• Published 17th Dec 2013
  • 2,706 Views, 43 Comments

Dan Vs. Equestria - TreSiv

When Dan is sent to Equestria by Elise as a research trip, he wants nothing more than to get back to Earth to get his revenge. But trouble soon arises when the Elements of Harmony are stolen, and are his only way home.

  • ...

Chapter Eleven: Fleas and Thank You

The sun rose once again over the tranquil land of Equestria. The warm summer air breezed through the leaves of the treehouse library, and Dan set out once again to find something to do. Twilight was still alseep when he left, so he was sure to be quiet, as Twilight would want him under supervision where ever he went. He began the small walk into Ponyville as a dark raincloud rollowed behind him slowly. Dan stood unawares as the clud moved into position over his head.

Rainbow Dash was hding on top of it. She peered over the side and laughed. "This'll teach him."

She turned away from the cloud and bucked as hard as she could. A bolt of lightning shot out from underneath the dark cloud and zapped Dan right on his head. His whole body lit up and lightning crashed around his whole body as he yelled.


Rainbow Dash flew away laughing hard as Dan stood there trying to piece together what happened. His hair was standing on end, and his body was still fizzing. He narrowed his eyes and his face contorted with rage as he saw Rainbow Dash fly away. He turned and yelled to the skies as fire erupted around him and out of his eyes as he seethed with rage.


Rainbow continued to laugh and fly as Dan chased her at full speed yelling and frothing at the mouth as he tried to jump and grap her.

"Told you I was gonna get ya, Dan! Hahahahah!"

Dan stomped his feet and yelled some pretty obscene things as Rainbow raced off into the sky. Still crackling from the shock, Dan stomped all the way back, still pissed off as ever. He slammed the door open. Twilight was downstairs.

"Oh, good morning Dan!"

"What's so morning about it!"

"Listen, I think that if you get to know everypony better, it might help you do something nice for them. I'd like you to go visit Fluttershy today."

Dan turned towards Twilight, as he had been pacing angrily up and down the library. "Who?"

Twilight smiled. "Exactly! You don't know anypony here. So the princess and I thought it would be good if you became friends with my friends!"

"That sounds awful."

"At least try? Fluttershy is very nice, you might like her." She continued. "Then after that, you can visit Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash!"

Dan clenched his hands into fists and raised his arms as his face turned red. "RAINBOW DASH!?""

Twilight recoiled a bit as Dan raged. "Perhaps we'll visit her last."

Dan and Twilight walked through Ponyville and at last reached Fluttershy's Cottage on the outskirts of the town. Dan opened the door, and immedaitly thudded his head on the frame.


He walked in further and clanged his head on the ceiling lantern.


The sting attatching it to the wooden ceiling snapped and it crashed on the rug below, smashing the glass in it.


Fluttershy was hiding behind a green chair. she looked fearfully at Dan.


Twilight walked in behind Dan, annoyed. "Do you have to break something wherever you go?"

Dan crossed his arms and looked the other way. "Hmpf."

Fluttershy came out from behind the chair when she saw Twilight, though she kept her distance from Dan. Twilight began talking to Fluttershy.

"I'm very sorry, Fluttershy."

"Oh no. I-it's ok..."

Dan snuck out the door as the two were occupied with eachother.

"Once you get to know him, he's really not so-"

Twilight looked over to see that Dan was gone. "...Bad? Where did he go now?"

Fluttershy looked out of her window. "I think he took parts of my chicken coop..."

By the time Twilight and Fluttershy figured out what happened, Dan was already back in Ponyville at Sugarcube Corner.

Pinkie Pie was at the counter. "Hi Dan, no hard feelings about the other day, right! It was so much fun, flying was! What are you doing here?"

Dan frowned. "I need a cupcake."

"Ooooooooo! What kind of cupcake?"

Dan threw his arms up. "I don't know! A big fancy rainbow one!"

Pinkie ducked down beneath the glass counter to get it. "You only want one."

Dan crossed his arms impatiently. "That's what I said."

"Why do you only want one?"

"Because hurry up."

"Whos it for?"

"It's for shut up."

Pinkie emerged again with a big ranibow cupcake with sprinkles. "like this?"

Dan leaned down to look closer at it. "Perfect! And I think I will take another one."

Pinkie pulled up another cupcake of the exact same variety, and Dan took them and left.

He went to work by some bushes where he left the chicken coop parts. "So, she thinks she can shock me and get away with it? We'll see about that."

He fasioned a cage out of the metal and wood, with an open bottom so that he could trap Rainbow Dash. Next, he tied it down and put the cupcake with a note that read:

For: Rainbow Dash

in blue crayon and set them both where the cage would fall. All Dan had to do was pull the string and the cage would snap out from behind the bushes and trap Rainbow Dash. He hooked a storm cloud to the cage to shock her as well. Dan sat in the bushes and waited.

Not to long after, Rainbow Dash came soaring over the place where Dan was hid with his trap. What she saw, though, was a big, bright rainbow cupcake with the note saying it was for her on it. She smiled and zoomed down. She trotted up to it and smiled.

"Aww yeah! being awesome has the best rewards!"

She leaned down to take a bite when Dan yanked the string from behind the bushes. There was a loud SNAP and the metal cage, cloud and all canme crashing down on Rainbow Dash. She got squished inside the cage as the lightning shoked her, causing the entire area to light up and crackle loudly. Dan jumped out of the bushes.


Just then, Twilight and Fluttershy heard the commotion and came running. Twilight used her magic to lift the metal death trap, and looked agrily at Dan as Fluttershy helped Rainbow Dash to steady herself. Dan ddin't even look mad.

"What? She should have known better."

Rainbow Dash was sizzling from the electricity. Dan walked over to them, crossing his arms. Twilight looked at him angrily.

"Now apologize."

"Apology accepted."

"What? No! You apologize to her!"

Rainbow Dash spoke up. "Well, to be fair, I did kinda prank him first. And that was a pretty awesome trap."

"See Twilight? It's fine. Stop being a jerk."

Twilight lowered her eyelids. "I don't believe this..."

She grabbed Dan and pulled him with her magic all the way over to another building. A tall, pink and blue building with bows and ribbons decorating it.

"It's time for you to learn some manners."