• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 2,843 Views, 44 Comments

Risen - Bastinator

An ancient race once thrived upon the surface of Equestria, but they were exiled for their brutality. Anon, is a member of that race, and when someone is foolish enough to bring them back, Anon is ready to bring them back to their former glory.

  • ...

Chapter 3: Tour of the Town

Your ears turn as you make your way closer to your own encampment, equine still in tow at your rear. Hammers, or rather the resonance that comes from the repeated pounding upon wood. That is what reaches your ears. Their diligence, their resolve, this is what separates the average man from their equine counterpart. If there is one element that has survived your long rest, it is the nature of man.

You step out from the forest, allowing your first gaze upon the state of the new fortifications. A flare burns in your gut, a sudden feeling of rage or perhaps it is disappointment? Regardless, you tighten your hold upon the rope and push on into camp. The soldier working the gate rushes into salute, “My lord.”

Your eyes move between him and the work he neglected to engage you in conversation. The planks are uneven and shoddy, a strong breeze or equine alike would find the battlement easy prey. ”The construction is not quite finished, my lord. We are-”

“My eyes have not yet rotted away, but perhaps yours have. This is not the work I would expect of my men.”

The obvious look of disgust forces his back to firm to a more acceptable level, “Yes, sir. I will rectify the problem at once.” With a nod you allow him to continue his work using the edge of his sword to pry loose one of the boards he had already set up. Should they have the proper tools their task would surely deflate in difficulty, but there exists not a tool in Equestria that they are trained to wield.

Only the sword, the axe, bows and arrows, weapons of warfare from those simple to the exotic, these are the tools of their trade. They never were the greatest architects in this world, that honor went to the Dogs of Steel… It is a shame that Mudt did not live to lead them. “Come,” you pull Fluttershy along as you move to the center of the camp where Andrew is speaking with another of your men. Surely he is attempting to speed up the process. After all, Canterlot was not built in a day… The castle… you had not thought of that…

“There is a castle that had once resided in this forest. Tell me, does Celestia keep her counsel in its walls?” you ask your prisoner. A mumble escapes her, the key points of her personality serving to thwart even your most basic of questions. You have no time nor patience to goad out a response. Your voice must be stern so that she never again makes this mistake. “In my presence you shall not mumble, nor groan, nor whimper. You shall speak as one of my soldiers, not the measly guards that Equestria now calls a stallion-at-arms. Am I understood.”

“Sorry…” her voice trails off and that would be enough to invoke your wrath, but what is more, is her apology. You gave her warning. She must be punished. You wrap your hand around the rope, tightening the tie between you, and thrust it forward, pulling the mare before you with a gasp. Gripping her by the throat you lift her so that you may stare into her fearful eyes, but not once did she whimper, not once did she resist.

“Apologies are kept for those who fail me. Those who fail me are punished accordingly. Those who are punished are not given a second chance.” She tries to shut her eyes but you tighten your hold, the crushing strength of her grip forcing them to open. “Do you fear me, Equine?” You loosen your grip so she might speak, but instead she nods, adding further fuel to your flame.

“Yes,” red fills her eyes, a sight you find most unpleasant.

“I am not like the others that you referred to, am I, those other villains?”

She shakes her head again, “You aren’t.” Fear is a powerful tool, but it only goes so far. To build loyalty, you need trust. If you do not have trust, you must build faith. Faith in your cause, faith in your leader. She must have faith in you.

“I vouched for you this morning, before the sun had truly graced the sky. I spoke of the strength I saw within you. Your eyes hold secrets that no mere mortal can see, but I am not mortal. I am Anonymous, leader of Humanity since the stars first breathed life into this world. I have existed long before the Crystal Mountains felt the freeze of winter. I have shed blood before your precious Celestia could walk. I have protected Equestria from threats that hold no place in your history books. I… am Anonymous. I did not get this far by making mistakes. I did not make a mistake this morning and I will not allow you to call me ‘liar.’ Am I understood?”

Though crimson coats her eyes, a tear is not shed. “I understand.”

“Good.” You release her, her hooves massing her throat much as the disappointment that is Brennan had. He felt the sword while she, your raw strength. You are unsure which is more deadly. “As long as you obey me no harm shall come to you. A word of a villain is not a word to trust, and though I am no villain, you would be wise not to trust me. I make no promises, give no word. Obey, and you will be treated no worse than one of mine. Resist, and I will not punish you. Instead, I will hunt all those you hold dear.”

”I…” Her voice is frail but she need not your words to rectify it, “I understand… sir.” You almost chuckle, but instead you find a smile would work best. “Celestia lives in Canterlot. The castle is abandoned.”

“Excellent. You have done well.” You notice the silence of construction, eyes fixed upon you from your men. “Return to your duties. Do not find distraction again…” A multitude of ‘yes sirs’ and ‘of course my lords’ answer you and soon they return to work. Andrew simple shakes his head and continues his conversation.

>Content with the equine you finally approach Andrew who send off the soldier with a dismissal. “My lord,” he salutes, “Your trip was adequate?”

“Most certainly. Cleansing oneself is a luxury all beings should enjoy. Your knife, brother.” Without question he slips it from his sheath and into your hand, watching as you cut the rope off Fluttershy’s neck.

Still he does not voice his curiosity, though his eyes do lock onto those of Fluttershy’s, causing her to look away. “Have you eaten?”

She almost looks surprised by his question, “N-no.” You clench your fist.

“Not to me, nor to my men…”

”No, I haven’t eaten,” she corrects herself, though the quivering of her legs is undeniable. It will take some time…

“Some of your food reserves were stored along with the rest of your home. I will have someone fetch you something to eat.”

“Belay that, brother. It will not be necessary. We will be taking another trip soon. Once there, she will be fed.” His lips part for a mere moment before clenching together, his disapproval already noted. This is curious. “You disapprove?”

”No sir, you will act as you wish.” He is saving face, you know this, and he knows that you are now aware. He is not a fool and you appreciate his opinion when appropriate.

“Speak freely, what is it that concerns you?”

”As you wish… Is it wise, sir, to venture off once again while the few that remain are in infancy?”

“You doubt your own ability to govern in my stead? Nonsense, you have always had my support in this venture.”

”No, sir. My only concern is-” He struggles to find the adequate words. “I am old, older than my father or his father before him. My time will soon come and should I fall, there would be no other for my role to fall upon.”

“You’re worried about him,” Fluttershy speaks up, earning a glance from both of you.

”Only should you not return, my lord. I do not doubt your skill, only-”

“Please,” you silence him with a motion of your hand, “I will never doubt your loyalty. You have served me well and I ask for nothing more. Your concerns are noted but discarded. The events that follow will always be in my control, no others.” You lay a hand on his shoulder and embrace him, Andrew following suit. “Meet me at the edge of the golden city and take the road less traveled.” You whisper this into his ear to escape your prisoner’s prying ears, “The sun shall not rise before our next meeting.”

“I understand.” You release him and look down to Fluttershy, oblivious to your conversation. “Any orders before your leave, my lord?”

“Yes, there is a castle in these woods, ruined and old. Do you remember it?”

”A castle?” He tries to think, the loss of memory fighting him all the way. “The castle. The Castle of the Two Sisters? Yes, I recall though I can’t quite remember the look of it.” Understandable. You look around, no part of the fortification looking any better than that you had already seen.

“This project serves only to exhaust our resources. Why build when you can simply repair?”

“Ahh, I see, my lord.” Andrew understands where your new goal lies, “Shall I scout the region before your return, or shall I move our encampment?”

“Discretion is the better part of valor.”

”Aye, my lord. It shall be done.” You tap Fluttershy with the sheath of your sword, scooting her along into the forest. “When shall I expect your return?”

“Before the sun falls. Should I not return, retreat to where the sky meets the earth. May strength find you.”

”And may steel guide you.”

His image fades from view as you reenter the forest, this time allowing Fluttershy to lead. This takes faith on your part, but she has proved quite submissive thus far. It is doubtful this will change. You toss your bloodied shirt from your hand and onto her back, the mare squeaking at the sudden appearance. Her hooves shake ever so slightly as she walks but she does not make a peep. “The blood has dried,” you inform her looking at your now red hand. “Not as fast as I would have liked, but it shall show no sign when we reach your ‘Rarity.’”

“It’s not that,” she whispers under her breath, a fatal mistake, “They were my friends.” Still hung up about that is she? It is only natural for her kind to allow such thoughts to cloud your vision.

“The nights darken and the day breaks. Some hunt while others flee. Some die while others live. You will do well to remember that.” She doesn’t say a word and this you will allow as nothing more needs to be said from her. “I allow you this single moment of grief for your past companions, Mr. B and Angel Bunny. All should have a chance for grief, no matter their race.”

“You… remember their names?” She almost stops to ask this but you prod her forward.

“Long ago, I made it a habit to recall the names of those I kill, or those whose lives have been lost due to my actions. Mr. B and Angel are two, Andrew’s son, John, the third. I have kept up with it the best I can.” Her head turns, as if to ask a question but she continues on. Still, her silence deserves an answer. “I couldn’t remember half of them if I tried. I sometimes wonder if I should stop, to let my mind go free for the crimes of my hands.”

“Why don’t you?”

You look forward, almost able to see their faces in the forest brush. “Because I’d be no better than the ones who put that scar on my back. Let’s pick up the pace; I don’t want any more complications today.”


You step out from the forest without incident, the sun beating upon your bare chest as you look across to the town. “Ponyville, yes?” Access to fresh water, local source of timber with adequate room for crops, large population easy to control. “Had I the men…”

You follow Fluttershy as she moves down to the river, following until you meet the road. “When we’re there-”

“I will not change my behavior for them. Those who allow me peace will be left alone, those who disturb me will not. I would recommend you ensure they do not choose the latter.”

“I understand. I think I should do the talking, if that’s alright with you…” You look over the water, a small group of ponies already looking on with curiosity, and nod in agreement. It would be unwise to advise one thing to Andrew and yet choose another path for yourself. A shared venture is one that will succeed.

Regardless, you keep one hand upon your sword’s hilt, the other instinctively hovering over your pistol, defunct thought it is. And so you walk, two paces behind the mare at all times as you inspect those who choose to glance in your direction. The mares look on in curiosity though they keep their children firm by their side. Instinct, it is a most troublesome quality.

Children? Eyes full of wonder, no doubt a rain of questions pouring down on them like arrows in a heated battle. The stallions… They are who you seem to despise the most. Young, virile, energy packed to the bone. Then where are the scars of their work, their marks of exertion from where they struggled to fight for the good of their families, for their people. These creatures do no justice to their ancestor, the great stallion himself whom all should aspire to reach.

If he were here, if he could see what became of his race… You both would share in this frustration. All the work you had done for them, lost.

“H-hello,” Fluttershy ducks behind her mane as she passes another mare. Moving alongside her you release an audible growl, enough just for her to hear.

“One whose face changes with company is one who shall know me a time most short. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes,” she almost shouts much to the surprise of the onlookers who begin to murmur amongst themselves. “Yes, sir.”

“Calm yourself. Allow time to flow through you without fear of the present nor future, but always be aware of it,” you instruct her as you move past the rather piercing looks of those behind you, “Unless you allow them, no being can take this state of being from you, not even I.” Perhaps these lessons will not fall on deaf ears this time.

A soft growl hits you, though it comes not from any creature who means you harm. You look down at Fluttershy, her cheeks a deep shade of ruby red. “We should be there soon, I promise.”

“Do not give me promises. I need no reassurance,” you answer unfazed as you watch the passing buildings.”

“Rarity… She’s a good friend of mine and- I just want you to know that if she says something, she almost always doesn’t mean it in a bad way.” A silver tongue? Most dangerous in the field of diplomacy, useless in the field of battle.

“You inform me of this for what reason? I have already made my position clear. Moderate them, or I shall do it for you.” She swallows hard and looks forward, her response making you smile. “Despite the population, I find this town most… refreshing. It calls me back to an earlier time when each pony struggled to get by the day to day. How long ago that was.” Magic is a powerful construct, capable of the most destructive act imaginable, laziness.

“Look at these ponies, Fluttershy.” You point out a stallion and mare enjoying an iced treat together, “What do you see?”

“I see, whatever you want me to see.” She winces when knee her ribs, not hard enough to hurt her but enough to make her think twice.

“Brownie points are rewarded with punishment. Again, what do -you- see? What can you feel?”

“Two ponies enjoying ice cream,” she flinches, opening a single eye when you fail to strike her again.

“Indeed, but look closer. What about them differs from you? Use your senses.”

>You move back so she may look closer, the pair laughing at some amusement or another. “They’re unicorns.”

“Yes… Look closer, how do they feel, what worries trouble them? Draw this knowledge from within yourself.”

“I- I don’t know,” she looks up at you and she asks you a most important question, “What do you think they feel?” Very clever mare. It is a shame she was not born when you were at peace in an earlier time.

“Happy. Content. Euphoric, if you would allow the term. Their hooves lie clean, muscles relaxed, a certain aroma in the air, strawberry?”

Her nostrils flare as she inhales in mimicry of your own, “I don’t smell anything.”

“Your nose has been dormant for far too long. Close your eyes and truly breathe the morning air.

Her jaw drops slightly as a new aroma engages her senses, “I can smell it. It’s… cherry.” She sniffs again and almost smiles, “And vanilla.”

“Of course. Equines have always had an acute sense of smell unlike myself, and yet you have squandered this gift in favor of your ice cream.”

You usher her along, Fluttershy still in a state of discovery. “Wait, you smelled it too. Wouldn’t that mean-”

“It takes years to train ones senses. Even after my work, I only barely sensed it upon the breeze. Cherries… I was almost certain.”

She looks to her feet then back up to you, “You never cared about the two ponies, did you?” You furrow your brow which silences this train of thought.

“There are many lessons to be learned, and the one I will teach you now is to never allow yourself to think you know me. I despise what those two represent, but in their inactivity I saw a chance for you to learn something of yourself. Something your dear Celestia snubbed from your crib at birth.”

Fluttershy doesn’t agree with you, you can see it in her eyes, “Celestia would never do that. She’s kind and helpful and-”

“It is obvious you will not agree, and this is good. A thrall is of weak mind, a soldier or tool. Do not let my words sway you with ease, but listen to what they preach. Let us move.”


You walk in silence until you reach a rather large establishment, “Here we are. Carousel Boutique.” You look up the swirling pillars and to the gold and violet rooftops of this place, a palace of cloth if Fluttershy’s words strike true.

“This place reminds me of another, an abhorrent establishment in the streets of Canterlot Castle. Far too clean for my tastes, and the patrons… abominations, the disease infesting from within the meat of society.”

”Canterlot is nothing like that,” she starts to say before silencing herself.

“Please, do go on. When we are alone, I intend for you to speak your mind.” This is not a lie, despite what she may think. She is not a soldier but a prisoner, and a prisoner can become so much more when set free.

“It’s beautiful there,” she finally speaks up, “The buildings, the people, but the garden animals especially. I just- need to find a way for them to like me.”

“You can only be who you are, Fluttershy. One whose face changes with company-”

“Is one who shall know you for a short time,” she recites bowing her head, “I remember.” Her leg twitches as you lay a hand on her back.

“Do not fret. Keep calm but aware. Remember what I have told you and nothing shall came to pass that you do not wish… mostly.”

Taking your hand off you allow her to lead you to the doorway, “Mostly?”

“I shall not lie to you. Few actions of mine have resulted in the acceptance of others, but you know enough of me at the moment to know what it is that will trigger my action. Yes?”

“When someone tells you what you want to hear, when they bother you-”

“Annoy,” you correct her matter-of-factly. “Should an important event arise, I have no qualms of being bothered or interrupted.” You look to the doorway, a hum echoing from within this ‘Boutique.’ “Everything of this place has me in an irritated state of mind. Watch my language, not of my mouth but of my form. I will attempt to restrain myself from rash action, for the sake of my shirt.”

If Rarity is as skilled as Fluttershy says, then it would be wise not to allow personal feelings to get in the way. Unfortunately, when you open the door and the first stench of Canterlot filth hits you, you find this to be a most difficult task. The bell from the door rings but not before the waves of perfume fill your nostrils in such ferocious quantity that you would almost prefer the bogs of tar and rot. Your nose clenches thought you attempt to save face, as you told Fluttershy you would. “You don’t like the smell?”

“The sooner we leave the quicker I can allow myself to recover from this sweet stench.” Across the ways, attending to a cloth laden mannequin is a unicorn, and if your nose is correct then the source of your misery stems from her.

"I'll be with you in, one, moment..." the unicorn mutters as she attempts to hover a needle just below her target's neckline. A few inches to the right and an accidental stab would be fatal to a normal pony. Perhaps her skills are up to par... Fluttershy twiddles her thumbs so to speak, content to wait for another's charity. This is unacceptable. Tapping the wooden floor with your shoe provides an audible thump, and when she looks up at you it's very clear that you will not wait.

"Rarity," her voice firm and to your liking, "I need your help."

Her friend almost jumps at the voice but keeps her body calm as she puts down her needle, "Fluttershy? Oh of course, whatever you need must be important for you to- Gwah!" She hadn't made a full 180 degrees before she gasped at the sight of you. This will not go over well for her. "Fluttershy! What is the meaning of this?"

"Rarity, please let me-"

"No, no and no!" Rarity shakes her head, making sure her precious mane stays in position all the while, "I cannot tell you enough to keep your animal friends -out- of my store." Fluttershy tenses, and for good reason seeing as how you've tightened the grip of your sword. The last time someone called you an animal, their head adorned a spike outside the chamber walls for all a nation to see.

Even still as hopeless as it is, Fluttershy attempts to calm her down. "No, he isn't an animal. Just let me explain. This is-"

Rarity gasps, "My floor!" You look down, light smudges of brown brought in from the dirt had graced her establishment. The travesty. "I just cleaned up from one of Sweetie Belle's messes. Why? Why?!" The plague of Canterlot has spread then, only now can you be truly sure of it. Even in a remote town such as this, luxury has made all of equine kind weak and irritable. Magic, her being a unicorn does not help. "You, out!" she points a hoof at you, your response of which is to stare her back down. "Shoo, vanish!"

Despite your size, despite the tools of war you wield, she decides all the same to come forward in a stance of aggression, intending to intimidate you as kelp before a whale. "Rarity, please wait!"

Apparently not one to listen to reason, Rarity raises upon her hooves to match half of your height, "Run away before-"

"Before what?"

The unicorn lets out a yelp and falls over, not aware of your ability to speak. "Please, not the mane," she begs covering her head and tail.

Fluttershy looks to see what you do next, but at your silence she moves to help Rarity up, "Rarity, please, he's not going to hurt you." She has to look over again to verify that last part, though your lack of expression makes it difficult to decipher. However, she should know not to make promises that she cannot keep. Even still, you see no reason to injure her, yet. After helping her up, Fluttershy finally decides to introduce you. Rarity does not interject this time. "Rarity, this is Anonymous. He's..."

"Human." You will provide assistance where she needs but will otherwise remain silent.

"A- a human?" Rarity stammers as she attempts to collect herself. Unsuccessfully, you would say. "I don't think I've ever seen something like you before. Maybe that minotaur, Iron Will, but nothing so... different."

The Iron family? It is good that their line had not died out over the ages. Many a fine warrior came from their house and few you have had to put to the sword. Despite this good fortune, you cannot help but tarnish it with the thought of how they might have degenerated over the years. This, Iron Will, has almost surely not wielded the hammer that 'dorns their banner. "Well, is there- something I can do for the two of you? Fluttershy?"

"Anon's shirt was- umm..." Her eyes drop, surely churning to formulate a lie in your place, or are her emotions resurfacing along with the thoughts of her friends. "Damaged."

"We'll just have to see," Rarity's smile fails to grace your own. "Is this it here?" She hovers the material before her, giving a rather puzzled at its distinct discoloration, "My oh my, what is this?" Dabbing a hoof against the material a few fine particles cling to her as she attempts to formulate just what this might be. Surely she has seen blood before, but in the infant culture that Equestria now lives it is likely she has never seen it in such abundance.

"Anonymous, umm, fell." Your eyes roll at her sheer ineptitude when it comes to deception. It can't be helped. "He was- was walking by a river, a shallow river, full of clay. He tripped and uh- You know..."

"Fell?" Rarity looks you up and down, "I can only imagine how difficult it must be to walk on only two legs." You are more than willing to give her a firsthand experience. "Still, I don't think I've ever seen clay so, fine, or red for that matter. It must have been a messy business... Why isn't your bottom ruined as well?"

By the stars above and the damned below if this mare continues to talk... "He had some spares," she smiles dishonestly to her friend before noticing your increasing state of agitation. "Oh darn, look at the time. We really have to be going, I'm so sorry."

Rarity gives her an understanding grin, "Nonsense, darling. I always enjoy you stopping by... even with guests." It would be appropriate to return with a kind gesture, but you are in no mood for social games. "I'll have this done shortly, just for you my dear. Are we still on for the Spa this week? I would hate to cancel."

“O-of course, I mean, yes. Yes."

"It was a- a pleasure, to have met your acquaintance Mister Anonymous," she extends a delicate hoof, bent at the knee. You've seen this before, stallions kissing the hooves of another. Unhygienic and deplorable... The upper class always has been. Instead you shake her hoof as you would any stallion of worth, except you'll make an exception this... Tingle. The sensation runs up the frame of your arm, in the same fashion as when you had touched Fluttershy.

"Generosity," you mumble, bowing your head. "We will meet each other again, Rarity. I expect it to be under different circumstances."

"But of course, darling. Any friend of Fluttershy is a friend of mine." She misinterpreted your meaning, but you choose not to correct her. No need to ruin what will surely be a most interesting surprise. Making your way to the door you let out a sigh, only now feeling comfortable in this... environment. "Excuse me, one question before you leave." Turning around you see her looking over your shirt again, "What -is- this made of? I don't think I've seen anything like it."

Now this, this is a matter in which you can understand her confusion. Few Equestrians have been graced by the foreign stitching. It is merely a matter of distance. "Silk, hailing from the webbed forest of Arac beyond the eastern sea."

Remarkable place, the efficiency of their society rivaled almost that of the Changelings. "Spider silk," she remarks with almost fright before looking upon the cloth in a new light. "It's- beautiful."

"Effective." You can't help but smile when you think of the day the young princess first gave you that. Stumbling through the doorway barely able to hold onto her gift. So poorly wrapped that she struggled to keep it together. There are few days you recall that bring you joy... It's a shame her older sister is not among them. "Take care of my wares and I will show you the same courtesy one day." With a nod you see yourself out, the door shutting just behind Fluttershy.

By your side Fluttershy takes a gasp of air as if she had been without it for an age. Anxiety followed by a feeling of relief, you have seen this before. “For a human, I would recommend they place their hands atop their heads to aid in their breathing. Equine anatomy is a fair bit different from our own, as you can tell.” Where to next? Your main objective is nearly complete, but what else might you accomplish in an Equestrian town?

Hmm, you do have a promise to keep. “I- I can’t do this. Lying to my friends, acting like nothing’s wrong…”

“Then act like something is wrong. Tell them the truth, I will not stop you.” You could swear that you see anger in her eyes when she looks at you. Promising, “Should you have something to say to me, do so. Don’t allow your anger to bottle up within yourself.” She shouldn’t allow it to flow freely either. You’ve met too many humans whose anger ends in the death of the innocent.

“You’re- You’re a big meanie! Who do you think you are treating others like this? I’ve met plenty of bad ponies in my day, but you top the cake!” When her rant ends she looks upon your face again, this time in fear, “B-but-”

“I understand. You do not like me for my actions, how I treat you and others with barely contained hostility. I am not surprised no being alive is quite as… real, as I am.” Alive is most certainly the operative term here. If either of them had risen and you not… Fluttershy would have joined you in the dirt. “Come, you hunger and I shall not allow my prisoner to die of starvation. Lead the way to a place where we can alleviate this ailment.”

“Why do you care? Is it just because you said you would so now you feel obligated?” Fluttershy bows her head as she leads you regardless. “I thought I could help you…”

“And I you, Fluttershy.”

“No, you don’t want to help me. You hate Equestria and every pony in it… You would never help us.” She couldn’t be any further from the truth. You run a hand through your hair and crack your back, relieving some pestering tension.

“I do not hate Equestria,” you confess with a sigh. “I do not hate ponies. This may surprise you, but I have always felt a, sense of belonging in this place. Almost as if this is where I belonged.” You watch as your feet kick up a cloud of dirt, the particles swirling hypnotically before you. “What I do hate, are those who do not try to improve upon themselves. I hate when a being becomes complacent, docile, lazy. Magic had done this to Equestria long ago, it made them weak and they paid the price.”

“I don’t remember anything like that. The first I knew about you was when you entered my home… and tore it down.”

“The reason your memory fails to recall this incident is because you were not alive to hear it, and you seem to believe that it was I who was the source of this conflict. You are wrong, I was the solution.”

“I don’t understand, not even my grandmare said anything about a ‘conflict.’ You would have to be older than her, or you’re not telling me the truth.”

“I do not lie!” you bark, calming yourself all too late. You loathe having to raise your voice. “Forgive me, but I detest being called a liar. I have not told you false truths thus far and I will not begin.”

“It’s okay, I forgive you.” She doesn’t quite look at you, but you can understand why. The last time you were angry you nearly suffocated her. You hope another lesson is not in order.

“The reason she had not heard of this either, is because she too was not alive, and I am older than she. I am older than the princess of the sun, because I am just like her. A leader of their people.” Fluttershy doesn’t seem to know what to say. The vague implications mixed with your message may be a bit too much for a mortal. Well, this next one should surely confuse her. “And the reason you have not heard of me sooner is because I have been rotting beneath the earth with my kin. Recent events have changed that.”

“You were- I don’t think I understand.”

“Of course not. Perhaps one day you will come to recognize the sacrifices I have made so you can now live your life of luxury, where your magic has made you complacent once more, but today is not that day.” Whispers and muttering once more stirs your attention to the ponies that watch you both from all sides. You hear the words ‘complacent’ and ‘lazy’ through their inaudible gossip, your disdain slowly becoming public knowledge.

“And yes, Fluttershy, I am allowing you to get food because I said so. My words are my bond… but I also do not wish to see a being starve, human or otherwise. The things I do may scar you, may have you doubt my humanity, but I am not without conscience. I am no monster, only a man.” Man. That word too is beginning to spread amongst the onlookers. You have started a chain of events that cannot be stopped. Not by you. Not by Fluttershy. Not even by Celestia herself, though she may try.

In fact, you’re counting on it.


You spend a moment watching the sky, ears trained for the beating wings of the royal guard, and the next moment you find yourself before what appears to be a hybrid between the a building and the immature dreams of a hungry filly. Frosting teases the edges of the chocolate cracker roof, though you know both to be merely an imitation. A towering layer of muffins extends from the roof’s base, a trio of candles lit with an almost magical aura.

“If a place such as this existed in Canterlot, I fear no pony would be capable of passing through the castle gates.”

“This is Sugarcube Corner. One of my friends works here.” Fluttershy almost sounds proud.

“Another element of harmony I presume. I relish to see what she might have in store for us.” This causes her to pause, piquing your interest. Something you said? “You do not wish for me to meet her,” you more so state than actually ask. “Is she a unicorn as well?”

“No, she’s an earth pony but… She can get excited when she sees someone she doesn’t know. Really excited.” Ahh, you see. If this pony’s excitement were to not be to your liking, she fears what you may do, quite similar to how she felt with Rarity. Leaning to the right you peek inside the window, a mare with a coat of blue paired with a pink mane working behind the counter.

“She seems rather calm,” you turn to her unsure of why she was worried. “She has the look of a mother, strained and hardened. Why do you-” Eyes, big broad eyes plastered to the window looking at you. This is what you see when you look back to the window. Her pink mane and coat squish up against the glass, almost blocking your view entirely.

“Oh no…”

”Hiya!” the face somehow manages to spit out despite being wholly consumed by the window. You allow yourself to blink only to find she has disappeared from sight, an act which brings you on alert, hand still tight on your sword.

“She’s not going to hurt you,” Fluttershy tries to plead but you know this already.

“Allow yourself to relax and your enemies will exploit it. I know this well.” You keep your eyes trained to the doorway, but a scent catches your nose, sugar. Combined with the subtle yet hasted hoofsteps coming from behind you, you would think you have two seconds to avoid impact. One-

“Hiya again!”

You spin to your left away from the building just as the pink blur barreled through your position, only the air that escaped her path gracing your skin. Her forelegs are locked around herself as though she were attempting to grab something, to which you realize was supposed to be you. She treats you in an all too familiar fashion. The mare blinks, shaking the dust from her disheveled pink mane, “Where’d he go?”

“Pinkie please, this-”

“There he is,” she hollers at the top of her lungs as she pops off the ground with inhuman speed and leaps at you again.

You reach a hand out, gripping her by the skull so that she dangles just above the ground before allowing her to fall. “…is Anonymous.” A tingle, the very same as Rarity and Fluttershy. This one… laughter seems to be the appropriate choice.

Your grip almost seemed to have flattened her mane out, but a single bounce and it returns to its chaotic form. “Anonawhoony?” She smiles and you have to force yourself not to share it. She reminds you of Luna as a filly. “Whoever you are, you’re fast mister.”

“I’ve seen faster,” you admit as the mare hops a little every few seconds. Yes, definitely like Luna. “So I assume you are this ‘Pinkie’ character Fluttershy warned me of.”

“Warned? Pfft, why would she have to warn you about me? It’s not like I was going to tackle hug you into the ground or anything. Wait, I did do that didn’t I?”

“Tried, and might I say that I only narrowly escaped your clutches. Your speed is on par with Pegasi, I would go so far as to say.”

“Oh you…” Pinkie blushes and slaps your leg, Fluttershy nearly having an aneurysm. “My name’s Pinkamena Diane Pie, but everyone just calls me Pinkie.”

“Anonymous,” you take a short bow, “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Fluttershy watches in horror from the sidelines, a meeting she was almost certain would turn deadly now nothing more than an innocent introduction.

“You’re Anonawhoony! Wow, I didn’t think I’d meet another minotaur before. Why are you wearing pants?” You open your mouth to answer only for her rear leg to buck unexpectedly. “The cookies! Be right back Anonytallman!" She zips away leaving only a cloud of dust... only to appear a second later, "You too Fluttershy!" This time you wait to make sure she has left... No? Alright then.

"Fascinating mare. She reminds me of a filly I knew long ago." You turn to find Fluttershy's face a deep shade of blue as she has apparently forgotten the ability to breathe. "In through the nose, out through the-"

"Back!" Now now, this mare is certainly a bundle. Should her mind be a degree more still you would welcome her in your company. As things are, that is impossible. "I'd love to stay and chat but Misses Cake has me super duper busy today. See you later Anonarooni!"


"Who?" Gone, vanished before you can even correct her. The only thing that remains is a plate on the ground, two cookies and a trail of chocolate making a smiley face. When this place falls and hordes of soldiers hold these streets, you will keep Pinkie safe. Anyone who can make you smile deserves such a gift.

Picking up the plate you with your free hand, the other still locked to your blade though your grip has 'laxed, and look to find a suitable place to consume your gift. Ahh, a bench will do just fine and seeing as how it is remote from the surrounding equines will allow you to eat in peace. "Fluttershy," your voice causes her to flinch, "Come."

You set the plate down next to you and tap the bench, signaling Fluttershy's descent. "I- What-"

"Use your words. Stuttering and the like does not allow my mood grace. Besides," furrowing your brow as you speak, "I thought I told you otherwise."

"But you also said to speak my mind. This- it's who I am." Her mane hides herself from you as she sits, "I won't be someone else." How interesting...

"Do not sour this occasion, equine, and do not forget your place. You will do as I say and follow my orders." Your voice raises with each sentence, even if anger does not truly fill the words.

"No means no," you hear her mutter before looking into your eyes, swiping her mane aside, "No means no."

"Fair enough then, I would eat that if I were you," pointing out the still steaming cookie, "before it gets cold."

Hmm, you do not often indulge yourself in sweets, but to refuse a gift- "Are- aren't you mad at me?"

"For what reason do I have to be mad at you for? You have performed exemplary."

"But I stood up to you. Why-" You hold up a finger and finish off another chunk of cookie.

"Your behavior is much like wetted clay, weak and moldable. This is not how I wished you to be. While your voice is not firm like that of a devoted veteran, your clay has firmed in its original form, unbent by my will. Now, please eat. I would hate for you to waste Pinkie's baking."

She hesitantly picks up her cookie and takes a bite, unable to hide her smile. "So... You like Pinkie?"

"Without question," wiping the crumbs from your lips as you answer her. "I respect those of worth, those who have worked for their position and contribute to their fellow brothers and sisters."

"Well, Pinkie can always make a pony smile, turn any frown upside down... Even you."

"Quite so," you look around, eyeing a large tree off in the distance, a rather out of place location in this town. "Pinkie has a most unique gift, the ability to raise morale or to make ponies smile in your own words. Her skills as a cook, also impressive. She is an active member of this 'Ponyville,' one of its few redeeming qualities."

"...please don't hurt her," she mutters in almost silence, "Don't hurt my friends. They're- they're the only family I have left." Of course, it would be a pony to ruin the mood with her worries... but you may sympathize.

"I cannot promise you this. As I said before, I am not a man without conscience, but I will do what I need to ensure the survival and flourishment of my people... and the training of yours." You look over to the tree once more, windows shimmering off the sun's rays. A house? Possibly. "That building over yonder, the tree, what is it?"

She squints down to see where you're pointing to, "Oh, that's Ponyville Library. One of my friends used to live there..." Live in a library? They must certainly have a thirst for knowledge, another admirable trait. In any case, it has been some time since you last wondered the halls of a library, as limited as this one seems to be. Perhaps, since you have time. You stand up and crack your neck, Fluttershy hopping up beside you hastily. A part of her must still fear you if she still thinks she must follow you like a canine to his master.

"I will travel to the library, perhaps even read a book while I am there. Equestria is not famed for its literature. It is a hidden treasure, one few plunder." You start you way in that direction stopping at the hoofsteps behind you. "I, as in, alone. You need not join me for this endeavor."

"But I'm-"

"You are still my prisoner," you reassure her, something you doubt she wanted to hear. "Should you run, I will find you and your friends. I told you once I have done worse to a pony than merely tie them up, do not allow me to demonstrate."

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

"Speak with your friends, if there is something you wish to say I would recommend you do so before we leave. I doubt we will be seeing this town again for some time... Bring me my shirt when it is done. Now go, tell Pinkie I appreciate her gift."

You don't wait for her response before turning away from her and heading to the tree in the distance. Gifts, you think to yourself. You remember a time when the concept was foreign to you, but a filly changed that. If it was not the shirt on your back, it was a poorly drawn picture of you, her sister and herself. If not that, she would not shy away from the kitchen, producing some sweet or another for you to eat. You are sure that she was aided by the Canterlot chefs, though you imagine the stick-figure design was her idea.

Those times- You push yourself harder, shoving these memories aside for the time being. In another time, another place, but not here, not yet...


By the time you reach the library the sun’s hue has changed, resonating a vibrant orange instead of its traditional yellow. You take your first step inside the library and close your eyes, inhaling its delicious sterile odor as if it were your own home. In truth when you had visited civilization in the past, these places acted as your home, a place of seclusion from the other weaker species, whether they were ponies or otherwise. It was there that you could be free from distraction so your mind could finally find rest, even if your body remained in a high state of alert.

You walk along the left-hand wall, running your hand along the bookcase and each individual item, absorbing each rough leathery bump and caress. There is a residual energy held within these tomes. You know the feeling, magic. Whoever was here used magic upon these books with great consistency. That is the only explanation for their continued aura. You make your way upstairs only to find a bed where normal supplies are kept. It is strange, though Fluttershy did say a friend of hers once inhabited this place.

Taking another look you find nothing of importance, just more books and a window to view the sky, albeit the sun now occupies it instead, staring at you, an omen. You return downstairs and walk to the center of the room, examining the bust that sits the upraised stump. Strange, you feel as if you know this carving, yet something about it feels… diminished.

You pick it up, staring into the dead wooden eyes and then around to its mane. Yes, you almost certainly recognize it. “Nova,” you set down his bust in its rightful place, “It is good to see you again.” The great stallion himself, immortalized in a wooden sculpture though it appears his horn was removed by its creator. This must have been sculpted after his death when time had forgotten his image. How many have forgotten his tale, you wonder?

Moving around you sit between him and the doorway, crossing your legs and closing your eyes. Despite your knowing better, it feels comforting to have him at your side once more. You once said that the only friends are those at your sides, weapons and tools that fail you only for your own incompetence. In truth, there was one you considered a friend, one who never betrayed despite the urgings of his fellow leaders.

Nova… Together you shared the same goal, only separate by the paths you chose to reach them. “I met my promise to you, old friend. I protected them in your stead.” Placing your hands on your knees you bow your head, clearing your mind. “What I do now is for the good of this world, whether they know it or not.”

The library lies silent, absent of sound. This is a luxury…


You hear the song of chirping birds as your mind comes out of focus, the faint sound of hooves echoing from outside the door. The town has been basked in the suns deeper glow, still bright yet the unmistakable twinges of darkness mixed between them. Andrew should be on his way now, your men continuing their duties. You hope the he did not leave Brennan in charge, but considering his own feelings towards him, you would doubt it. Fluttershy cracks open the door just as you stand, “H-hello?”

“Do come in, I was expecting you.”

She closes it behind her, a white bulk folded upon her back, “I wasn’t umm, disturbing you, was I?” You inform her that she need not worry; nevertheless she is surely to fall back into this state. It is who she is after all. “Rarity finished your shirt,” her false smile doing little for you. Despite this, you thank her. “She wanted to take a closer look, but I told her you needed it right away.”

“And I shall thank you for that,” you turn away from her and lean against the center stump. “Remarkable place, isn’t it, a library?”

“It’s nice… and quiet,” you think you hear fear in her tone but also dotted with truth.

“It has been the folly of many races to forsake themselves of knowledge. Diamond Dogs, Minotaurs… even humans have ignored its teachings. Nova, he understood.”

“Who’s Nova?” You could be angry with her ignorance, this place is a sacred temple and he its architect. He deserves better, but the fault does not lie on Fluttershy’s shoulders.

“Him,” you move so she might gaze upon the sculpture, the strength of his facial structure, the firmness of his mane. “He was a leader of Equestria’s past, much like Celestia is now. One of the original three, the same as I.”

Fluttershy’s interest scoots her closer to the bust, allowing you to put on your shirt in peace. “I’ve never heard of him.”

“Nor have you Celestia’s mother, nor Luna’s father. I was, surprised, when I found his bust. Nova, otherwise known to me as the Great Stallion, the first man amongst ponies. He is who all stallions would aspire to, but they only looked to his strength.”

“You knew him?” She asks as you unbuckle your belt, weapons falling to the floor with a distinct thud.

“Indeed. He is one of the few ponies that I would consider a friend and only just. He built the great library of Canterlot, one of his few lasting treasures. Nova knew that knowledge was a great source of strength, not for the body but of the mind. He envisioned a world where all could share this knowledge together, in peace. He did not live to see it, unfortunately.”

You do not enjoy the memory of him after his loss, age slowly creeping upon him like his fellows, only a sole heir to inherit his gift, the same gift that would allow Celestia and Luna such a lengthy span of life. ”How did…” she quiets down, death a touchy subject in her culture, but for her more specifically.

“He brought to this world a child, leaving me to protect his legacy... I tried to preach his beliefs to Celestia and a part of me thought she had listened.” You finish tightening your shirt with a belt, stretching your arms around the libraries desolate interior. “And look, how many ponies are here now? Where is the thirst for knowledge that the great stallion had once dreamed of? Nova is dead… Celestia let his dream die with him.”

You reattach your belt, sword and pistol swaying by your side once more. “Twilight loves books. If- As long as somepony comes here… Then his dream is still alive, right?”

“A heartwarming sentiment, the type of hope I have admired in Equestrian culture. One day, perhaps…”

Your finger twitches, head spinning to one of the upstairs windows, “What’s wrong?”

“Silence!” you snap at her, ears trained for the slightest sound… nothing. “The birds. Do you hear them?”

Fluttershy tries to listen but even she is unable to hear the slightest chirp, “I umm, don’t hear anything. Is- something wrong?”

“When we moved to the waterfall, I told you that silence is the most the dangerous noise of all. The birds did not leave, I would have heard that. They’re in their perch, silent. Why would they-” You pause when you look back to Fluttershy, flushed face with a dot of sweat upon her forehead. She knew they were coming. “So, they’re here for me,” her breath quickens as your grip tightens on your sword. “How much have you told them?”

“Noth- nothing, I promise. EEP!” You grip her by the throat and pin her against the wall. “I told them where you were. I- I couldn’t lie to the princess.”

“And yet you lie to me,” you squeeze an ounce more but hold back from actually injuring her. “Good. I was hoping for an act of selfishness sooner or later.”

She clutches her throat as you let her go and walk over to the door, gesturing for her to follow. “Those ponies haven’t done anything wrong. You don’t need to hurt them.”

“Then I hope they don’t get in my way,” you pause briefly and look back to her, “One more thing, do not lie to me again, lest it be the last time you think to do so.” You push open the door, the tension thicker than even the hide of Maler the Manticore. And across the ways standing directly opposed to you, the sun princess herself, Celestia.


She glares back at you, the sun’s intensity burning in her eyes. “Anonymous.” By her side is a contingent of guard ponies, Pegasi and unicorns dotted between the ranks. You count a total of twenty seven, eight chariots sitting empty at their flank. It would make a fine battle, but even as skilled as you are, numbers have a way of overwhelming quality. Escape is your only option, retreat inside and wear them out, find a gap in their line.

Nonsense, you are Anonymous. You do not go into a situation without a way to get out. You will not escape here. No one says a word, every eye trained on you, even those bystanders who watch from a distance. You lean over to Fluttershy. “It’s alright to breathe. I will not judge you.” You hear her wheeze again, the third time today she has done this. It is amusing.

“Do not speak to her!” Celestia’s voice booms over, managing to frighten your prisoner before resorting to a more peaceful tone, “Come here, Fluttershy.” She doesn’t make it a step as you draw your sword out an inch, just enough to reveal your blade.

“She is my prisoner. She does not take orders from you.”

“P-princess?” Fluttershy squeaks, the situation spiraling more and more out of control.

“Everything will be alright. Trust me.”

“Trust,” you laugh in the face of her own hypocrisy. “That would be a first.”

“I am not speaking to you, Anonymous!” You can only grin at her loss of composure, something you always managed to make her do, unwillingly even. Sheathing your sword you tap her flank with the tip, the poor mare eeping once more.

“Go to your princess, but remember what I told you would happen if you run. Go on now.” Even you are surprised the by the tenderness of your tone. You have never enjoyed taking hostages. In fact, there are plenty of things you have done that cause your own stomach to churn, but they were necessary.

Celestia wraps a wing around Fluttershy when she arrives, holding her close like a babe in the cold of night, even still she stares at you, wishing they were daggers. “Surrender now, and let us end this. I have no wish to harm you.”

“We both know that’s not true. Who is to say that you won’t have me starve in my cell once I am captured? I wouldn’t put that past you anymore.”

Even her guards raise a brow, some breaking their pose to look at their princess, the pinnacle of pony kind to them. “We are not like that.” You like how she forgot to say anymore. “You will be put on trial for your crimes. Justice will be served. You actively scoff at her idea of justice.

“Justice? I was under the impression that you dispensed that long ago, or am I remembering things wrong?” More and more eyes turn to Celestia, but you will admit, you trained her well. She does not break her pose, her eyes do not waver. She could still succeed you, she is not without hope.

“I will give you one last chance, Anonymous, surrender now or we will be forced to take you in.” You’d like to see her try. Magic would be a foolish choice against you, so only their brute force could stop you. Their armor is strong but likely degraded after such an era of peace. You think half of their forces would fall before they manage to bring you down. Just imagine the horror on these ponies faces as you cut down their kin like rabid dogs… Still…

Your hands work slowly but effectively, the weight of steel sliding off your hips. Celestia’s eyes twitch. Your knees drop to the floor, digging into the soft tuft of dirt beneath them. Your hands pick up your discarded belt, tossing it between the gap that separates you. Celestia’s heart picks up in speed, her body tense as she awaits any sudden acts of aggression. Finally, your hands move to your knees as you bow your head, smile hidden from her careful gaze.

“I surrender.”