• Published 14th Apr 2012
  • 1,017 Views, 5 Comments

Aria's Story - Ariathina

A Warhero of Azeroth is flung into Equestria. Her memory is gone and she is alone in this new world.

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His attacks became wild, like those of a rabid, bloodthirsty beast. Complete madness had taken hold. The Aspects readied the Dragon Soul to finally end him while the heroes kept him distracted.

“Dragon Queen! Hurry! We can’t keep him occupied for much longer!”, yelled the heroic band’s leader, Aria. “His attacks are too strong!”.

“It is almost complete. Just a short time longer.”, explained Nozdormu, the Time Lord.

While they were distracted by the Time Lord’s response, he struck. The blow knocked to group to the ground and pinned them beneath one of Deathwing mighty tentacles. Their leader was flung into another platform away from the group. Deathwing would end this now. He began to channel the Final Cataclysm to destroy these foolish mortal heroes, the Dragon Aspects, and all of Azeroth once and for all. Aria saw her friends in danger and leaped to her feet ignoring her own wounds. She drew her daggers and activated their hidden power. These were no ordinary daggers. They were The Fangs of the Father, a legendary set of daggers forged from the very essence of Deathwing’s Black Dragonflight. In an instant, a pair of jet-black wings appeared on Aria’s back and she took flight right for Deathwing. Her daggers dug into the Corrupt Aspects dismembered chest. She knew what must be done to end this and save everyone.

“THRALL!”, She called out to the new Aspect of Earth, “Quickly! Use the Dragon Soul!”.
She let out a scream of agony. The power of her daggers protected her from the heat of Deathwing’s Molten Blood, but the pain of using the power of these weapon sent a wave of pain through her body that was unlike any pain she ever felt. “I can’t hold his attack back for very long!”.

Seeing this as the only opportunity he would have to end this, Thrall raised the Dragon Soul up and fired. What happened next would have caused even the Titans themselves to stand in shock. The young Blood Elf leaped from her grasp on the Aspect of Death and flung herself into the beam shot from the Dragon Soul. She pulled from her satchel a small hourglass. I had been a gift from the Time Lord for her assistance in the Caverns of Time. It could be used to amplify the power of any attack by 10-fold, but only once. Her plan was to utilize this item to increase the power of the Dragon Soul’s blast to eradicate Deathwing for certain. The item required a focus however. It was intended to be combined with the Dragon Soul itself, but given the circumstances, Aria was the only thing available to use to focus the blast through the Hourglass.

The beam from the Dragon Soul connected with her. A burning sensation surrounded her as she was enveloped by the beam. The pain she felt was far worse than anything she had ever faced in all of her journeys. The hourglass began to glow and started to absorb the beam surrounding Aria. The hourglass floated into the air and after an bright flash, it hang alone in the air. Aria was gone. Within a moment the energy was released from the hourglass and fired right at Deathwing. The beam was far brighter and larger than before. The blast pierced right though what remained of the aspects armor and engulfed him in a blinding light. When it subsided the only thing that remained of the Corrupt Aspect were two heavy metal jaw-plates that fell to the floor with a large crash. Deathwing had been stopped and Azeroth was saved from complete Annihilation. Aria’s sacrifice had saved them all.

“And One will rise up and give all for the rest.”, Aria’s second in command, Helvansing, a warrior of the Tauren, stated solemnly. “An old prophecy from ages long past.”

“She didn’t have to go and do that though.”, Raven the Paladin, Aria’s Defense Strategist, said through eyes welling up with tears.

“I never thought I would see the day.”, Exitus the Death Knight, Aria’s Field Commander, said as he fell to his knees in disbelief.

“May the light watch over her.”, Vyce, another Death Knight, and Aria’s Armor Specialist, knelt in prayer for his lost friend.

“No, NO! IMPOSSIBLE! She can’t be gone!”, Falvore the Mage couldn’t control himself after witnessing the loss of his best friend.

The five heroes stood solemnly in remembrance of the most loyal friend they ever had. No matter what, she was there for them as they were there for her. And now, it was as if a large hole was torn through each of them. Even the toughest of them all, Helvansing, who laughed in the face of fear and made jokes in the face of death, had a small stream of tears flowing down his face behind his helmet.

“She will not be forgotten Heroes. She will receive a place of honor in Orgrimmar’s Valley of Honor so all will remember her Sacrifice for the rest of time. This I swear!”, Thrall assured the grieving heroes.

“Thank you, Earthwarder. She was a grand Hero, and an even grander friend.”, Helvansing responded as his gaze wander into the blue horizon. Aria had always been obsessed with flight. He found it ironic that when she finally found a way to obtain wings that she never got the chance to use them.

With Deathwing defeated and the world saved, the heroes returned home to enjoy the glory of victory and the praise of the countless people they had saved, albeit half-heartily as one would not be joining them in this celebration. The Aspects returned to their temples. All but two.

“Her presence is still felt along the Time-ways, isn’t it brother?” Alexstraza questioned a distracted Nozdormu.

“It is indeed Sister, but where I am uncertain. She is beyond my powers...”, Nozdormu responded, his gaze drifting off to the now clear blue skys above...