• Published 17th Dec 2013
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Dan Vs. Equestria - TreSiv

When Dan is sent to Equestria by Elise as a research trip, he wants nothing more than to get back to Earth to get his revenge. But trouble soon arises when the Elements of Harmony are stolen, and are his only way home.

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Chapter Thirteen: Night Thief

Late at night, two dark figures appeared on the grounds of Canterlot Castle. Both had horns, however one was sporting wings. The wingless unicorn moved forward and motioned for her cohort to follow. The accomplice obliged, and they both made their way across the damp gardens. They both arrived at the gates to the castle. They both stopped.

"What of the gaurds, Trixie? They will compromise the mission."

Trixie turned to her companion. "Quiet you. The gaurds will not be a problem. The Canterlot gaurd is the laziest in all of Equestria. Look there."

She pointed to the archway where Dan had escaped a few days earlier. Sure enough, two gaurds were fast asleep. The changeling beside her hissed.

"Don't be so sure of yourself. Over confidence can lead to mistakes, and mistakes lead to failure, and your failure will lead to your death."

"Just follow me."

Trixie used her magic to carve a hole in the gate, and the changeling caught it with it's magic and let it drop slowly. Trxie squeezed through the gate and the changeling followed suit. They snuck throught the castle hall ways, checking for gaurds untill the changeling became aggrivated.

"What is the purpose of this?"

"Quite, fool! I am locating Princess Celestia's chambers. You will need to mimic her in order to access the Elements."

The changeling shook his head. "I can't stay as her for long. The bigger the pony, the harder it is to stay in shape."

"It's a good thing I know where the Elements are, then."

Trixie peered around the corner in the dim moonlit hall. No gaurds. She walked around and the changeling followed. Their hoofsteps were muffled by the extravagant rugs in the hall. Trixie looked at every door, muttering "No, no, not this." under her breath.

The changeling was growing ever more impacient. "I would like to get this done, tonight."

Trixie rounded on him. "We are! We are. This is a big castle. Give me a moment."

She stopped in front of a big, gold trimmed door. "This is it. Stand back."

Trixie pointed her horn at the door and shot a quiet, yellow spell into the lock. The door swung open perfectly. Inside, there was a dresser, a closset and a bed among other room objects. In the bed slept Celestia, under the big red comforter. Her bed was draped with gold linens and silver drapes. Trixie crept next to her. The chagneling followed, not making a sound in the darken room. Trixie turned to the changeling.

"OK. Do your thing."

The changling didn't move. "I can't." He said flatly.

"Oh yeah? And why not?"

"I can't see her."

Trixie face hooved. "Oh for the love of- alright fine, here."

Her horn glowed softly, illuminating the princesse's face. The changeling stared at the white princess for a moment.

"Well?" Trixie commented.

"This will take a minute. You can't rush art."

Slowly, the changeling began to change. It started at his hooves, then travelled up the rest of his body. Finally, Celestia in all her glory stood before Trixie. She smiled.

"You are exactly like her in every way!"

The changeling, now Celestia's doppleganger, smiled slyly. "Not entirely. You see, this was a male changing to female, and not EVERYTHING can be change."

Trixie looked disgusted. "Ugh." She trotted across the room to the hall.

The changeling Celestia laughed. "What? I think it's funny. Don't make this wierd."

The Celestialing joined Trixie, who was now keeping her distance, as she was making her way to the throne room. The moonlight illuminated their path. At long last, they came to the big wood doors that lead to the large throne room. Trixie swiflty opened the door, victory almost hers. The large hall of a room was completely silent as Trixie and the changeling trotted past the large, golden chairs Celestia and Luna sat on during the day. Both chairs glinted in the moon. Behind them stood a large, gold door with a hole in the center. Trixie addressed her partner.

"This is why I need you to be Celestia. This hole is the only thing that stands between us and the Elements of Harmony."

The changeling lowered its now big, regal head and stuffed his horn in the door. It clicked and bright, white light began to seep out of the cracks, seeming to want to dispel all the darkness of the night. Inside the white room stood a single pedestal in the center. On it there layed a purple pillow, and on that sat a box, bejewled with the most precious gems that most ponies would never see in their lifetimes. Trixie smiled deviously as the changleing turned back into its normal self. Trixie lifted the box with her magic.

"OK, now let's fly out of here."

"How are you going to do that?"

"You're going to carry me."

"I can't even begin to tell you how much I'm not going to do that."

"I can't even believe how much I'm going to leave you here if I don't."

"I really don't like you."

"I really don't care."

Trixie began to leave. The changleing turned and sighed. "Fine then. Get on."

Trixie smiled. "I'm going to blow open the window, then you're really going to have to get moving before we get caught."

The changeling nodded. Trixie climbed on his back with the Elements and the changeling took off toward the large windows in the room. Trixie focused her magic on an easy blasting spaell, and sent out a green spell like the gaurds had used on Dan. The window exploded in millions of shards of glass. There was a loud, resoning crash as the glass broke and fell. As the changeling took offf with Trixie on his back at full speed, yelling and confusion began to conjure in the caslte. Trixie laughed wickedly as she and the changeling zoomed off into the night.

Back at the castle, guards ran amok as they tried to decipher what had happened. A gaurd was sent to awaken Celestia, and as soon as she heard that there was a break-in, she jumped to action. They all met in the throne room, and Luna was already there assessing the damage. Luna looked very worried.

"What happened?" Celestia began.

"The window as shattered." Luna replied.

"I see that. Anything else?"

Luna took a deep breath and looked with a mixture of seriousness and fright.

"The Elements. The Elements of Harmony are gone."

Celestia nodded promptly. "We must alert every gaurd in the kingdom. Send word out to the neighboring towns, Ponyville, Dodge Junction, Manehatten, Cloudsdale, Appleloosa, everywhere. I'll send personal word to Twilight. Everyone is to be on high alert. Understand?"

Luna nodded and took off into the night. The gaurds were obeying everything the Princess had just said. She galloped back to her room and began her letter.

Dear Twilight,

I apologize for the promptness of this letter, but this is urgent matters. The Elements of Harmony have been stolen, by who we do not know. I need you to gather the other five bearers and bring them with you first thing as soon as you get this.
Oh, and bring Dan.


Princess Celestia

Celestia magiced the letter into nothingness, and timed it so Twilight would aquire it as soon as she woke up. Celestia looked out her window. There was something truley evil ahoof, and whatever it was, it meant major harm to her and her kingdom. Now was the time to unite and find the Elements, something that would require everyone's help. Even Dan's.