• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 2,842 Views, 44 Comments

Risen - Bastinator

An ancient race once thrived upon the surface of Equestria, but they were exiled for their brutality. Anon, is a member of that race, and when someone is foolish enough to bring them back, Anon is ready to bring them back to their former glory.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Bane of Canterlot

Your wrists chafe at the iron gauntlets locked to your wrists, every twist and squirm only serving to make your comfort level decrease. If anything, you’re proud of Celestia. She treats you as a proper threat and not one who can be merely passed along to her guards or disciples. Leaning back you allow the breeze to slip through the strands of your hair and caress your face and neck. Of course you are careful not to lean back too far, you note peeking over the chariot’s side, it’s a long way down and you would hate to end the story here.

Next you look to the chariot two carts away, Fluttershy safely tucked away with her own personal set of guards to protect her. If only she knew how incompetent these guards had likely become. They couldn’t stop a rogue kitten let alone you, but… She believes herself safe and there is a lesson to be learned in this area as well. Speaking of lessons, Celestia hasn’t spoken a word to you since your departure, despite being in the same chariot as you, separated by mere inches. She doesn’t look at you, she doesn’t speak to you, she simply ignores you, and here you had thought she still might have manners.

You attempt to pull the restraints apart, the two metal prisons welded together with master craftsmanship. It’s almost as if… they were designed for you. Oh Celestia, you shouldn’t have. In fact, it looks like she took nearly every precaution to secure you, including binding your ankles together with a dual locked chain. Even still, she may have bound your body but your other senses face no such obstruction. You glance over to the dropping sun, hitting just the right angle for light’s spectrum to show its true colors.

“The view is acceptable. I believe we have you in part to thank for it,” you attempt to initiate conversation, cocking your head to the side in a smile when she further ignores you. “Griffon got your tongue?” Her only response is a nosey huff, turning away from you a degree more. In the grand scheme, this is progress. She’s acknowledged you. “A trial, then, hmm? Have you called you others yet? No no, I would’ve felt it. You’re waiting for something, aren’t you?” Still no response? That’s alright, she tells you everything you need to know. “You want to stop my men first? Of course, even if I am locked away they are still very much a threat to your precious kingdom.”

Hmm, her reluctance to answer is rather annoying, you think to yourself, scratching your nose with the cold iron binds. “Do the other leaders not know of me anymore? Of course not, you’ve likely had to suppress everything related to my kind. I’m sure the others will love your history lesson.” Then, a thought hits you that was left in plain sight. “How is Luna doing?”

“You’ll be held in the dungeon until it comes time for your trial. I trust you’ll behave yourself.”

“Ahh so the muted princess finally speaks,” you chuckle lightly but keep your gaze locked on her. “No, Celestia, I aim for the contrary.”

Her once calm expression descends into a grimace but still, she doesn’t look at you. “You won’t be hurting any ponies anymore. Equestria isn’t your toy any longer.” Oh how naïve has this mare has come that she has learnt to believe her own lies to be true?

“Are you still angry over the Aviaris incident? How long ago was it now? Time has failed to counsel me these last few days… Death might have something to do with that.”

Her eyes snap to yours, regret and anger tied together with those two pale purple orbs. “Those were innocent griffons! The women… the children… They didn’t deserve what you did to them.” Agatha, Delia, Eloisa, Loreto… Only a handful of names you recall, but you do not have time for regret. It’s easy to judge someone for actions they thought were necessary, but…

“You knew that as well as I, Celestia. Perhaps time has dampened your memory, but I do not recall you ever attempting to stop me. Not. Once.”

The silent staring contest between you comes to close as her emotions get the better of her and forces her away, something you learned to control long ago. “There’s always a way, a better way. Didn’t you say that?”

“Yes, perhaps there was a better way, but what we did ended the war and-”

“No, what -you- did!” Her voice retreats into the powerful echo you taught them long ago, but when she sees others begin to watch she returns once more, calm and peaceful. “We could have talked to them. Convinced them to stop this, but you wouldn’t give it a second thought.” Your hands clench in their metal trappings, that flare you long hoped to control burning through your bones and through your very blood.

“The last time you attempted diplomacy nearly killed you!” You snap at her, standing against the torrent of wind but never losing your footing, “I saved you! ME! Not your precious militia, not your personal maids, ME! They almost killed you once,” you finally sit down, stewing in your own unkempt rage. “Did you really think I would allow them a second chance?”

A long pause begins between you, the only murmur being the breeze and the hushed muttering of her royal guards. It was your fault, if you are to be honest. You should have advised against it, forced her to comply with your request… When she didn’t listen, you let the ambassador get too close, far too close. Cele- Equestria is yours. It is your land and no griffon is going to steal it away from you.

By the time she starts talking again the castle is already in sight, the famed ‘golden city’ no more. It looks almost practical. “Land inside the castle gates,” she instructs to the guard pulling her chariot, “I don’t want any of my subjects to see Anonymous.”

“Too late,” you murmur as you spot a group of Pegasus hovering just outside the walls, flashes of light popping from their cameras. “How little Canterlot has changed…” With a single look Celestia commands the other chariots to intercept the approaching band of paparazzi Pegasi, the bottom feeders of Equestria’s high society, stirring drama and gossip into the porridge of the common pony.

“Celestia! Princess Celestia! Why did you reassign the Canterlot guard to join you this morning? What required your-” Each pony bombards her with questions, even resorting to attempts to break through the line of chariots. At least, until they saw you. Then they asked an all too important question. “Who is your guest, Princess? Is he wearing-”

“Anonymous!” you shout out, already annoyed by their presence and earning a glare from Celestia in the process.

“Be quiet! Gleam, take us to the castle.” Two sides of her, one kind and gentle, the other short-tempered and firm. This struggle has laid dormant for far too long.

“As you wish… Princess.”

“Anonymous! Anonymous! What’s your relationship with the princess?” Now now, that’s an all too personal question for you to answer. They needn’t worry though, they’ll get an answer from Celestia in due time.

The chariot reverses its pitch, rolling to the left as you descend upon the castle with increasing speed. The chains on your feet make it difficult to compensate the sudden shift in direction. “Careful, now,” instructing Celestia as you had in an age long past. “You wouldn’t want your prisoner to fall. You’d be the first to have someone’s death on their conscience twice.” No answer again? Poor show, but you can tell you’re getting to her, there’s a slight twitch just below her eye. “Not that it would make much difference. You seemed to have handled my first passing well enough.”

Celestia’s head bows, her first real sign of weakness thus far, “What I did to you… I haven’t gotten over it Anonymous. Two millennia and I still haven’t forgiven myself. I will never make that mistake again.” Where did you go wrong with her? When was the point that she finally slipped through your grip?

"Look at yourself, you're pathetic," you sneer at her, this apologetic mood of hers acting as nothing more than an insult to you and your honor. "The day I left this world was the proudest day of my life. You did what needed to be done to secure your people's future." Sweeping down to the floor below you brace as you touchdown inside the rear gardens, away from the prying eyes of her subjects. You stand up as a regiment of guards surrounds your position, each armed with spear and horn, ready to poke you to unconsciousness. "Don't expect an apology when I do the same."

You hop out off the side closest to the castle, one particularly friendly guard's spear deciding to introduce itself to your face. Two others join him and all you manage back is an impassive glance. Part of you wants nothing more than to let them have their moment of glory so that you can put those weapons back in their wielder's necks... but you'll cooperate, for now. "Careful with those, you wouldn't want to hurt yourselves."

You hear Celestia disembark by your side while you keep your eyes locked onto those of the recruits. They try and stay stern by you can see past that facade. You are twice their size after all. "Princess Celestia," a soldier calls out to her from across the courtyard, this one different from the others. "At last you've returned..." He works his way closer, eyeing you closely, "Is this him?"

His armor's hued a tint of purple while it remains trimmed a pale gold, overall a more earthy suit than those of his vibrant kin, and instead of a star upon his chest there rests a shield, his 'cutie mark.' "It is. Did you find the passage I mentioned?" At the same time she motions us inside, Fluttershy's carriage dropping in as you depart.

You only manage a glimpse before a guard pushes you forward toward the castle doors. "I did. It took some tunneling but we found it. The whole place smelled like-"

"Good," Celestia interrupts him, stopping at the doorway inside. "I want you to escort Fluttershy to the guest chambers. Ask her to tell you everything she knows about Anonymous and his friends."

"Princess, I must protest." You grin at his disobedience. He almost seems angry to not see your imprisonment. "As captain of the guard it's my duty-"

"Shining, please," she puts a hoof on his shoulder, "You're only here for two more days before your return to the Crystal Empire. Escort Fluttershy for me and take some time off for Cadence. I can handle Anonymous."

Cadence, of the Cadenza line? You'd quite like to meet Nova's descendent but another time. You're here on business. "As you wish, Princess." He squeezes past you, both sharing a momentary glance before he disappears behind the guards.

"Closed the dungeons, did we?" You ask, watching the so-called Captain help Fluttershy from her chariot. "I suspect I'll be its newest resident."

"Just stop talking and walk..."

The shimmering marble walls aren't quite the same as you remember, nor are the wall tapestries as ornate as when Celestia's mother had a say about them. While they're still equally as clean they seem to lack the same essence of arrogance about them. No longer do they say they are pinnacle of civilization, but rather they move to serve. It's still not quite as Spartan as you would hope, not like the Castle of the Two Sisters that you had them build. Canterlot was designed as a temple, yours as a fortress.

"The air seems cleaner than I remember. Have you finally purged yourself of the riffraff that long poisoned this city?" Surely she hasn't, the act would be too barbarous for her to stomach. "A shame, I met one like them in Ponyville. A 'Rarity' I think she was." You keep an eye peeked over towards her for any breaks or tears, still nothing but the mention of that name has her on edge. You could always tell. "I think I'll take her the next time I visit Ponyville. A unicorn can still prove useful, especially considering how she could increase morale in... other ways."

"If you dare-"

"Of course, if she were to somehow not be there when I arrive. Then... I can't be sure how many unicorns I'd have to take. Tell me, Celestia," your smile couldn't possibly widen further, "How many mares are worth an Element of Harmony?"

"Silence!" In that instant she snaps, your shirt slammed back against the wall and you along with it, the aura permeating your chest sending tingles up and down your spine. " I won't let you hurt any of my subjects!" If she weren't an equine, you would take her word on that. If she were from any other point in the past, you would take her word on it, but you know she won't this time. She doesn't have the stomach for it.

"You know how to stop me." Pushing against the fabric you force yourself off the wall though the force of her magic still struggles against you. "You won't need the amulet this time, it's just one man."

"I said be quiet!" You slam back against the wall but remain unharmed, her magic pushing you a foot up the wall. She's trying too hard to intimidate you, to make you follow her commands like the rest of this world has after your fall.

"Kill me." You happily lean your head forward, "My men are too few to finish what I started, so do it. Finish me, it's your move. Check? Or Checkmate?" She forces the tears from her eyes as she holds you there, her guards watching in awe as you ask her to perform such a malicious task. Their princess would never consider that... Right? The longer you're held the more doubt they'll place in her, and that only works in your favor. "Make your choice."

"P-princess..." One of her guard speaks, the rage-filled trance you placed upon her shattered.

She closes her eyes as you gradually slide down the wall, a bead of sweat formed on her neck as she finally calms down. "Move along, Anonymous, and stay quiet this time." You nod but take a good look at the guard first. You were just getting to the good part. A tragedy.

You make it down another hall before your silence is broken by the growl of your stomach, something you have no control over despite your efforts. "I'll have the guards bring you some bread and cheese," she doesn't look at you when she talks. "You may be a prisoner, but I won't let you starve."

"I'm not so certain. You were ready to kill me a minute ago."

"I thought I told you to stay quiet."

"Did you not wish me to answer? Perhaps you shouldn't speak to me then."

"...I wasn't going to- to do -that-." Are you still not supposed to answer her? In any case, she needn't inform you of what you already know. Maybe she's the one who needs to hear herself say it. You're about to reply when a smell hits your nose, butter and garlic. The grumbling in your stomach grows this time and Celestia can tell as she turns to a guard, "Can you find a loaf of bread, please?"

He nods and gallops off ahead, turning left into an adjacent hallway. That must head towards the kitchen... Interesting, you make of note of that. "I could use a knife to cut the bread as well," you smile knowingly at Celestia who finally looks back to you. "Is my request so unfeasible?"

“Do you really think I would allow you access to a knife?" You shrug in amusement of yourself, Celestia returning to her expressionless self.

"You cannot blame one for trying, and I will continue to try," you admit, not at all hiding your intentions from her.

You think of this as another test, one not of herself but of the 'valiant' ponies-at-arms that serve under her. A test to see if they are capable of handling what is to come. "I doubt you'll be going anywhere. We'll be taking extra precautions until your trial."

"Oooh," you shiver mockingly, "What will it be I wonder? Full-body suit? I hope nothing magical in nature, you know how that works."

"All too-" A gasp cuts off Celestia as you reach the hallway towards the kitchen, an expression of shock appearing on her face. Curious what did she- Oh my... While Celestia's reaction is one of distress, you find this to be a more pleasant surprise.


"Well now, Celestia, why didn't you tell me to expect a family reunion?"

"Anonymous!" The mare practically screeches as she gallops to you with frantic speed, even the guards at your sides moving out of the way in fear of being trampled. You would be too if this were any other mare, but not her. The next thing you know her hooves are wrapped around you as she uses your body to keep herself up on two hooves. "It is wonderful to see you again! It has been too long." The shouting in your ear is something that you could live without, but you will allow it for the time being.

"It is good to see you as well, Luna. I would return your embrace but alas," she breaks the hug as you display the metallic gauntlets that keep your arms bound, "I cannot."

She seems rather taken aback by your condition, her concern for you well-founded in her youth. "Sister, what is the meaning of this?"

Now this will be interesting, you think as you look to Celestia who's finally escaping her self-imposed paralysis. "This is no concern of yours, Luna. I will explain it to you later. Come-"

"If something is wrong, you will tell me now." Her little sister halts her efforts to drag you away, something you find most agreeable. "Why is Anonymous chained like a feral animal? Have they harmed you?"

"Nothing I can't handle," you reassure her with the same smile you exhibited in her youth.

Content with your condition, Luna again turns her attention to her sister who is no doubt trying to find an easy solution to her predicament. Normally, she would simply tell her that I have returned and that I must be taken into custody before I spread disorder or chaos or whatever it is that Celestia has worked so hard to eradicate. This would be the answer, but given how Luna has responded to your arrival, you doubt Celestia ever bothered to tell her what happened to you.

"This is for our own protection, sister. Please, return to your chambers and I will explain everything." Luna always was a troublesome one and her sister should know that. She's not going to be content with a second-rate answer or an IOU.

"Anonymous would never do anything to harm us, sister, especially after such a lengthy journey. He should be treated to a feast, not dragged by the hoof in chains." Celestia tries to speak but Luna isn't quite done yet. "No, I will not return to my chambers as if I were still a foal, not until my questions are answered." Tsk tsk, Celestia, look at what you have done.

"Luna," you speak up on Celestia's behalf, "Have you heard of 'Rabies?'"

You glance over to Celestia who should be grateful that you've chosen to aid in her deceit. She matches your gaze and agrees to this unspoken collaboration. Luna's breath catches in her throat as you say the word, "Rabies?! How could something like this happen?" Her hooves drag you an inch closer so she can inspect you for fever, the guards flinching at your movement. "You feel normal, is everything-" Her eyes meet yours and while you keep your expression that of steel, you allow a gentler part of you slip through.

Luna needs a moment to gather herself as Celestia steps in between the two of you, likely due to her discomfort with how close the two of you were. "We cannot have him harm anypony while he is here. Surely you understand, sister."

"I do but..." she takes another look at you, your posture and form almost a spitting image of those days long past, "He bears no signs of this ailment."

"Do not mistake a lack of symptom for a lack of illness. Those in a state of regress often do not bear such signs, little one."

Her lips purse in annoyance at that last part but she can't help but crack a smile as well, "I am not a 'little one.'" Foolish Luna, always the child, always needing to prove her maturity. The mature have no need for proof.

"Alas, you will always be my little one."

You swear you see her cheeks darken before Celestia blocks your view with that vast mane of hers. Still, you take a stealthed breathe, it has a most soothing aroma of vanilla, a contrast to her adoration of chocolate. "I am taking him to his chambers so that he may be treated in peace, and we must be going soon. We fear when his next episode may arise."

"Then I shall attend as well... To ensure he is treated-"

"Luna, the moon will not rise without its host," you call out from behind Celestia. "Do you remember the words?"

It would not come as a surprise if she had forgotten them. After all, she has been without your guidance for- "My duty is my charge." You swear you hear a snicker somewhere in the ranks beside you. "How could I forget?" You nod even if she is unable to see you past Celestia's bulk, only wishing that she knew how proud you were of her. "Celestia, my sister, I will speak with you at a later date to discuss Anonymous's condition. Until then my sister."

"Until then..."

Luna does manage to get a peek around and wave a hoof, you failing to return a proper farewell with your bindings. Soon enough the princess of the night has vanished back around the corner and Celestia returns to your side, nodding for her guards to continue in their escort. It doesn't take much longer before you come to the end of a hallway, a large cast iron door standing before you, the visage stained with the dust of stone that had long buried it.

One guard pony attempts to open it himself, though his magic is seemingly insufficient at sliding open the mammoth of a door. His magical aura flickers and ultimately fades as he struggles to grasp it in its entirety, a side-effect of Equestria's long held peace. Why hone one's skill when it is sufficient for the task? Useless... As a second guard aids in his plight you take a moment longer to inspect the entrance. Yes, you know very well where it leads as you've passed through them many times in the past, but never have you had to open them yourself.

The most striking feature isn't the tri-deadbolt lock that ensures a minotaur cannot simply smash through the exit with sheer strength. Nor is it the magical field that emanates a most eccentric sensation upon those who attempt to manipulate the material, a field which even from this distance has the hairs of your neck stand at attention. No, what does draw your attention is something you are ashamed to have missed upon your many visits. It lacks a handle... Very problematic.

The tap of Celestia's gold cuffs stirs the two ponies along until they finally manage to open the door, the rusted creaks and groans of metal an all too familiar tune. You take a deep breath as the first of the millennia old air stirs to life in a coalition of mold and death. No wonder Celestia closed it. This won't be the first time you've been escorted into the dungeon, but it will be the first time you'll be expected to stay. As a guest, of course.


"The answer is no," she answers before you have a chance to ask. Smart mare, always was but also somewhat overconfident. "I... never got around to it."

"Two thousand years, you said? I'll say, it must've been quite a journey I was on. Somewhere dangerous I hope."

"She stopped asking long ago. I was hoping we could avoid the confrontation entirely."

"The young filly I once knew has grown into a fine mare, you could have told her the truth."

Her glare points you towards the entrance, two guards nudging you in by the spear. "For someone who speaks of truth you chose to lie almost as if it were instinct. It seems you left your honor long ago."

A spear tip digs into your back as you stop unexpectedly and turn to Celestia, the discomfort merely that. "Do not insult me with these false crimes. Though I deceived her my words were not untrue, you know me better than that."

"I'd rather I didn't," she chides you once as she passes, lighting her horn as she leads you into the depths below. You tread carefully as you hit the cobblestone steps that lead downward, knowing all too well how slick they can get. The guards around you don't take the same approach, a Pegasus to your rear losing his footing only to be helped up his kin. You shake your head in disappointment. You were right, this lot are no better than the militia that once called themselves Canterlot's 'protectors.'

Despicable. A child of your own kind could better wield a sword than any of these so called Royal Guard. "I am surprised, Celestia, how distant your sister seems to be towards you, a far cry from your youth."

“I have you to thank for that, filling her head with your stories-"

"Stories she requested to hear. I seem to recall you excusing yourself from those."

Her eyes burn into you as you continue to descend, "Do you have any idea what has occurred since you were away? Do you know what you caused my little sister to do?" You caused nothing, the actions of one are theirs alone, but when you look to Celestia you see her pain. "Darkness consumed her heart, darkness that you placed within her. You were long gone... and you still managed to take my sister from me."

No... that is not the filly you remember. You did nothing that Nova did not request of you. "More lies and falsehoods. I may not have the same endearing nature as your dear and beloved Uncle, but I would never lead Luna astray."

Celestia shakes her head as you reach the bottom, lines of cells washing over the righthand wall. "You told her how every pony loved the night's sky and would cheer each night as she rose the moon. I hope you're happy because when she did and the citizens of Canterlot didn't show her your attention, it destroyed her." You only meant to make her happy... When she was- Huh, maybe a part of you was as well. "You made me banish my sister. One thousand years I was left to rule Canterlot, alone, and when she returned she wasn't the same. We weren't the same."

You nod as a guard opens the cell door for you. Her pain, the sense of isolation, always feeling that she is in this world alone, you understand. The difference between you and her is that your pain, was physical. Your isolation, forced. The reason you have been alone in this world, only because no one will step up to take your place.

"A question, Celestia. In a world of harmony, there is always good and evil, light and darkness. In your post-Anonymous world, you were the beacon of hope. You were the light... Why then did your sister fall to the shadows?”

"None of this was my fault..." She says that with such vigor and yet it isn’t you that she is trying to convince here, is it?

"You upset that balance. So intent were you to shine that you left your sister in the shade, alone. It was you who drove her to darkness, but now my kind has returned to restore this balance. You see, I am not good nor evil, I am only what the world needs of me." You step through the cell door; the painful screeching permeates the air before the doors shut with a clash. You look at Celestia, ignoring the posse assembled around her. "Equestria now needs a villain, an evil to restore balance to this 'land of harmony.' My revenge is merely a fortunate outcome. Innocent ponies will get hurt, and all of this... because of your actions two thousand years ago. Think about that."

To her benefit her stare never wavers, in fact, you swear she's smiling. "Perhaps I will, but for now, strip." Oh, that wasn't quite the response you were expecting.

“An interesting request.” Looking down at yourself you fail to see a way to accomplish this task. “And how do you expect me to comply without the use of my hands?” A guard’s horn starts to light up but you stare him right back down. “If you damage my garments then every pony in this castle will fall by daybreak.” The mere mention of such an action causes him to stutter like a fool. “Trust my words as they do not lie. Isn’t that right, Celestia?”

Celestia nods, the guard backing down in response, but that still leaves you fully clothed. What do you have that could help you escape, you wonder. “Anonymous,” the princess says after her short period of thought, “I want you to promise that you will not take any action or use this time to escape your cell.”

“And leave myself defenseless? Why might I agree to such a foolish proposal?”

At last, she attempts to use your own sense of honor against you. It only took her so long. “If you want your shirt to remain undamaged, I would advise you to comply.” You look to the floor, feigning a deep sense of thought, then moving onto the walls. Chains lead from the wall opposite of the cell door to a pair of manacles, likely designed to hold a Minotaur if their sheer bulk is to say anything. They’ll have you chained to the wall, likely keeping your existing bindings intact. The chain itself is rusted, degraded almost to the point where a strong enough pull might just… “Do you promise?”

“I will not attempt to escape, nor take any action… for now.”

Though your word may not sit as well with the others in her party, Celestia knows that will suffice. “Release him,” she commands, another of her guard levitating a key from under his chest plate. This same key is then used to unlock the cell itself, allowing the guard to come through albeit rather shaken to be alone with you. Overall, this was not a smart maneuver on Celestia’s part. Bit by bit, piece by piece, your plan comes together. You might succeed in your task after all…

The guard looks up at you, eyes filled with fear as he unlocks your restraints, the heaving pieces of metal falling to the floor with a resounding clang. Fresh air on your wrists is welcome, but you were more interested in the echo that resonates from the gauntlets. Noise carries well here, better than it had before. Your initial movements must be hushed to avoid suspicion.

All eyes stay glued to you as the guard takes a step back, but you do not move, every muscle locked in place. After all, that is what she asked from you, inaction. “Take off his clothes,” Celestia finally understanding why you aren’t moving. “He will not resist.” The guard in your cell nods, but her words won’t protect him if you were to break your promise.

He starts by attempting to remove your boots but makes the mistake of attempting to do so without his hooves. As his magic wraps around the laces, the field fluctuates as it would if he attempted to do so on your bare skin, and despite his best efforts, the miniscule pieces of string remain unmoved. He scratches his head, almost worried that his magic had no effect, “Uhm, Princess? I don’t seem to be able…”

Celestia focuses on your legs, short and scattered dots of brown almost blending in with the dirtied surface. If Andrew’s son had one use, it was his blood. After all, if magic will not work on your body, why would it work on blood? “You must remove his clothes by hoof,” she silently curses herself for not seeing this before. To be fair, you never mentioned it either. “Your magic will have no effect.”

“Yes ma’am,” he returns to you, lowering his head down to your boots. Using his teeth is he? Wouldn’t it be strange if your leg experienced a sudden twitch? Much like a deer as it prowls in the forest, ponies too can be so easily- “Gwah!” Spooked.

The ‘guard’ falls back on his flank at the sudden movement from your leg, clambering over to the door in such a hasty retreat. You can’t hide your smile as much as Celestia can’t hide her underlying annoyance. “Are twitches uncommon?” you shrug, your position still unchanged since your agreement.

Celestia looks to her fellows, each equally as timid as the next. What would you do next? He said it was a twitch, but could it be? “Open the cell door.” A true guard would contest such rash action, but in their current state they are more than happy to oblige. She walks over without fear in her stride, an attempt to prove that there is no need for alarm.

“Their armor is worth more than the guard itself,” you mock as she hovers close by, an inch away.

“You said you wouldn’t take any action.”

“Now, Celestia, what constitutes an action? Should I not breathe, I would soon perish and fall. All three are actions in some degree.” Knowing how futile it is to argue she merely shakes her head and begins to undress you. This experience takes you back to another moment in history when you had just returned from the field of battle. It was early in their quest for salvation, so none of the Canterlot hands would touch your blood-ridden clothes. You never wore armor, too bulky. Only Celestia had the strength to persevere, one of her finer qualities. “Just like old times,” you reminisce as she takes off your boot before moving to the next.

“This is nothing like old times.”

“The scenery is a unique change, but otherwise, the difference is marginal. Have you ever wondered what might have happened if the war had turned in the griffon's favor? Truly, how might the world have changed if I had simply... sat back and watched." Celestia focuses on the task at hand, the laces a tricky feat for those who lack hands or magic. "It crossed my mind once as I was rotting beneath the earth, soul trapped in that pit of fire known as Tartarus. Your city would've been sacked, I can assure you of that."

Stormguard the Conqueror, he would have called himself after his successful crusade. A pitiful achievement, to conquer those who could hardly wield a spear. Perhaps if they chose the Minotaurs or the Dogs of Steel, but not Equines. "The mares would be spared, for a time. Have you seen the results of a sacking before, Celestia? Of course not, how dense am I to think that? Well, when a city has been siege the soldiers-"

Celestia snaps to you, nose flared and anger beginning to boil over. "I will not hear anymore of this." What else can you do? She will not listen, why would she lie? Her guard however, cannot help but do so.

"They rape them and take great pleasure in causing them pain." How you detest the filth... "The children are spared, for the most part. Separated from their parents, indoctrinated, turned to little more than walking husks. Any hopes and dreams your foal's might have had, swiped away the second those griffons set talon into your city."

"Enough! Your lies will have no affect on my guards. The griffons are our allies, our friends... Finish undressing yourself." Celestia turns her back to you, not even having finished the other boot. Shameful.

"They kill the stallions," you shout after her as the guards open the cell door while you disrobe. "All of them. It's a massacre, something your foals and fillies should never hope to see, the harsh truth of reality."

You take off your shirt, Celestia's back still turned away from you, "Two guards shall remain here at all times. No pony enters his cell without my permission and no-" A weight lifts from your waist as a thud echoes from behind you, the appearance of which causing Celestia to pause and look back. Ahh yes, interest. You don't bother yourself with such an action while you still have some undressing to do. These belts... "What is that?"

"Hmm?" You feign ignorance as the object is lifted closer to the bars separating you from the outside world. "Ah yes, a rather strange creature dropped that upon returned. I believe you might know him. His name was Discord."

"Discord?!" Her ears and neck spring to attention, an act which causes you to experience an immense feeling of joy. "How did he find this?"

"Perhaps you should ask him yourself," you finish pulling off the rest of your clothes, allowing a guard to lock the gauntlet back onto your arms. "He is the one who informed you of my presence, did he not?"

Her attention seems fixed upon the book as she runs a hoof along its spine. "Move back, Anonymous. This no longer concerns you."

"As you wish."

Stepping back you raise your arms, the manacles attached to the wall proceeding to lock around your wrists. "On your knees." Testy testy... The muscles in your arms ache in an attempt to compensate for this uncomfortable position, both of your arms almost locked behind your head. "Should he so much as move, I want you to report it at once."

"And how am I to eat my bread and cheese?"

"I'm sure you'll find a way."

You stop her just before she leaves, most of the guards at her heel. "If you look at me for a monster then so be it, Celestia, but know that I have slain monsters far worse than me in the name of peace. Perhaps you should have listened to my stories..."

For the last time, she looks into your eyes, only malice held within them. "Gag him."


You remain in this position for hours on end, only the weak heat from the torch located outside your cell giving you company. The taste of cotton repulses you, the saliva that had once wetted your mouth seemingly absent since its arrival. The beast within you, the primal instinct that drives much of your kind, wishes for nothing more than to squirm, to free yourself of this cloth that brings you such discomfort. With a series of long soothing breaths you dismiss these urges, not the only ones you have had the displeasure of dealing with over your long years. You wouldn't want to attract Celestia's attention after all.

Your eyes move over to the plate located just inside the cell door, your hunger only worsening as the hours pass. Long has its steamed bread been without heat, staleness overtaking it and even still you crave it. Persisting once again you avert your eyes to the two guards outside, their lengthy post drawing a contagious yawn from the two equines. Soon, you just need a little more time. Time... That element has always been on your side hasn't it?

Taking another deep inhalation of the mold scented air you begin to twist your wrists, an invisible motion not likely to stir the attention of the guard. Pain shoots down your arm, and through you have taken blows in the past, you have never quite adapted to the unique sensation. The waves hit your forearm, the tingling effect induced by the manacles there elevating the pain exponentially. Your teeth dig into the cloth and even the gag cannot fully drown out your momentary yelp. Fate seems to be on your side, however, as the guards fail to take notice of this.

You feel the wetness take hold behind your eyes but you force them away, this is no time to draw their attention. You are not yet ready. The agonizing ripples reach your spine and chest, your lungs seizing up at the moment of impact, air exhumed from your throat as it had so long ago. Just a little longer, you repeat to yourself in a mantra, anything to keep your mind free for thought. Your wrists continue to churn in their prison, fists clenching as you start to feel the skin break from flesh. So this is how it feels...

That niggling doubt worms its way into your thought, the voice that speaks for you to listen to reason, to give in and let events unfold. Long has your conscience been a nuisance to you, but when you look back to the ponies, you understand why you must keep some semblance of sanity. A warmonger will destroy all in their path, leaving nothing but ash, but you are not them and you will never fall to such depths.

With a final nerve-shattering twist your wrists come to a halt, forearms facing your slumped almost ragdoll-esque body. At this wave of agony you could not cease the groan from escaping you, and it was now that the guards had learned of your activity. But it was too late for them, your plan had already begun as the first drops of blood ran from your restraints and onto the enchanted manacles that hold you bound.

The tingle subsides as a trail of crimson liquid contacts its surface, staining the rusted steel and negating its magic entirely. "What's wrong with him?"

Yes, allow your empathy to guide your actions as no other soldier of season would. This is your weakness. "He just grunted and... is he unconscious?" When those doors open, you must act quickly, as even though the manacles are now no more than weakened steel, they still require strength to shatter.

"Should we inform the princess? Her orders were quite clear."

"He hasn't moved, maybe he's just- What's that on his arm?" It takes but a thought to wipe the growing smile from your face. You've come too far to fail. "He's bleeding! Open the door, now!"

"B-but Celestia said-"

"He needs medical attention, if he doesn't..." A sole eye creaks open to watch the conflict on the opposing guards face, but you already know how this will play out. Celestia's caring instinct is too driven into the foundation of Equestria. What hope do they have to defy it? Removing the key from his chest plate, the guard opens up the cell door, his partner galloping inside and kneeling in front of you.

The door slams shut but that is to be expected. They are kind, not touched... not that touched, you revise. Continuing your ruse, the guard paws at your wrists, blood soaking into his hooves as he attempts to help. You wish to tell him he is only making it worse, but that would give you away. Instead, you allow him to undo your gag and attempt to wipe up the blood, another ill move from a sanitary standpoint. You could get an infection.

Your jaw hangs open, another element to your deception, and you can even hear the frantic beating occurring within his chest. He's never held a prisoner before, nor has he been responsible for another's death before... That second part will change soon enough. For a moment he stops, the cloth having reached your gauntlets where the blood seems to be leaking from his perspective. "Undo the lock, Aegis, hurry!" He tries to stop the bleeding again but to no avail. The guard looks over at his partner again, "What are you waiting for? We need to get these off of him."

"We- we need to tell the princess. H- He's dangerous, Celestia told us that. This could be-"

"A pony is bleeding under our watch!" He attempts to argue, the reluctance of his partner starting to sour your plans. "We can't afford to wait!"

The pony, Aegis, shakes his head and steps away from the cell door. "No, this feels wrong. We need to tell the princess." Damn, and here you were hoping for a simple escape, no need for casualties. Well, not everything can go to plan.

Staying on your knees you pull down on the manacles, the culmination between this and the burning of your wrists causing you to grimace. Aegis is the first to notice this as the chains begin to crack under your strength, and when the second guard turns to face you it's already too late. The chain shatters at your wrist, sending harmless shrapnel across the adjacent cell and freeing your body to move once more. "Ahh, much better."

He raises his spear to stop you only for you to cleave it in half using the weight of your gauntlets, Aegis stunned and unable to move. "Wait! I was just trying to help!"

"Oh, you've done more than help," you answer him with a smile, cracking him on the jaw and sending him to the floor limp. "You just don't know it yet." Aegis manages to take a step back, well outside the range of any strike you could hold, his movements leading in a direction to the exit.

"Stay back! I- I'll get the princess."

"Please do," you reply as you lean down and pull up the unconscious guard behind your gauntlet. "Because the moment you leave I'll be snapping your friend's neck like a twig."

This seems to give him food for thought. Will he score brownie points by informing the princess of your actions while leaving his friend to die? You know this not to be the case. "Please, don't hurt him."

"Yes, of course," you answer him as if the option was out of the question. You lean in closer, placing an ear to his neck. "You hear that? He's breathing, quite remarkable really. I wonder..." you begin again, placing pressure on his throat, "How hard must I squeeze to end his suffering?"

"Stop! Please! He has a wife, foals! Three and five."

"Truly? Will they save him as they dine in ignorance? Are they unicorns as well, or just he? I can't say that I enjoy the company of his race."

The more the talk the more you squeeze, and even though he might be unconscious his body struggles uselessly against you. "What- what do you want?" You're about to squeeze again when he asks that question, all force put into that action evaporated in an instant.

"Well that's simple, I want out of this cell," at the same time you raise the metal gauntlet, still bleeding, "and out of this contraption." His body trembles in its entirety as he pulls out the key again, the 'key' to your freedom hovering just outside the door lock... and he pauses. Why did he pause?!

"I'll let you go," he gulps, unable to remove the lump in his throat, "but you have to promise you won't hurt him." So the would-be guard was not only listening, but learning as well. Impressive, but all too late to be of any use.

"You have my word." At your promise he unlocks the door and you release his partner, freely walking out of the cell door. "My restraints..." The key turns with a click, the metal abomination falling to the floor and allowing you a feeling of relief at long last. You ball up and relax your hands in unison, fresh air another commodity you will learn to enjoy. "Celestia said I was dangerous, meaning you were briefed before my capture. Now, your princess is nothing if not thorough, which means she would have a way for you to leave in case of an emergency." You smile, looking down at him. "What is the password to leave?"

"Solar..." Still conflicted is he, a well-earned scowl will do the trick. "It's Solar Eclipse. Just- Don't hurt anypony." He thinks to give you orders? You recall the last person to attempt this earned a scar that almost blinded him.

"I will not hurt your partner, as part of our agreement. Aegis, that is your name, correct?"

Calling him by his name puts him at ease, a sense of familiarity no doubt. Discord was the same way. "Yes and you're-"

Your fist jabs him in the throat, collapsing his wind tunnel in one swift but devastating attack as he falls to the floor clutching his throat. Pushing his helmet off with your bare foot, you place it just below his neck, a single eye looking up at you, begging for mercy where none shall be found.
"You were never part of that arrangement." The crack echoes throughout the desolate halls of this long forgotten temple, a signal of things to come. It's a shame only you are here to listen...

You slide the key back into the cell door and lock the remaining guard inside. He should consider himself lucky, if it were up to you he would have taken your place in Tartarus. Leaving the two of them behind, one cold and the other with his heart still beating, you move to the dungeon's entrance, rubbing your wrists along the way. The mere touch enflames your exposed flesh, the remnants of skin that hadn't perished as a result of your escape now stained red.

That guard was correct, you must stop the bleeding whether it be an injury of fatal or miniscule scale. Not only would it be foolish for a mere drop of blood to give away your position, attracting the attention of any pony that might see it and would be inclined to investigate, but you deplore making a mess. Excess and useless fat only serve to take up space in this world, and you would rather it be tidy, free of filth.

You reach the top of the stairs, the lack of torches making the trip difficult but you persevered. Though your eyes lack the ability to see in such darkness, the hairs of your neck serve to guide you to the entrance and the indestructible door that holds you within this place. With an outstretched hand you touch the door, the aura it exudes most intense, even for you. Pulling your hand back, you decide the only way through is to knock.

Three times you strike the mass of steel, the vibrations causing a stir from the outside world. "You're not due to return for four hours," the voice outside questions you, his voice muffled. "What's the problem?" Despite the dungeon's echo they appear to have not heard the commotion within, most fortunate for you. It appears this door works in your favor still.

"I need to relieve myself, sir. I haven't had a chance since we left Canterlot."

You hear a shuffle outside the door, their cuffs giving away their change of position... They are skeptical of you. "Princess Celestia said no pony is to enter or leave without her express permission. You can take it up with her upon her arrival." He says this, yet you hear no more hoofsteps, only silence. A poor act, something which will cost him two pawns.

"Yes sir, I'll wait until the Solar Eclipse if I have to."

They don't say a word, but neither do they open the gate. Pressing your ear to the door you hear them mutter amongst themselves. Did Aegis lie to you? In your haste you never took the thought that his words might be laced with such a venomous ploy. If he had- "Sorry about that, you can never be too careful, and drop the sir. Shining isn’t around to ride our flanks."

"Hehe," you chuckle to yourself as a blue glow surrounds the exit, "Yes sir." You put your hands behind your back as it begins to open slowly but surely, a sliver of light casting itself upon you. "Thank you for that," you take a step outside, practically paralyzing the two guards with your appearance. "I couldn't do it without you."


Stepping over the pair of corpses you wipe off your bloodied wrists upon their coats, not that they'll need them prim and proper in the afterlife. You seal them inside, a temporary tomb that the next shift will uncover. How quaint... You look out into the hallway, night long having fallen upon Canterlot with only the hot orange glow of torches to light the castles interior. "What to do," you ask yourself, "So many places, so little time."

It is then that you recall that, yes, you still lack in attire, a most disturbing act in your own culture. Clothes it is then. With no attempt at subterfuge you walk through the hallway, most of the guards having left to rest for their morning shifts. Pulled out all the stops, did she? You fail to see the effects of such an act. She should know you would call her bluff. With each step your toes dig into the ruby carpet, the rough texture of which something you had missed since your first days in Canterlot.

You map your location in the castle in your mind, reciting places you've been or what you have heard in passing. A hallway comes up to your right, the same one where you had met Luna earlier today. Luna... Pausing from your quest you take a closer look down the hall, two doors on the right, one on the left.

Allow your memory to come forth, Anonymous. What did you feel, what did you see, what did you- Smell. Garlic. A kitchen, yes you had all but forgotten. In fact, you seem to recall a plate in your cell still ready for consumption. Perhaps you can place your current quest on hold, just for the moment. Luna had always spent her time coercing the chefs into making a treat for you. It would be unfair not to have returned the favor.

You follow your nose leads you to the second door, pushing it open to reveal the kitchen's interior, a clean stone cut floor with a shimmering table of steel. Steel which could better used in other affairs, but you digress. Finding the chef does not prove a challenge as you hear him humming away, a boiling pot before him with ingredients scattered about. He poses no threat to you, a civilian whose ears have not yet heard of your nature, and with this knowledge you move opposite of him and open a drawer- Nope. The slam causes him to jump, "Excuse me- Sir, but the kitchen is closed."

"You'll make an exception, of that I'm certain."

It doesn't take much convincing for him to... cooperate. You merely explained how it was in his best interest. You watch as he breaks out the flour and other essential ingredients. Time is of the essence, you assure him, restraining a laugh as his movements seem to gain in speed. As he prepares to make your ‘donut,’ a treat whose cravings gear more towards those of Luna than Celestia, you continue your search through the kitchen drawers until you find a suitable cloth.

Opening up yet another failed drawer it is difficult not to become overwhelmed with a sense of pointlessness, but the bleeding must stop. The searing hiss of the fryer fills the room as the oil bubbles and cracks, a test for the oncoming dough. So you must wait, a painful conclusion but one that you must adhere to. It is in good fortune that shortly after this that he had procured you the towel you had sought out.

You nod in turn for his generosity, locating a suitable knife and cutting the cloth into two pieces that adequately wrap around your wrist. The pain is true, your hiss would tell him that, but with continued pressure you allow it to subside, dots of red barely visible through the thick cloth. Clenching your fist you test the wrappings. While they are not as functional as true battle wrappings they will suffice nonetheless. Pulling the dough from the pool of oil he begins to make the frosting. “Blueberry flavored. Her preferences are well known to me.”

He has to return to the fridge to procure them, but procure them he does. As he applies the frosting you balance the knife in your hand, a deadly weapon used for such an innocent purpose. “I’ll be taking this,” you state rather than ask. “Its uses suit my needs far greater than your own, no?” He stutters his agreement, putting on the final touches at your request, sprinkles. You had them shaped in a precise fashion with you on one side of the donut and Luna, as a filly, on the other.

The chef did what he could with the room he had, and it is true that you were not expecting a masterful portrait. Alas, you find it quite pleasing. You can feel the weight lift from his shoulders as you give it an approving nod, the chef placing the pastry in a small box so that it might be easier to transport. “Your efforts have been most useful in my quest, equine. Continue as you were and speak of this to no one… Your face is most memorable.” You help yourself to his fridge to his pantry before you leave, stealing the bread and cheese left forgotten in your cell. Hmm, this one’s fresh. How wonderful.

Wiping your lips as you enter the hallway again, box in one hand with knife in the other, you move to the end of the hallway and peer out the window into the darkness beyond. The moonlight shines through into the courtyard, a sliver of light reflecting off the garden leaves and bushes. Beyond this is where your gaze rests to the three towers resting off in the distance. One stands tall, raised above all others. This is where Celestia rests, you are sure of this.

The second remains lower, always the younger sister and never allowed the chance to exceed her limited expectations. Luna, she is your first stop. The third tower differs from the others as while it lacks a true balcony so that their princess might raise and lower their celestial objects, this tower instead offers a glass dome. This must surely be Cadence’s residence, the books stored within once owned by Nova himself. You make a mental note to meet her after your ‘appointment’ with Celestia has finished. You will want to be properly clothed in your first encounter with Nova’s descendent after all.

The echo of muttering hits your ears as you dive behind a corner, the chink of armor unmistakable. By the sound of it they are headed your way… You hear them mention a door and the hairless creature held within it. Have you truly let time slip by so quickly, or is it that Celestia had altered the shift schedule. Regardless, you gently lay the box to rest as they approach, keeping your back held against the wall as you flip the knife in your hand. You almost have its weight burnt into memory when they make first contact, their spears stretching out in defense. “He’s esca- Grah!”

The knife embeds itself into his throat sending him down screaming in his own blood, the gap in his armor an oversight you hope Celestia addresses in the future. His partner is stunned only for a moment before weakly thrusting at you, his spear cracking against the wall leaving only the shattered wood as his tip. Swiping it from his glass you twirl, gaining momentum before you swipe beneath his knees and sending him to his side before applying the a second blow to his chin.

“Your armor is designed for appeal not for combat,” you review his flaws before driving the splintered tip into his side, the innocent twirl of his chest plate leaving an open gap for you to pierce his heart. “But your attempt will not be forgotten. Rest well.” You close his eyes and those of his comrade, dragging them to a nearby store room before continuing onward. Your hand clutches to the knife with an even fiercer grip as the anger swells within you. Too many equines must die for Celestia’s mistake. But that is something she must learn for herself.


Stairs you ascend, hallways you skulk, patrols you eliminate, each occurring in differing intervals. However, you reach the location you had sought at last, the ‘Royal Wing’ as Celestia’s mother and father had referred to it. You knock over a statue to draw away the guards, your hands moving swift to steal the life from their veins. The blue star that had displayed proudly upon the chests of their fellows are not prominent on these, instead you see the sun’s insignia in its place. These are Celestia’s personal guards… At least you are now certain this is the correct place.

You check on your package as you move through the doors and into the Royal Wing, the donut still fresh and alluring in scent. Hers shall be delivered first, you think as you pass by the rows of doors that line either wall. Celestia’s shall be at the far end, likely guarded by two, perhaps three more guards, but the insignia placed upon the entrance will tell for certain. Celestia’s shall bear the sun. Luna’s will display the moon. You pass by another, a purple star… This must be the mark of Cadence.

You find Luna’s quickly enough, the entrance located in isolation from the others, the torches within shining an ocean blue instead of the sun’s orange. You slip inside and make your way up the stairs, the spiraling staircase always a nuisance for those without wings or magic to help traverse. It is more of a time vampire than anything… By the time you reach the top you silence your footsteps, lowering yourself to the form of a mouse, paws silent as it sneaks in the shadow to steal the lone wedge of cheese. However, instead of whisking away such a gift you will be placing a treat for her own satisfaction.

The door opens with a slight push revealing the darkened interior. To say the room is a mess would do it justice. And while your position on the nature of organization and tidiness would bring Luna into disgrace, it is in this disorder that you cannot possibly allow this action. The star charts that line her walls, each slanted and sideways with no particular direction, stem from a time when she lacked the concept of organization. She was more concerned with the present, as most fillies were.

When you make note that Luna is not currently in the room you allow your stance to drop as you reach out and place a hand upon one such chart. Celerus Nebula, a formation she found one day in her studies, and here… A Venure Cluster, you had helped pin this one up for her. You remember because it is the only one which is straight… A simpler time, a peaceful time…

Her bed lies empty, sheets discarded and lumped to one side. Remarkably she has cleaned up the floor, a sign of maturity that you had hoped she would achieve. No more do the colored tools of drawing scatter themselves under your feet while her ‘action figures,’ no more than glorified dolls, are now placed neatly upon her dresser. The things that might disrupt her have all been tampered with, fixed and cleaned so they might not work in distraction, but when you look to the walls…

These are her memories with each chart standing as symbols for her years of study and work. She would be outside on the balcony, her telescope lowered so that she might gaze upon the stars while her legs were mere stubs. You would be out there with her, you think as your silent motions steer you to the exit outside, helping her, pointing out the areas she might have missed. You smile and lean against the opening. There she is, still standing by her telescope though she no longer has it dropped to the height of a filly.

All it would take are a few more steps to join her, to relive that moment in history where- A breeze catches you off guard, a fatal mistake should you have been in the field. The past is history, this is the present. You allow her peace as you move to leave, placing your gift upon her nightstand on your way out. But before you do you take one more moment to soak yourself in the moment and memorize every detail. It is unlikely you will be seeing this room again. With the same hushed steps as before you shut the door and leave the princess to her work.

The cloth that keeps works upon your wrist loosen as you bound down the steps again, each shake twisting upon the exposed flesh beneath. The pain is the least of your worries. Should infection infiltrate this wound you may not have the necessary strength in the days to come. You are almost finished tightening the makeshift bandages when you exit the door, a peculiar silence cast upon the air. With a deliberate turn you face the source of this newfound silence, a guard, the same sun insignia upon his chest. He can barely think let alone speak. There you are, after all, so close to the princess, to him, and not a soul could have warned him of your swift arrival.


”He’s here!”

You sigh as he runs off further into the Wing, stumbling and hollering as he does, to regroup with his peers. “Scream. Enough blood has been shed this night.”

You follow as he turns down one another hallway, this one wider than the others, pillars running parallel just off either wall. At the far end a group of three, as you had guessed, guards are stationed, each scrambling into formation as the recruits you do not doubt they are. “Stay back!” Their leader shouts as you approach, his voice unlikely to travel all the way to the tower’s spire. “We will be forced to remove you if you do not comply.”

“Where’s your yearning for combat, stallion? Have you ever wished to truly test your skill? I am merely the teacher. Consider this a test,” you grin mischievously, not attempting to hide the blade in your hand. “No cheating.”

“Bub, center shield. Do not let him pass.” The unicorn of the group takes the lead as a bubble forms around the three guard ponies while the other two hold out their spears.

“A good act, I must say,” clapping your hands as you descend upon them. “You stutter less than the others, but your hooves are unsteady and there is a scent of fear in the air.” Veterans in year but not in experience, this is unmistakable but respect is due to them even should this case be true. Perhaps you had misread their earlier actions…

They don’t back down. They don’t flee. These are the truest soldiers Equestria has to offer at the moment. A tragic loss. “Stand back! We will not warn you again!” You stand just outside their little bubble, twirling and flexing the digits of your hand as a dancer would upon a stage.

“I will give you a single chance to walk away, stallions of your yield deserve such an opportunity. Harm shall not come to you… but you must walk away.” Not one budges at your offer, their loyalty as ingrained as that of your own soldiers. “So be it. If it is any consolation, your courage is worthy of the highest honor,” your hand reaches towards the shield… and slips through.

They can hardly believe their eyes as your arm breaches what to them must have seemed as their ‘ace in the hole.’ Your entire arm tingles as you manage to grab hold of the unicorn’s horn, his eyes stretched wide as you drag him to you in a single pull. “My condolences.”

Your knee slams against his snout, the shield dissipating as he falls back with nose dripping blood. A spear jabs your way only to be caught and parried by your blade, the second spear piercing air as you duck underneath his thrust. You lock your arm around the second spear, twisting your body around so the handle smacks against his kin’s neck and sending him stumbling into the pillar.

Discarding the spear held by your elbow you descend upon your would-be attacker only for your shirt to pull against you, a weakened form of telekinesis common amongst their kind, but you push forward without pause. The screech of scraping metal has you turn at the last moment, the unicorn whose efforts were seemingly in vain sweeping the fallen spear in your direction. His attacks prove most effective, as though the swipes have no definitive destination, the sheer speed gives you little time to react.

You block two more strikes before breaking the spear in two at your first opportunity, your heart sinking as now both pieces move against you, both as wild as the first. While you busy yourself with the act of ensuring your own safety, this time allows the other two ponies to regroup, arming themselves once more for combat. They are a true unit, each working together to achieve a common goal. Perhaps they might learn from this experience and prove a worthy fight another day, but for now, you have had enough.

Ripping off a blood-soaked towel from your wrist you toss it into the fray, both weapons caught under the mass of cloth, the blood rendering the tools inert. Their attempts to reanimate the weapon fail as you pick up the rag again and squeeze, the gathered liquid flinging itself upon the three with a wave of your hand. It disorients them at first, a short-lived state of confusion before they rose again to attack only to find themselves disarmed. The unicorn’s magic fizzles as he attempts the most mundane of tasks, while his Pegasus and earth pony brethren take up the spear in a final act of defiance.

You merely swipe away the Pegasi’s strikes before you slam your head against his, the feeble nature of his physiology resulting in this attack rendering him unconscious. The earth pony gets in a single stab as well before you recite your jab from earlier in your escape, though by his short gasps upon collapse, the blow will turn fatal. Finally, you look upon the unicorn, nose still running red from your earlier blow. He eyes the spear of his comrades between glances at you and you only smile. “Make your move, unicorn. I’ve waited for a pony to test my-”

He leaps for it, only for your knee to meet his ribs on the way there, knocking the air from his lungs as he falls, gasping alongside the earth pony. “Three brave equines… May fate allow us a second meeting.”

You look back on them once before ascending the second tower, sure that their wounds will not result in a fatality. Equestria will need stallions of their caliber in the days to come. You reattach the towel upon your wrist, teeth clenched with every bump that renews the sharp stings beneath them. When you finally reach the door… you stop. In the past you had always knocked before entering, one of the few manners you upheld for her sake, and for you and your people tradition is a difficult behavior to break.

Three inaudible taps suffice this pestering voice, opening the door soon after to find the light from the fireplace dim and Celestia sleeping soundly upon her bed. Upon the trunk at the foot of her bed rests your effects, clothes folded neatly with care, belt coiled as she had seen you do in the past. Even with the pressing need to clothe yourself, you cannot help but let your eyes stay captive to the sleeping princess, mane draped over her sheets as her breathes sing through the air.

It is almost out of a fairy tale, the story Nova would read to them as children, far more innocent than yours to be truthful. She looks perfect, you repeat to yourself as you approach her, knife still clutched in hand. “Guess who?” you whisper, knowing full well her ears will not take notice. She was always the heavy sleeper. “Please, don’t get up. I won’t be staying long. The truth of it is, Celestia… I’m disappointed in you.”

Your knife picks up a single strand of hair, scooping it to the side after dying red. This mare has caused you such pain, such anguish. “I only ever wanted to help you, to help Equestria. Your parents wouldn’t listen to me, forbid me from their council, nearly forbidding me from the city. Nova put a stop to that… I protected your society for generations upon end, losing my men, -good- men, in the process. Did you know that they wouldn’t let me see you when you were born? You and your sister. They told Nova not to allow me after they passed, and he agreed… but who would look after you when he passed.”

A conflict of emotions rages through you as you trace the knife along her neck, one puncture and that’s it, she’d be gone. All your problems… Your vengeance… Things would return to the way they were… “It wasn’t my decision to raise you two… I may not have admired your parents but I respected their decision. Before Nova passed he asked a favor of me, to raise you how your parents would have wanted. Warriors… do not make the best parents as you well know, but I would not fail him. I couldn’t always be here for you and Luna… my duty is my charge… But what became of my attempts? Betrayal.”

The blade presses against her throat as you think of that day, as you watched your men suffocate at their own feast, their own celebration. She destroyed a nation that day, your people! But try as you might, you can’t finish it… Not yet. “I did my best to raise you until your maturity. When the war arrived and the griffons descended upon your kind, I saw a chance, a chance for another to take my place… so that I may finally set down the sword. Raising you both… revealed a life I was never privileged to receive, to have a family, a real family, but now I see that this is impossible. I can as much drop the sword as an ocean may cease its waves. My duty is my charge, this has long been my creed.” With bloody hand you push her hair behind her ear, the red of your own blood stained against the hair of her coat. “Rest well, Celestia, for you will need all your strength in the coming days.”

You clothe and wash yourself while you have the time, retrieving the book she had taken from her nightstand. If she were to keep such an item here, then this would also be its current location… yet you feel nothing. Keeping your movements hushed you search the room thoroughly, no nook or cranny untouched, no hiding place unseen.

It is… frustrating that its location eludes you, the book itself only one half of the puzzle. It took a creature of incredible power to bring back your dead, and seeing as how the monster is no ally of yours, you must locate another of his power. That is, unless you have an artifact to give one the power of a god… or an alicorn, that is.

Celestia wore it once, long ago on the day of your defeat. You had hoped she might use it for a more honorable purpose, but mistakes still find you a willing subject. She would keep such an item close to her… unless she had lost knowledge of it, a forgotten artifact left behind in her haste to return home. The meal of capturing the forgotten fortress is all the sweeter when a hidden jewel rests within its walls.

You place the knife on her nightstand, drops oozing down upon the wooden surface, and with a final farewell you lean down and peck her on the cheek. “Perhaps one day you may better understand me and my actions… Before I fall to Tartarus once more. Farwell, Celestia.”

Hand returned to the sword, you shut the door behind you and leave her to slumber. With the words left behind this quest may not be a total loss. While you may not have obtained the amulet, you instead procured a peace of mind. You looked face to face with your opponent as you had with your many adversaries long dead and gave your intent. Whether they be the alpha of the timberwolves, Cumaru, or the lord of the manticores, Melvor, you give them each a fair chance, as each shares a common trait with you. They lead their kind, life everlasting so that their guidance might shape the future of their kin.

Celestia has born a leader, but not you. You were crafted from the earth itself, much as her parents were, as Nova was. None wished for events to fall as they had, nor could they have predicted such a fate would befall their children, but it is none of their concern. They rest now, away from the planes of Tartarus and... You pause as you reach the bottom.

One pony.

Two pony...

Where is the third?

Oooh, there he is. He's crawling away, barely able to breathe and yet his body persists. You might regret letting them live, but the decision has been made. "Morning," you call as you pass, nudging him to the side so your path might remain clear. "Have my respect indeed." It will take him time to reach any guard whom you haven't have the pleasure of meeting already, and even then they must mobilize themselves. All it would take is for you to force them single file... Very much akin to how they must proceed when climbing a tower. Fate is a marvelous thing at times.

Finding your way back to Cadence's door you take each step two at a time, a feeling of, giddyness. It must be, seeing as how they are driving your motions to such an effect. The trip takes little time as you factor in this increase in speed along with the height of the structure. In fact, you already hear voices from above, one hushed... the other questioning but soft. Oh Fluttershy, meeting the princess are we, or is this 'Shining' applying a more personal touch.

You will have no qualms with ending him should it be the latter, adultery has a habit of bringing out the worst in you. Stopping just outside the door you await a moment to enter. This trip has seemed to bring your manners to the surface, something you must eradicate before returning to your men. "...I- I don't want to talk about it anymore, please."

"Fluttershy, I'm your friend. I understand how you must be feeling, but the safety of Equestria could be at stake."

"I know. Oh, Twilight, I know, but... You don't understand. He's not like the others. He seems angry but, I know there is good in him." Pfft... "He's only doing what he thinks is best."

"He destroyed your cottage and-" 'Twilight' pauses and seems to calm down. "He's delusional, Fluttershy, coo coo, and that's just him. The others could be just like him."

You hear Fluttershy sniffle, this entire conversation obviously putting her on the defensive while she would much rather be simply left alone. "I told you everything I knew, Twilight... Please, if he heard what I said-"

"He's locked away, under guard, behind a two ton door with guards stationed all over the castle. He won't be bothering you any time soon." Aaand that's your cue to drop in.

"I wouldn't be so sure of that." Cutting yourself into their conversation you- you... "Alicorn?"

Fluttershy freezes but doesn't run, a single eep escaping her throat. Her 'friend' and this you cannot stress enough, takes a stance against you, "You-"

"Fluttershy..." Rage laced upon your tone like a healthy dose of poison, "Who is this..."

Twilight stomps a hoof, horn igniting as if she were prepared to face you, "You aren't going to- GWAH!" You descend upon her in an instant, slamming her against the wall with your forearm to her throat, your sword pinned to her stomach just begging for a push.

"I was not -speaking- to you, abomination!" You push harder against her throat to accentuate your point. "Fluttershy! This, is your friend Twilight?"

"Y-y-y-yes s-sir..."

"And she is a princess of this castle?" Fluttershy mumbles the answer again, your eyes burning into the creature before you. "There is a Cadence, a pony whose name I have heard uttered... She is of the Cadenza line. Fluttershy, is this Cadence a princess as well, an alicorn?"

You eagerly await her answer, ears trained for that subtle whimper masked in doubt, "Yes."

Celestia... What have you done?

"GRAH!" you throw the monster clear across the room, landing on the second level where Nova's library still stands, tainted by her mere presence. "This is the tower of an immortal, a leader of Equestria! Not for you! Not for whatever it is that you are!" You practically throw yourself up the stairs, ignoring the pain that seeps from your wrists as you head straight for Twilight, the atrocity. "Stay back! I'm warning-"

"Silence, fiend!" You grab her the throat only to throw her back down to the floor, "Three alicorns, three griffons, three humans, always three! Never a fourth!"

"p-please stop," Fluttershy's pleas fall on deaf ears, their owner consumed in bloodlust. "you're hurting her." You throw the ‘princess’ against an adjacent bookcase, little to no fight left in her as she attempts to stand, each falling book knocking her upon her stomach.

How could Celestia allow this? Has defiance filled her heart so completely that she would forsake the world? And for what? This is no gift; this is a perversion of nature. "S-stop," this time it's Twilight who speaks up, a single string of blood running from her nose.

"I. Am. Not. Speaking to you!" Grabbing the bookcase you tip it back over, eagerly awaiting to her the soft crunch of shattered bones. Only, that joyous day never comes and you're left fuming, sword pinned to the floor as Fluttershy sets down her 'friend.'

She risked her life for that thing, that monster. You'll kill her, you'll kill all of them, you'll... "It's going to be okay. Everything will be alright." The pegasi's soft spoken mantra soothes her friend... and calms the fire in your soul, but only just. "Anon, she hasn't done anything-"

"Do -not- call me Anon. I am Anonymous." Trudging over you grab Twilight once more and pin her against glass dome, drawing your weapon into an impaling position. "This creature must be exterminated."

"Wait!" Your thrust is cut off as her hooves attempt to draw you back, weak and helpless but enough to distract you. Spinning back you smack the mare with the full force of your palm, sending her crumbling to the floor in tears. "Don't hurt her."

"Do not make demands of me, equine. Remember your place."

Still recovering from your blow Fluttershy makes her stand, albeit a trembling one. "I- I'll come with you willingly. I won't run, just please don't hurt her anymore."

"Another pony asked for me to spare their friend today? Would you like to know what happened to him?"

Fluttershy closes her eyes, knowing full well what you mean. "Then... do what you will, but leave Twilight alone."

This fucking mare... "Flutter-"

"Shut up!" The alicorn twitches in fear as you raise your hand, but your attention is focused on the Pegasus, not the would-be princess. "You would die for this mare? Allow your own life to be taken if it meant to save this... thing?"

Fluttershy nods, head downcast which you find unacceptable.

"Look at me!" Her eyes snap to yours as she gathers what strength she can. "You would sacrifice yourself for her?"

This time she does not allow her eyes to yield, her head does not cast itself in shame. Now she shows promise, "Yes." Your finger traces the handle of your sword, the gears churning within your mind... Celestia's actions are more dire than you had feared, a great flame she burns against the darkness. You will not be enough to balance this war... As a wise old buffalo once said, fight fire with fire and the world will burn. You choose to ignore the second half of that saying. In a single motion you sheathe your sword, an action which allows your past prisoner to breathe a sigh of relief. "Thank you..."

"Do not allow such a pleasant response yet. Move!" You shout the last part behind you, the alicorn limping her way to the stairs in retreat. "You are no longer my prisoner, equine Fluttershy. You are now my servant, a personal aide until my dying breath."

Still her gaze does not yield, even if they darken with moisture. "I understand."

"Fluttershy don't." You snap your head to Twilight who immediately looks away.

"If that mare speaks again I will cut her throat."

"I am your servant..." Fluttershy's voice calls you back to her, the mare's expression failing to keep the emotionless visage you often display. She is too human for that.

"You will be at my beck and call. You will clean my clothes, bring me my meals, most consisting of varying meats..." She almost breaks at that comment but she remains vigilant. "Each time you bathe me, you will cherish it as a gift. My bed that you warm, a temple held sacred. I am your savior and protector; you are my servant and carl. This is your charge. Do you accept?"

Twilight can't bear to listen as her friend swears her life away, all because of her... because of Celestia. "I accept."

"Then repeat after me: Sworn upon my vows I pledge."

"Sworn upon my vows I pledge."

"From now until my light has faded."

"From now until my light has faded."

My oath is sworn but my actions bring it truth."

"My oath..." Her lip quivers but she continues, "is sworn, but my actions bring it truth."

"My duty is my charge."

"My duty is my charge."

"Let death befall me should I forsake it."

"Let death befall me, should I forsake it."

Kneeling down you place your hands upon her trembling shoulders and lean your head against hers, closing your eyes as you do so. "Let it be known that on this day, Fluttershy vows her loyalty to me and only upon her death will she be released from this oath."

"Let it be known-"

"No," you can't help but laugh. "That part's for me. We shall forsake the bond of blood in favor of time."

"E- excuse me?" You look up at the regiment of guards pouring in from the entrance, Twilight scattered in amongst them.

"We have company… How much weight can you carry in flight, Fluttershy?"

"N-not much," she admits, the first of the guards reaching the top of the stairs. That isn't quite the answer you were leaning towards, but it will have to do.

"In an emergency, could you glide to safety while carrying a great burden?"

More fill the second level now, a row of golden armor and pointy spears each ready for you. "Maybe... W-why?"

"Just remember, if you cannot we both perish this day," you whisper back to her as Twilight takes position behind the guards, her head only slightly taller than them.

"There's nowhere to run, Anonymous. Release Fluttershy and you will not be harmed." You scoff at her demands, the oath is absolute.

"Counterproposal... Return to whatever hellhole you call home, demon. Now!"

Scooping Fluttershy under your arm you charge through the glass at your rear, the two of you hurtling down to the ground below. "Oh no oh no oh no oh no!"

"Any time now Fluttershy," you lift her above your head, having to shout over the wind.

"R-right..." Her wings flare outwards and already you can tell the difference. "Oooh- very- heavy-"

"Remember your oath and bear the pain, it is your keepsake." You attempt to motivate her, half out of sympathy and the other out of not wishing to turn into a flesh pastry. “Aim for the wall.”

“Okay, Fluttershy. You can do this. Deep breathes. In. Out. In. Out...” You turn your head to the tower above, the faded form of Twilight's purple coat barely visible from this distance. You can only imagine their faces when you jumped. Were you in their place, you wouldn't have expected it.

By the time Twilight can muster the pegasi to pursue you, it's already too late. Your feet come to a running start as you hit the castle wall, slowing down as Fluttershy's forward momentum quells itself to a more reasonable level. "We must be quick," you set her back down as you sneak away to the edge, gazing out to the forest just outside the city walls. "An associate of mine will be arriving shortly."

"We'll want to go this way, I mean, if we want to reach the gate."

"Who said I wanted to reach the gate?"

She paws at the ground, "When we were at camp, you told your friend to meet you at the edge of the golden city... The gate is on the far edge..." This- How- You whispered this to your comrade deliberately, you spoke so openly in hopes to lead her astray from the truth so that any information she have might only serve to distract...


"Not all the animals I talk to are big and noisy. Sometimes I have to try really hard to hear them... I guess- umm, I have good hearing." This mare... She never ceases to surprise you.

The two of you sneak along the wall, taking a detour down the city's back alleys before the guard could close in around you. You reach the gate soon enough, and by then the Royal Guard had already spread themselves too thin, their net too narrow to catch such a sly fish. Crossing the bridge you take a rest next to a set of bushes well outside the range of any guard to see. Fluttershy sits upon the grass while you keep a lookout for Andrew's arrival. "I didn't tell them that part... What you said to your friend."

"He is my kin, not my friend. If you must refer to him, his name is Andrew."

"O-okay..." She quiets down as she stares at a particularly interesting blade of grass. You can't help but steal glances at her, a familiar question forming in your head.


She keeps playing with the grass, much like a filly you used to know when asked one too many questions, "I don't want to hurt anypony... When Shining Armor started asking me questions, I- I thought of how they treated you... Like you were a monster."

"To most, I am. You of all ponies should share their sentiment."

Fluttershy shakes her head. "Monsters don't care about how other ponies feel... Your- Andrew cares about you, and, you care about them... You're just a pony deep down, you don't want to hurt anypony." A whistle catches upon the wind, your eyes pinning down on a humanoid shaped shadow on moving through the brush. You return the call, turning back to Fluttershy.

"I have killed for longer than any pony alive can remember. I've spilled more than my share of innocent blood as well. I've done things that no sane pony would even consider... What I feel about the world doesn't matter. How I feel about killing, maiming, bringing pain unto others... None of it matters. It is but a means to an end. Do I take pleasure in the act? The truth is, Fluttershy, that a part of me does. I am a monster. You just don't know it yet." His face coming into view you grab hold of Andrew's hand and pull him into your embrace.
"Strength has certainly found you, brother."

He releases, taking in the two patches of cloth around your wrist, "Steel has taken you out of its grace, my lord."

"Yet it has seen fit to grant me another day still. How fare the men?"

"Their work hastens my lord, a small infestation of arachnid plagued the ruins, but we made short work of them." He looks to Fluttershy who has taken a stand by your side, "Shall your prisoner be requiring permanent lodging?"

"Not necessary. She has token the oath and has vowed servitude beneath me. My room is hers."

He nods and falls to a knee, "As a fellow taker of the oath, it is only proper we become acquainted. Andrew, your brother in arms."

Fluttershy bows her head in turn, "Fluttershy, umm, your... sister?"

The elderly veteran chuckles and returns to his feet. "Did you find what you were looking for?"

You shake your head, Andrew nodding once more. "Each failure is a battle better known. Come, sire, day shall be upon us soon."

"Yes..." you take a look back to the city, to the tallest tower where a princess still rests. The next time you meet you will not bend so easily. That is your oath to her.