• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 5,972 Views, 470 Comments

Other Wanderings - ed2481

A group of short stories about Ethan the Lone Wanderer and Twilight Sparkle continuing the adventure after the events of Light Wanderings. Needless to say those who haven’t read either Dark or Light Wanderings will be flying blind. Expect silli

  • ...

Highschool Wanderings Part 3

Twilight sat in a nicely appointed office across from Principal Celestia, her eyes were firmly locked on the desk in front of her, mostly because she knew that if she moved them upwards she’d spend the entire time ogling the woman’s impeccably firm breasts. Celestia for her part, was rather confused by the situation. The file that they’d sent about Twilight hadn’t mentioned that she was prone to violence, or swearing for that matter. No, Twilight was a straight A student who’d never had a disciplinary problem in her entire school career.

“Now... Miss Sparkle I’ve already talked with Miss Shimmer and she seems to want you expelled, effective immediately,” Celestia said at last.

“That’s not fair, you can’t listen to just her because she went first it’s bu-” Twilight began angrily, still averting her eyes.

“However because it is I who am in control of this school and not Miss Shimmer, no matter how much she would wish it otherwise, I’m willing to let you off with a stern warning against doing it again,” Celestia stated firmly, cutting the teenager off mid curse.

Twilight looked up swiftly, her eyes gliding over Celestia’s chest before making it to her eyes. “Wait, what; why?”

Celestia allowed a small smile to appear on her face. “Now after speaking with several witnesses, it is clear that you were defending Miss Fluttershy Miss Shimmer. I cannot abide bullies like Miss Shimmer in my school and it is my hope that your rather unorthodox method of dealing with her taught her a lesson,” the woman said, giving Twilight another small smile. “That, coupled with your previous lack of disciplinary infractions means that I’m letting you off easy because this is your first offense... any more and I will have to assign punishments.”

A smile spread across Twilight’s face. “Thank you Tia!” she exclaimed.

“Once again it is Principal Celestia to you,” Principal Celestia affirmed, though for some reason she enjoyed hearing the girl call her ‘Tia’. “Now, you should hurry to lunch, wouldn’t want to miss it.”

Twilight grinned and almost leaned over to kiss the woman out of reflex, but stopped before she’d even finished the thought, a hot blush spreading over her face. “Umm... thank you Principal Tia... I should go,” she said hurriedly before rushing out of the office leaving Celestia behind with a frown on her face.

“That was... strange,” she muttered.

“So... you said your name was Ethan right?” Fluttershy asked the leather bound teen sitting across from her.

“Yep,” the man replied. “Ethan Smith, also known as the Lone Wanderer, at your service,” he added with a chuckle.

Fluttershy frowned for a moment and ate a little of her burger before looking back up at him. “That sounds familiar... but I can’t imagine why,” she said, still frowning.

“Eh, it’s a common name,” the man replied with a chuckle before glancing down at the soda he’d picked up. “This stuff is good... but it’s not blue enough for me,” he stated.

“Blue soda?” Fluttershy asked.

“Nuka Cola Quantum,” Ethan answered with a grin. “Best stuff in the world.”

“I’ve... never heard of it... is it a foreign brand?” Fluttershy asked him with a curious expression on her face.

“I guess you could say that,” Ethan said, chuckling to himself. “So Fluttershy, what was that Shimmering Bitch threatening you about?”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened at the man’s language, not being the type to appreciate it, but answered all the same. “She umm... wanted to know what I’d done... after I found the crown for the Fall Formal.”

Ethan frowned. “Crown... gold thingy with a six pointed star on it?”

“Yes... that’s it,” Fluttershy said with a nod.

“Do you still have it?” he asked her, his gaze turning surprisingly intense.

Fluttershy looked away, scared by the intensity. “No...”

Ethan deflated. “Oh... alright. What happened to it then?”

“Well... this morning I was passing out flyers for the local animal shelter like I do every Wednesday... and suddenly the crown hit me in the back of the head... I have no idea how it got there,” she said timidly. “I didn’t want anything to happen to it so I decided to give it to Principal Celestia.”

“Huh,” the man mused with a frown. “I wonder if old Sun Butt would give it to me if I asked nicely.”

Fluttershy blushed at the name. “I don’t think she’d appreciate you calling her that... or mentioning her tattoo...”

“Hmm... I’ll see about that later,” Ethan said with a chuckle. “After Sparky gets out of her office and all.”

“You know... if you two really want the crown... your friend Twilight could always run for Princess,” Fluttershy said with a small frown.

“Or we could steal it,” Ethan replied with a smirk. “I can lockpick my way through almost anything...” He trailed off when he noticed Fluttershy staring at him. “Or... Sparky could be Princess, that works too,” he admitted with a chuckle.

“I could do what now?” Twilight asked from behind him causing Ethan to jump in surprise, followed shortly by a deep blush.

“Oh, h-hey there Sparky,” he said in an attempt to sound casual. “Me and Fluttershy here were just talking about how you could get the Element-crown by being voted Princess...”

Twilight sat down beside the man and put her hand over top of his, causing a light blush to play over both of their faces. “Really now?” she asked, looking at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy nodded swiftly. “Yes... that’s the best way to do it,” she said.

“Well then... how would I go about doing that?” Twilight inquired with a raised eyebrow.

“You’d have to talk to the planner of the Fall Formal... she should be in the gym,” Fluttershy told her, though there was an odd note of... anger in her voice.

“Alrighty then,” Ethan said, getting to his feet. “We know where we’re going.”

“But I didn’t even get a chance to eat anything!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Food is for the weak!” Ethan exclaimed with a grin. “Besides, considering how much you probably ate last night I’d be surprised if you’re hungry for a while.”

Twilight slapped him, leaving a large red imprint on on the man’s face. Fluttershy flinched back from the conflict, but Ethan for his part only laughed.

“Fine Sparky, get some food, I was only joking,” he replied with a small chuckle. “I’m going to scope this place out, see what I can see.” Then, to his surprise, he bent down and gave her a peck on the cheek before a deep blush covered his face and he quickly strolled away.

Twilight stared at the retreating man’s back, half frozen in surprise. Her hand moved up to where he’d kissed her, and a crimson blush covered her face.

Fluttershy for her part looked at the girl across from her with a confused expression.

“I thought you too were just... friends,” she said with frown.

“Yeah... me too...” Twilight said, still rather shocked by what had just happened. Then she frowned, and began to eat in silence.

What the hell was I thinking? Ethan asked himself as he strode down the hallway. I just... kissed Twilight... what the hell? He shook his head. I mean... I’ve liked her from the day I first found her on that random blood stained mattress... but never like that... he looked down at his teenaged body, which up until just a minute ago had been enjoying the warm sensation that came from kissing Twilight. Fucking hormones, he grumbled to himself. Oh well... maybe when this is all over I can ask Cassie and Tia if we can do something... all together.

He continued to walk down the hallway, occasionally glancing down at the watch which was all that was left of his Pip-Boy. He’d been at it for around twenty minutes when he suddenly felt as if he was being followed. He looked over his shoulder to see several overly buff guys in athletic shorts walking towards him, looks of menace on their faces.

A wry grin appeared on Ethan’s face. Oh lookie, someone to punch. Good, I was in the mood to do a bit of that.

Ethan stopped in the middle of the hallway and let the jocks surrounded him. They appeared to be confident in themselves and their superior numbers, large grins on each of their faces. A blond one stepped forward.

“You Ethan?” he asked with a grunt.

“That’s me yeah, Ethan Smith, the Crazy Son of a Bitch,” Ethan answered with a smirk. “Who are you?”

The jock sneered at him. “I’m Steven, and I have a message for you from Sunset Shimmer,” he growled.

“Oh, and what’s that?” Ethan asked curiously.

“Just wait and see,” the jock replied with a dark chuckle. Ethan tensed himself and waited for the blow to come.

“Hey, what are you guys doing!?” a new voice shouted, everyone turned to see some blue haired guy yelling at them.

“What do you want Flash?” Steven sneered at him. “You’re a rocker, not a fighter.”

“Well I can’t just let you guys gang up on this guy,” Flash answered, cracking his knuckles. “So, why don’t you back off?”

There was a moment of silence before Ethan began to chuckle.

“Kid, I appreciate what you’re aiming for, but honestly, I don’t need your help,” Ethan told him with a grin.

“But there are ten of them!” Flash protested.

“Yeah, and?” Ethan asked with a raised eyebrow. “I eat douchebags like this for breakfast,” he added with a smirk towards the jocks who bristled angrily.

“That’s it; you’re dead!” Steven shouted, bringing his fist slamming into Ethan’s chest.

Ethan didn’t flinch, and the jock’s fingers crumpled against the armored leather jacket. Steven’s face contorted in pain and Ethan took the initiative. He darted forward and drove his knee into Steven’s crotch, the man let out a whimper. Steven didn’t have time to do anything else because Ethan brought his elbow down on the man’s head and he fell weightlessly down to the ground where he crumpled in a heap.

“Okay, next,” Ethan said with a chuckle as he surveyed the jocks who were eying him in surprise and fear.

Then, two of them stepped up and charged at Ethan. The teenager let out a happy chuckle and simply stepped back, allowing them to ram into each other. As they tried to collect themselves, Ethan darted forward and knocked their legs out from under them and then as they tried to struggle to their feet he kicked them in the stomach with his steel toed boots. They too crumpled.

“Hmm... this is getting boring, next?” Ethan asked the jocks who were staring at him.

“ARRRGH!” a particularly large jock shouted at him as he charged Ethan. The teenager looked over in time to see the gargantuan grab him and tackle him to the floor. Ethan hit the ground with a thud, but before the jock could do anything else he brought his forehead up to deliver a ringing blow to the jock’s.

The gargantuan blinked back stars, and Ethan delivered a pair of quick jabs to his face, one landing on his nose and breaking it. The jock let out a cry of pain as blood poured down his face and Ethan kneed him in the crotch, forcing the air out of his chest. Ethan capitalized on this by delivering another pair of rapid jabs with his elbow to the jock’s face. As the other teen recoiled off of him, howling in pain Ethan maneuvered himself out from under him and swiftly got to his feet before bringing his steel toed boot slamming into his chest again. The large jock collapsed to the floor, moving no more.

“Okay that was a bit better,” Ethan said with a grin as he cracked his neck and surveyed the stunned jocks who were staring at their four downed ‘teammates’ in shock.

“What... are you?” one of the six asked him.

“Ethan Smith, aka the Lone Wanderer, aka that Crazy Son of a Bitch,” Ethan answered with a grin. “Now then, shall we continue?”

The jocks took one look at him, and charged.

“Two cases of cracked ribs, four concussions, three broken noses, four broken arms, five bruised kidneys, and ten young men who are even now on their way to the hospital,” Vice Principal Luna listed off to Ethan as he sat in front of her, twiddling his thumbs. “Just what were you thinking?”

“That there were ten of them and if they wanted to try and beat me up then I’d make it difficult for them,” Ethan answered with a shrug. “I mean, it’s not like I went looking for them.”

Luna stared at him for a moment before shaking her head. “Still... you put ten people in the hospital.”

“In self defense!” Ethan protested. “The bastards are lucky that I didn’t kill them.”

“Do you realize how many parents I’ve had to talk to today?” Luna inquired angrily. “I’ve barely managed to keep them from collectively suing the school!”

“I honestly have no idea why you’d think that matters to me,” Ethan replied with a shrug. “Like I said, I acted in self defense, that Flash guy can back me up here.”

Luna placed a hand over her face and let out a small groan. “Yes... Flash Sentry has indeed backed you up on your claim... and I see no reason to doubt him.” She removed her hand and looked into Ethan’s eyes. “You are very lucky young man... were it not for his support I would be forced to expell you.”

Ethan shrugged. “Hey, don’t worry about it Lu, I know that you’re just doing your job,” he told her casually as he got to his feet. “See you around Lulu,” he added, leaving the office before Luna had a chance to stop him.

"Wait you can't just-" the door slammed shut and the woman let out another groan. “What is happening to this school?”

Author's Note:

I may end up making this five or six parts .... hmm. Anyways, I hope you had fun with this chapter