she was wanting to get back to her filly self. Sure she loved the attention when she wanted it, and the fact she didn't have to go to school was a plus, and of course, she enjoyed the tickle attacks they gave, her, but this was the one thing that was getting on her nerves.

Rarity was at a loss for ideas. She knew her sister was always stubborn to try on new outfits, but now as a foal, it was even harder. She didn't want to force her sister into these suits. It's the one thing their mother did that made Rarity vow she would not do the same. But their had to be something that could convince Sweetie Belle to try it on. Finally it hit her. There was that toy house that Sweetie Belle had been begging for before their parents left. If memory served her right, the toy house was so safe that she had seen another foal having fun with it. Now she had more then enough money for it, and this would be the perfect bribe, as long as she kept her word to Sweetie Belle. "Sweetie Belle, if you try this on, I promise to get you that toy house you've been wanting," Rarity said.

Sweetie gasped. 'The toy house? She'll really get that for me. I want it so much, but is really worth th... aw, horse apples I give,' Sweetie Belle thought. Soon she let her sister know she would cooperate. Rarity was so excited and Aloe and Lotus gave a sigh of relief. Once Sweetie Belle was fitted into the foal attire, she felt... comfy. It was like the clothing was a part of her, keeping her warm and cozy. It was much more impressive then the school filly attire she had tried, so either Rarity had a thing for foal clothing or she had changed her cloth she used to sew her designs. Either way, now she didn't want to get out of her foal suit. She crawled over and hugged her sister's muzzle. "Oh, I just knew you would approve my little darling baby sister. I also made some for your friends when we go to see them. And don't worry your little head. Big sister Rarity is going be sure to get you that toy house," Rarity said, which made Sweetie Belle hug her muzzle even more.

"Oh she simply looks adorable in that outfit," Aloe said.

"Yes, and I think she'll be one of the most adorable sights when ponies see once you go to see Princess Twilight today," Lotus added.

"Yes, and now if I could find some way make her let go of my nose," Rarity said with her nose plugged by her sisters hugging.

Sweetie giggled then realized she better let go and hid her face to look innocent as she giggled. "Oh, somepony thinks their sister is funny huh?" Rarity said with a smirk.

Sweetie looked up and was starting to think she just sealed her fate, before she could make a crawl for it, Rarity had her on her back, giggling like any foal would as she was tickled once more. Lotus and Aloe adored the sight of the two sisters bonding. It made them start to think if either should have a foal of their own one day. As they thought about that, Sweetie Belle was starting to wonder if this foal transformation wasn't so bad after all. She was getting love and attention from her sister she wouldn't get as a filly, she was able to to get comfy foal attire that didn't itch, she didn't have to go to school and she didn't have to do chores. The nursing would take some getting used to, but at least it didn't feel as weird as her first day as a foal again.

Yes all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders were really starting to wonder if they should or should not become fillies again. But now it was off to Twilight's house. All four mares were curious as to what the surprise was that Twilight had waiting. Rainbow hoped maybe it was the next Daring Do book. Rarity pondered if it might be something about Canterlot, since she fancied all ponies from the royal city. Fluttershy thought Twilight may have gained a new pet. Applejack reckoned that it had something to do with her princess role, or maybe something about the past they didn't yet know. Now Twilight's home had gotten upgraded to a castle status after her original home had been destroyed in the battle with Tirek. Surprisingly all the books from her old home were in the new castle, and some new books appeared as well. So whatever surprise she had waiting, the girls would find out once they arrived.

Soon all four mares and their baby siblings/daughter arrived at the castle. Applejack was the first to approach the castle doors and the guards soon let them through since they were always allowed access to the castle. None of them really understood why, but Celestia made it clear that she wanted part of the Royal Guard to stand watch over Twilight's new home. Twilight tried to explain it wasn't necessary, but Celestia wouldn't have it. As they entered they were greeted by an excited Princess Twilight. "Your all here, fantastic. Now follow me, I have something very special I want to show you."

Her friends followed her as they made their way through the castle. Soon they came upon Twilight's sleeping chambers. "Alright here is where the surprise is," Twilight said as she opened the door.

"Uh, Twilight, not trying to be rude, but, we've all seen your new room before," Rainbow Dash said bluntly.

"Ssh, the room isn't the surprise Rainbow Dash. And keep your voice down," Twilight whispered.

"Why are we all whisperin Twilight?" Applejack asked quietly.

Twilight soon pointed to something that caught everypony's attention. There was a crib set near her bedside. Soon everypony approached the crib and gasped at the sight before them. There sleeping in the crib was a foal version of Trixie, dreaming peacefully. "Girls, meet my new daughter, Princess Trixie Sparkle," Twilight said.

All the girls had shocked expressions on their faces as they saw her. Those expressions soon turned into daws as they saw Trixie cutely suck on her hoof. Twilight soon scooted them out to let Trixie sleep and led them to the dining room. There she explained her story as she started, "So, it happened like this. I was on my way home after picking up some doughnuts from the Cakes at Sugarcube Corner, when I noticed Trixie. She wasn't looking all that well, and so I escorted her to my home. After she regained some of her strength, she thanked me said she apologized for everything she had done, and her career had been in shambles ever since our magic duel encounter. She had to pretty much sell everything she owned and not even the Rock Farms gave her any leeway this time. She told me she wished to start over and forget all the horrible things she had done, plus all things that had happened to her. That's when I had an epiphany."

The mares listened closely while letting the foals play in their play pen Twilight had set up. She continued, "I thought that since Trixie wanted to start over, why not have her start from her days as a foal. I looked up her family history, but there was little that was known about them, which led me to assume that Trixie started her life as a traveling show mare pretty early in her life. So seeing as how her family relations seemed to be null and void, I offered her a chance to become a foal again and live here as my daughter. She graciously accepted it and also requested that her mind be wiped so she didn't have her bad memories. I agreed and now she remembers nothing of her past and sees me as her mother."

"That's amazing Twilight," Rarity said.

"Well, it is all fine and dandy that you are giving her a new life and all Twilight, but have you thought about the rest of Ponyville. She may have no memory of her past, but everypony else in Ponyville hasn't forgotten what she did to them," Applejack said.

"Oh dear, I never thought of that, if they see her, they'll want send her away. I can't let that happen, not after I promised to take care of her as my own daughter," Twilight paniced.

"Calm down sugar cube, now I know your magic is still needing some work in a few areas. I know mind wipe is easy at a basic level for ya, but I think you should bring it forth to the princesses about wiping everypony's mind about their memories of Trixie if they have any," Applejack suggested.

Twilight took a deep breath, "You're right Applejack, I should let them know. I really don't want to leave anything to chance if I am to let Trixie have a good life."

"That's the spirit Twilight," Applejack said.

"So Applejack, how are things going with Babs and Apple Bloom," Rainbow Dash asked.

"Well it all seemed to be going fine, up until about two weeks ago. usually they send a letter to each other every week to let each other know how they're doin, but for some strange reason, Babs stopped writin two weeks ago, and I know I told my older cousin Apple Core to make sure Babs stays on top a it, so after seein no letter from Babs, I mailed Apple Core a letter to find out what's going on. I still am waiting for her reply, though I suppose another one has to be sent to let her know that Apple Bloom turned into a foal so Babs doesn't worry on her end," Applejack said.

"Huh, wonder what happened to stop Babs from writing," Rainbow Dash pondered.

"Beats me at the moment," Applejack admitted.

"Say Twilight, were you able to let Pinkie Pie see Trixie before we came?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, after the last encounter with Trixie, I thought it best to keep it on the down low, since either Pinkie Pie would either go berserk upon seeing her again, or she would be so excited that she would let the entire town know before days end. So it's probably best that we wait until after I have gotten Celestia to agree to mind wipe everypony into thinking Trixie is just the foal she is now," Twilight said.

"Well at least let her throw a party for the little youngin after the mind wipin of her past," Applejack said.

"I'll keep that in mind," Twilight said.

"Well, I simply must make a fourth foal suit for her then. I made one for Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo, and they all seem to love them, so she simply must have one too, and do not worry about cost, it's on the house," Rarity stated.

"Thank you very much Rarity. I am sure she will love it," Twilight said.

The conversation was cut short by crying coming from Twilight's room. "Oop, looks like my daughter beckons me," Twilight said as she flew of to tend to her new daughter.

After Twilight returned with Trixie in hoof, the girls continued their conversation as Trixie joined in playtime with the CMC.

Author's Note:

End of chapter four. Sorry about the long wait again. I guess I should have only finished one story before starting another. Man work has been beckoning me non-stop and it gets tiring. So all three of the CMC are starting to question whether they should become their normal filly selves. What will this lead to. Now Trixie has joined the regression club, but hers looks to be permanent. And what has happened to Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Babs Seed? Only future chapters can tell. Please leave a positive comment and constructive criticism for me. I'll update when I can. Enjoy and stay tuned.