• Published 19th Nov 2013
  • 5,972 Views, 470 Comments

Other Wanderings - ed2481

A group of short stories about Ethan the Lone Wanderer and Twilight Sparkle continuing the adventure after the events of Light Wanderings. Needless to say those who haven’t read either Dark or Light Wanderings will be flying blind. Expect silli

  • ...

Drekzone Part 4

“So; question,” Ethan said as the two geared up for the upcoming match.

Glen was beside him at another table, fitting on a suit of brown combat armour and a large... saddle with a pair of guns on it. One reminded Ethan very much of a .45 submachine gun and the other was very similar to a plasma rifle. Ethan for his part was already ready to go and leaning against the wall. Glen looked up from what she was doing and looked at him inquisitively.

“Hmm?” she asked.

“If you’ve been here for a year, and there are one to three matches a day... then how do you only have a hundred wins?” the man inquired. “Shouldn’t you have 365 wins, at least?”

Glen blinked a bit. “Well...I was out most of the time recovering from getting my eye pulled out,” she replied. “Drek didn’t want a competitor to be half baked to fight in his tournament.”

“Ah,” Ethan shrugged and then went back to examining his sword. “So, how do you fight?”

“I usually rain a ton of bullets mixed with some magical shots in either the face or legs, then I normally finish it off with a buck full of spikes in the face if I can,” she replied as she got on her last piece of gear, two metals shoes with two inch spikes arranged on the back of her hoof. “If that doesn't work, I improvise,” she added with a small shrug.

Ethan glanced down at the mare with a chuckle. “A mare after my own heart,” the man told her, ruffling her mane. “Now, let’s go kill some idiots.” Glen smiled widely and the two walked to the lift to begin their ascent to the arena. As always, they were greeted with the roar of the crowd and the loud voice of the announcer.

“PEOPLE OF GAMMA-10, WE HAVE A TREAT FOR YOU TODAY!” The announcer shouted, causing the crowd of people to cheer loudly and Ethan waved to the crowd, giving several winks as well. “THE CRAZY SON OF A BITCH HAS A NEW PARTNER! YOU KNOW HER, YOU LOVE HER, GLEN STONECUTTER!” The applause for Ethan was dwarfed by the applause for the mare who seemed a bit shocked at the encore but smiled and waved a hoof at the crowd.

“And here I thought you said you didn’t have fans,” Ethan whispered.

“Well, I didn’t know I got that famous,” she answered with a small chuckle as she lowered her hoof down.

“Must be the cute flank,” he replied.

Her face turned a very light shade of red but she cleared her throat. “So, who are the dweebs we-”

“AND THEIR OPPONENTS, THE ONLY TAG TEAM WITH THREE MEMBERS; THE FROG WORMS!” the announcer roared, cutting off Glen as another lift on the opposite side of the arena rose up out of the ground.

Standing upon it were three large creatures. One was a distinctly frog-like brute... though to be honest it almost resembled a dinosaur wearing a suit of smooth armour then an amphibian. The armor it wore was red and tinged with black lines while the weapon it held in its grasp looked to be like the largest shotgun Ethan had ever seen, and that was saying something.

The other two were extremely similar to each other, looking almost like twins... or brothers. They towered over the ‘dinosaur’ by at least a foot and their purple armour looked to be about the thickness of a space ship’s outer hull. Each carried a thick shield in one hand while the other arm ended in a large... gun type thing that had several green protrusions. Twin lines of spikes ran up their backs and what little skin was visible was green.


“Well, that’s comforting,” Ethan mused. “You know anything about these assclowns?”

“Frog face is a heavy hitter, likes to run up and blast people in the face with that shotgun of his,” Glen infromed the man. “The other two fight as a team... one attacks while the other defends. Their guns shoot exploding plasma projectiles that bounce and the shield can block damn near anything.”

“Huh,” Ethan said as he looked over them. “I’ll take the brothers, you can take the froggy, sound good?”

The mare nodded her head. “Yep,” she replied with a small smile as she focused on the frog-faced alien .

“Goodie,” Ethan said with a grin. “Let’s groove, ya dig?”

Glen frowned slightly. “Groove?” she asked.

Ethan’s answer was preempted by the announcer’s shouting.


The enemy team started the fight off immediately, the two hulking hunters leveling their arm cannons on the pair and firing off several blasts of exploding plasma. Glen’s eyes widened as she bolted into a gallop to get out of the way while Ethan raised his sword and ran at the pair, dodging the incoming bolts like a pro.

As Ethan ran at them, the pair of hunters locked their weapons on him and fired again. The man’s sword flashed out, deflecting the blasts away from himself, or it would have if it hadn’t caused it to explode. Ethan was launched backwards, his duster a bit singed while red hot plasma dripped down his face.

Ethan fell and landed hard. It took him a moment to regain his senses through the pain over through his face as well as to catch his breath. Fortunately, he recovered in time to see one of the hunter’s half ton form lumbering towards him at an incredibly surprising speed. The man barely had time to roll to the side as the hunter brought its shield slamming down on the spot he’d just vacated.

Glen was safely away from the first volley of exploding plasma, taking a quick breather before her ears perked up to the sound of heavy foot stomps. She turned around to see the krogan charging towards her ready to smack the side of his shotgun into her back. The mare jumped back just before the alien could complete the swing and she bit into the mouth guard that fired her .45 machine gun.

The gun unleashed a volley of screaming bullets at the krogan; unfortunately his armour was too thick for the bullets to pierce through and the few ones that did hit the alen’s big head, didn’t seem to do that much damage at all. In fact, it only seemed make him very, very, very, pissed.

“Fuck,” she muttered as she turned around as the krogan lifted his shotgun and fired at the fleeing mare. Pain flashed in Glen’s mind as she felt several dozen small object slice through her armor and skin. “SHIT!” she nearly shouted as she did an about face and fired her magical rifle at him. The purple bolt darted out and hit the krogan square in the chest. This time, leaving a large burn mark on it’s armor.

Meanwhile, Ethan rolled to his feet and drew his Novasurge from his pocket and unleashed five shots in quick succession. The bolts were easily absorbed by the heavy shield, and another stream of plasma launched at him from the other hunter. Ethan barely had time to dodge before the plasma soared over him. The man let out a growl of annoyance as he holstered his plasma pistol and drew his sword again. He charged at the nearest of the hunters.

The hunter brought up its shield to block the blow, and much to Ethan’s dismay, the shield blocked the blade. The blade did dig in around two inches before emerging on the other side, unfortunately that left the monster completely fine. Ethan had around a second to react as the other large alien tried to sandwich him between itself and his brother, barely dodging to the side in time. He came up in a roll and was forced to roll again as the hunters charged at him together.

“Oh for the love of GOD WILL YOU JUST FUCK OFF!” Ethan shouted at them as he drew a plasma grenade from his pocket and rolled it at the approaching hunter pair. To the man’s dismay, the pair managed to bring their shields up in time to block the plasma blast, deflecting away most of the damage. Though, as Ethan watched, a piece or two of armour fell off of their backsides.

“So that’s it huh?” he mused speculatively as an idea formed in his head, it was crazy, but that was his bread and butter.

The krogan charged towards Glen, taking the hot bolts of magic that she was firing head on. The bolts seared into his armored and thick hide, yet the alien was able to close in on the mare and delivered a heavy kicked in her side. A painful grunt left Glen’s lips as she felt one or two of her ribs snapping in half and agony screamed in her mind.

Glen gritted her teeth and a continued to fired her rifle at the krogan who was in point black range. The pink energy impacted several times into the krogan’s burnt chestplate, which was already beginning to melt. The lofty alien stumbled backwards a bit, grunting as his armor was slowly cooking the top layer of his skin. He snarled at the pony before bringing his shotgun up and firing it at her.

The mare saw the move and side stepped away, barely avoiding getting a load of super heated grains plowed through her muzzle like butter. Glen retaliated by continuing to fire her rifle into the krogen’s chestplate, causing the hole in the armor to grow bigger and deeper.

“HOW YOU LIKE THAT!” she shouted, despite the pain in her lungs. However, her rifle suddenly stop firing as a loud hissing noise buzzed in her ears. She glanced at the rifle to see she had overheated it and the cooling vents were open as wide as they could to expel the heat, but the rifle was cooked for now. “FUCK!” she cursed at her luck as she glanced back at the krogan, seeing him preparing his shotgun for another discharge into her face.

He would have too, if Ethan hadn’t chosen that moment to run by and smack him on the back of the head. “Hi Glen, bye Glen,” Ethan shouted as he ran bye the mare, “Also, move!” Glen looked up to see the two hunters thundering after the man and she was right in their path. The mare broke into a gallop without a second thought, her wounds in her chest, legs, and back flaring up with every step she took.

“I hope you got a better idea than running!” she called to the man, glancing back to see the krogan was also in the chase after them.

“Oh Glenny, you’re doubting me again, stop that,” Ethan called back, pulling a bit more ahead of her. “I do everything for a reason!”

The two ran from the three monstrous pursuers until they came on the very edge of the arena floor. Ethan turned and looked up to see the krogan and the two hunters hurtling towards them. Glen looked at the lava and at the trio aliens.

“Realy? This is your plan!?” she asked.

“Yep,” Ethan said as he fiddled with something in his hands.

“You know while they’re brutes, they’re not stupid!” Glen shouted at Ethan.

“Yep,” the man replied, still fiddling.

“HOW IN THE HELL DID YOU THINK THIS WOULD WORK!” she demanded as she glanced at the three nearing tanks of death.

“I’m crazy,” Ethan told her, smirking widely at her. “Didn’tcha hear?”

“NOT THIS TYPE OF CRAZY!” she replied as the krogan and the two hunters were a mere hundred feet away.

“Oh Glen, you shouldn’t doubt me,” Ethan said with a chuckle as he finished what he was doing with his hands. Ethan then tossed an assortment of objects at the krogan and the hunters who were no more than twenty feet away.

The krogan was leading the way when the first object landed a little behind him. The armoured amphibious dinosaur was launched off of his feet and sent pinwheeling through the air with a blast of green explosive energy that sent him flying into the lava behind them. It sank in head first and there was only a moment or two of struggle before he sank beneath the surface.

The hunters however, stayed firmly on the ground as the plasma washed over them. Though they did let out cries of anger at their killed ‘friend’. Thankfully, the blast seemed to have knocked off quite a bit of their armour. Ethan grinned and ran at the two, sword drawn. They pointed their guns at him, still running.

The man closed with them and ducked beneath the pair’s arms ending up behind them. His red blade darted out and sank into one of their backs as it tried to turn and kill him. It let out a howl of pain and Ethan twisted the sword deeper. The other hunter turned to attack him, leaving its back exposed to Glen who unloaded a barrage of bullets into its back.

The hunter Ethan had impaled fell to its knees, and then lay down dead on the ground while the one Glen had fired upon let out an unearthly scream as the plasma ate through the worm colony maintaining the shape before it too fell dead. Ethan cleaned his sword on the beast’s back, it was covered in yellow green blood, and then turned to the crowd and bowed to thunderous applause.

Glen was heaving in and out as blood soaked down her fur. “We did it...” she stated in small disbelieving whisper.

“Course we did, told you it would be fine,” Ethan replied as he walked over to her and jabbed a syringe in her neck and pushed down the plunger.

Glen winced a little, but she let out a small relieved sigh as the stimpak slowly began to mend the inside of her body. “Yeah, but do you think you could dim the risk down just a bit?” she asked with a small chuckle, only to wince as pain shot up in her ribs.

“But then it wouldn’t be exciting,” the man replied before shouting at the audience. “What do you guys think? Was it exciting enough for you?!”

The crowd roared their approval and Ethan saluted them with his sword before turning back to Glen.

“See, no complaints from them Glen,” he told her with a small chuckle. The mare rolled her eyes and shook her head.


Instead of simply roaring back an answer the crowd took up a chant.


Ethan grinned and gave them another bow before nodding to glen. “Come on, wave or something,” he whispered, somehow managing to get her to hear it above the chanting.

“I’ll pass. Maybe when I don’t have several bones nipping into my flesh,” the mare stated.

“Wimp,” Ethan replied before shrugging slightly and turning back to the crowd, blowing a kiss to a blonde who blew one back.


Glen started to move back, her body hurting with every motion until Ethan unexpectedly, and gently picked her up between his arms and set off towards the lift. The mare let out a small yelp of surprise and pain within the man’s grasp.

“Careful there budo,” she remarked.

“Shush,” Ethan replied, making sure that he wasn’t jostling her. “You’re hurt, and I don’t let hurt friends walk. At least, as long as they’re your size.”

Glen frowned a bit and glanced down. “Thanks...” she said.

“Anytime, it’s what friends do for each other,” the man said as he stepped onto the lift and it began to descend, the crowd’s chanting fading as it did so. They ended up preparation room, being asked to remove their gear like before. Ethan frowned.

“If Glen takes off her armour, then she might get hurt. Heal her first,” Ethan demanded of the voice.

The blue laser light flash to life and scanned the mare in the man’s arm.

“Contestant, Glen Stonecutter, is over fifty percent of healthy statues. Please remove weapons and a med-bot will be dispatched,” the female voice told Ethan. The man gently lowered Glen to the floor and removed his weapons as well as the mare’s saddle and deadly hoofwear.

“Good?” he inquired.

The blue light scanned the two before it flashed green. “Med-bot is being dispatched. Please be patient as it heads towards your location,” the voice told them.

“You know I would’ve been taken care of in the living quarters,” Glen said.

“In front of everyone else?” Ethan inquired with a raised eyebrow. “Na uh, that would’ve made you look weak. And that’s something that no one can afford here, obviously.”

Glen emitted a single chuckle. “Yeah...well surviving a round with those three is more than proof than I still got it.”

“Meh,” Ethan shrugged. “You still need to make up for the whole ‘I’m a fuzzy and adorable pony from the land of magic’ vibe somehow,” he told her, chuckling slightly.

The mare frowned and gave the man a queer look. “What?”

“You’re adorable,” Ethan simplified. “Well, besides the whole ‘empty eye socket’ but still, adorable.”

Glen blinked a couple of times. “Well...that’s a first...” she muttered.

“Hey, it’s a compliment,” Ethan told her with a chuckle as he began to stroke her behind the ears. “Adorable is good.”

Glen’s eye closed and unknowingly began to lean into the man’s stroke. “Well...it’s not like I chose to be,” she said.

“Eh, it suits you,” Ethan replied as the medical bot entered the room and hovered over to Glen.

“Please step away from contestant, Glen Stonecutter,” it told Ethan in a sophisticated male voice.

“Have at her,” Ethan said, stepping back to allow the bot to work, beneath his watchful eyes. Its several medical arms poked and prodded into Glen, injecting different liquids into her while a glowing rod slowly swept over her. In but a minute the med-bot did a final scan of Glen before announcing.

“Contestant, Glen Stonecutter, is now at one hundred percent health; have a nice day.” It hoovered up and over the mare, heading back towards the lift.

“Please remove all gear before exiting,” the female voice reminded the two

“Okay, okay, we’re on it robomom,” Ethan said as he stripped down to his standard uniform. “Need any help Glen?”

“No, I’m good,” she replied, coughing a bit. “Gah, those med-bots always leave a bad feeling inside ya.”

“Probably the rod, too much probing,” the man said with a chuckle. Glen shook her head, but couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. She got her battlesaddle off along with combat armor, shaking her body and stretched out her hooves.

“Next time you got a crazy stunt like that, can you at least warn me or fill me in?” she asked the man.

“And ruin the fun?” he asked her, raising an eyebrow. “I’d never dream of it.”

Glen shooked her head. “I have a feeling this won’t be the last time you’ll be acting like this.”

“Nope,” the man agreed. “Now, are you as hungry as I am? Cause I could eat a horse.”

“As long as I’m not on the menu,” the mare replied back with a small chuckle.

Ethan looked at her speculatively for a moment before shaking his head. “Nope, I could never eat anything so adorable.”

Glen shook her head and chuckled some more before she and the man headed for the lift to take them back down to the rest of the gladiators.