• Published 14th Apr 2012
  • 1,018 Views, 5 Comments

Aria's Story - Ariathina

A Warhero of Azeroth is flung into Equestria. Her memory is gone and she is alone in this new world.

  • ...

Chapter 2: New Friends in a New Land

Chapter 2: New Friends in a New Land

After about a week in the hospital and hours and hours of conversation and reading Daring-Do, Aria was finally discharged. She would have to stay off her wings for a few days to let them get used to the newly healed wounds. Aria and Rainbow joked about that race having to wait until she could fly again. But now there was a real problem: Aria needed a place to stay. A house like the one Rainbow described that she lived in was an obvious choice, but until she could fly again getting up to it would be difficult.

“Well this is a bit of a dilemma, isn't it?” Aria said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood on the situation. “All that time we had and we didn't even think of what to do once I healed up.”

“There has to be somewhere you can stay for now...” Rainbow said, trying to think of a solution.

She thought for a moment.

“Twilight! That's it! We'll go see my friend Twilight. I'm sure she will let you stay there until you can fly again. Maybe she can even help you find your memory.” Rainbow said feeling a little silly she hadn't thought to ask Twilight earlier.

“Are you sure She will be alright with this?” Aria asked. She hadn't met anypony else but Rainbow Dash and the Medical Staff at the hospital.

“Don't worry about it! Everypony here in Ponyville is really nice and level headed.” Rainbow said to reassure her new friend.

They passed by a pink pony with a swirly pink mane. It reminded Aria of cotton candy.

“Hi Rainbow Da... HUAAAAAAAHAHAA!”, The pony gasped in astonishment and then sped away.

“What was that all about?”, Aria asked, completely confused as to what had just happened.

“Ah, that's just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie. She's cool but kinda random. She'll show up again later I'm sure.” Rainbow said as if this was a normal occurrence. Aria figured she would get a better explanation later on.

“Alright, we're here! Hey Twi! Get out of your books for a sec! I've got somepony for you to meet!” Rainbow yelled to an open window.

Aria followed Rainbow into the hollowed out tree that served as the library and Twilight's house. Bookshelves lined the inside. It was more books that Aria had ever seen, even though she couldn't remember if she had seen more books or not in one place.

A purple unicorn descended the stairs. “Hi Rainbow Dash! I just finished writing up a report for the princess. What's up?”

“I'd like you to meet Aria. She's new here in Ponyville and needs a place to stay for a few days till she can fly again and I can get here a proper cloud home made.”

Well its an honor to meet you Aria. I'm Twilight Sparkle. Your welcome to stay here for a few days. I'd introduce you to my assistant Spike but I sent him on an errand. He'll be back later.”

“Well thank you. Its nice to meet you too. I'll try not to be a burden.” Aria said happily. The ponies here had been so kind to her even though she had only just met them.

“So what brings you to Ponyville Aria?” Twilight inquired.

“Well it wasn't exactly by choice and I don't even know how I got her honestly.” Aria responded.

Twilight gave a dazed and confused look. “What do you mean exactly?”

Aria began her story to a rather intrigued Twilight who listened in eager anticipation. Rainbow walked off to the kitchen to find a snack.

“... and then we came to see you.” Aria finished.

“Wow, that's quite the story. Aren't you worried about your past though?” Twilight asked, concerned.

“Well I've thought about the possibilities, but now I've started making new friends. Maybe once I'm able to fly again I'll try and find my past.” Aria said.

Twilight could tell something was bothering her. She hid her real feelings under a layer of unyielding confidence, much like Rainbow Dash does when she's got something on her mind. Twilight chose not to say anything about it, not yet.

There was a knock at the door and two new ponies cantered into the library. One was a light yellow pegasus with a pink mane styled down. She was obviously quite shy. The other was a white unicorn with an expertly styled purple mane. She held a very sophisticated air about her.

“Twilight, dear, I've come to get my... WAH HA HA!” She gasped in shock when she saw Aria's mane. It was a frilled mess. She hadn't combed it or anything since her bandages had come off at the hospital.

“Oh my this simply will not do! We can't have you walking around with your mane looking like THAT! Come with me, Fluttershy, I'll need your help with this as well.” The white unicorn pushed a startled Aria out of the library and down the street to a large ornate boutique.

“Déjà vu...” Twilight said to herself.

The white unicorn shoved Aria inside the boutique and the yellow pegasus named Fluttershy followed them inside.

“Now we must do something about that mane darling!” The white unicorn spoke in a very sophisticated tone. “Now tell me, what is your name dear?” She asked as she lifted a brush from the table with her magic.

“It's Aria... OW! That hurts!”, She cried out as the white unicorn pushed through a knot in her mane.

“Oh now sit still. We simply must get these brushed out at the least. Now, back to the formalities. My name is Rarity and this is Fluttershy.”

The yellow pegasus tried to move like a tortoise retreating into its shell, “....umm....hi....”. No wonder her name is Fluttershy, Aria thought to herself.

“Oh don't worry about Fluttershy. Just give her time and she'll warm up to you.” Rarity smiled, “Now tell me, what brings you to Ponyville?”

Aria told her story to the two ponies.

“Well now, that is an interesting tale. Its a good thing Rainbow was there when she was.” Rarity said, enthralled by the interesting story. “But I don't mean to pry dear, but I've noticed you don't have your Cutie Mark yet. How is it that a mare of your age hasn't found their talent yet?” Rarity asked with a questioning look.

Aria hadn't noticed that until now. Everypony else had a distinct mark on their back flank somehow depicting their unique talent.

“I'm not sure. I hadn't noticed it until now.” Aria said in slight embarrassment.

Suddenly, three young fillies storming in from another room.

“You don't have your cutie mark yet ethier?!” the three shouted almost simultaneously. One was a small white unicorn that looked much like Rarity. The one standing in the center was an orange pegasus with a purple mane. The last of the three was a yellow earth pony with a bright red mane and a distinct country accent.

“I'm Sweetie Bell!”, shouted the white unicorn.

“I'm Scootaloo!”, exclaimed the pegasus.

“An' I'm Applebloom!”, yelled the earth pony.

“And we are...”, the three gathered together and struck a triumphant pose, “THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!”

“And we want to make you our newest member!” explained Scootaloo.

Before she had a chance to respond she was hauled away by the three fillies.

“Come on! Lets get back to the Clubhouse!, Scootaloo shouted to the other two fillies and Aria riding in the wagon. She was using her wings to propel them down the road by using a scooter and a wagon to get around. It was pretty ingenious.

“DUCK!”, called out Scootaloo.

Aria had been surprised by the random warning and didn't see the low tree branch. She was tossed from the wagon and landed flat on her back. Her still mending wing sent a sharp pain through her.

“YEEOUCH! Dang, Doc wasn't kidding when he said it would still be a little sore for a few days. Gonna have to be more careful.”

She took a look around her. “Sweet Apple Acres?” It sounded like a name for a farm. After a quick look around she confirmed that it was indeed a farm. A large barn, some livestock, and hundreds, maybe thousands, of apple trees surrounded her.

“Howdy! What brings ya 'round these parts, partner?” a yellow earth pony with a tied back blonde mane wearing a Wrangler's Hat called out as she approached from near the barn.

“Oh. Hi! My names Aria. These three young fillies dragged me out her from Rarity's boutique.” Aria explained.

“Gosh Darn'it Applebloom! Don't pay them no mind. They didn't mean no harm in it. Name's Applejack, pleasure to meet ya Aria!”, Applejack said as she shook Aria's hoof vigorously, “Can't say I've seen ya 'round Ponyville before though.”

“Its kind of a long story.” Aria said as her stomach growled. She hadn't eaten anything since she left the hospital that morning.

“Well I reckon y'all could explain it all over lunch. How do y'all feel about Apples?” Applejack laughed as she led Aria to a small picnic table.

“Oh man! Apples! Finally some real food and not that mushy green stuff at the hospital!” Aria shouted eying the large bowl of apples before her.

Applejack's eyes widened at the speed Aria ate the apples. She had devoured 10 apples in as many seconds. “Whoa Nelly! Are you even tastin' em?”

“Sorry, Its just been longer than I can remember since I've had actual food, but I suppose I owe you that explanation still right?” Aria began her story and Applejack was enticed by the tale.

“Well now, you've seen your fair share of hard-times.” Applejack said, still surprised by Aria's strange story. “It is getting' a might late though. I'm sure Twi an' Rainbow are waitin' fer ya back at the library.”

“Yea, I should head back I guess.”

“Tell ya what Sugarcube, I'll walk ya on home since your new here an' all.” Applejack offered.

Unable to decline, The two began their walk back to the library.

It was around dusk when the pair arrived at the library. The sunset cast a grand orange and purple hue across the sky. The sight was beautiful.

“Here we are! Now lets get you on inside now.” Applejack said, she looked as if she was trying to hide something but Aria just ignored it.

“Are you sure Twilight's home?” Aria asked. All the windows in the library were dark. It didn't appear that anypony was even home.

“Ah don't give that no worry. I'm sure shes here.” Applejack said, again she looked like she was trying to hide something.

Now slightly suspicious, Aria opened the door and walked in. A sudden flash of light filled the room.

“SURPRISE!!” shouted a room full of ponies. It was all the ponies from the town it seemed. She also saw all her new friends standing with that mysterious pink pony from earlier that morning.

Aria had clung onto a hanging lamp on the ceiling as if her life depended on it. The sudden shock had scared her enough that she jumped almost 8 feet into the air. Being such a small lamp, she lost her grip and came tumbling to the ground.

“Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! Sorry fro freaking out earlier but when I saw you with Rainbow Dash I figured you must be new here because I've never seen you before and if I've never seen you before then you MUST be new so,” Pinkie inhaled deeply, “I got everypony in Ponyville together to throw you a great big Welcome to Ponyville Party!”

Aria was still speechless. A party for her? She had only just met all these ponies.

“Its just how Pinkie Pie does things. She can throw a party for just about anything! Don't worry about it too much and enjoy yourself.” Rainbow said to reassure Aria.

“Yea, you're right.” Aria said.

The group partied until late in the night. Pinkie challenged Aria to a hot sauce shots contest. To everyponys surprise Pinkie Pie lost. Aria then drank 4 gallons of cider to get the feeling back in her mouth. Rarity stuck around until a bottle of sarsaparilla shot all over her mane. She ran off and insisted she go home and bathe immediately.

Eventually the party wound down and everypony went home. Aria was shown the guest room by Spike since Twilight had a few too many cupcakes and had passed out from the subsequent sugar rush.

“Here's your room. It's really just the extra library hall with a bed, but I think it works.” Spike said as he led Aria into the second room. “Well,” Spike yawned, “I'll see you in the morning I guess. Night.” Her turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.

Aria climbed into bed. Careful not to lay on her still mending wings, she decided to just plop down on her stomach. She fell asleep almost instantly.